Weigand Trust
October News from the Weigand Trust


Can you believe the Weigand Trust has now been awarding scholarships to Kansas' top home-grown talent for ten years?  Neither can we!  A lot has changed during the Trust's first decade, both in our organization and in the world.  It's important in any family or organization to take time to reflect on their progress, and as we celebrate our Tenth Anniversary, we did just that (and had a little fun too!).  Click here  to see our short reflection video.



The Weigand Trust's First "Family" Reunion
Celebrating Ten Years and an Established Legacy of Excellence


Click here to see photo gallery of our Weigand Retreat! 

By Meghan J. McEvoy (Washburn '12)


The weekend of October 5-6, 2013, was one for the record books.  Twenty-five Weigand scholars and their spouses or significant others celebrated the Weigand Trust's Tenth Anniversary with a retreat in Arlington, Texas.  The retreat's main event was Notre Dame's annual "Shamrock Series," a home football game at a neutral site.  This year's game featured the Fighting Irish against the Arizona State Sun Devils, playing at lavish AT&T Stadium (formerly Dallas Cowboys Stadium). 


Although the Shamrock Series was the main event, the weekend was more about "family" than it was about football.  A group of sixteen early-arrivers kicked off the weekend with dinner together on Friday evening.  On Saturday, the rest of the scholars trickled in, gathering for a Tex-Mex meal and mixer.  During the mixer, scholars had the opportunity to meet other scholars who they had never met or with whom they were unfamiliar and reconnect with others.  At least two scholars from each of the Trust's first ten years were present.


The presence of so many former scholars stood out to current scholar Katie Jo Baumgardner, a 2L at Notre Dame.  "As someone who spends the majority of the year away at school, it was very special for me to have the chance to meet all of the Weigands from across Kansas," said Baumgardner.


After some interesting icebreakers (apparently nine out of ten Weigands prefer steak to chicken!), the group-outfitted in matching Irish Green "Weigand" jerseys-made its way to the tailgate party, which featured award-winning Texas-style BBQ.  Trustees Nestor Weigand, JD Munley, and Gerry O'Shaughnessy joined the scholars at the tailgate.  Inaugural Weigand Scholars Kristen Van Saun Toner (KU '05, '06) and Joel Bannister (KU '05) presented the Trustees with footballs signed by the scholars to thank the Trustees for their leadership and dedication to the Trust.  When asked what he enjoyed most about the retreat, Trustee J.D. Munley said, "I always enjoy spending time with the scholars.  They are a great group of people, and the family is proud of all of them." 


Finally, it was Game Time!  The scholars were amazed at the size of the Cowboys stadium, as well as the massive jumbotron screen-all of which showcased an incredible game, which saw the Fighting Irish pull out an important victory.  When asked what she enjoyed most about the retreat, Toner did not hesitate, exclaiming, "The Notre Dame win!"  Toner had not seen a Notre Dame game in person since 2009, so the opportunity to do so held special meaning for her.  Scholars and their guests celebrated the win with pizza and beverages at a post-game party at the hotel.


On Sunday morning, perhaps the most vital part of the retreat occurred.  Scholars and their guests participated in Trust planning sessions focusing on how to continue improving the Trust over the next ten years.  Tim Belsan (Washburn '07, '08, '09) explained the importance of these sessions.


"The Trust planning sessions were our opportunity to get the direct involvement of the scholars, spouses, and significant others who attended the retreat," Belsan said. "The real strength of the Weigand Trust lies in the scholars and their continued involvement.  The opportunity to have so many of the scholars involved in vision casting and brainstorming was invaluable."


During the planning sessions, many scholars expressed interest in holding future all-scholar retreats or get-togethers.  The scholars also discussed how the evolution of the practice of law might affect the future of the Trust.  It was enlightening for scholars to hear the input of their spouses and significant others as well.


After the planning sessions, the scholars presented Trust Director Claudette Glenn with a signed Weigand jersey and a beautiful bouquet of flowers to thank their "favorite aunt" for all of her hard work in planning the retreat.


As the retreat came to an end, there was a general consensus among the scholars about the promising future of the Trust.  The scholars left feeling invigorated and energized.  Many scholars noted the reminders of J.L. Weigand, Jr. at every turn of the retreat-from the gift bag containing Planters Peanuts and J&B Scotch at check-in to the specially-commissioned J&B Scotch dessert at the tailgate, and finally to one of J.L.'s greatest passions: Notre Dame football.


Through all of these reminders, as well as through several new videos which will be featured on the Trust website, the scholars were reminded of the generosity and vision of J.L.


"The newest J.L. video offers insight into the life of a man whose generosity has touched us all, and it was great to hear his family, friends, and colleagues talk about his life and legacy," said Baumgardner.


The family-centered nature of the Weigand Trust was on full display, as scholars enjoyed connecting with some of their closest friends and welcoming new members of the Weigand family.  It is safe to say that the first "Weigand Family Reunion" was a success!


Weigand's Newest Grads Hit the Ground Running
2013 bears witness to the growing legacy of J.L. Weigand, Jr. 


Hanson, Pyle, Burch

By Sam Foreman (Washburn '09, '10, '11) 


In the same year that the J.L. Weigand, Jr. Notre Dame Legal Education Trust celebrates its tenth anniversary, it welcomes three graduates to the legal profession. Sarah Burch (Notre Dame), Kendra Hanson (Washburn) and Jeff Pyle (Kansas) all recently passed their bar examinations and began practicing law in August.


Burch is now a part of the labor and employment team with Foulston Siefken LLP in Wichita.  "I loved my employment-related classes in law school and am excited to see how the theories I learned about in class actually work in practice," said Burch. "The employment team was my top choice and I could not be happier with my placement."  


Seigfreid Bingham, PC in Kansas City welcomed Hanson in August. Hanson's practice will focus on civil defense and business litigation.  "It feels strange to not be returning to school for the first time, but I really enjoy my job,"  said Hanson.   When asked what she enjoys about practicing law, Hanson replied "I love that every day is different: I can be researching claims or defenses for clients and writing memos one day and then drafting pleadings the next."


Pyle has already gained quality experience as an associate with Martindell Swearer Shaffer Ridenour LLP in Hutchinson.  "I've been meeting clients since day one--since about 10:30 on day one, in fact," said Pyle.  "I've participated in mediations, drafted settlement agreements and motions. I've also been working on a lot of estate litigation."


The graduates are swiftly making the transition from the hypothetical world of the classroom to the real world of practicing law.  "Working in the real world is considerably different than law school.  Everything is much faster paced, and more important" said Burch.  Pyle has been involved in a significant school finance case as part of representing a number of local school districts.  Hanson has also found the adjustment exciting. "The work is interesting and challenging, and I'm always learning something new.  I work with great attorneys who have given me excellent opportunities from the start, including meeting and working with clients on my own," said Hanson.


Life after law school has provided plenty of opportunities for the scholars to settle into their new communities.  Pyle has enjoyed grilling and sampling the local fare in Hutchinson, including the Airport, Bogey's and the ice cream made with liquid nitrogen at the Kansas State Fair.  Burch has taken advantage of settling into Foulston Siefken with the support of several fellow Weigand scholars. "It has been nice having a few Weigand Scholars around the office to go to with questions and talk to during firm events," said Burch.

Congratulations to the 2013 graduates as they embark upon their legal careers! 



Eric Pauly Awarded Alumni of the Year!
Eric Pauly

By Richard Budden (Washburn '12)


A wise man once said: "When you accept the Weigand scholarship, you're choosing to be a part of a group, not only while you are in law school, but really, for the rest of your life." That man was Eric Pauly (Washburn '06, '07, '08), and living out this insight has landed him the Mentor of the Year award for 2013. 


From meeting for lunch to answering emails, Pauly has played the role of mentor for Sam Foreman, Joel Griffiths, Richard Budden, and KU 1L Matthew Schippers this year. This group of attorneys exemplifies Pauly's sphere of influence, best described by Claudette Glenn at the Ten Year Anniversary weekend in Arlington, Texas: "If you attended Washburn, if you live in Wichita, or if you have worked at Foulston, in some way official or unofficial, directly or indirectly, you've been influenced and mentored by Eric Pauly."


Joel Griffiths, a coworker and mentee of Pauly, says: "Having Eric as a mentor has been an invaluable resource. His willingness to talk about a variety of areas, from answering mundane legal questions to reminiscing about our college football days, has shown me that he really cares about fellow Weigand Scholars. I think it is wonderful that Eric is getting the recognition that he deserves."


The author of this article is personally grateful for Pauly's advice on searching for a potential post-clerkship law firm and balancing the rigors of a time-intense career in law with a robust family life.


The same wise man quoted at the beginning of this piece also said: "I think there's a certain responsibility that we have to J.L. Weigand and to each other to carry on the tradition that he created." Eric Pauly has shouldered this responsibility well, and has set the bar high for future mentors, ensuring the quality and vitality of the Trust's legacy.


The trustees, current scholars, and alumni appreciate your efforts, Eric. Well done!


J.L. - Always a Mentor

We had the good fortune of interviewing several attorneys who began their career under J.L. straight out of law school.  

This video illustrates how investing in others was a way of life for J.L. Weigand, Jr.   

Open House 2014
We need you!
We came away from our Retreat with two strong messages:  Weigands want opportunities to get together more often, and we desire more alumni participation in the scholarship selection process.

We've merged these ideas for our upcoming Open House.

DATE:  Saturday, March 8, 2014
PLACE:  Wichita, KS
Lunch:  All Weigands and Guests invited
Afternoon:  Teams of alumni interview semi-finalists (activities for guests will be planned)
Evening:  Annual Open House with Guest Speaker
Late Night:  For those who desire, a social activity will be planned.

Please mark your calendar.  It'll be a great opportunity to reconnect with family members, and to be an important part of selecting our newest scholars.  Watch your email for more details! 
J.L. Among Us!
J.L. Weigand appears in our photo contest entries

Click here to see a slide show of all the still shot entries to our photo contest.  

Now Accepting Applications!
Spread the word!
Our application window is open, and we are now accepting online applications for the 2014-2015 school year.

If you know of a worthy candidate, please encourage them to apply!
Upcoming Chapter Meetings

Gold Pin
TOPEKA:  Lunch, Wednesday Nov. 20

KANSAS CITY:  Dinner, Wednesday, Nov. 20

WICHITA:  Dinner, Thursday, Nov. 21