Headlines: New DEM Announced, Assembly Updates, and more.
Joining neighbors, serving boldly, loving all, through Christ.
The South Carolina Lutheran eNews
Rev. Rick Carter Announced as New Director for Evangelical Mission
We are delighted to announce the calling of our new Director of Evangelical Mission Pastor Rick Carter who will begin his ministry with the South Carolina Synod on July 5th. We look forward to the many gifts he brings for outreach renewal and for starting new mission communities.
Richard Carter, M.Div., is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of American (ELCA), and currently serves as pastor of Amazing Grace, Waxhaw, North Carolina and Crossroads, Indian Land, South Carolina. He began his ministry with Amazing Grace and Crossroads as a Mission Developer. Both congregations are now organized congregations of the ELCA. Prior to his Call as a Mission Developer, Pastor Carter served the greater church as a Pastoral Therapist with the Methodist Counseling and Consultation Services of Charlotte, North Carolina. Other areas of interest include organizational and leadership coaching. He is the co-author of the Metanoia Process, a servant leadership coaching model for change, and a certified coach through Duke University School of Business in Leadership Coaching. He received his Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
When asked about his new position, Pastor Carter said, "I enjoy working with congregations and pastoral leadership to create positive change and to develop a strong missional identity. I look forward to serving as DEM to the South Carolina Synod and continuing the vision of joining neighbors, serving boldly and loving all through Christ."
2016 Assembly Combined Choir and Church Banner Procession
Calling all Singers: Join an Assembly Choir for Thursday evening worship at Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Columbia! Singers will need to bring their own robe and music. We are singing Beautiful Savior, arr. Christensen. Singers should report to the choir room at 6:00. The choir room is located downstairs from the Sanctuary.
Each Congregation of the Synod is asked to bring their church banner to process. Those churches planning to participate (and we hope you each will participate) in the procession of banners should plan to bring their own pole and stand and a person who will process and carry the banner into the worship.
Pastors please send the name of the person who will process with your banner, and the number of people from your church who are planning to sing in the choir to David Turner at dturner@ebenezerlutheran.org by June 2nd.
A Red Door Opportunity
Question: Why are Bishop Herman and Pastors Ginny and Eric holding up 2 red doors in front of the synod office?
Possible Answers: (choose one)
  1. The color red makes them look good. 
  2. They are thinking about installing them in their offices in remembrance of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. 
  3. To demonstrate that they are coordinated enough to hold up two doors and smile at the same time. 
  4. To remind everyone that there will be a Red Door Display inside the assembly hall this June 9-11 where congregations are invited to "nail" (or use thumb tacks) on these doors pictures from Operation InAsMuch of neighbors they have served!
If you checked "4" you're right. With this Assembly being our kick off to the 500th observance of the Reformation, what better way to reflect Luther's teaching of being "Christ" to our neighbors than by displaying pictures and project from the synod-wide Operation InAsMuch that will happen this Saturday, April 16, all across our state.
Bring your pictures and help tell the story of how you were out in the community sharing the love of Jesus.
Human / Sex Trafficking
This year at the 2016 Synod Assembly the topic of Human/Sex Trafficking will be addressed during one of the Discipleship Experiences. It is an ongoing and growing problem in our country. ICare4 and Lutheran Services Carolinas are partnering to bring information on ways our congregations may help. One way during the Assembly Discipleship Experience will be to decorate canvas tote bags with a painted design and then pack them with essential items for emergency relief. Many of the children, young men and women who are rescued only have the clothes they are wearing when rescued. The Discipleship Committee extends to all congregations the opportunity to donate items to pack into these bags.Listed below are items your Voting Members and Visitors may bring to assembly registration desk.
  • T- Shirts size; small-extra large
  • Pants-stretchy, mid-calf in the style of exercise pants; small-extra large
  • Hair care products for both Caucasian, Hispanic and African American Hair combs, picks and/or brushes
  • Hair Twisty etc...
  • Personal Care Items-Tooth brushes, Tooth paste, Deodorant
  • Notepads (journal style) and pen
  • Small Reusable water bottle
  • Small stuffed animal
  • Inspirational notes
LRU holds joint commencement ceremony in Columbia, S.C.
Lenoir-Rhyne University's Center for Graduate Studies of Columbia and the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary held a joint commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 21 at Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Columbia, S.C. A reception sponsored by the Seminary Auxiliary immediately followed the service.
A Baccalaureate Service was also held the Friday before commencement, May 20 at 7 p.m., with a reception following.
This was the inaugural commencement ceremony for LRU's graduate center in Columbia, which opened its doors to students and faculty in the fall of 2014. The Center's opening on the seminary campus brought LRU's Clinical Mental Health Counseling program to a third location and added an additional fully online Human Services program to the list of graduate degree options. Both programs are service oriented and consistent with the University's mission of providing a Christ-centered, caring community. The Center is housed on the garden level of Beam Hall, which received a major renovation prior to opening.
Now Available: Evangelical Lutheran Worship Braille Edition: Service Music and Hymns
Evangelical Lutheran Worship Braille Edition: Service Music and Hymns presents the words of Evangelical Lutheran Worship #151-893 (Service Music and Hymns) on Braille-embossed pages.
Over 1,600 pages of Braille are produced on sturdy paper stock in a standard 11 x 11.5 page size. Pages are loose-leaf, three-hole punched, and enclosed in eight red hardcover binders. Each binder includes a cover sheet that is both printed and embossed, indicating the page range in that binder. The loose-leaf format helps the user select and remove pages to be used in worship for a given occasion.
The complete texts for all 743 service music items and hymns from the Pew Edition are included. The transcription uses Unified English Braille (UEB), implemented as the new standard for use beginning Jan. 1, 2016, by the Braille Authority of North America. This new standard is designed to be easily readable by those familiar with the previous standard, while being more accessible to new Braille users.
All contents have been prepared and thoroughly reviewed by experienced Braille users and in cooperation with the Disability Ministry section of the ELCA's Domestic Mission unit. This edition will be shipped direct from the manufacturer upon completion. To order your copy today, visit evangelicallutheranworship.org or call Augsburg Fortress at 800-328-4648.
A Webcast with Presiding Bishop Eaton
Do the people in our pews reflect the people in our neighborhoods? How do we invite and welcome our neighbors? Join Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton tonight from 8-9 pm (Eastern) for a live webcast exploring what it means to be a welcoming congregation. Invite a group and explore these questions together. Get more information or watch the webcast at http://elca.org/webcast or http://livestream.com/elca.
Bridges Together
Bridges Together brings religious, social and law enforcement communities together. This comprehensive event takes place at 6::30 p.m. on Thursday, May 26 at Living Springs Lutheran Church (4224 Hard Scrabble Rd, Columbia, SC 29223). Featured speakers include Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott, Iman Omar Shaheed, Rabbi Johnathan Case, Chief Deputy Wash James, and Bishop Herman Yoos.
Community Memorial Day Service
Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church will again host a Community Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 30, at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. A reception will follow the service in the Fellowship Hall. The service will feature The Palmetto Mastersingers who will present a selection of patriotic music. All Veterans and their Branches of Service will also be recognized. The church is located at 3011 Leaphart Road, West Columbia, SC and the cost is FREE. For more information, please call the church office at 794-6430 or contact Wynne Price at 920-4087.
Help Wanted: Lutheran Services Carolinas - SC Development Officer
Lutheran Services Carolinas is currently seeking a Development Officer for South Carolina with 2-3 years experience in fund development or related field. The person works closely with the Chief Development Officer, the Director of Development, development and communications staff, and program staff to help plan and manage development strategies and tactics that advance the mission of LSC. Specifically, the position coordinates local outreach to and engagement with a broad variety of people and groups including existing and prospective donors, congregations, volunteers and other interested individuals and organizations. The development officer is expected to live in South Carolina and travel is required (up to 50%) primarily in South Carolina.
For more information, or to apply, visit http://www.lscarolinas.net/who-we-are/employment-careers/.
Help Wanter: Director of Family and Youth Ministries - St. Luke, Florence
The Director of Family and Youth Ministries reports to and serves at the discretion of the pastor and is a member of the ministry staff. The position ministers primarily to grades 5 - 12 and the transitional periods before and after, including involvement of the families of the youth in the life of the congregation and the youth ministry program. Current youth programs for education and growth in the Christian faith include Sunday School, Confirmation Program, LCY, Family Fellowship Week, Alive at 5 and the Children's Christmas Program. The Director of Family and Youth Ministries assists the pastor, along with lay leaders, in our Wednesday and Sunday morning liturgies, Children's Church and children's message.
For more information on how to apply, visit scsynod.com/careers.
The ELCA World Hunger Tream is hiring: Program Assistant
This team member will serve as a key collaborator and support for ELCA World Hunger engagement activities, including network cultivation and planning, events and communication and will specifically work to support and grow emerging networks (e.g., youth and young adults, ethnic specific ministries), tools (e.g., peer-to-peer giving and social media) and strategies. Applications are due Friday, May 27.
Walking together
Erik and Tauna Roth have been called to serve in Tokyo, where Erik leads the English-speaking congregation. Recently, they came to understand accompaniment through a story about their daughter, Nozomi. As they reflect on what it means to be a missionary and to serve around the world, the importance of being fully present with one another trumps all else.
The new ELCA Federal Credit Union will open soon
The new ELCA Federal Credit Union, with offices in the Lutheran Center Building in Chicago, will soon be open for business. The grand opening celebration will be Monday, June 6. ELCA members, congregations, synods and the churchwide organization-and their employees-are all eligible to join the credit union to take advantage of a portfolio of deposit accounts, loans and other services. This new ELCA-sponsored credit union supports the ELCA's mission to promote responsible stewardship of members' and congregations' financial resources. Because this is a financial cooperative, credit union members will see more competitive rates on deposits and loans, fewer fees and enhanced services. Learn more by visiting the credit union website, elcafcu.org. As a financial institution rooted in your faith community, the ELCA Federal Credit Union looks forward to serving you.
New issue of Giving magazine
Take hold of the life that really is life
Do you think it would be beneficial for people to learn as the apostle Paul did to be content with whatever they have? In this edition of Giving, Christian stewardship thought leaders from throughout North America offer spiritual insights and practical ideas for finding contentment through simpler living. The center section offers guidelines for creating a financial stewardship emphasis, including resources for four worship services and a special meal event.
And a time to laugh...
Out of the mouths of God's children...
A small boy told a Sunday school teacher: "When you die, God takes care of you like your parents did when you were alive - only God doesn't yell at you all the time."
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