August 2013

email Kathy Wilbur
email Kathy Sutton



Welcome To The MAHPERD E-News



Hope your summer has been enjoyable!  I'd like to say a quick "hello" as your new EBlast editor. My name is Andy Gray and I've been working with the MAHPERD Executive Board for the last few years mostly with the conference exhibits. Now I am excited to contribute a bit more with these e-newsletters. So, hello!


See below for a message from your MAHPERD president, Kathy Sutton.




Welcome Back!


It seems hard to believe that the opening day of school is upon us and for our educators in "The County" you have been back for a few weeks. MAHPERD's Executive Board and Executive Committee have been hard at work these last nine months preparing for our Fall Conference at the Samoset Resort, November 3rd, 4th and 5th. Your evaluations of our 2012 conference have been acknowledged and we have implemented some of your suggestions. Our Executive Director, Kathy Wilbur has worked diligently to keep our costs down, thus keeping your costs down.


The Conference Newsletter 2013 will be going out shortly to all of you with an impressive Keynote Speaker, Shellie Pfohl, Executive Director of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. Her presentation will share information on Let's Move! Active Schools and the Presidential Youth Fitness Program. We have an inspiring Endnote Speaker, Ed Webster, veteran rock climber and Himalayan mountaineer. My Storm Years on Everest will leave us on a high note! And the sessions for all disciplines are par excellence!


Registration for the conference will open September 9th. Please remember only cash, checks or credit cards will be accepted. No purchase orders. The details will be in the forthcoming newsletter.


A conference of this size cannot be accomplished without the hard work of our Executive Board members and our new Conference Planner, Joanne DeCampos, with Medical Care Development. We also have a new Treasurer, Deanna Petrie, who has been so helpful with filing our annual tax documents with AAHPERD. We have a new E-Blast Editor, Andy Gray!


Maine AHPERD is proud to say we have outstanding leadership! An organization is only as good as its leadership and teamwork and that, I am proud to say, we have. We are always looking for members who will step up into a leadership position. I first became VP Elect for Health in 1994. The MAHPERD leadership is a team. I have always said surround yourself with good people and you can accomplish a great deal. That is so true of my past two years as President Elect and President.


And so, I personally look forward to seeing many of you on November 3rd! The beginning of school is always hectic but what an amazing conference you have to look forward to in the near future.


Kathy Sutton, MAHPERD President



NASPE Shape of the Nation Info-Graphic Series

"Start the Conversation About Children's Health ... it begins with Fitness Assessment" is the third and final infographic in its 2012 Shape of the Nation series that AAHPERD hopes will spark conversation, strengthen advocacy efforts and inspire a change in student fitness assessment. This latest visual highlights the importance of fitness assessment in schools and spotlights a new opportunity to bring children's health to the forefront of the minds of children, parents, physical education teachers and school leaders.

Sunday and Monday of the 2013 MAHPERD Conference, Image Wear clothing will be available to purchase.There will be physical education t-shirts and polo shirts.  MAHPERD gets a profit from every sale!

Great Maine Outdoor Weekend


Join the Maine Outdoor Coalition and attend or host an event!  September 27-29.  Canoe tour in Scarborough, Mushroom foraging in Litchfield or any other of an array of outdoor activities are all here.


 AAHPERD Membership


This year pledge to support your professional organization - AAHPERD! If you are not a member already, please make joining AAHPERD one of your top priorities! Some benefits include advocacy, grant resources and professional publications with the most current information out there. Check out the new e-membership for a discounted rate here. 


NASPE's Teachers Toolbox  


What better way to start off the school year than with the newest NASPE's Teachers Toolbox!  NASPE's Teachers Toolbox delivers the best online tools and ideas for your quality physical education, physical activity and youth sport programs - and it's free! Subscribe to the RSS feed on the homepage of Teachers Toolbox, to find out when a new Teachers Toolbox comes out!



Institute of Medicine - Educating the student body. 


Many children and adolescents in the United States have grown accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle. Currently, less than half of youth meet the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommendation of at least 60 minutes of daily vigorous to moderate-intensity physical activity. This increases youths' health risks and can jeopardize their well-being throughout their lives. Physical activity is also critical to children's cognitive development and academic success. The school environment is key in encouraging and providing opportunities for children and adolescents to be active. In this light, the IOM was asked to examine the status of physical activity and physical education efforts in schools, how physical activity and fitness affect health outcomes, and what can be done to help schools get students to become more active. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently released a report entitled "Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School." The expert committee was tasked with three broad objectives:

1) assessing the status of physical activity and physical education in schools;                  2) reviewing the science behind the effects of physical activity on health, development and academic performance in youth; and 3) making recommendations appropriate with the scientific evidence.

Video of key findings of IOM report


IOM report summary