Flooding Update
Joining neighbors, serving boldly, loving all, through Christ.
The South Carolina Lutheran eNews
From Bishop Yoos
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The psalmist writes: "Therefore we will not fear though the waters rage and foam...for the Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our stronghold." These words express all too well the devastating floods that have inundated our state these past few days. Homes have been destroyed, cars have floated away, roads and dams have been broken, bridges have fallen and some lives lost.
The ELCA South Carolina Synod is deeply grateful for the outpouring of love and prayers for the people of South Carolina in the midst of severe flooding. Homes have been destroyed. Bridges and dams in neighborhoods have collapsed. Interstate highways and roads have been compromised in the worst storm since records have been kept in this state. The ELCA Conference of Bishops, meeting in Chicago this week, prayed at its Sunday worship service and again on Monday for all who have suffered and are continuing to suffer. Offerings from Sunday's worship were designated for the victims of the wildfires in Northern California. Bishop Mark Holmerud from the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod asked the Conference of Bishops to divide the offerings to include the people of South Carolina. Another ELCA bishop asked for a chance to take up a second offering for both synods before we leave Chicago.
These generous expressions of love and compassion for all impacted by these floods is deeply appreciated. Right now designated flood relief funds should be sent to the South Carolina Synod and / or Lutheran Disaster Response.
The synod is located at 1003 Richland St., Columbia, S.C. 29201.
To send gifts to ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response go to https://community.elca.org/usfloodingrelief.
In working closely with Lutheran Services of Carolinas and Lutheran Disaster Response, we continue to assess the damages and we will begin to develop strategies for volunteer relief and long term recovery efforts over the next weeks and months to come.
Please continue to hold us in your prayers.
God's peace,
Bishop Herman Yoos
Flooding in the Carolinas
The situation:
The Carolinas have endured catastrophic rainfall that has shattered records and left unprecedented scenes of flooding in its wake. The hardest-hit areas stretch from Columbia, in the middle of South Carolina, all the way to the coast. The flooding has led to the death of nine people, tens of thousands are without power, major highways and interstates have been closed, and homes have been completely destroyed.
Our response:
Lutheran Disaster Response will work to bring God's hope, healing and renewal to those who have been affected by the floodwaters. In the days, weeks and months ahead we will continue to work with our partners on the ground, helping to restore communities. Your gifts will help address the unmet needs of those impacted by the flooding, and together we stand ready to provide assistance for long-term recovery efforts.
What you can do:
Pray for those whose lives were lost, homes destroyed and whose businesses are under water. Grant them peace and healing. You can use these prayers and resources in your worship services.
Your gifts are needed now to help with flood relief. Gifts designated for "U.S. Flooding" will be used in full (100 percent) to assist those directly impacted.
To learn more about the situation and the ELCA's response:
  • Use this bulletin insert to inform others of the ELCA's response to U.S. flooding.
  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Check the Lutheran Disaster Response blog.
More Information
If you were impacted by flooding in South Carolina, we may be able to help you with flood related costs. Apply for aid at www.disasterassistance.gov or by calling 800-621-3362. If you use a TTY, call 800-462-7585
People with life-threatening emergencies should call 911.
South Carolina Emergency Management Division 24-hour question line: 1-866-246-0133.
State road conditions: 1-855-467-2368 (Between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.)
Please be aware that when donating gift cards there is often a time limit on when they may be used.
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