The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Newsletter
Newsletter No. 6. 2014    

February 10, 2014    
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Michael Penn & C. Douglas Lummis,
"Two Elections and Okinawa's Most Unwanted Base" and "A Democratic Victory in Nago, Okinawa" 


The two reports on the significance of the Nago, Okinawa election for Japanese democracy and US-Japan plans to construct a new base at Henoko complement one another. The embedded video is Michael Penn's report on the Nago, Okinawa mayoral election. Penn follows Inamine Susumu who was reelected after a fiercely contested race on January 19. Nago is the center of Japanese and American government plans to build a new military base on Okinawa and both Inamine and Penn highlight the significance of this election for Okinawa and for Japanese democracy.  

Michael Penn is Director of the Shingetsu News Agency, an independent foreign video news agency based in Japan ( The SNA specializes in the politics, diplomacy, and economy of Japan and the wider Asian region. He is a Japan Focus Associate.

C. Douglas Lummis, a former Marine stationed on Okinawa, is the author of Radical Democracy and other books in Japanese and English. He is an Asia-Pacific Journal Associate and formerly taught at Tsuda College.