Compassionate Action
Compassionate Action, The E-Newsletter of Compassion Over Killing December 28, 2012

Dear Friend,

As you look back on this past year, I hope you’re as encouraged as I am by COK’s accomplishments and advancements for animals that you helped achieve.

With your support, we released an undercover video that resulted in the USDA shut-down of a major slaughter plant. You also helped us co-file a lawsuit that prompted a chicken hatchery to close its doors.

With you at our side, we’ve been working to persuade major companies, like Subway, that vegan eating is business as usual. And you enabled us to reach millions of TV and online viewers with our eye-opening pro-veg commercials.

To see COK’s highlights from 2012, please watch our year-in-review video: The Power of Compassion.

Your year-end donation today will be matched, dollar for dollar, going twice as far for animals—and it will allow us to keep this momentum going into 2013.

When I first started working at Compassion Over Killing in 2005, I never imagined we’d see meat consumption in the US decline so rapidly—down 12% in just the last 5 years. This significant decrease in demand means fewer animals are suffering on factory farms and inside slaughterhouses. Your actions are crucial to keep meat-free eating in the mainstream, and propel us even further.

Imagine the possibilities if, together, we continue waging—and expanding upon—COK’s effective and strategic campaigns that are having an impact. With each passing year, our ability to bring about meaningful and important changes for animals is getting stronger, and now, with your support, we’re getting ready to accelerate our efforts in 2013.

Please donate today—and help us build upon our unstoppable force for change.

For the animals,

Erica Meier
Executive Director

P.S. Donate $100 or more before Dec. 31 and not only will your gift be matched, but we’ll also send you a free box of organic vegan truffles featuring a special message of compassion!

Working to end animal abuse since 1995. P.O. Box 9773, Washington, DC 20016 ⋅ 301-891-2458 ⋅