Blooming Gifts for Mom at Canadale!

Happy Mother's Day!
Hi Kids,
Our Moms are pretty important people. They do a lot for us and show us they care in many ways. This Sunday is Mother's Day and it's a chance to say THANK YOU to our Moms for all they do. It's also a great time to do something special for Mom. At Canadale Kid's Club this weekend we are making special gifts for Mother's Day! Come out, make a Mother's Day gift and make Mom's day!
This Week's Activity

This weekend at Kid's Club we are making a special gift for Mom, while continuing our series on Growing Your Own Veggie Garden! Come in to plant an Herbal Mint Plant for Mom's tea! Then decorate it with a Mother's Day Pick and a card to show you care. Plus, an instruction card for how to make fresh mint tea. 
Kid's Club runs this Saturday & Sunday from
10am - 4pm and is FREE for kids of all ages! 

All About Mint!

Mint is a perennial herb with very fragrant leaves and tiny purple, pink or white flowers. It has a fresh, aromatic taste. There are many varieties of mint, all preferring full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly to keep soil evenly moist. When planting, keep in mind that mint is a vigorous spreader. It is ideal for containers or in areas where there is a natural barrier, such as a wall or walkway. Frequent harvesting is the key to keeping mint plants healthy. You can harvest a mint plant 2-3 times a year or you can just pick the leaves as needed. Young leaves have a better taste and can be harvested as soon as they emerge in spring. Mint bunches can be collected and dried or can be frozen to extend the harvest. 

Minty Fun!

What is the most feared herb in the garden?

What did the forgetful herb say to his mom?
"I mint to tell you earlier!"

Why should you never fight with an herb?
They never lose an argue-mint.

How can you tell how far an herb has spread?
Take a measure-mint.


Canadale Kid's Club is run by a group of fantastic volunteers. If you're in highschool or university and are interested in gaining some volunteer hours at Kid's Club, email and join the team!

Extended May Hours

Weekdays   8am - 8pm
Saturday     8am - 8pm
Sunday        9am - 5pm
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