A Publication of Northeast Physicians Hospital Organization  
Depression Toolkit

Results of Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM), a BCBS program to encourage use of PHQ-9 tool for screening of patients, revealed 71% (2786) of patients were screened using this tool.  Of those screened 7% (147) had a depression score >9 and 91% (134) of them had interventions documented including PCP follow-up, PCP counseling at appointment, medication treatment or mental health referral.

At May PCP POD meetings a depression toolkit  was presented for discussion and feedback. We learned each practice has a different approach to managing and providing information to patients and their families. The new "open-access" service at some Lahey Behavioral Health locations (see listing below) allows patients to "walk-in" and get an appointment for counseling and/or medication management.  

The following is a summary of the discussions at POD meetings:

If you would like additional depression toolkits provided to your practice please contact Liz Isaac at eisaac@nhs-healthlink.org (978 236 1767) or Carol Freedman cfreed@nhs-healthlink.org  (978 236 1774).

Produced by Northeast PHO.  For more information contact: 
Carol Freedman, RPh, MAS, CGP 
Clinical Pharmacist NEPHO 
Les Sebba M.D., Northeast PHO Medical Director 
May  2015
     Volume 5 :  Issue 3       
In This Issue
2015 Pharmacy Savings Opportunities


Pharmacy costs  increased 7.1% in 2014 vs. 2013 largely due to high cost specialty medications and drug price increases. Although the trend is predicted to increase for 2015, here are some considerations for cost-savings:


1. atorvastatin, ~$33 per script or simvastatin, pravastatin vs. Crestor, ~$166 per script. Potential savings of $177,000.

 2. QVAR or Pulmicort steroid inhaler,~ $140 per script vs. Flovent, ~$167 per script. Potential savings of $17,000.

3. Recommending OTC (over-the-counter) products such as: Flovent Allergy OTC or Nasacort Allergy 24 HR.  Potential savings of $28,000.

 See attached 2015 NEPHO Pharmacy Opportunities for more information.

Visit www.nepho.org for valuable information, including: calendars, health plan information, fee schedules and more.