Paly Link

A PTSA publication 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015
tower building drawing


Rally to Save Buena Vista New

Mon, Mar 9, 5:30 - 6:30 , Palo Alto City Hall Plaza
5:30pm - Arrive at City Hall Plaza to enjoy pizza with  County Supervisor Joe Simitian and your neighbors.
6:00pm - Show your support for preserving the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park by attending the beginning of the City Council Meeting. 

The Palo Alto Council of PTA and the School Board have both passed resolutions in support of finding options that allow the Buena Vista students to continue to stay in our schools. The County of Santa Clara has set aside $8 million for the preservation of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park and Palo Alto City Manager, Jim Keene, also directed city staff to set aside $8 million to preserve the park. This rally is to thank the City Council for its action and also to encourage them to ratify funding at their earliest opportunity. Please join PTA and the PAUSD school community at the March 9 rally.  It is critically important for our community to come out in force to encourage City Council to support the preservation of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park. RSVP Here