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Below are two organizations who have received grants from the
Leo Buscaglia Foundation. 

    Los Angeles House of Ruth                  The Heart Touch Project
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact our Executive Director, Jeff Jordan, at

The Los Angeles House of Ruth 

Los Angeles House of Ruth was founded in 1978 through a joint effort of several women's organizations and church groups to serve homeless women and children.  They have grown from a four-bed transitional shelter to four houses, with 80 beds, serving over 180 women and children each year.  The shelter provides on-site services of meals, mental health counseling, medical health referrals, crisis intervention, life skills training, case management, childcare and other vital support services.  

In their 34 years of service, they have provided shelter to over 3,800 women and children and have achieved a 90% annual success rate in placing these families into permanent housing and a 95% rate of keeping them there long-term.  Los Angeles House of Ruth also supports an additional 500+ individuals with referrals for food, medical care, shelter and other services.     


Click here for more information on Los Angeles House of Ruth

The Heart Touch Project    

The Heart Touch Project of Santa Monica, CA provides therapeutic touch care to hospitalized infants, children and adults on hospice.  Their founding mission was to provide therapeutic touch care to persons suffering from HIV/AIDS.  Since then Heart Touch has led by example and has blossomed into an organization of hundreds of volunteers that give their time on a weekly basis to provide therapeutic touch to critically ill or dying children, infants and adults.

Through their International Outreach Program, they have witnessed a change in the way children and infants suffering from HIV/AIDS are treated in areas where they have worked.  While many of these children are considered "untouchable", the example of their volunteers holding and touching these children and infants has fostered a change in attitude among their local caregivers.  The experience of seeing a person unafraid to touch and hold a child or infant suffering from HIV/AIDS seems to have alleviated some of their caregiver's fears. 


Click here for additional information on The Heart Touch Project.

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