January 2015 Issue
  • It's Time to Give Your Product Portfolio a Good S.W.O.T.
  • Is Your Website the Window to Your Product Management Soul?
  • Ask The Expert
    • What's a "Solutions Manager?"
  • Product Management Playbook
    • Using Product Demos to Differentiate



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B2B products and services.  
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We hope 2015 will be a great year for you and your organization.  

I know how easy it is to get sucked into the day-to-day demands. But if you can find a little time to take a step back and evaluate your entire portfolio of products, and the markets they serve, you'll discover a few valuable insights that bring a lot more focus to the craziness of each day.

Those same insights also help marketing and sales articulate your value messages in a more compelling fashion!
Happy 2015!  Enjoy our January issue. 
John Mansour, Managing Partner
It's Time to Give Your Product Portfolio a Good S.W.O.T.

In B2B, assessing your product portfolio's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats should be an annual ritual. Why? 

It's not necessarily to see how each product is performing, but more importantly, to glean other valuable insights that are key to a solid market strategy, which ultimately impacts your product, marketing and sales priorities. 

Read the complete article.

Is Your Website the Window 
to Your Product Management Soul?

You're familiar with the old saying,
"The eyes are the window to the soul."  The product management spin on that saying is "Your website is the window to your product management soul."


That's right! The manner in which your website presents products and services is a leading indicator of your organization's approach to product management. Should your website mirror your product management discipline?

Ask The Expert

Sometime you just need another perspective! 


  • What's a "solutions manager?" Is that just a fancy name for a product manager?

 View Recent Entries

Product Management Playbook 



Tactics for improving day-to-day execution in the trenches! 




  • Using Product Demos to Differentiate
  • The Problem With Requirements is "The Problem!"

View the Playbook 

Your Customers Value Solutions More Than Products!
What's Your Product Management Team Creating?


If your product management team is too focused on creating products for customers that value integrated solutions, contact us today to learn how our framework and product management training courses help your team uncover needs that are more strategic to businesses and deliver higher value solutions.

Proficientz has developed the only B2B Product Management Framework that helps organizations accelerate growth by uncovering target customer needs that are strategic at the senior management and executive levels and delivering higher value (multi-product) solutions that improve processes and workflows in the trenches (for users) to satisfy those needs.


Great products are the result of delivering high-value solutions!