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   JOIN US JULY 12 TO 14, 2013
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Centennial Gala Weekend 
With Bishop Michael Ingham
In This Issue
In Pictures and Print
MIke and family return
Tribute Video to BIshop Michael
100th Anniversary Weekend
Regular Services
Read Our History See Our Photos

We now have the most extensive story of St John's ever told thanks to Rita Carey and friends. 
 And thanks to Elizabeth Sherlock we have collected over a 100 photos of St John's past.  
Rev'd Mike Stuchbery and family return June 23 with Cygnus Trio  
On the summer solstice weekend with St. Jean Baptiste, we welcome back Mike and the Stuchbery family. Mike will preach at the 10 am service featuring some special music. It will all be followed by an Andrea Gailus organized brunch and surprise.  
At 1:30 pm for an added bonus we present with The Howe Sound Performing Arts, the award-winning classical teenage Cygnus Trio for flute, guitar and violin, consisting of brothers Ben and Jonny Stuchbery and Jasper Meiklejohn. Don't miss their youthful spirit and talent as we keep it all in the family for the longest day!
Video Tribute to Bishop Michael 
Bishop Michael
After 20 years as our Diocesan leader, Bishop Michael will officially retire on August 31. But not before he receives an Honorary Doctorate from SFU in June and is with us for our Centennial Weekend in July. At the recent Diocesan Synod a terrific "Tribute to Bishop Michael" video was shown. You can click to watch it here.

So how many other organizations or churches do you know of that have contributed to the life and growth of Squamish for the past 100 years - that have stood the test of time?
Certainly the first peoples of Squamish Nation and early pioneers and settlers have shaped our beginnings. We are thankful that St John's continues to reveal how true communities are knit together by faith, hope and love.

So join us in our Gala Centennial Weekend as we celebrate this milestone, as we reminisce with friends from far and wide, taking pride in the 100 years of ministry at St John's. Together we build the foundation for a progressive emerging church today and the decades ahead.    
Jo Owen 70th

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise God as winds through Squamish blow
One hundred years of ministry
St John's for our community!
head shot clerical
Priest in Charge
on behalf of the people of 
St John the Divine 
100th Anniversary Celebration Weekend July 12 to 14 
It all comes together for our Centennial weekend with five special events for everyone come together. Check website more full details including preferred hotel rates for out-of -town guests.
Friday July 12 
7:30 pm Choral Evensong with special music from 
Taize and around the worldwide Anglican communion. 
Saturday July 13   
10 am to 4 pm Open House, showcasing our history in stories and exhibits at St John's.

11 am to 5 pm Golf with Bishop Michael at the Squamish Valley Golf Course. Join with the Bishop, Chris Gailus and William's fearsome foursome for a round of golf together. $99 includes cart and lots of fun.  Fred Gailus has all the details at 604 815 1685. 
6 pm Centennial Celebration Supper and Revue
Traditional Salmon BBQ buffet with all the trimmings followed by a St John's 100 Year Revue - not to be missed Also an Interfaith tribute to Bishop Michael retiring after 20 years as our Bishop. Sponsored by Sea to Sky Celebrations. All for $40 pp available online here at On the Farm Country Market or St Johns office at 898 5100.
Sunday July 14 
10 am Festive Service of Word, Sacrament, Song and Celebration with Bishop Michael and honoured guests

11:30 Strawberries, cupcakes and coffee, juice for all in attendance in the courtyard.

We are pleased to join in for worship at Squamish United Church for Sundays July 21, 28 and August 4 at 10 am

And then to have them join us at St John's
on Sundays August 11, 18 and 25  

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