Wk 28 | Summer 10    Sneak Peek   Tu-Th | Sep 10 & 12
rainbow chard 2
The Summer Season runs through September--3 more deliveries. 
If you haven't yet signed up for our Fall Season, you can do so 
by updating your membership here.  
What's in store? It's salsa time!
We're down to the last couple of weeks of tomatoes and haven't shared our roasted tomato salsa recipe with you yet. There's nothing top secret about it--it's pretty basic. But you might not realize that all of our five salsas contain at least some tomatillos. Like tomatoes, tomatillos are nightshades, but that's about as close as they get to their more popular counterpart. They grow covered by a thin, papery husk that splits open as the fruit ripens. The green fruit is a bit sticky, and contains a natural pectin, making it a natural thickener. For more information about tomatillos and a few more recipes, click here.
We've learned from experience that many CSA members don't know what to do with tomatillos. As the crop is fairly unpredictable and our processing kitchen needs are difficult to gauge, we're not sure we'll be able to add them into the boxes this year. In the meantime, we're offering them via our online store for those who really want them. We'll probably add some hot peppers in a future box because even with our kitchen Chicken Tomatillo Stew needs, we expect to have quite a few left--and a little goes a long way. But for now, and for those of you who might want to make a little salsa, we've put some jalapenos on the store as well.
In past seasons, we've posted this recipe for Tomatillo Chicken Stew which has gotten favorable reviews from several CSA customers. As always, we'd love to hear what works for you!                                                                                                                                                                              --Robin
Call Robin (in Chicago), 708-370-8017 | Chris (farmer/owner), 608-712-1585
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(Sun Golds, Juliets and/or Slicers)
 Broccoli  |   Rainbow Chard

a mess o mesclun
 Mesclun Mix


       Extra Produce | Maple               Syrup |  Sunflower Oil        Raw HoneyPastured    Chickens Organic Eggs 
Stone-Ground Flours, Corn Meal & Pancake Mix | Blue Corn Tortilla Chips Our Salsas, Soups, Preserves & More | Chocolate Sauce    Seasonal Cookbooks
Be sure to apply multi-jar discounts when you purchase our jars!
honey 1lb
   Tomato Mountain Farm  |  N7720 Sandy Hook Rd   Brooklyn WI 53521