Mobile Classroom,
Clinic and More!

Casa Mephibosheth 
 is now The Refuge!
New mobile app is available now!
* Scroll down to read more *

BereaBerea First Baptist Church
by Michael Hodge, Team Leader

Our team of 19 was fortunate to serve in the community of Mt. Zion from March 28-April 3. We were prepared for construction, evangelism, and VBS. Our opportunities expanded to an adult Bible study as well! Our training and preparation equipped us to be ready to serve as soon as we arrived. We worshiped at Las Banderas and our team leader preached there in Spanish with Bill translating to English for our team. The church family there immediately embraced our team and we really enjoyed our Palm Sunday worship with them.


Throughout the week Guillermo and Bill were our main group leaders. We also had Jorge, Maria Esther, Abner, (and Ariana) assisting us. The CCM staff are such amazing servants who treat each team as if they are the only team around. They spoiled us with donuts and ice cream for our hardworking team!


Our team went out in groups of 3-4 to share Christ in the community. We were amazed when several people accepted Christ out in the community as we went door to door to share the EvangeCube presentation. Guillermo's son Ricardo even helped us with translation at one point.


During our VBS time, the team incorporated ESL lessons using the key Bible verses and simple phrases. Since this is a key part of the Yellow Bus Challenge that is upcoming, we were pleased to see this incorporated into the lessons. The kids loved coming up to the mic to practice, "My name is _______". By the end of the week, several of the children responded to the invitation to receive Christ. 


The adults were faithful in attending the adult Bible study. We taught a discipleship process that is being used at Berea First Baptist Church now. The pastor attended each session and seemed really interested in using the material in the weeks ahead. 


Overall, this was an amazing opportunity for our team of youth through Senior Adults. God used our team to continue the great work of CCM. We cannot wait until we return very soon!

ClarksvilleFirst Baptist Clarksville
by Bob Fort, Team Leader


First Baptist Church Clarksville partnered with Chosen Children Ministries to work for the most part in Paradise. The team had eight members (Bob and Velda Fort, Scotty and Sharon Duncan, Carol and Davis McCutcheon, and Sandy and Mike Provine).


With the help of local people and the Chosen Children Team (Carlos, Bill, Nacie, Castro, Juan, and Jorge) we were able to build and paint a picnic table pic and four benches.


We refurbished the latrine at the church which was a double door latrine, that needed new steps and new doors. We also built another latrine that included the top and throne for the church member next door to the church and built a structure around the existing latrine for another church member. She said this was a real answer to prayer. We were also able to get Pastor Oscars toilet connected in his house and furnished a cover for the well.


We held VBS, did door to door evangelism and gave some of the girls dresses made by FBC church members. It was a real blessing for us and we saw God's hand at work here each and every day!!

We were able to do VBS at the orphanage and visit with the children and furnish cake and ice cream for them. We also paid a visit to the nursing home and took cake and juice for the residents.


We spent one day holding a VBS at The Parcels, doing evangelism with the adults (using the Evangecube) and feeding the entire group there. We were able to feed the children and church two times at Paradise and once at The Parcels. For the second year we got to bring a message from The Lord to the people at the Dump and give them something to eat and drink. What a real blessing for our group to be able to do this.

One of our team members who has been on many mission trips said, "I believe this has been the best trip I have been on!" 

What an incredible Blessing form the Lord our team witnessed. Praise Him!!

CrosspointCrosspoint City Church
by Devan Burris, Team Leader


We had a fantastic trip once again this year! There truly is no better a team or ministry to work with! We went to the village of El Chague. Our team had the privilege of working with Pastor Carlos and his church. We were able to help them dig and build a new latrine. Our team also loved getting to meet and pray for the people they encountered going door to door. It is always a blessing for our team to experience the welcoming and gracious people of Nicaragua. 


We were able to celebrate the fact that we had one man who accepted Jesus as his Savior. We were so humbled to also be able to partner with Pastor Carlos to teach a marriage conference and to hold youth services every day we were there. The team also enjoyed getting to worship our Father in heaven together with the people of the village before we left! It was an incredible week that we will not soon forget and we will all be eager to return once again to work with this amazing ministry and team again! A special thanks to Carlos, Marta, Eliou, Ozzy, and Rodger for taking such good care of our team!  

PeachtreeFirst Baptist Peachtree City
by Lee Brewer, Team Leader


1stStudents, the student ministry from First Baptist Church Peachtree City, had an amazing opportunity to serve the people of Nicaragua.  Our students focus began long before we landed in Managua.  We raised money and prayed regularly that God would do a great work through us and for the people.  And he did!  We were able to support Pastor Domingo in the Flags barrio by paying his salary for the rest of the year.  We helped build a house for a family in the Marvin Barrio.  We provided a bed for a co-pastor and his wife who were sleeping on a piece of cardboard on their concrete floor.  We led a VBS for around 160 kids and saw many people give their lives to Christ as well as providing encouragement, hope, and supplies to people who need us to be the neighbors Jesus has called us to be.  


1st Students poured their hearts and resources out to the people and in return we received the blessings that only comes through being obedient to Christ.  A renewed spirit of boldness and Kingdom mindedness for our own community back home.  We can't wait to get back and serve with Chosen Children as we know we are truly partnering in Kingdom work for Kingdom impact!

WestRidgeWest Ridge Church
Todd Hampton, Team Leader



This year we were able to take the largest team we've ever taken - 85 students and leaders! Every single student and leader stepped up in faith and were used by God to accomplish great things. We concentrated on the village of the Flags with door to door evangelism, sports ministry and VBS for the kids. We also had an opportunity to minister to the women by washing their hair, painting fingernails - just the little things we take for granted. Earlier this year our students and parents we were able to provide 29 children with Yellow Bags to help send them to school. What a tremendous blessing! This trip we were able to take an additional $6000 to provide wheel-chairs, bicycles, medical supplies and so much more!


Our team verse was Proverbs 8:19 which says that what you receive from God is more valuable than the finest gold. The goal for us was to help them understand God's love for them. 

We saw about 15 adults and 20 children give their heart to Christ! It's amazing that God chose us to help shine the light of Christ to the people of the Flags!


click here for video from WestRidge Church

YellowBusThe Yellow Bus Challenge

The Yellow Bus Challenge is off to a great start. Many of you have responded with your gifts. We will begin construction on the bus soon. Stay tuned for pictures of our progress! 

RefugeThe Refuge

At this time Chosen Children Ministries is facing some incredibly challenging situations which require our immediate action. The Ministry of Families (MOF), the agency in Nicaragua similar to our country's DSS, has made and is already implementing the decision to move children out of long-term residence homes like Casa Mephibosheth in order to unite them with relatives. This move to relocate children to some existing household is occurring throughout Nicaragua as well as other Central American countries.  This is an open door for us to be more than just an orphanage. We have taken this to the Lord for well over a year and now believe God is leading us to begin a new ministry to transform, expand and grow. 

The Bible says in Psalm 36:7 "How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! And the children of men take Refuge in the shadow of Your wings." Based on this passage of scripture Casa Mephibosheth will now be known as "The Refuge!" The Refuge will continue to be a long-term residence for children and have the exact same objective as the orphanage did - to lead children to the feet of Jesus, teach them about the love of Christ and lead them to faith in Jesus as their Lord, Savior, Protector, Father, Friend and Counselor. Now we will be able to reach even more children! The MOF is so supportive of CCM providing temporary emergency and daily shelter for Nicaragua's wandering children that many have already been brought to The Refuge for temporary care. What a great joy to bring the love of Jesus not only to these children, but to their troubled and needy families as well. Isn't that exciting? 

Monthly sponsors have always and WILL CONTINUE to be the lifeline of our work in Juigalpa.

GenesisAppThe Genesis Project Mobile App

God has truly blessed us with many opportunities to form 
partnerships with families who are already active in CCM established barrio churches. These opportunities help break the cycle of generational poverty and hopelessness by teaching skills and developing work opportunities to enable these families to meet their specific needs. Now there's a mobile app to help you keep up with all that God is doing in these partnerships. 

Genesis Project
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Phone: 864-599-0067
9420 Asheville Highway
Inman, SC  29349