Update: Urgent Need in Georgetown Area
Joining neighbors, serving boldly, loving all, through Christ.
The South Carolina Lutheran eNews
From Rev. Vicki Powell
The people of Georgetown County and Trinity Lutheran Church are grateful for the outpouring of love and kindness that has been shown to them. We at Trinity did not sustain any significant damage nor did any of the families within the church. However, those living within the county along the rivers and creeks are the pictures you have seen on the TV.
A significant number of people have been displaced from their homes, many lost their vehicles due to the flood waters. Needs assessment is ongoing but what is needed at this point is the following: food, furniture, some cleaning supplies. Volunteers will be needed later on. I will forward further information as soon as it is available.
Thank you for the prayers as we continue to pray for all of you throughout the state.
How you may help
Early on through this disaster, three collection points were set up in the Midlands area. Our plan at this time is to collect desperately needed non-perishable food items, furniture and cleaning supplies for the Georgetown County area at the same locations:
Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church
1000 B Ave.
West Columbia, SC 29169
(803) 796-5948
Lutheran Church of the Reformation
1118 Union St.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 252-1507
Bethel Lutheran Church
2081 Dutch Fork Rd.
White Rock, SC 29177
(803) 781-2134
A truck will collect and transport donations from these locations to Georgetown on Friday, October 30th.
Financial donations are critical to immediately support those in need.
Checks or money orders should be sent and made payable to:
South Carolina Synod, ELCA
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Write "Flooding" on the memo line.
As Rev. Powell said, there will be a need for volunteers in time. If you are available to volunteer, or you have a need where volunteers would be useful, please contact our volunteer coordinator - Rev. Roy Butler at:
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