Upcoming Programs and Events
Cardinal Flower

with Dr. John Skinner
Monday, June 9, 2014
6:00pm - 8:00pm
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
University Center
Raccoon Mountain Room
Free and open to the public

Dr. John Skinner from the University of Tennessee's Entomology and Plant Pathology Department will address the vexing issue of chemical pesticides and their effects on pollinators.  This informational session is a must for gardeners, landscapers and beekeepers.  Dr. Skinner is an avid beekeeper and has hands-on experience caring for honeybees.

The meeting will be held in the Raccoon Mountain Room in the UTC University Center.  The UC is located on 5th Street across from the Confederate Cemetery.  The Raccoon Mountain Room is located directly across from the UTC Bookstore.

with Janisse Ray

Thursday, July 24, 2014, 7:00pm

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
University Center, Raccoon Mountain Room

$5 for Wild Ones members 
$15 for the general public

Award-winning author, naturalist and activist Janisse Ray will give a talk in Chattanooga about heirloom seeds, agrodiversity and the future of food.

Ray is the author of five books of literary nonfiction, including her first, Ecology of a Cracker Childhood. The author advocates for the protection and restoration of the pine flatwoods of the South. The book earned Ray the Southeastern Booksellers Award for Nonfiction, an American Book Award, the Southern Environmental Law Center Award for Outstanding Writing and a Southern Book Critics Circle Award.  In 2002, the Georgia Center for the Book named it a book all Georgians should read.

Her latest book, The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food, is a look at heirloom seeds and the future of food. 


She was the John and Renee Grisham writer-in-residence for the 2003-04 academic year at the University of Mississippi.  Currently she is the William Kittredge Distinguished Visiting Writer at the University of Montana.  She is on the faculty of Chatham University's low-residency MFA program and is a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow.


Ray attempts to live a simple, sustainable life on an organic farm in southern Georgia with her husband, Raven Waters and their daughter.


Members of the Tennessee Valley Chapter 
receive benefits:

Discount to our annual native plant symposium.

Discount on Wild Ones programs,
including the July 24 event with Janisse Ray.

Discount on registration fees for the Certificate in Native Plants program.

Invitations to "members only" events:
  • Native plant garden visits
  • Guided native plant and wildflower walks
  • Guided field trips
  • Native plant rescues

Email notices about upcoming native plant educational programs and events

Special discount offers from native plant nurseries, including Overhill Gardens and Sunlight Gardens

Become involved with a group of local gardeners involved in native plant landscaping

Master Gardeners receive CEU credits and ACT volunteer hours for involvement in Tennessee Valley Chapter programs and activities.

PLUS all the benefits of a national Wild Ones membership, including the quarterly
Wild Ones Journal.

Click here to join us.

Wild Ones
Tennessee Valley Chapter

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Healing the earth one yard at a time.