eParare Pope John XXIII HS
 August 19, 2013
This Week's Announcements
Parent Club
Student Emails
Student Parking
Football Tickets
2014 Gala
Student Handbook
Student Activities
Campus Ministry
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August 21, 2013

9:15 AM



August 28, 2013

7:00 PM

Back to School Night  


September 2, 2013

Labor Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL 

Athletic Events
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Submit an Announcement
To submit an announcement for the PJXXIII Weekly e-Bulletin, point your browser to www.pj23.org/announcement.

The Weekly e-Bulletin will be sent out every Monday.  Announcements must be submitted by Friday at noon to be included in the next week's bulletin.   All announcements are approved by Tim Petersen prior to publication.
Prayer Line
At Pope John, our school community lifts each other up in prayer during times of need. If you have a prayer request, or to join the prayer line, please email atm8789@sbcglobal.net.
Welcome back to our first full week of the school year! We are so glad to have started the year off right with a great Parents Club barbecue and some Lion Football and Lady Lions Volleyball.

Students may wear a House shirt with their uniform bottoms for House Meeting Day on Tuesday. If a student does not yet have their House shirt for the year, they may wear a spirit shirt.

Below are your announcements for the week of August 19, 2013.
1. Parent Club
Thank you to all who attended the barbecue on Tuesday! We were glad to see so many families - new and returning - and to kick off the Parents Club with a bang. Look for more information about events as the semester gets rolling on the Parents Club website.

Senior parents, Mary Ann Escandon has agreed to be the senior parent representative for the class of 2014. Look in the coming weeks for information about a senior parent meeting!
2. School Wireless & Student Emails

The school received a wireless internet upgrade over the summer, and how students access the wireless has changed. Students should use the network named "Lion Pride-WiFi." They will need to login to the network using your email ID and password.  If a student has forgotten their email password or allowed it to expire over the course of the past semester, they should go to Mr. Houston's office (103) or the Library after school on Monday, August 19.    


Freshmen will be receiving their logins and information about school email accounts on Monday or Tuesday-August 19 & 20-during their Biology Class.  

3. Student Parking
All students who plan on driving themselves to school in the 2013-2014 school year must register their vehicle with the school office by August 28. The parking fee is $150 and can be payable by check to the school. All students must also provide proof of insurance and a copy of their drivers license, as well as this registration form.
4. Football Pre-sale Tickets
On Friday, September 6, we travel to Brenham for a varsity football game. There will be a ticket pre-sale for that game. The pre-sale tickets are $3 for children and $5 for adults. The tickets are $8 at the gate. Buy your tickets early for the extra savings and to avoid long ticket lines. The pre-sale tickets will be sold at this week's scrimmage vs. Wallis ISD and at the first home game vs. Hitchcock ISD in the concessions. They will also be available in the Roar Store starting Monday, August 26. If paying by check, please make the check payable to Pope John XXIII High School. The last day to purchase a pre-sale ticket will be Thursday, September 5.
5. 2014 Gala
Our 2014 gala, Prom: The Retro Romance, will be held on February 8, and we are very excited for the 10th anniversary gala for the school! If you would like to volunteer to work on this amazing event, especially in the areas of item solicitation and attendance, please contact gala chair Sue Bruno at phillychick424@sbcglobal.net.

Those who purchase a table at the Gold Level, to go with this year's theme, will receive limo service from their home to the gala and back! If you want to arrive in style, this is the way to go! We also will be kicking off table sales with a fun contest - the first table sold will receive a special 80's themed gift basket along with their VIP table perks!

We are looking for all sorts of great items for the silent auction portion of the event. If you have an item to donate or know of a local business who does, please return this form to the Advancement office. We are especially interested in items in the men's, collegiate, beauty, and evening-out categories.
6. Student-Parent Handbook

The 2013-2014 edition of the Student-Parent Handbook is now available on the school website. Please make sure you go over this document with your student so you are aware of what is expected of you for the upcoming school year. 

7. Student Directory & Sports Program Ads
We are currently selling ad space in our student directory and fall sports program, the proceeds of which will go towards student activities at the school. All clubs and athletic teams will be eligible to receive these funds, so we hope that everyone will help us solicit ads as they directly benefit the students! The deadline for submitting ads for the student directory is Wednesday, August 21 and the deadline for ads in the fall sports program is Friday, September 6, just in time to get the funds in for our first Student Activities disbursement in September!

The pricing for the student directory ads can be found here and the information for the sports program ads can be found here.
8. Yearbooks

Yearbooks were included in tuition for all students. If your student has not yet picked up their 2012-2013 yearbook, they should see Mrs. Kruse or Mrs. Blanton in room 104.


The extended edition for the yearbook has come in! All students (especially graduating seniors!) can pick one up at the school at any time. If you have any questions about picking up the extended edition, email Gillian Kruse (gkruse@pj23.org) or Claire Hein Blanton (cblanton@pj23.org).

9. Electronics Recycling
Don't toss out those old cell phones, laptops, or ink cartridges! This year, Pope John is collecting used electronics, ink cartridges, and jewelry for recycling and will receive fundraising dollars for the technology department for every item donated. Bring your items to the business office and drop them off in the marked box! Every little bit helps both the school and the environment. Contact Gillian Kruse at gkruse@pj23.org for more information.
10. Campus Ministry News

Our Pro Life Club will be meeting this Thursday at lunch in Mr. Baker's room! Please bring your lunch and help us plan for the upcoming 40 Days for Life!!


It's almost Kairos time!! If you are interested in leading our Kairos VII retreat, please submit a paragraph explaining why you'd like to lead and how you've been active in your faith! Dates for Kairos VII are Nov 21-24th. Drop your paragraphs by the Campus Ministry office.


Pope John will sponsor a Family Serve Night at the Houston Food Bank in September. The date will be announced soon!


If you are interested in serving as a Lector at Mass, please sign up in the Campus Ministry office!


Adore Ministries will kick off their fall season with a great musician, Audrey Assad, on September 4th at 7PM at the Catholic Charismatic Center. If you'd like to go, stop by the Campus Ministry office to sign up!

Please follow our Campus Ministry Facebook page for more information about campus ministry events and information! 

11. Carpooling

Would like to give or receive a "Lift with a Lion"?  Fill out the carpool form on the website, scan and email to Iris Gerken at swepickles@aol.com or drop off at the front office.

12. NHS News

Attention all students interested in applying for the 2013-2014 chapter of NHS:


NHS applications are available beginning Thursday, August 15, 2013. They must be turned in NO LATER than 3:00 P.M. on Friday, September 6. The requirements of a potential NHS member are as follows:


1. Applicants must have attended Pope John XXIII High School for at least one full semester
2. Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5
3. Class standing of either a junior or senior
4. Complete all necessary paperwork and meet established deadlines


New NHS members will be notified on Friday, September 13, 2013. The induction ceremony date has not yet been determined. Please contact Mrs. Patty or Ms. Nosser with any further questions or concerns.
13. Sports Program Kudos
Show your support for your favorite Lion with a "kudos" ad in the back of the fall sports program. The fall program will feature football, volleyball, cross country, the marching band, and the cheerleaders, as well as all associated trainers. Kudos are available in quarter, half, and full page sizes, and are due back to Gillian Kruse in the Advancement Office by Friday, September 6.

14. Library News

The library is happy to announce the launch of its Facebook page. Like us today to keep up with all the exciting things happening in the library including book and app reviews, library hours, and special programming. www.facebook.com/PJ23library 

15. Basketball News
For students interested in learning more about basketball at Pope John, there will be informational meetings this week to discuss the season and tryouts. Boys who want to play basketball should go to room 210 after school on Tuesday, August 20. Interested girls should go to room 210 after school on Friday, August 23.