Paly Link

A PTSA publication 

Sunday, May 17, 2015
tower building drawing

The Paly Link is distributed on Sundays, except during school breaks and holidays.  Changes will be highlighted as New/Updated/Corrected.  To submit an article, see Submissions Guidelines.
May 20

Paly Sports Boosters Meeting, 7pm, 1401 Parkinson Avenue (Paly) New 

ThursdayMay 21PTSA Executive Board meeting, 8:30am, SSRC
ThursdayMay 21Presidents Award for Volunteer Service Ceremony, 7p, Library (Comm Svc) 
FridayMay 22ABSOLUTE DEADLINE to purchase tickets for Paly Senior Picnic and Senior Grad Night Party (Paly)
MondayMay 25Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL 
May 29Senior Baccalaureate, 7:30pm, Flint Center Cupertino
SaturdayMay 30Last Paly Link submissions of 2015 school year, due at noon
SundayMay 31Last regular Paly Link of 2015 school year published 
MondayJune 1Senior Class Picnic, bus departs Paly 9am
TuesdayJune 2Graduation Rehearsal and breakfast, 7:45am, Quad
Tues-ThursJune 2-4Finals, see schedule 
WednesdayJune 3Senior Graduation, 5:30pm, Paly Quad
WednesdayJune 3Senior Grad Party, 8pm-2:30m
ThursdayJune 4Last Day of School: minimum day

PTSA and PTA AnnouncementsPTSA 


Connecting with the Paly Community 

Connections are an important part of a supportive community and the Paly PTSA, along with the administration, are finding ways to build connections among and between parents, teachers, and students. Parents are encouraged to be a part of some upcoming activities where you can connect with students and staff on campus. We hope to see many parents on campus this spring! Check out the PTSA website for opportunities!

Paly PTSA Committee Positions Available for 2015-16  Updated
Parents, looking for how to get involved at Paly, get on campus, make a contribution, get to know parents, students and staff?  Here are a variety of opportunities for next year.  Interested?  Have questions?  Please contact Rebecca Fox, PTSA Parliamentarian,
  • Back to Paly Welcome Dinner (August 20) - Class of 2018 or 2019 parent wanted to join the existing chairs in planning this fun event.
  • New Family Orientation (August 13) - Plan informational event for Paly families who are new to PAUSD.
  • Teacher and Staff Luncheon Co-chairs (Aug 13, Dec 3, Apr 15) - arrange catering, decorations and volunteers for one or more PTSA-sponsored lunches for Paly staff
  • Spirit Week Class Chairs (Oct 17-24) - Class of  2016 and 2019 parents needed to support students in float-building and other fun spirit week activities. 
  • Food For Thought co-chair (Dec, May) - work with Paly staff to coordinate student meals during pre-finals evening library hours
  • Field Day Co-chairs (May 2016) - Coordinate volunteers for this celebratory lunchtime student barbecue.
  • Auditor - Audit the PTSA books in January and July, 2016.
  • Special Education Liaison - Organize meetings for special education parents and serve as parent liaison with Paly.
  • Traffic Safety Co-chair - Monitor bike, pedestrian and traffic issues around Paly, and work with the school and city to implement improvements.
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,


Yesterday I had the pleasure attending our first hack-a-thon entitled "Hack Student Well-being"which was sponsored by our Challenge Success team and Paly TOSA (teacher leader) team.  Over 30 passionate students, teachers and parents attended this inspiring day-long event where we used a design thinking approach to creatively problem solve issues around homework, Schoology, student/teacher/parent empathy, and "quiet week" (the period of time before final exams).  For me, the event symbolized the power of voice and the hope that results when we work together as a collective community.  While much has been written in the media about the academic pressures/stress facing our community, please know that as a school, we are taking action to create a "culture of care" so that all of our students feel connected, capable and know that they count.  We'll be sending some additional info out in the next few weeks letting you know of some steps we are taking for the 2015-2016 school year.    


In the meantime, our student leadership class (ASB) is excited to introduce the new "Spring Sports Festival" with many fun events that will take place during brunch and lunch this week.  The festival is designed to be more inclusive by broadening participation and generating school spirit as we head into the final stretch. Can't wait!  

Finally, special thanks to all of the parent volunteers who helped us make Friday's Field Day such a fun and safe event.  I always enjoy watching our students relax, play games and enjoy the break in routine.  I wish you could all be on campus during this day because I know it would do your heart good.  And special shout out to our Student Activities Director Matt Hall for his hard work coordinating the end of the year activities for our school.  It's a busy time of year!  

Thanks again and take care,


Kim Diorio

Paly ItemsPaly
Interested in serving on the 2015-2017 Paly Site Council?  New
NOW IS THE TIME to  step up and submit your name! Don't delay!
The Paly Site Council is currently seeking candidates for TWO parent representatives to the Paly School Site Council. The Council meets on Monday afternoons, once a month. Please see the website for details:  Parents will vote via a ballot in the preschool packet.  Those elected will serve from September 2015 to June 2017.  Please consider submitting your name as a candidate!  Feel free to ask questions of former parent reps: Jonake Bose or Jill Bicknell (experienced former site council reps).
Site Council Eligibility:
All parents and guardians of Paly students are eligible, with the exception of PAUSD employees who are not eligible to serve as parent representatives at the school at which they work. Candidates must have a student at Paly throughout their term of office. The deadline for nominations is June 1. The election will be held in conjunction with school registration in August.  Please submit your nominations to Ms. Benfield at

Graduation Leis on Sale now!  New

Congratulations to the Class of 2015 and their families! Fresh Hawaiian leis are a great way to celebrate this momentous achievement. Order yours now and pick it up at Paly on the day of graduation. Go to and click on Graduation Leis.  Don't forget a lei for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, or siblings!  It's a great way to include them in the celebration and we have several colors to choose from. All profits benefit the Paly Spirit Squad, so you're also giving back as you honor your own Paly student!


ABSOLUTE DEADLINE to Purchase Tickets for Senior Picnic and Grad Night Party  New 

MAY 22nd ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for Seniors to Purchase tickets to attend the PALY Senior Picnic and the Senior Grad Night Party. If you haven't bought your senior's ticket, do so today. We want all of the awesome Class of 2015 to attend these PALY traditional celebrations held just for them! We cannot accept reservations after May 22nd, Friday. Info on how to purchase tickets can be found on, just click on the "Everything Senior" link. Any Questions contact, Barb Schroder, 


Appeal to Junior Parents  New 

Traditionally Paly's Junior class hosts a Reception for the graduating Seniors and for more than 3,000 family and friends immediately following the Graduation Ceremony. Contributions of both time and dollars are greatly appreciated!

How can you help?  There are 3 ways:

(1) Donate to the event!

Suggested donation of $25 (or more) may be made by check payable to Shelly Pederson and sent to 45 Alannah Ct. Palo Alto, 94303.  Donations will be accepted through May 31.  We are nearing our goal but additional funds are needed!  Any remaining funds will be donated to our (2016) class fund for our seniors graduation activities.  And remember, next year's Juniors will host this event for our class. 

(2) Volunteer at the event!

Many hands make for light work and you will get an insider's preview to the Graduation Ceremony.  There will be two Fun shifts on June 3.  First Shift  4-6:30:Cutting up fruit and helping to set up. Second Shift: 6:30-8pm help with set up/replenish food tables as needed/clean up.  Indicate your availability in this Google doc 

(3) Bakers!

We need 30 volunteers to make 4 dozen homemade cookies and 10 volunteers to make 4 dozen brownies.  Please deliver to Paly Kitchen by 4:00 pm June 3.  ALL BAKED GOODS MUST BE NUT FREE.

Thank you for paying it forward!

Graduation Reception Co-Chairs-- Shelly Pederson ( Lisa Branson ( Kelly Cook (

LEAD PARENT needed to help with the Food For Thought Program

May 26, 27, 28, Jun 1, 2, Library/Student Center

This amazing program was started 4 years ago and serves dinner to students who are studying for finals in the library during the extended hours of 4 - 8 pm. The nights for the program will be May 26thMay 27th and May 28thJune 1st and June 2nd. Dinner is served from 5:30 - 6 in the Student Center. Staff are available to help students during the  extended hours. If you are available to help coordinate the food for these very appreciated dinner please contact Mary Ellen Bena,


23 Volunteers still needed for Senior Activities 
Paly Parents, especially Senior Parents, we desperately need your help with Grad Activities 2015. Thank-you to all the wonderful parents who have signed-up already but we need all volunteer positions filled in order for the parties to take place. Grad Night Party in particular needs Chaperons, Escorts on the bus rides and Poker Dealers. You will not want to miss out on this fun opportunity to give the Grads the gift of your time so they can celebrate. Volunteer today to keep this positive tradition going for our Paly Grads. Our community needs your help! Thank you, and please direct any questions to:  PLEASE Sign-up today to volunteer for the awesome Class of 2015 on the Google Doc

Teen Dating Violence
Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS) blog provides valuable clinical information and resources on a range of adolescent issues. ACS is a community non-profit providing counseling services at no charge to students and their families. More info: or Merrett Sheridan, Paly Site Director (650) 833-4244.  Read 


Paly Sports Boosters meeting  New

Wed, May 20th, 7pm, Anderson/Look home, 1401 Parkinson Avenue 

Come to the May Paly Sports Boosters meeting at the home of co-president, Melissa Anderson. We'll get an update from Athletic Director, Jason Fung, recap of the auction success and hear about plans for the next school year including fundraising and construction.  


Baccalaureate Service 

Friday, May 29, 7:30pm, Flint Center, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino
Seniors assemble 7pm sharp 
Held on the night of the last day of school for the seniors this year, Palo Alto High School sponsors this traditional, inspiring ceremony. More formal than the Graduation Ceremony, the Baccalaureate features student performances and guest speaker(s) from the community, and takes place at De Anza College's Flint Center from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Seniors must wear caps and gowns (any Senior needing a cap and gown for Bacc/Grad may borrow one from Mr. Hall--please contact him directly) and line up at 7:00 p.m. sharp to participate. This event provides a great opportunity for family photos and is less hectic than Graduation Night when graduates head off to their Paly Grad Night Party with classmates. Get there early to avoid Friday night rush hour traffic and to catch the sunlight for awesome outdoor photos of your Grad.

New Summer Glass Workshops

May 23-24, June 6-7, June 20-21, July 11-12 9am-3pm at Paly's Glass Studio

New Fall & Winter schedule:   Sept. 12-13, Oct. 10-11, Nov. 14-15, Dec. 12-13

Due to popular demand, we added summer weekend glass workshops at Paly. Also check out the new Fall dates. Workshops do fill up fast, so sign up for a date. The 2 day weekend workshop will focus on beginning glass blowing techniques. It's a memorable, fun, hands-on experience. Repeating students progress from their last session. Advanced sign up required. Class limit is 4. Teens and adults. $375 per person. Open to the public. Proceeds benefit the Palo Alto High School Fiery Arts and Sculpture classes. Proceeds benefit the Palo Alto High School Fiery Arts. To sign up, contact: David Camner, founder of Paly Glass,


Conscious Parenting  New
Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS) blog provides valuable clinical information and resources on a range of adolescent issues.  ACS is a community non-profit providing counseling services at no charge to students and their families. More info: or Merrett Sheridan, Paly Site Director (650) 833-4244.  Read
College and Career CenterCCC

Keep up-to-date with Paly College and Career Center news and events by "liking" us on Facebook. The CCC holds an open-house after each parent night in the Fall. There is also a wealth of information in Naviance and on the C&CC page.


College Rep Visits

Students must have their teacher's permission one day in advance if missing class. Pick up a form in the C&CC, or download it.  Bring the signed form the day of the visit to ensure the absence from class is cleared and marked as an activity rather than a truancy.  College visits scheduled for the next two weeks are listed below.  For a full list of all visits through Spring, login to Naviance   using your user ID and password, or login as a Guest with no password.  Click on the "Colleges" tab then click "view all upcoming college visits" within the "my colleges" section.

NEW: Due to increased student attendance and limited space in the College Center, we are no longer able to permit parents to attend college representative visits, please click to read more information about this policy.  


Scholarships and contests/competitions expiring through June 1, 2015:

Paly deadlines may be 1-4 weeks prior to public scholarship deadlines to allow for Paly TA and Guidance lead times. To learn about scholarships listed below and others login to Naviance using your user ID and password or login as a Guest with no password.  Click the "Colleges" tab, scroll to the  "scholarships and money" section, then click on the "scholarship list" link.   


Club Estrella Scholarship - Paly deadline ASAP (for 5/29 scholarship deadline) NEW  
BankCard Services Scholarship - Deadline 5/22  
Foothill College Scholarships - Deadline 5/22  
LM Scholarship Program (essay contest) - Deadline 5/31 NEW  
Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship - Deadline 6/1 NEW  
Aspiring Fashion Professional Scholarship - Deadline 6/1 NEW  
Odenza Vacations College Scholarship (essay contest; Juniors and Seniors) - Deadline 6/1 NEW 
Community ServiceCommSvc

Presidents Award for Volunteer Service  

Thurs, May 21, 7pm, Paly Library

Congratulations to 68 Vikings who qualified for the President's Award for Volunteer Service 2nd semester! Paly students document between 30,000-40,000 hours of service to the local, national, and international communities each year, giving back to the causes they care about. See the list here. Recipients please watch email and surface mail for your invitation to the ceremony. Way to Get Involved, Paly.  

Community Service Events & Opportunities
Looking for ways to connect your students interests, talents, and passions to create social change and make a difference in the world? And, what about summer internships? Check out the Paly student-created and managed resources at these links: Get Involved website with service-learning magazine, videos, and calendar, Twitter: @getinvolvedPA, and Facebook/GetinvolvedPaloAlto. See links for FUN upcoming opportunities with: National River Cleanup Day, Computer History Museum Internships, Boys and Girls Club Program Interns. More information about community engagement at

Volunteer for Parents Place Family Fun Day 

Sunday, May 17, 11-2:30pm, Parents Place- 200 Channing Ave  (Corner of Emerson and Channing, A block from Whole Food Palo Alto)

Duties include: helping kiddos (under 5) at the vendors booths, face painting,  blowing up and giving out balloons,  helping with the registration booth, giving out flyers, setting-up tables and chairs, passing out stickers, setting up food.

Shifts:  9:30-12:30 and 11-3pm

Volunteers Needed: 7-10. Here is link to the event: 

Celebrate families and young children at Parents Place Family Fun Day on Sunday, May 17th!  Bounce in our toddler fun zone, rock out to live music, sample a tasty treat, and play at one of the many children's activity tables, sponsored by our community partners.  Meet our parenting experts and pop into one of our 20-minute mini-workshops on everything from mindfulness to tantrum tips, while your children enjoy our playroom.  FREE for kids of all ages (and their grown-ups too!).  Palo Alto. Sun. 11am-2:30pm.  Ages birth-5+ years.  


Join the #CaringNeighbors Team
Ongoing; apply by May 22
Make a big splash - encourage neighborhoods to build community, get to know one another, and strengthen the fabric of our city. We are looking for  6-8 local teens for our summer #CaringNeighbors Team. The team will be working with Terry Godfrey of the Palo Alto Developmental Assets Initiative and with the help of a staff member from the City of Palo Alto and other adult volunteers. The assignment will last from roughly Memorial Day to Labor Day and include about 50 hours of work.  Students can choose to either get volunteer service hours credit or a stipend of $500 paid at the end of the assignment. See more information at by Friday, May 22  to Terry Godfrey at
Volunteer with BGCP this summer!  
The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula is currently looking for dedicated Summer Interns seeking motivated students who are excited to work collaboratively with credentialed teachers and BGCP staff mentors to create a fun and educational experience for K-5 students. Interns will be working directly with the K-5 students in the classroom and will also have the opportunity to provide enrichment activities, create innovative learning techniques, and contribute to a positive culture within our team. This is a great opportunity to develop leadership skills, earn over 100 hours of community service, and gain valuable work experience that will help strengthen your resume for your college applications. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to make a difference in the lives of youth! Info:! Click here to apply: Summer Intern Application More Info: Renee Infelise: or 646-6062
Stay up to date with weekly communications from Dr. Max McGee
Each week Superintendent Max McGee provides written information for all interested parents and community members.  These communications include updates on important topics, insights into upcoming agenda items, and other useful pieces of information regarding PAUSD.   Questions regarding these publications can be sent to Kathleen Ruegsegger at Please share this opportunity to be updated each week from our Superintendent with your neighbors and fellow parents.

PAUSD Annnual Data Update
To update, sign into the PAUSD Infinite Campus Parent Portal with your username and password at:

PAUSD Annual Youth Art Show: K-12 student artwork exhibit

May 2-24

at the Palo Alto Art Center, 1313, Newell Rd.

Friends, family and members of the public welcome.  Additional Youth Art on display May 4-22, at the Palo Alto Unified School District Office, 25 Churchill Ave. Mon - Fri, 8am-4:45pm; PAAC website: ; Info: Art Education 329-3939 or

Community AnnouncementsCommunity

Mental Health Awareness Month  New 

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, check out the following upcoming parent education events on teen stress co-sponsored by the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and El Camino Hospital.
No registration is needed.  For more information, please go to

Stress within the Asian Teen Community New  

Mon May 18, 11am-12pm, El Camino Hospital, Mountain View Campus, Conference Rooms A&B (Ground Floor)

Discussion will focus on awareness of cultural factors to consider in identification and treatment of mental health conditions for Asian American adolescents.

Teen Stress and Stress Management New 

Mon, May 18, 12-1pm, El Camino Hospital, Mountain View Campus, Conference Rooms A&B (Ground Floor)
Dr. Becker will discuss the different stressors faced by teens and adaptive ways that they can manage. A focus of the presentation will be on the importance of sleep and opportunities for parents to encourage healthy habits.  

Airplane Noise Concerns Info  New
Residents of Palo Alto and neighboring communities can obtain an update from the resident group about the current situation and noise abatement initiatives by contacting If you are experiencing day or night time disturbances from aircraft noise, please file a complaint. Thank you. For more info

Want to play club soccer? U17B
We are forming a U17 boys soccer team that can function through your senior year (spring 2017). If you are interested in joining the team, please drop email to us. Please indicate your experience level (e.g., years playing, where you played) and preferred position(s). Contact


Youth ages 14-18 Needed for Stanford University Study on Mood and Sleep New

Ongoing Stanford Study
My name is Anda Gershon, Ph.D., and I am a researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford University. I am currently conducting a research study that investigates how sleep dysregulation might influence mood in adolescents with and without bipolar disorder. I am recruiting youth ages 14-18. This is a paid study that will involve a visit to the Stanford Psychiatry department, two nights of sleep assessment at home, and three weeks of short daily questionnaires about mood and sleep. Participants will also wear a watch-like device that measures movement. At least one parent must agree to be interviewed during the visit to Stanford. Participants will be compensated up to $215 for participating in this study. For more information, please contact the Daily REST Study team at or 650-736-2689.


Classroom Volunteers Needed in September - An Hour a Week Could Change a Student's Life


Looking for parents to sign up now to begin volunteering in September to assist in K-4 classrooms one hour per week in East Palo Alto and eastern Menlo Park.  Assist teachers in the classroom with individualized instruction much like you may have done in your own child's school.  These classes in the Ravenswood district have no parents helping and no PTA -- thevolunteers make a real difference. The organization provides orientation/training and coordinates everything. More Info?  Have questions or want to sign up?  Contact Carolyn Blatman at    


Palo Alto Children's Theater presents Hot Dog Season 

Tickets on sale now; June 10-21 Sleeping Beauty; July 8-19 The Bremen Town Musicians; July 29-Aug15 Snoopy! The Musical; 1305 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto
Enjoy outdoor theater all summer long. Bring a picnic for your family or purchase treats such as hot dogs, burgers, veggie burgers, or ice cream from the Friends of the Palo Alto Children's Theater. Estimated running time: approximately one hour. Recommended ages 4+; Performance dates subject to change. Tickets: or 463-4970

Teen Writing Club 

Thurs, May 21, 4-5:30 p.m. Rinconada Library, 1213 Newell Rd.

Join in on the first and third Tuesdays every month for special writing prompts, guest speakers and more! It's a great way to practice writing skills in a fun and supportive environment.


Palo Alto Children's Theatre: Alice in Wonderland
5/17: 2pm; 5/20: 4:30pm; 5/21: 4:30pm; 5/22: 7pm; 
5/23: 2pm, 7pm; 5/24: 2pm; Palo Alto Children's Theatre, 1305 Middlefield Road
The Palo Alto Children's Theatre Presents ALICE IN WONDERLAND. Chasing the White Rabbit, Alice tumbles down the rabbit hole into Wonderland where she meets all its famous residents. Join us for this beautifully adapted comedy for audiences of all ages. Performance runs approximately 80 minutes. Info: or 463-4970.

Palo Alto Philharmonic Orchestra  

Sun May 17, 3pm, Cubberley Theater, 4000 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto

Assistant Conductor Lee Actor, Music Director Thomas Shoebotham, and the Palo Alto Philharmonic present the final concert of our 2014-2015 Season: This competition, open to students from the Bay Area of high school age or younger and enabled by the generous support of J. W. and H. M. Goodman, is designed to recognize outstanding talent and provide an invaluable learning experience to music students. This year, there are seven wonderful young winners, who will each play a concerto movement or a complete short work. Tickets available at


Her Story: Celebrating ��Each Woman's Journey

Sun. May 17 from 6:30-10pm; Mitchell Park Community Center 3700 Middlefield Road Palo Alto

"Her Story: Celebrating Each Woman's Journey" is a benefit gala by Gunn Brand4U, a Henry M. Gunn High School business club with Deborah's Palm, a supportive and welcoming space for women to "Connect, Discover, Unwind, Restore". Beginning with a Champagne Welcome, the event will feature Gunn's very own jazz band and there will be dancing, a live auction, and Global Tastings--featuring Joya, Creative Sushi, Whole Foods (Los Altos) catering, and SusieCakes. Tickets are $75 and can be purchased via the link below. Info: Thank you for supporting the emerging business leaders of the future!

Teen Tuesday: Movie Night @ the Library
Tues, May 19, 6:30 p.m. Mitchell Park Library, 3700 Middlefield Rd.
Chill out and watch a fun movie at the library with your friends! Snacks provided. Register here.

Leadership Palo Alto's 2015-2016 class 
Applications are now being accepted for Leadership Palo Alto's 2015-2016 class, the Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce's leadership development class. Blend real world knowledge with practical volunteer and leadership skills to gain in-depth understanding that will catapult you into positions as leaders in our community, businesses and schools. On line application can be found at or call for additional information. 324 3135

Free Special Arts Reception
Wed, May 20, 4-7pm (remarks at 5 pm), Baylands Nature Interpretive Center, 2775 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto
Celebrating the Launch of Creative Ecology, an innovative art and science residency program that promotes appreciation of the natural world through scientific inquiry and the creative process, engaging artists, art and science educators, and the larger community. Creative Ecology is a unique collaboration between the Palo Alto Art Center and the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo with artists Mari Andrews, Linda Gass, Jenny Odell, and David Tomb. Activities for the whole family. Live animal experiences,. Photo opportunity with bald eagle Sequoia, and hands-on Art! Co-sponsored by the Palo Alto Art Center Foundation and the Friends of the Junior Museum & Zoo. RSVPs are encouraged, Contact

Alligator Zone
Fri, May 22, 7-8 p.m. Rinconada Library, 1213 Newell Rd, Palo Alto
Celebrate entrepreneurship and meet start-up founders. Register here. 4th grade and up..

Meet the Author: Francisco Jim�nez

Thurs, May 28, 7-9 p.m. Rinconada Library, Embarcadero Room, 1213 Newell Rd.

Francisco Jim�nez reads from his new book in his award-winning memoir series, Taking Hold: From Migrant Childhood to Columbia University. Jim�nez leaves everything behind in California - a loving family, a devoted girlfriend, and the culture that shaped him-to attend Columbia University in New York. Register HERE for this free event.


Paly Math Camp 

Mathcounts Camp: 6/15-19, 1-4 pm, Jordan Middle School

AMC Camp: 6/22-26, 1-4 pm, Jordan Middle School

Paly Math Camp offers individually paced training and one-on-one teaching, with rigorous curriculum taught by former USAMO/USAJMO and AIME qualifiers as well as a math teacher, all from Palo Alto high schools. These camps will be suitable for any student who enjoys math and will be fun for students of all ages and math levels. Mathcounts Camp is intended for incoming PAUSD middle schoolers who want to learn problem-solving techniques geared more towards Mathcounts. AMC Camp is intended for PAUSD students who want to learn problem-solving techniques geared more towards the AMC 8 and AMC 10 series. If you are interested in registering, please fill out the following form:


SummerArts@Menlo Classes for Grades 6-12

Mon-Fri, June 22-26, 9am-3pm, Menlo School, Atherton

Menlo School is pleased to announce the 2015 session of SummerArts@Menlo! To visit our website, Click here Classes will be held on the Menlo School campus in the new Creative Arts and Design Center, a beautiful space to create art. Classes will include Musical Theater, Studio Art, Contemporary Dance and Hip Hop, Percussion, Acting, Creative Writing, Photography, and Sculpture/Installation. Instructors include Menlo School faculty as well as professional guest artists.

Fees: $375 plus materials. Questions? Course descriptions and sign up available here: 


Relay for Life Palo Alto

June 27, 2-9pm, Palo Alto High School 
This is an organized community fundraising walk to raise awareness and money for cancer research--all proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. During Relay. each team pledges to keep one member on the track, walking or running laps, for the entire 7 hours. This event is very family friendly. 
Smart Sendoffs: Off-to-College Health Guidance for Students and Their Parents New 
Sun, June 28, 2-5pm, Li Ka Shing Center, Stanford Campus
The Division of Adolescent Medicine at Stanford offers an interactive learning experience for high-school seniors and their parents on health issues that may arise during college years such as
- Living away from home: nutrition, sleep, independence
- Staying healthy at college: healthcare services, mental health, immunizations
- Moving into relationships: parties, sex, substance use
$50/family. Info and registration at or call 650-724-4601 


Looking for summer internship doing work that will change the lives of thousands of school kids in India?
Janyaa ( is a non-profit that helps teachers teach under-privileged kids in India learn about math and science in a very practical, hands-on, manner -- so they can apply it in their daily lives even if they don't get to attend college. In 5 short years, Janyaa has gone from working with ~1000 kids in 5 schools to ~150,000 kids in ~700 schools. We are looking for bright, energetic, Paly students to help with different aspects of building Janyaa -- from working on the website to creating videos to designing the math and science experiments for your peers in India. We have more work than we can handle; and love the help that youngsters can offer. Please write to and to

Filmmaking Summer Workshop for Teen Directors and Actors 

Mon, Aug. 3-Fri. Aug. 7, 10am-4pm, Cubberley Center, 4000 Middlefield Rd.

A Theatre Near U Film Academy offers joint workshops in film directing & film acting for 13-18 year old artists. Join ATNU's 2015 Summer filmmaking workshop. Held from 10am until 4pm every day, directors and actors will watch films, dissect films, and make short films throughout the week long session. The intensive will provide 30 hours of in-depth training, in-person and/or Skype discussions with current film industry experts and, some original video to take home and share. Directing Fee $425.00, Acting Fee $250.00. Info & register


Executive Function Boot Camp  

Summer 2015! (GUNN High & Near Sequoia High School.)

Got Disorganization? (Academic, Time Management, Thinking, Planning)  Had too many academic camps and tutors without successfully getting your kiddo to organize his/her thoughts, writing, backpack, assignments/projects, reading, time management, and note taking? That may be because your child needs a different kind of approach--a therapeutic intervention for Executive Function (or dysfunction of the centers of the brain that deal with organization, prioritization, impulse control, sifting, sequencing, self awareness (metacognition), higher order thinking with reading comp and writing, visualization for short/long term memory, conceptually understand & sensing time for estimating, predicting, & more. It's 34 hours of therapy over a two week boot camp (but only half day so your kiddos don't burn out), then follow through at school and w/parents. Email for details.

About the Paly LinkAbout

The Paly Link is a Paly PTSA publication, emailed on Sundays, except during school breaks and holidays. Changes will be highlighted as New/Updated/Corrected.


Deadline for submittals: noon on Saturday, the day before publication. Flyers must be submitted by noon on Thursday. Items run no earlier than 3 weeks before the event.

To submit an item, send to palylink@paloaltopta.orgSee submission instructions here. Include a header or title line, then a line listing the date, time and location of the event. Follow with a brief (2-4 sentence) description of the activity, with the most important information first.  List email, contact information and web links last.  Items are published at the discretion of the editors. 

--Stefanie Wilen, Shuchi Grover, and Carlene Kemmerer, Paly Link Editors
--Bala Aiyar, Paly Link List Manager and Gordon Craig, Paly Link Webmaster 

Click Here to sign up a new email address to receive the Link. Click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link below to update an existing address.

Paly Link on the Web, Paly PTSA Web Site,
Paly Web Site, Paly Sports,

Palo Alto PTA Council Web SiteParent Education Events,
Community Service, Community Sports  
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