Indianapolis Chapter CSI Newsletter

July 2014

winners circle skyline

The summer might be mild, but the pace is hectic within CSI.  This month the Chapter has the great honor of hosting the Great Lakes Region Conference.  We hope that you have decided to join us for this great leadership and education conference.

Also, please see within this newsletter information on the upcoming CSI Trade Show and #designindy2014  
Please let us know if you have any ideas for future newsletters.
signature grey text 

 Indianapolis Chapter CSI Newsletter Editor

Upcoming Events
Programs Committee


2014 Standing Reservation List

Wednesday December 31, 2014 from 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM EST

Riverwalk Banquet Center


Indianapolis Chapter CSI Trade Show - Exhibitor Registration

Thursday September 18, 2014 from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT

The Crane Bay


CSI Great Lakes Region Gala, hosted by CSI Indy

Friday August 1, 2014 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM EDT

The Indianapolis Chapter welcomes you to the Gala as part of the CSI Great Lakes Region Conference. If you'd like to register for the full conference, visit

NCAA Hall of Champions


CSI Great Lakes Region Conference, hosted by CSI Indy

Thursday July 31, 2014 at 6:00 PM EDT -to- Saturday August 2, 2014 at 2:00 PM EDT

The Indianapolis Chapter welcomes you back home again to Indiana as host of the 2014 CSI Great Lakes Region Conference.



Indianapolis Chapter CSI July 2014 Chapter Meeting - NCAA Headquarters Addition Design

Thursday July 31, 2014 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM EDT

From Design to Construction: The challenges of creating a cohesive and complimentary design for an existing post-modern building.

NCAA Headquarters - Grant Ballroom A



View from the Tower
David Young AIA, CSI
new info    




I am so honored and humbled to serve as president for the next year. It has just begun, but I already owe thanks to so many for their advice and contributions. There is probably no other organization where past leaders remain so engaged and members stay so active with their contributions and giving of their time. It is why we are such a great chapter!


I have always wondered about title of this article "View from the Tower." I have long held a more scriptural view of leadership -


". . . let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves." Luke 22:26


- and my recent predecessors have led with servant-like attitudes. So I checked with Blake Wagner, and he thinks it comes from the racing theme for our chapter. The title of this newsletter, "The Winner's Circle" has been in use since 1975, and "the Tower" must be in reference to the timing pagoda at the Speedway. I have a soft spot for cars and racing, so I am pretty cool with that.


In any case I had my own tower experience, having just gotten back from two weeks in Sweden. The primary purpose of the trip was to celebrate my father-in-laws ninetieth birthday, and we stayed at the 17th century castle, B�rstorp, where he grew up. You can see from the picture that there is a tower, and I can assure you that there is a view from up there.


We had an outstanding Awards Banquet last month at the Columbia Club. Ed Brown completed an exemplary year and presided over his last meeting.


A highlight was Joe McGuire receiving his pin for 53 years of Perfect Attendance.

Fran E. Schroeder Memorial Award for Professional Member of the Year went to Ralph Pitman.

J. Warren Hoy Award for Industry Member of the Year went to Joyce White.

Member of the Year is Ariel Su!

Congratulations to these and to all others recognized.


Indianapolis Chapter is long on tradition, and it is a delicate balance to maintain the traditions while embracing technological changes and the future of the construction industry. You will notice professional videos being shot at a number of our meetings, including last month's Awards Banquet and this month's Region Conference. Our newly formed Marketing Committee has grabbed social media by the horns, and we are demonstrating that not only are we a fun bunch to hang around with, but we are cutting edge as well.


Pete Kerfoot began the gimmick of hiding a giveaway in his newsletter, and Ed Brown developed it into the "president's question." It seems we have another tradition brewing, and I will continue it. July's President's Question: I took my first job after graduation as a designer at: a. James Associates. b. Everett I. Brown Company. c. Browning Day Pollak Associates. For our younger members, the first two were power houses and the largest firms in the state in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. They both disappeared in the early 90's. The latter survives as Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf. Be the first to email me at with the correct answer with the subject heading "Coffee," and you will receive a $10 Starbucks gift card. The correct answer and winner will be revealed at the chapter meeting, and you must be present to win.


Remember to register for the Great Lakes Region Conference, which we have the honor of sponsoring this year at the NCAA Headquarters from 31 July through 2 August. It is an opportunity for GLR leaders to gather and share insights into successful chapter practices and share building the next generation of leadership. We are starting this event off with a bang with our monthly chapter meeting on Thursday 31 July. 5:30 to 6:30 PM Social Hour with Cash Bar, Dinner at 6:30 followed by the program, which features RATIO Architects describing their design process for the most recent NCAA addition. Note the date change - we meet on the Fifth Thursday to augment the conference program. Note that the standing reservation list does not apply to this meeting. To attend you must register either as part of the conference or through the normal channel on our website at


Save the date! Get the Trade Show on your calendar: 18 September, #designindy, once again at The Crane Bay.


Look for future announcements about family-friendly social events. We want to encourage the social aspect of our organization and promote fraternity. We are the fun group!


Remember: I am here to serve, and the buck stops here. 317.777.0855 cell

Please contact me at either or just grab me with any suggestions, complaints, or needs regarding our chapter - or especially if you wish to volunteer for any of our committees, or as Ariel Su just did - start your own committee.


CSI Indianapolis Chapter . . .         UNITING, CONNECTING, BUILDING . . .





David Young AIA, CSI

2014-2015 Indianapolis Chapter CSI President 

YouTube Channel  
Visual Education


The Indianapolis Chapter CSI has entered into a new phase of the digital communication era, and now has a dedicated YouTube Channel for the benefit of our membership.

Be sure to check out this month's update.  Video of last month's awards banquet!
Certification Quiz
Jack Morgan - Quizmaster 



1. Which of the following is not a management expertise that contractors bring to the project delivery process?


a. Knowledge of factors that influence cost, time, and quality

b. Identifying codes and regulations applicable to the design

c. Ability to manage multiple subcontractors and suppliers

d. Experience with managing a construction budget in a risk-based setting


2. Equipment and system review and training should occur:


a. Immediately after Substantial Completion

b. Prior to Substantial Completion

c. After system commissioning

d. During the submittal review period


3. When interpreting contract documents, the A/E:


a. Show no partiality to Owner or Contractor

b. Protect the client's best interests

c. Protect the A/E from possible liabilities

d. Achieve the original design intent of the A/E


4. Payment and Performance Bonds are which type of document?


a. Information available to bidders

b. Construction document

c. Preconstruction submittal

d. Closeout submittal


5. Subcontractors are not:


a. The principal providers of labor

b. Original source of most materials

c. Provider of services

d. Providers of technical information


Anwers located at the end of this newsletter....
Great Lakes Region Conference

Indianapolis Chapter CSI


The Indianapolis Chapter CSI is hosting the 2014 Great Lakes Region Conference and want to invite you to attend!


The Region Conference is a great way to get valuable training in leadership within the chapter, as well as ways in which you can use those skills in organization in your everyday life and career.


The schedule is packed full of CSI business, educational opportunities and a little bit of fun to tie it all together.


We hope you will join us July 31-August 2nd downtown!


CSI Trade Show





Registration is open for exhibitors for this year's Trade Show.  Please follow this link for more information about this great show!


Table Tops

Jeremy Hoffman

Indianapolis Chapter CSI


The Indianapolis Chapter of CSI is accepting reservations for Table Tops for upcoming Chapter meetings.  The list of programs for upcoming Chapter meetings is published in this newsletter, the web site, or contact Program chairman Andy McIntyre, so if you would like to target a particular meeting, make sure to get your reservation in early.  We do have a limit of four spaces available for Table Tops in a standard meeting room and 10 if we have a double room.


Table Tops are an opportunity to promote your company, products, or services to all attendees of our regular chapter meeting during the social hour.  There is a maximum of 20 minutes for Table Top presentation at a regular Chapter meeting.  You have the floor for maximum of five minutes during the dinner to communicate to the entire group if there are four presenters. If there is a greater demand, the 20 minutes will be divided by the number of presenters and rounded down to the nearest 30 seconds.


The Table Top presentations are FREE, one time, to new members, and cost current Indianapolis Chapter members only $75.  Non-members get the same opportunity for $125.  A 30 by 60 table with a cover and skit will be included.  All proceeds go to support the Chapter.


Another opportunity for a Table Top is during an Education Seminar.  The cost is if you combine it with the Chapter meeting and Education Seminar the cost would be $100 for current members and $150 for non-members.


If you would like to schedule a Table Top for a future meeting or seminar, contact:


Jeremy Hoffman - CREW Technical Services  or (317) 713-7777

Make sure to put 'Table Top Request' in the subject line  


Great Lakes Region

Ivette Ramirez Bruns CSI, CCS

Great Lakes Region President FY15


Chapter Leaders, Region Leaders, and Institute Leaders have been elected and are starting a new fiscal year with CSI. I will be working with some great people on the Great Lakes Region Board as your GLR President and I am excited to have this opportunity.


My first opportunity to personally meet with the new GLR Board will be at the Great Lakes Region Conference in Indianapolis on August 1-2, 2014.  Please go to the Great Lakes Region Website for more information. 


We are happy to have Bob Simmons, CSI Institute President in attendance and presenting this year as well as Joy Davis and many other great presenters and speakers. The GLR Conference not only gives the opportunity for new Chapter leaders to get an orientation to what it means to be a CSI Leader and all the different officer and committee chair responsibilities, it also allows us to share ideas and concerns with other chapters in the Midwest. We have common goals and common interests.


I plan on highlighting a different chapter every month and I am starting with the Columbus, OH Chapter.

  • Chapter Meetings: Second Monday at 11:30am at Boat House Restaurant, 679 West Spring Street Columbus, Ohio 43215. Contact Scott Starzyk at 314.440.8038.
  • Chapter Chartered: February 15th 1958.
  • Members: Has consistently held 150 plus members even through the last 6 years of the downturn
  • Traditions: Strong Leadership is a tradition with this chapter;
  • Annual Events: Trade Show- Design Columbus is a joint venture with USBGC chapter and had 450 people attend last year; 16 learning CEU sessions
  • Monthly Publication: THE COMMENT, delivered each month to their membership, past meeting and trade show guests, other interested parties upon request
  • Student Activities: OSU school of architecture Scholarship- 2500/yr; CSCC scholarship providing construction management students 750/yr; Student affiliate with Columbus State Community College, one of 5 in the region
  • A Chapter Best Practice: Getting name badges back after each meeting was a problem. They are now collected during the meeting and the speaker draws a badge to award a bottle of wine at the end of the meeting to a lucky member.


I look forward to meeting all of you throughout the year. It is my goal to share common goals and challenges as well as solutions within the chapters of the region. I also challenge each chapter with addressing Emerging Professionals in your chapter programs. With your help we can make this Region Great.


Ivette Ramirez Bruns CSI, CCS

Great Lakes Region President FY15

Region Nominations Open

Jack P. Morgan, CSI, CCS, CCCA, AIA, LEED Green Associate, NCARB, SCIP

Great Lakes Region, CSI - Immediate Past President


With the new Fiscal year, one of my region duties is Nominating Chair. My task is to provide candidates for the open Region Offices to be voted upon with the February 2015 Institute Election February, 2015.


I am looking for candidates for the following Region Board of Directors Officers that are members of the Great Lakes Region:


President-elect                          Three year term

                                                               (President-elect, President, Immediate Past President)


Vice President                           Two year term


Secretary                                   Two year term


Emerging Professional - At Large*   Two year term

*Pending Bylaw approval at GLRC

August 1,2014  


Other Region positions open:


Institute Director                                 Two year term


If you have thought about stepping up to serve the Great Lakes Region, now is a great opportunity. The time spent is not great, but helps every Chapter in the Region with Leadership Training and assistance with various Chapter functions.


Please contact me at my e-mail address: or my phone: 317-508-4516 if you are interested or think someone else might be interested. Thanks for your consideration.


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Chapter Photos
Throwback Thursday

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Chapter Photos
Capturing Memories
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Board of Directors' Minutes

Online Archive 


Minutes of the Indianapolis Chapter CSI Board of Directors can be read here.  Please contact the president with any comments or questions.
Standing Reservations 
Meeting Arrangements Committee
For those of you who know you will be attending each chapter meeting and don't want to mess with making sure they have a spot each month, the Chapter offers to its members in good standing the Standing Reservation List.
Please review the terms of this program at the following link.
ANSWERS:  1. - b; 2. - b; 3. - a; 4.  c; 5. - b
In This Issue
Table Tops



July 31, 2014

NCAA Headquarters
Members - Free
Guests - $35
Retired - $10