Weekly Newsletter        |        April 12, 2016
In This Issue
Message from the BALIF Board 
Have you voted yet? If not, it is not too late! All BALIF members have now received a ballot via email and may cast their votes electronically. You may also cast your vote in person this Thursday at our Annual Meeting at the Sausage Factory in the Castro district of San Francisco, details below. Come and mingle with the board, other members, and some of the candidates running. Voting closes at 7:00 pm. If you are not currently a BALIF member you can renew or sign up for a membership at any time prior to the close of voting this Thursday and still vote in this election. Please email me at john@jru-law.com or email Katie, our BALIF administrator, at balif@balif.org if you have any questions.


John Unruh
BALIF Board Co-Chair
BALIF Board 2016 Elections
Vote by this Thursday!
Thank you to everyone who submitted statements and nominations.  Let the campaign season begin!  Good luck to all of the candidates!    
Elections will be online starting on April 6, 2016 and there will be an opportunity to vote in person at BALIF's annual general membership meeting on Thursday, April 14, 2016 from 6 - 8:30pm. The results will be announced at the end of the meeting.
Questions about the Board? Thinking about seeking a position? Feel free to contact Peter Catalanotti at secretary@balif.org
Spring Diversity Mixer May 12, 2016

BALIF Partner Exchange Luncheon
When: Friday, April 22, 2016; and Thursday, May 19, 2016

Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Where: San Francisco City Club (155 Sansome, 10th Floor)
What: Gourmet buffet lunch with other partners and firm owners
Cost: $40 payable by cash or check only
BALIF has created the BALIF Partner Exchange to bring together our members that are looking to network and exchange business and ideas.  This event is exclusively for BALIF members who are partners or owners of their firm with 7 years or more of experience. 

I am always looking for topics so let me know if there is something you'd like to discuss at an upcoming luncheon.
Space is limited so only the first 11 to RSVP to jdupree@fddcm.com may attend. 

BALIF Endorses Paul Henderson
for San Francisco Superior Court
BALIF is proud to announce the endorsement of Paul Henderson in the election for Seat 7 of the San Francisco Superior Court.  The election will be held on June 7, 2016.

Paul currently serves as the Deputy Chief of Staff & Public Safety Director for Mayor Edwin Lee of San Francisco.  The decision was made by the BALIF Board of Directors after the unanimous recommendation of the BALIF Judiciary Committee.

"Paul Henderson has been committed to BALIF's mission for many years.  He will make an excellent judge and we are honored to deliver BALIF's endorsement," said Denise Bergin, BALIF Judiciary Committee Co-Chair. "Paul will bring a commitment to civic duty, extensive experience inside and outside to the courtroom, and a great judicial temperament to the bench."

Paul is an experienced courtroom litigator and has led a distinguished career. Prior to joining the Mayor's Office, Paul served as the Chief of Administration for the San Francisco District Attorney's Office for then District Attorney Kamala Harris, and as a trial prosecutor for the City of San Francisco.

Check out Paul's It Gets Better video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xImHdPkjyu4

BALIF Amicus Brief Archive Now Online
For more than thirty years, BALIF has been participating as amicus - a friend of the court - in major cases raising issues of concern to the LGBT community and our allies. Check out the new archive on BALIF's website, where you can learn more about BALIF's amicus participation and read BALIF's briefs on a wide range of issues, including: the rights of same-sex parents and partners; the unconstitutionality of state sodomy statutes; the interpretation of disability civil rights laws to people with HIV/AIDS; Don't Ask, Don't Tell; the scope of Title VII and other workplace protections for LGBTs under federal and California law; the asserted First Amendment rights of organizations that explicitly exclude LGBTs; marriage equality; medical care for transgender prisoners; and more.
Please contact BALIF's Amicus Committee Chair, Julie Wilensky, amicus@balif.org, with any questions about or additions to the archive.
BALIF 2016 Gala Photos Online

The BALIF gala photos are finally here! Please find them on the BALIF website at, http://www.balif.org/photos and click on "BALIF Gala 2016".

Share the pictures and feel free to tag your friends! Just make sure to tag BALIF on Facebook and twitter! 

"Prenuptial Agreements A-Z: 
A Pre-nup Primer" an 
Educational Seminar
San Francisco Legal Professionals Association Presents:
"Prenuptial Agreements A - Z: A Pre-nup Primer" an Educational Seminar

By: Jane Aceituno, Esq.

When: Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Place: Pathways Personnel
455 Market Street, Suite 1170
San Francisco, CA 94105

Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Cost: SFLPA Members, $15.00; Non-Members: $20.00
*Delicious Food and Beverages Provided*

RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR A HEAD COUNT AND FOR SECURITY PURPOSES and must be received by 5:00 p.m. no later than Monday, April 11, 2016. Make a reservation by e-mailing SFLPA's EDU Chair, Michelle Vigil at mvigil@sinunubruni.com

 *MCLE Credits available. SFLPA, a local association of Legal Secretaries Incorporated, an approved provider, certifies that this activity has been approved for a minimum of 1 hour of continuing legal education credit by the State Bar of California.

ALRP Free 2016 MCLE Trainings

Responding Responsibly to the Demands of the Legal Profession
  • Wednesday, April 13, 5:30-7:30pm
  • Presented by Richard Carlton, Esq. (State Bar of California) & Kenneth Martinson, Esq. (Abogado Gomez)
  • 1 Legal Ethics Credit; 1 Competence Issues Credit
Social Security Eligibility Hearings
Thursday, April 28, 5:30-7:00pm
Presented by Patrick Kelly, Esq. - kellydisabilitylaw.com
1.5 General CLE Credits

Introduction to Simple Wills
  • Thursday, May 5, 5:30-7:30pm
  • Presented by Mark Senick, Esq. - marksenick.com
  • 1.5 General CLE Credits
The Basics of California Medical Malpractice Law
  • Wednesday, May 11, 5:30-7:00pm
  • Presented by Michelle Mandel, Esq. - Law Office of Michael and Michelle Mandel - mjmandel.com
  • 1.5 General CLE Credits
Confidentiality Law & HIV
  • Tuesday, May 17, 5:30-7:00pm
  • Presented by Jim Wood, Esq. - Law Offices of James M. Wood
  • 1.5 General CLE Credits

Using State and Federal Law to Protect Debtors from Collections Harassment
  • Thursday, June 2, 5:30-7:00pm
  • Presented by Noah Zinner, Esq. - Housing and Economic Rights Advocates - heraca.org
  • 1.5 General CLE Credits

All Classes take place at:
Bar Association of San Francisco
301 Battery Street, 3rd Floor, Board Room
San Francisco, CA 94111

Call: 415-701-1200 ext. 303

ABA Section of Family Law
Fellowship Program
Applications Due May 15, 2016

The ABA Section of Family Law is seeking applications for its Fellowship Program from attorneys with a financial need. 
The Section is currently recruiting interested applicants for five (5) fellowship positions.  This is a two (2) year program and will begin in September 2016 and end in August 2018.  The attorneys selected to participate in the fellowship program must attend each FLS conference for the next two (2) years beginning with the Fall 2016 CLE Conference in Quebec City, QC, Canada October 19-22, 2016.

For more information, please click here.
Send your completed application to Cynthia Swan by email: Cynthia.Swan@americanbar.org no later than May 15, 2016

Legal Assistance for Seniors'
11th Annual Conference on Elder Abuse
Join us on May 17 to learn from and network with a multidisciplinary group of experts and advocates working to protect and serve older adults.
May 17, 2016, 8:30 AM to 5 PM
UC Hastings College of the Law
198 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA
Registration & information:  
Legal Assistance for Seniors is pleased to announce that Michael A. Tompkins, Ph.D., will give the keynote address on Hoarding Behavior in Older Adults.  Michael A. Tompkins is a licensed psychologist (PSY 13822) and co-director of the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy where he specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders in adults, adolescents, and children.
-Elder Abuse Prevention and Professional Ethics for Attorneys, Fiduciaries, and Real Estate Professionals
-Legal Reform to Protect LGBT Seniors in Long-Term Care
-Undue Influence, Capacity & Over-medication:  Messy Tales from the Front Lines
-The Big Business of Trust: Standing up for Elders in a For Profit World
-Mediating an Elder Abuse Case
-And more!

Up to 6 hours continuing education credits available for California Attorneys and Professional Fiduciaries. Pending approval, credits may also be available for Behavioral Scientists (MFT, LCSW, LEP, LPCC), Public Administrators, Guardians and Conservators. Please inquire.
Register now for the 11th Annual Conference on Elder Abuse! Early Bird Discount ends May 3.
We appreciate the generosity of our sponsors without whose support we could not offer this conference. Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Contact conference@lashicap.org  or call 510-832-3040.
This conference is presented by Legal Assistance for Seniors in collaboration with UCSF/UC Hastings Consortium on Law, Science & Health Policy
Follow BALIF on Twitter!


BALIF's twitter feed is up and running.  Follow us to see BALIF news, event info, #ThrowbackThursday posts, and more.  Just click the Twitter button in the right hand column of the newsletter or here.


Join the BALIF Listserv!


Have a job or need one? Civil procedure question? Need a

referral? Have something important to ask ... or news to tell? Want to get to our members quickly? Join our Listserv!


BALIF members should have received our invitation to join our newly-created Listserv. You must proactively respond to the request in order to be added to our Listserv. If you didn't get a request, please let us know by emailing technology@balif.org or balif@balif.org.

We Want Your BALIFBuzz

We all love that section in our alumni newsletters that talks about who's doing what.


Well, we're introducing the BALIFBuzz to show-off all the great things that our members are doing.  BALIFBuzz will be appearing in the weekly BALIF newsletter.   


New job?

New client?


Court victory?

Significant settlement?

Baby on the way?

Recently married or engaged?

Speaking engagement?

Award, recognition, certification, or degree?  

Or anything else you're excited about...


Keep it to one or two lines.  Please send to membership@balif.org.


Can't wait to hear your great news!


Meaghan Zore 

BALIF Membership Chair


Job Postings Now on BALIF Website

All job postings can be found here!  


BALIF membership must be current to view the job postings. Simply log into the BALIF website with your membership ID and password, and select JOBS from the menu on the left.

April 14 - BALIF Annual Meeting & Elections Night
April 22 - BALIF Partner Exchange Luncheon
May 12 - BALIF / FBANC LGBT Spring Diversity Mixer
Our 2016-2017 Sponsors
Partner Level

Counsel Level


HB Logo




Advocate Level

Benefactor Level

Individual Sponsors

BALIF Board of Directors
Jessica Bogo & John Robert Unruh
Peter Catalanotti

Mario Choi

Denise Bergin 
Judiciary Chair

Nick Clements & 
David Sims
Gala Co-Chairs  


Meaghan Zore 

Julie Wilensky
Amicus Chair     

Jennifer Orthwein
Communications Chair 

Jamie Dupree
Programs Chair

Felicia Medina & Shauna Madison
Young Lawyers & Law Students Co-Chairs  

Brandon Lawrence & Daniel Faessler
Social Action Co-Chairs 

Dmitri Pikman
Lindsey Rosellini
Community Ambassador Chair  

Joseph Deignan, Alex Lemberg & Sam Potts
Katie Carlson
BALIF Administrator 
Follow BALIF


BALIF | | info@balif.org | http://www.balif.org
P.O. Box 193383
San Francisco, CA 94119

BALIF | P.O. Box 193383 | San Francisco | CA | 94119