The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Newsletter
Newsletter No. 5. 2015        

February 2, 2015

New Articles

Neo-nationalists blame the Asahi Shinbun for the perceived insult to Japanese honor posed by presentation of evidence of war crimes against women. This criticism extends to fault the newspaper for worsened relations with South Korea. David McNeill and Justin McCurry look at this fixation on Asahi and its relationship to neo-nationalist calls for a revision to the 1993 Kono Statement acknowledging Japan's responsibility for the comfort women system.

Kim Insook's photographs depict the hybrid postcolonial identity of contemporary Zainichi Koreans. Her intimate photographs of the everyday spaces of Zainichi life capture universally shared experiences of childhood bliss and the points of intersection between nationalities. Sonia Ryang's preface on the stateless condition of Zainichi North Koreans examines  Young Min Moon's perspective on Kim's work and the condition of Zainichi Koreans.

Japanese construction giant Komatsu is a global front-runner in the development and deployment of automated machinery, now working towards robotics as part of smart communities.  Andrew DeWit draws on Komatsu to show how the massive shifts in energy-related infrastructure required to mitigate and adapt to climate change are advancing through collaboration between governments and corporations.
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