"O God, powerful and compassionate, you shepherd your people, faithfully feeding and protecting us.  Heal each of us and make us a whole people, that we may embody the justice and peace of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.  Amen."  This prayer comes from Sundays and Seasons:  Year B 2015 copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost.  The Gospel text continues the story of Jesus' ministry to the least and the lost as the apostles gather around Jesus to tell him all they had done and taught.  He then invites them into a place of rest and prayer.  But those in need follow them because they are like sheep without a shepherd.  Jesus has compassion on them, healing them and making them well.  Sometimes I feel lost, overwhelmed and in need of a shepherd.  Sometimes I need to find a place of rest and prayer.  How about you?  I am convinced that we can only continue to be a community of healing and renewal if we take time for healing and renewal ourselves.  Summer time can provide a time for rest and prayer.  I encourage you to find a place of rest and prayer for yourself.  I am going to take some time for rest and prayer as well.  I look forward to reflecting on these texts with you this weekend.  The scripture texts for this Sunday (Proper 11 Year B) are:  Jeremiah 23:1-6; Ephesians 2:11-22 and Mark 6:30-34.  I encourage you to read over the text in preparation for worship this weekend.

The General Convention of the Episcopal Church concluded its meeting on Friday, 3 July.  I had the privilege of serving as a deputy from Minnesota.  I will provide an overview of the actions taken by General Convention on Sunday, 19 July after both services.  If you are interested in reviewing the resolutions acted upon, you may go to the General Convention website or follow the Episcopal News Service.

Every Blessing,
Administration and Facilities
The office will be closed on Fridays during the summer beginning on Friday, June 12th.  The last Friday will be, August 28th.
Evangelism / Incorporation
Faith Formation
VBS Logo
Vacation Bible School
August 9th - 13th

VBS is fast approaching!
  We are continuing with the Mega Sports Camp curriculum and this year's theme is "Breaking Free"!  We begin on Sunday evening, August 9th, from 6:00-7:30 p.m., with registration, an opening rally, meeting the coaches and Ice Cream Social.  Monday, August 10th - Thursday, August 13th, we meet from 6:00-8:00 p.m., with a closing rally Thursday evening for friends and family to attend.

We encourage your child to invite a friend to join them.  All the kids (2 years - 6th grade) who attend will choose one of these activities to focus on:  Soccer, Basketball, Cheerleading, Pre-K Center (ages 4-6) or Nursery (ages 2-4).

But that's not all!  Kids will also enjoy upbeat rallies filled with energetic music, fun sports, stories, cool object lessons, and Bible stories that will help them discover how to experience MEGA Sports Camp.  There is a $20 registration fee.  Scholarships are available.

Volunteers and coaches are also needed.  For further information contact Sarah Martinak.  To register, fill out the registration form and return it to the church office by July 19th.
July & August Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed
2015 Calendar Year:  We are looking for volunteers.  Look ahead in your calendars and choose which Sunday you would like to host.  Sign up online, this is quick and easy, and we will send you a reminder before your volunteer ministry date.  Please take advantage of this new technology.

Coffee Hour Sign Up
Book Group

September 15th - Book Selection Gathering.  Come, eat pizza and help choose the books for the 2015-2016 Book Group year.  Send any book suggestions to to Nancy B. in August.

September 29th -    Code Talker:  The First and Only Memoir by One of the Original Navajo Code Takers of WWII by Chester Nez with Judith Schiess Avila (Non-Fiction)

After you enjoy reading this book, join us in the Fellowship Hall for dinner and discussion on Tuesday, September 29th, 5:45 p.m.   Discussion leader will be Barbara Solbrig.  


Please sign up on the sheet in the church entryway or call co-hosts Robin Caldwell, Barb Lovett or Betsy Bornholdt, so we know how many are planning to attend.  Everyone is welcome to join us!  


Book List for 2014-2015  


In The Community
Remembering Gaza:  Our Journey Together
This event will take place Thursday, July 23rd at 7 p.m. in the Rochester Public Library Auditorium.  A vigil to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the 50-day Israeli assault on Gaza will be followed by Stone Cold Justice, a documentary depicting the ongoing arrest, detention, and abuse of Palestinian children (some as young as 5) by the Israeli military.

Sponsored by the SE MN Alliance of Peacemakers


Hymn Sing
This Sunday it is your turn to choose the hymns!  Father Doug and I have had our turn all year and we would like to hear from you.  Call Karen in the office or email me at [email protected] to make your requests.  If we get your request early enough we will include it in the bulletin.  If we have more hymns than we can sing in one service, we will carry them over to the next Sunday.  Enjoy requesting your favorites, we will do our best to find them.

Soli Deo Gloria,
Jo-Anne Larson

A Ministry for the Hungry
The need for meals increases as the summer months are upon us.  School children are no longer receiving district served breakfast and lunch.  Please consider helping stock our shelves!

July GAMAM Menu:  Vienna Sausages/Spam, Baked Beans, Canned Fruit Cocktail, Corn Muffin Mix (no eggs required), Optional Need:  Soup

Calling All Talent
Craft Fair & Gift Market will be held on Sunday, September 20th!

St. Luke's Got Talent:  crafters, artists, quilters, knitters, bakers, wood workers, photographers, potters, jewelry makers, sewers and sowers (gardeners), calligraphers, writers/poets...well you get the idea!

Please share your talent and donate one or more of your creations or services to the 2015 Craft Fair & Gift Market.  Remember, no project is too small or too large.  All talent, art, craft, hobby, or service is welcomed.  Youth, you are invited to participate as well.

The Craft Fair & Gift Market is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, September 13th (more to come about the event).  Proceeds are used to support St. Luke's outreach programs.

Examples only...talent is as wide as creativity and interest takes you!
  • Sewer
  • Needlework:  Knit, crochet, needlepoint, embroidery, cross stitch, etc.
  • Quilter
  • Bakers
  • Ceramics
  • Fresh Herbs & Harvests
  • Group Projects
  • Sower (gardener)
  • Paper folding, card making & other paper arts
  • Jewelry, bead work
  • Home canning
  • Calligraphy
  • Writers, poets, song writers
  • Doll Clothes
  • Holiday decorations & gifts
  • Carver, woodworkers
  • Dry Flower arrangements, wreaths, garlands
  • Pottery
  • Iron works
  • Gifts in a jar (cookies, soups, etc.)
  • Fresh produce
  • Framed or unframed art:  oil, water color, photography, charcoal
  • Personal certificates for appropriate services:  babysitting, lawn jobs, snow shoveling, dinner for ??

As items are completed, you may bring them to the church; and please complete a 2015 donation form.  We will begin public display each weekend in August.  For additional information, contact Linda Mansfield.  

Pastoral Care

For those in particular or continuing need: Judy, Scott, John, Charlotte, Dick, Wes, Ed, Vi, Bette, Sally, Dennis, Karen, David, Alan, June, Carl, Linda, Ruth, David, Frances, Lucy, Brad, John, Candice, Christina, Kit, Kristen, Steven, Jane, Peter, Audrey, Susan, Gus, Russ, Mike, Dawn, John, Sally, Don, Kerry & Family, Lee Ann, Susie, Brian, Dolly, Carrie, Sean, Ramona, Bill, William, Arthur, Peter, Clayton, Margaret, Beth, Dick, Bill, Lynette, Bobby, Maria, Marissa, Eric, Brandon, Leon, Kelly & Family, Lois, Peter, Leo, Monte, Janet, Cheryl, Virginia, Kelly, Bev, Frances, David, Megan, Chris, Lisa, Rick, Linda, Richard, Joyce, Lisa, Bern, Mitchell, Patricia, Emely, Gil, Jean, Wes, Alix, Ivo, Evelyn, Walter, Noah, Kay, Jackie, Derek, Erin, Christa & Aaron and their children Jacob & Hannah

Sunday Liturgical Ministers
July 19th:
8:00 a.m. - Laurie Bale
9:30 a.m. - Charlotte Clugston, Verger; Donalson Louis-Charles, Crucifer
Altar Guild: 
Barbara Solbrig
Child Care:
Kimberely Harris, Mike Harris
Faith Formation:
Liz Daugherty, Sarah Martinak
Coffee Hour:
8:00 a.m. - Monica Kujawa
9:30 a.m. - Kay Batchelder
8:00 a.m. - Laurie Bale
9:30 a.m. - Barbara Solbrig
Prayers of the People:
8:00 a.m. - Laurie Bale
9:30 a.m. - Sue Butler
Chalice Bearers:
8:00 a.m. - Laurie Bale
9:30 a.m. - Barbara Solbrig, Sue Butler
Eucharistic Visitors:

Bill Hammer, Doug Butler
Head Usher - Kim Klampe
8:00 a.m. - 
9:30 a.m. - Bill Hammer
9:30 a.m. - Chris Batchelder
Altar Flowers
Given to the Glory of God (in memory of their parents, Mary & Lucian Smith and their granparents, Mr. & Mrs. George R. Kingham) by the Family.
In This Issue
Upcoming Events


  • 19th - Barbara Larsen, John Shelby
  • 22nd - William Rohren
Wedding Anniversaries

  • 19th - Neal & Sue Engelman
  • 20th - Andrew & Shanna Altrichter, Kevin & Kathy Connelly, Robert & Sharon Jarett
  • 21st - Glenn & Claire Laedtke
Scripture Texts
The Revised Common Lectionary