Paly Link

A PTSA publication 

Sunday, September 14, 2014
tower building drawing

The Paly Link is distributed on Sundays, except during school breaks and holidays.  Changes will be highlighted as New/Updated/Corrected.  To submit an article, see Submissions Guidelines.
Calendar Quick Links: | Semester One Summary | Paly Google Calendar | Bell Schedule
MondaySept. 15
Club Day, lunchtime, Quad  - volunteers needed (Paly)
Sept. 16
Free Senior Portraits on Quad during Tutorial (PTSA
Sept. 17
Paly Media Arts Boosters Meeting, 7pm, Media Arts Center (Paly)
Sept. 18
Senior Class Panoramic Photo, Advisory, football field 
FridaySept. 19
CSF Applications Due (Paly)
TuesdaySept. 23
Vision Screening - volunteers needed (Paly)
TuesdaySept. 23
Parent Mtg for Spanish Speaking Parents 9th-12th grade  (Paly) New
WednesdaySept. 24
Parent Sports Booster Mtg, 7pm, Weinstein's home, 3180 Ross Rd. (Paly) New Date
FridaySept. 26
Challenge Success Fall Parent Ed Event, 7pm, Memorial Auditorium, Stanford  (PTSA) New
Oct. 8
Ask the Superintendent! Live TV Show, Channel 28, 6:30pm (PAUSD)
Oct. 15
Deadline to submit Senior Photo to Yearbook

PTSA and PTA AnnouncementsPTA.PTSA
PTSA logo

Back to School Donations and Purchases  Links updated

We appreciate all of the support we are getting from the Paly community!  The PTSA is now at 90% of our goal.  Can we exceed our goal to benefit classrooms?  Please keep those donations coming for PTSA, Boosters, PiE, and school items!  Back to School Packet forms and payments/donations made by check can be returned to the Main Office in the Tower Building. (PiE donations can also be dropped off with the Paly forms.) 

All portions of the online payment options are now fully functioning. The following options are ways you can donate: 

 - Online:  Donations to PiE, the PTSA Annual appeal, Friends of Paly Choir, Media Arts Boosters, Robotics Boosters, Sports Boosters, Theater Boosters, and Fiery Arts can be made online (Checks are also accepted in the Main Office.)

 - Check only:  PTSA membership and senior tickets still require a check with a PTSA form, and donations to Music Boosters need to be made by check (made out to "Music Boosters").  

 - Paly Web Store:  For Paly donations (library, journalism publications, community service day, career month speaker series) and to purchase yearbooks, and ASB cards, you may return the Paly form to the Main office with a check made out to Palo Alto High School.  Yearbooks and ASB cards can also be purchased via the NEW Paly web store 

Question? Please contact Linda van Gelder (


PTSA Positions Still Available
We are still looking for parents who are interested in the following positions. Contact Pat Markevitch or 415-640-5441: 
  • Paypal processing assistant
  • Sustainability Coordinator (help Paly be more environmentally correct)
  • Spirit Week Parents for the class of 2016 (two parents - Spirit Week is the last week of October)
Project 2015 - Calling All Senior Parents!

Tues, Sept. 16, during Tutorial on the Quad

This is the LAST FREE senior portrait sessions by one of the six authorized photographers for yearbook portraits. Unless you're having your student's portrait done on your own, please encourage your senior to come to this Tuesday September 9th session, and not wait to the last day which may be very crowded. For more information on Senior portraits please click hereIf you haven't already done so, also please sign up with the Senior parent's network, Project 2015, by contacting Marianne Friis


I'm a Parent New to Special Ed & Special Needs. Help!! Where do I Start?

Wed, Sept. 17, 7-9 pm, Covington Elementary School, 205 Covington Rd, Los Altos
New to special ed? Not so new, but still have lots of questions? Come meet Dr. Trenna Sutcliffe, a local developmental and behavioral pediatrician. We'll be talking about navigating your way through the path of education, family life, testing, & more.Free & open to all. No registration needed. Sponsor: SELPA 1 CAC,


LWV & PTA Council hosts a 2014 School Board Candidate Forum
Tues, Sept. 16, 7-9  pm, 25 Churchill, Board Room
Come learn about the five candidates running for school board. This is the opportunity to meet all the candidates, ask them questions and understand their priorities. This forum will be streamed on channel 28 and recorded by the Midpeninsula Community Media Center as well.
PASS and CAC for Special Education hosts School Board Candidate Forum
Sat, Sept. 20, 10am, Jordan Middle School MP Room
Please join School Board candidates for debate and discussion of visions and plans for our District.  Issues they will deal with include Common Core adoption and assessment, parcel tax renewal, new school building and expansion, and social-emotional wellness as the PAUSD population continues to grow.  This is a great opportunity to speak directly to the candidates about your expectations and concerns, and hear answers to pressing questions.


"2nd Cup of Coffee" with Superintendent Max McGee

Thurs, Sept. 25, 10amTower Building Patio

Paly PTSA and Principal Kim Diorio invite all parents to coffee with the new PAUSD Superintendent, Dr. Max McGee. Hear Dr. McGee talk about district goals, challenges, and successes, and get a chance to ask him your questions. Dr. McGee is scheduling coffee meetings at all schools; if you miss the Paly event, try catching him at Jordan on Sept 11 at 6:00pm, or JLS on Oct 24 at 9:00am.  Questions: Linda van Gelder (  For a preview of what Dr. McGee is like, see the Paly Voice video. 


Challenge Success Fall Parent Ed Event:  "Success By Design:  Is It Possible?"  New

Fri, Sep. 26, 7 pm, Memorial Auditorium, Stanford,

An interactive discussion about the meaning of success and the common beliefs about success that we convey to kids in our overly scheduled & competitive society.  Great speakers:  Wendy Mogel (author: The Blessing of a Skinned Knee), Madeline Levine (author: The Price of Privilege), Dave Evans (co-founder, Electronic Arts), & Denise Clark Pope (author: Doing School). Admission $10.  High-schoolers are welcome; it's free for 18 and under. Details & registration,
Challenge Success was created at Stanford's Graduate School of Education.

Paly ItemsPaly
paly viking ship logo
Latte Cart Volunteers Needed  New
Sept. 17, Nov. 12, Jan. 14, Mar. 18, Apr. 15
The PTSA provides for a Latte Cart vendor to come to Paly each month for faculty and staff. There are five events in total and this years dates are as follows: Sept. 17Nov. 12Jan. 14Mar. 18, and Apr. 15. At these five events, parents provide treats for the faculty and staff beginning at 7:00 a.m. through 10:30 a.m. If you would like to volunteer to bring in snacks ranging from breakfast baked goods, fruit, juice, water, etc., please email me for more information, Your help and support for this tradition is greatly appreciated!

Paly Gear Sale!  New  
Palo Alto High School spirit wear will be sold during the club day event on the quad. Everything is in stock - all the favorite classic tees, hoodies, pants, etc., and some new swag will be available. Questions:; (650) 269-3269.

Back to School Information Online

The school website is a great resource for Paly information. Please see for additional back to school information and a detailed calendar.


Paly Traffic

Due to construction, we have made several change at Paly.  To learn more about the safest and best pedestrian and bike routes to school, please visit the following link:  or check out the Access and Circulation Map.


The Paly Library Needs You!  

The Paly Library needs volunteers for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday for various tasks.  We are very flexible with schedules and every other week is fine. Please contact Library Assistant Debbie Henry at


Meals on Wheels Volunteers Still Needed  

The Paly Meals on Wheels program needs more volunteers to bring emergency meals to Paly families in crisis. If you're interested in being on the Meals on Wheels' list of volunteers, please email Liz Lee, Meals on Wheels Volunteer Coordinator at Please include your day and evening phone number(s). Are you a family in crisis and in need of help with some dinners delivered to your door? Send an email and we'll try to help. Please include any dietary restrictions. Questions? Call me at 650.843.0413.


Sports Booster's Gym Floorboard Sale: Own a piece of Paly history!

Makes excellent graduation gifts and supports all student athletes at Paly! (6x6" is $85 and 12x12" is $120. Availability projected for January, 2015.) Contact Cindy Pappas for a flyer with more information. 


Senior Portraits  

9/16, during Tutorial, front of Haymarket Theater 

Seniors and Senior Parents - we are offering FREE Senior Portrait sessions for 4 weeks during Tutorial periods. Seniors just show up with your best smile in front of the Theater on offered days. Professional photographers listed in the 2015 flyer will be at the sessions. Due to technical problems we have not been able to update the webpage listed on the flyer - so please get flyers with the correct information from the main office, library or MAC building. The due date for Senior Portraits is October 15th - so book an appointment now or come to the Tuesday FREE Sessions. Students who do not come to the sessions or make an appointment at a listed photographer will have their student ID used for their Senior Portrait in the yearbook - so get the portrait that you want. Professional portrait packages starting at $30. We can only use photographers listed on the 2015 - remember that you can get a portrait with our photographers for the Yearbook and buy portrait packages from any photographer for your family and friends. Senior class photo will be taken at Advisory on 9/18 on the football field.


PALY Parents in Chinese  
Mon, Sept. 15, 7-8:30 pm, SSRC, PALY library
Do you know that there are only 9 Asian CEOs in the Fortune 500 companies?  What are the characteristics of a great CEO?  We will present what it takes to be an effective leader, based on our own experiences as CEOs. We will answer your questions of what you might be doing today to help prepare your child for a future executive role.  


星期一,915日,7-830 pmSSRCPALY 图书馆

,培养CEOAl Yuen and Anthony Soohoo


Paly Media Arts Boosters
Wed, Sept. 17, 7pm, Media Arts Center (MAC)
We need parents from all Publications and Media Arts Disciplines represented to best support our Media Arts at Paly! Come and see the MAC, hear about fundraising opportunities and the Grand Opening Celebration for our Community and Students.  This is going to be an exciting year! Questions?  Contact:  Debbie Crouch or Carol Chalmers 

Junta de Padres del 9�-12� Grado  New

Martes, Sept. 23, 6pm-7pm, Media Arts Center, Palo Alto High School

Los invitamos a una reuni�n de padres donde enfocaremos la discusi�n de la junta en cuando y como hablar con los maestros, maestro consejeros y administradores de su hijo/a. Se ofrecer� aperitivos y refrescos. Para mas informaci�n, por favor de contactar a la Sra. Laguna (650) 439-3719


Parent Meeting for Spanish Speaking Parents 9th-12th grade  New

Tues., Sept 23, 6pm-7pm, Media Arts Center, Palo Alto High School

We invite you to a parent meeting where we will discuss how to being the communication between you and your child's teacher, advisor, counselor and the administrators. We will provide Snacks and Refreshments. For more information, please contact Mrs. Laguna at (650) 439-3719.

Paly Sports Boosters Meeting  

Wed, Sept. 24, 7pm, Weinstein's home, 3180 Ross Rd.

Join us for the September Paly Sports Boosters meeting at the home of co-president, Christy Weinstein. We'll get an update from Athletic Director, Jason Fung and and an overview of fundraising plans for the year.

CSF (California Scholarship Federation) Applications Due  
Fri, Sept. 19 is deadline
CSF is an honor society at Paly. Students must sign up with their previous semester's grades in order to be members.  Students must reapply every semester.  Membership forms and information are available from Mr. Duffy in room 406 or 408.  Friday, Sept. 19th is the last day to turn in a membership form.  Email:

2nd Annual Fiery Arts Fall Glass Sale

Fri, Sept. 19, 3:30-7pm, and Sat, Sept. 20, 10-5pm, in front of the Tower Bldg

Come see exquisite new glass designs hand-blown by instructors, alumni and students.  Over 800 unique glass pieces - pumpkins, pears, seashells and more on sale to benefit Paly's Fiery Arts program. Come learn about the craft with live glass blowing demonstrations. For more information, see flyer or contact 


Vision Screening Volunteers Needed

Tues, Sept. 23

2 volunteers are needed from 8 - 9:45; 9:45 - 11:35 and Noon - 1:45 on the Paly campus. Please email Beth Martin, Volunteer Coordinator, if you are able to help. Thanks so much. 


"2nd Cup of Coffee" with Superintendent Max McGee

Thurs, Sept. 25, 10am, Tower Building Patio

Paly PTSA and Principal Kim Diorio invite all parents to coffee with the new PAUSD Superintendent, Dr. Max McGee. Hear Dr. McGee talk about district goals, challenges, and successes, and get a chance to ask him your questions. Dr. McGee is scheduling coffee meetings at all schools; if you miss the Paly event, try catching him at Jordan on Sept 11 at 6:00pm, or JLS on Oct 24 at 9:00am.  Questions: Linda van Gelder ( For a preview of what Dr. McGee is like, see the Paly Voice video.


Fiery Arts Glass Workshops

Sept. 27-28, Oct. 18-19, Nov. 15-16, Dec. 20-21, 9am-3pm at Paly's Glass Studio

Open to the public, students and parents. Here's your chance to learn to blow glass at Paly. Yes, we have a glass studio. Workshops do fill up fast, so, do not hesitate, sign up for a date. The 2 day weekend workshop will focus on beginning glass blowing techniques. It's an incredible, fun, hands-on experience. Repeating students progress from their last session. Advanced Sign up required. Class limit is 4. Teens and adults. $375 per person. Proceeds benefit the Palo Alto High School Fiery Arts. To sign up, contact: David Camner, founder of Paly Glass,


Know the Friends  New

Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS) blog provides valuable clinical information and resources on a range of adolescent issues. ACS is a community non-profit providing counseling services at no charge to students and their families. More info: or Merrett Sheridan, Paly Site Director (650) 833-4244.  Read

College and Career CenterCCC
Keep up-to-date with Paly College and Career Center news and events by "liking" us on Facebook. The C&CC holds an open-house after each parent night in the Fall. There is also a wealth of information in Naviance and on the C&CC page. 

Interested in a health profession?  New
Attend the UC Davis Pre-Health Alliance conference in October! There are over 300 workshops offered so there's bound to be a topic relevant for you. This national conference always sells out so register now: For more info:  

College Rep Visits

Students must have their teacher's permission one day in advance if missing class. Pick up a form in the C&CC, or download it.  Bring the signed form the day of the visit to ensure the absence from class is cleared and marked as an activity rather than a truancy.  College visits scheduled for the next two weeks are listed below.  For a full list of all visits through Spring, login to Naviance using your user ID and password or login as a Guest with no password.  Click on the "Colleges" tab then click "view all upcoming college visits" within the "my colleges" section.

NEW: Due to increased student attendance and limited space in the College Center, we are no longer able to permit parents to attend college representative visits, please click to read more information about this policy.

On-Campus Visits:

Week 9/15

University of St. Andrews   9/15/14    9:05 AM

University of British Columbia   9/15/14   10:05 AM

Pacific Northwest College of Art    9/15/14   1:00 PM

Wellesley College    9/16/14    8:15 AM

California Institute of Technology   9/16/14   10:00 AM

Rutgers, State Univ. of NJ, New Brunswick   9/16/14     1:50 PM

St. Louis University     9/17/14   10:00 AM 

Davidson College    9/17/14   1:00 PM

New York University   9/17/14    2:00 PM

Clark University   9/18/14   8:15 AM

Scripps College   9/18/14    9:00 AM

Reed College   9/18/14  10:00 AM

Hamilton College - NY   9/18/14   10:45 AM

Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.    9/18/14    12:15 PM

Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign    9/18/14    1:00 PM

Smith College   9/19/14    8:15 AM

University of Puget Sound   9/19/14    9:00 AM

Rider University   9/19/14    10:00 AM

Northeastern University   9/19/14   10:45 AM

Western New England University   9/19/14   12:15  PM

Georgia Institute of Technology   9/19/14    1:00 PM

Princeton University   9/19/14   2:00 PM 

UCLA Film &TV   9/19/14    2:45 PM


Off-Campus Visits:

Duke University    9/14/14    4:00 PM     Palo Alto, CA   


Scholarships and contests/competitions expiring through September 26, 2014

Paly deadlines may be 2-4 weeks prior to public scholarship deadlines to allow for Paly TA and Guidance lead times. To learn about scholarships listed below and others login to Naviance using your user ID and password or login as a Guest with no password.  Click the "Colleges" tab, scroll to the  "scholarships and money" section, then click on the "scholarship list" link.  Click here for more information about scholarship resources. 


North Carolina State University The Park Scholarships - Deadline 9/15 
United States Senate Youth Program (for juniors and seniors) - Deadline 9/15 
Miami University of Ohio Bridges Visit Program - Deadline 9/16 
Bates College Prologue to Bates (Diversity Visit Program) - Deadline 9/17 
Lehigh University Diversity Achievers Program (Visit Program) - Deadline 9/17
University of North Carolina Morehead-Cain Scholarship - Deadline 9/17
Connecticut College Explore Weekend (Diversity Visit Program - Deadline 9/22  New 
Reed College Overnight Multicultural Experience (Visit Program) - Deadline 9/25  New 
RPI Science, Technology, Arts at Rensselaer Program (Visit Program) - Deadline 9/27  New 
Community ServiceCommSvc

Career & Community Engagement Updates & Opportunities New

Students who submitted Presidential Award & Transcript (seniors) Recognition:

Seniors>>Transcript will be updated with ALL of your hours (including previous years) at the beginning of October. You may order your transcript now, and then Paly registrar will add the community service hours and release your transcripts to colleges in time for Early Action, Early Decision, and regular deadlines.

All grades>>Families will receive an email and paper invitation in the mail in November for the December lunchtime ceremony.  We will contact students by email if there are any problems with application (please don't email). A list will be posted at in November.


Upcoming & Ongoing Opportunities by Interest Category New

Save the  "Get Involved" resources for students to make a difference in causes that match their interests. Sign up early, as many opportunities have limited time slots available!

1. Twitter @getinvolvedpa:

2. Get Involved Facebook:  Palo Alto

3. Get Involved Palo Alto website:

4. webpage

4. Bulletin boards, kiosk; on campus, Career Center (inside library) and Tower Building hallway.

Students looking for ways to get involved in your areas of interest? Stop by the Career & Community Engagement Center in the library. Student drop-in hours 11am-1pm daily. 

Coastal Clean Up Day
Sat. Sept. 20, 9am to noon, Baylands (Matadero or Adobe Creek)
The City of Palo Alto is hosting two Coastal Clean Up sites (sites 2 and 3) to clean up litter in the Baylands.  Please go to to sign up and be sure to bring your waivers.  Three hours of community service will be available.

The Environmental Volunteers 
Application Deadline is Wednesday, September 10
The Environmental Volunteers is accepting applications for motivated 9 - 12 grade students to participate in the EnPowered: Environmental Science & Leadership Club. EnPowered will meet after school once a month, from September 2014 - May 2015. Students who are accepted to the club will gain valuable leadership skills, learn about environmental science and conservation, and engage in unique service projects. Students must be able to attend ALL meetings, and upon successful completion of the program, each student can earn an education stipend or earn volunteer hours. To learn more, or to apply, please contact Rodrigo Alfaro at or call (650)493-8000 ext. 343

Upcoming Community Service Opportunities: See details here.
Watch the Paly Link for Community Service Events for students.
PASS and CAC for Special Education hosts Special Board Candidate Forum  New
Sat, Sept. 20, 10am, at Jordan Middle School, MP Room, 750 N. California Ave, Palo Alto
Please join School Board candidates for debate and discussion of visions and plans for our District. Issues they will deal with include Common Core adoption and assessment, parcel tax renewal, new school building and expansion, and social-emotional wellness as the PAUSD population continues to grow.  This is a great opportunity to speak directly to the candidates about your expectations and concerns, and hear answers to pressing questions.

2nd Annual Student Service Fair  New
Thurs, Sept 25, 6 -8 pm Jordan Middle School, MP Rm
Come meet all the organizations that are here to help support you and your children.  Learn about resiliency, academic support, parent resources, mental health service, volunteer opportunities and much more.  Student Nutrition Services will be demonstrating cooking techniques and providing dinner (6-7pm).  Childcare is provided (5+).  Spanish translation will be available.

Ask the Superintendent! Live TV Show

Thur, Oct 8, 6:30-7:30pm on Channel 28 
Have a question that you would like to ask our new Superintendent Max McGee?  We are collecting questions to use during Dr. McGee's first live TV show. This will be a live, call-in TV show, and we will also use the questions we receive prior to the show to inform our community.
Students, parents, and community members are welcome to send questions to: Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley, Communications Coordinator, PAUSD, 25 Churchill Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306 or via email at  Questions must be received by October 1, 2014.  Questions may be blended, if a prominent theme emerges.  Depending on volume, we may not be able to ask all the questions we receive.  Please contact Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley if you have any questions. 
Community Announcements

High School Seniors and Parents Needed for University of Michigan Study on Applying to College  New


I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan working on my dissertation, which is an exploration of how high school students and their families prepare for college. I am recruiting high school students who will be applying to college in Fall 2014 to participate in this study. Participation involves three personal interviews, each 1 � to 2 hours long, spaced out over the school year. Students will be compensated $20 for each interview. At least one parent or guardian must also agree to be interviewed three times during the school year.

For more information about this study, please contact Johanna Mass� at or 310.488.4670.

Buddies4Math: Help 2nd-5th Graders with Math, Earn Community Svc Hours

Most Fridays from 4:05-5:55pm, orientation September 19, 1st semester tutoring Sep 26-Dec 5 at Castro Elementary, 505 Escuela Ave., Mountain View

Buddies4Math is a great opportunity to help elementary school students who struggle with math while earning community service hours and working with friends. The program has had incredible quantifiable (STAR test) results, due in part to the work of Paly student volunteers. Volunteering for all sessions is roughly equivalent to half the requirements for the President's Volunteer Service Award. Contact or visit for additional information.


Stanford Teen Sleep Study

Ongoing, Stanford University

The Dept. of Psychiatry at Stanford University is conducting a study to help teens go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. The treatment involves use of a light device placed by the child's bedside and flashes periodically throughout the night. The study requires two visits to Stanford University, completing a sleep diary daily for five weeks, and weekly brief telephone calls to check in.  We are looking for teenagers who: are between ages 14-18, enrolled full-time in 9th-12th grades, have difficulty falling asleep and waking up in the morning, are not currently taking any medications for sleep, desire to go to bed at an earlier time, and don't sleep only in the prone (face-down) position. If you are interested, please contact Meital Mashash, Study Coordinator at: (650) 725-7767


Wellness Program For Moms of Teens: Mind Body Spirit Moms
Tuesdays, 9/2/14-11/18/14,  9:30-11:30 AM; Wednesdays, 9/3/14-11/19/14, 6:00-8:00 PM
Oshman Family JCC, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, CA
This 12-week holistic wellness program is designed to promote the health and well-being of moms with pre-teens / teens ages 11-19 years old. Moms come together to nurture their minds, hearts, and bodies in a supportive community through the practice of mindfulness meditation, gentle yoga, authentic sharing and community building exercises. Each week different themes are discussed, such as self-compassion, setting limits, boundaries, positive discipline, managing strong emotions, self-care, the importance of play, etc. An emphasis will be placed on creating meaningful relationships among group members both within and outside of the group setting.
Contact Info: Jaclyn Long, MFT, 650.296.2299,

For Dads Only: The Joys and Challenges of Raising Daughters

Tues, Sept. 16, 7-9pm, Parents Place Palo Alto, 200 Channing Avenue

Research shows that a close relationship with their father-or another positive adult male-is crucial to girls' healthy development. We will discuss the many ways dads model for and guide their daughters, provide information about child development, and suggest father-daughter activities that can help men increase their knowledge and satisfaction in their role as fathers.  $40.  With Kirk Stuepfert, MSW. Register here.


Allergy Friendly Eats Tour at Whole Foods Palo Alto  New
Sept 24, 11am & 4pm Whole Foods, 774 Emerson St
Need some allergy friendly snack ideas for playdates, birthday parties or holidays that are delicious and kid-approved? Please be sure to drop by the Stanford Allergy Center information table to learn about food allergies.

2nd Annual Student Service Fair

Thurs, Sept. 25, 6-8pm Jordan Middle School MP Room

Come meet all the organizations that are here to help support you and your children.  Learn about resiliency, academic support, parent resources, mental health service, volunteer opportunities and much more.  Student Nutrition Services will be demonstrating cooking techniques and providing dinner (6-7pm).  Childcare is provided (5+).  Spanish translation will be available.

Success By Design: Is it Possible? 
Fri, Sept. 26, 7-9pm, Memorial Auditorium, Stanford University
Tickets are $10.00 (students under 18 are free) and can be purchased on our website:

FUN Volunteer Opportunity - Duveneck Elementary Harvest Carnival
Sat, Sept. 27, 12-3 pm, Duveneck Elementary School, 705 Alester Ave.
Duveneck Elementary School is looking for fun, enthusiastic student volunteers to help at its annual  Harvest Carnival. We need help with set-up (starting at 9:00 am), staffing game & food booths, and clean-up (until 5:30 pm). Students will be given Community Service credit for their volunteer hours and a hot dog lunch. Please sign up at  Questions?

2014 Palo Alto Emergency Preparedness & Home Safety Faire  New
Sun, Sept 28, 1pm-4pm.,Multi-Purpose Room of El Carmelo School, 3024 Bryant Street
There will be fun raffles prizes, free gifts to the first 75 attendees, hands-on activities for children. Most importantly you can learn to prepare for your safety and well-being.  Scoop ice cream truck will also be there to keep us cool.  

Japan Tsuchiura Festival

Sun, Sept. 28, 10-4pm, Lucie Stern Community Center

The festival will celebrate the 5th anniversary of Palo Alto's sister-city relationship with Tsuchiura, Japan. Palo Alto's relationship with this region of Japan goes back further to 1995. The festival will also share highlights of Japanese culture with our visitors. Tsuchiura City will be sending a team of Japanese dancers and a Zen Master, and there will be Zen meditation sessions, tea ceremonies, martial arts demonstrations, Mochitsuki, games and food. The festival is hosted by Neighbors Abroad of Palo Alto, and co-sponsored by City of Palo Alto and Tsuchiura City. Visit for more information.


What Will Our Education System Look Like In 20 Years?  New
Tue, Sep. 30, 6 - 9pmThe University Club Main Dining Room, 3277 Miranda Avenue Palo Alto
Dartmouth Silicon Valley invites you examine THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION IN CALIFORNIA at a reception and panel discussion with State Board of Education President Dr. Michael Kirst, PAUSD Superintendent Dr. Max McGee, San Carlos School Board Member Seth Rosenblatt, and Palo Alto Unified School District Math Teacher Elizabeth Fee.  $20 per person (Includes program, reception, hors d'oeuvres), PLEASE RSVP BY SEPTEMBER 23,

Raising a Highly Sensitive Child

Tues, Sept. 30, 7-9 pm,Parents Place Palo Alto, 200 Channing Avenue

Highly sensitive children can be challenging to guide. Learn more about supporting your child's intense reactions to the environment and strategies for teaching coping skills. With Denise Salin, MFT $40. Register here.


Palo Alto Art Center Presents- The 2014 Great Glass Pumpkin Patch�  New

Exhibition dates:: Oct. 7-8, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., and Oct. 9- 10, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 
Sale dates are Oct. 11-12, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The Great Glass Pumpkin Patch will rise again as 10,000 hand-blown glass pumpkins will be exhibited. More than 20 prominent glass artisans have created a dazzling array of one-of-a-kind glass pumpkins and other unique glass art objects.  Proceeds from the sale of the glass pumpkins support the three presenting organizations: the Bay Area Glass Institute; Palo Alto Art Center; and Palo Alto Art Center Foundation, as well as participating artists. For a complete list of pumpkin patch artists, please go to:

The Palo Alto Philharmonic Association's Concerto Movement Competition for Bay Area Youth New
The Palo Alto Philharmonic is sponsoring a Concerto Movement Competition open to school-aged music students, both instrumentalists and vocalists. Applicants must be students from the greater Bay Area who have not yet graduated from high school as of December 31, 2014. Each applicant should submit an unedited and unaccompanied CD of his or her performance of a movement from a concerto or concert piece for soloist and orchestra, of approximately 5 to 15 minutes. Applications, along with the audio CD and a non-refundable fee of $30 must be postmarked by December 31, 2014. For more info:
About the Paly LinkAbout

The Paly Link is a Paly PTSA publication, emailed on Sundays, except during school breaks and holidays. Changes will be highlighted as New/Updated/Corrected.


Deadline for submittals: noon on Saturday, the day before publication. Flyers must be submitted by noon on Thursday. Items run no earlier than 3 weeks before the event.

To submit an item, send to palylink@paloaltopta.orgSee submission instructions here. Include a header or title line, then a line listing the date, time and location of the event. Follow with a brief (2-4 sentence) description of the activity, with the most important information first.  List email, contact information and web links last.  Items are published at the discretion of the editors. 

--Stefanie Wilen, Shuchi Grover, and Carlene Kemmerer, Paly Link Editors
--Bala Aiyar, Paly Link List Manager and Gordon Craig, Paly Link Webmaster 

Click Here to sign up a new email address to receive the Link. Click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link below to update an existing address.

Paly Link on the Web, Paly PTSA Web Site,
Paly Web Site, Paly Sports,

Palo Alto PTA Council Web SiteParent Education Events,
Community Service, Community Sports  
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