Chosen Children Ministries
Pray, Give, Go
March 2015

Marietta First Baptist Church

Nicaragua Mission Team
Feb 6-13, 2015

For months, our team of 37 people have been anticipating what the Lord was going to do through us and in us while we were in Nicaragua. Prior to leaving, many of our team were sick with a variety of issues. While we were there, we had to take 3 to the doctor and had another one very sick the night before we flew home! After getting home, she had to be admitted to the hospital and several are still sick! When you look at all the sickness, you could get discouraged but God did a great work through this team!






We worshipped at the Flags Barrio on Sunday Morning and had a great time of singing, praying and preaching the Word! We rejoiced to see some ladies make decisions to come back to the Lord during the invitation and to watch them weep as Guillermo talked to them for 30 minutes afterwards! Sunday afternoon and evening was spent at the campus putting Yellow Bags together to be delivered while we were there!



Our priority was to bring electricity to the Parcels barrio for the first time in their history! We spent the first day looking, measuring and shopping! While a couple of us did that, other team members were busy building a shed over the well, a store for the pastor and his wife, a front porch shed on the church, door to door witnessing, men and women's bible studies and VBS! The studies and VBS were taking place at the Parcels and Emmanuel barrios! Ministry was happening all over the place! People were accepting Jesus, others were recommitting their lives to Christ and kids were learning Bible stories and accepting Christ! One lady who accepted Jesus was 90 years old! All of these ministries took place every day and numbers increased! The Men's study in Emmanuel Barrio started the first day with 5 and ended the week with 35 men studying God's Word and wishing that the teachers didn't have to leave! Part of our team delivered the Yellow Bags to the children at Emmanuel and rejoiced with them and their families that they would now start school! 


The next day with 2 rolls of #6 wire that measured 1 mile long together, panel boxes, breakers, outlets, light fixtures and determination, we began pulling
wire from another barrio toward the church at the Parcels! A couple of our men were busy in the church getting lights and outlets installed to be ready for the electricity. 

By day's end, we were within 300 feet of the church after stringing the wire through trees and skinny poles made from Eucalyptus trees. We had to get a 14 year old boy to climb the ladder leaned on the trees because they would break under our weight! After finding out that he was not a believer, one of our men led him to Christ on Thursday! 





The next day, we arrived early determined to get power on that day. All of the other ministries were still taking place at both barrios and we sent a team of 5 to the Flags Barrio to give out the Yellow Bags to the kids so that they could go to school! We finished pulling the wire and finally the time came! We took the old school bus a long way around to get to the other barrio and with a homemade ladder standing on top of the bus and leaned on the power pole, one of our guys, who is a power lineman, made the connections and the lights came on for the first time in the Parcels! It was an emotional time for us, the church family and residents! Pastor Francisco called for a worship service that night to worship "under the lights" for the first time! 

The following day, while the other ministries were still going on, we were determined to finish the electrical job and build a house for a family of 5 in the church who had no home of their own. While a couple of us pulled wire to the new store at the church, others began working on the house about a mile away. Pastor Francisco had a really old rusted Coca-Cola cooler that he was convinced would run and cool. We wired up the store and the moment came! We plugged in the cooler and it ran like a champ! Within 15 minutes, frost began to appear inside! For the first time, cold drinks were for sale in the Parcels! We moved all the supplies to sell into the store and had a grand opening! Pastor Francisco and his sweet wife Rosita were weeping, hugging and saying "there are no words!" After lunch, we all went and finished the house and had a dedication time for the family. We pulled away in the bus that last afternoon with a huge crowd standing in front of the church waving goodbye and rode back to the campus rejoicing over what the Lord had done that week!



Chosen Children Ministries has a special place in our hearts. About half of our team of 37 were there for the first time. The whole team was already looking forward to the time to come again and making plans for what we could do then. We came home thankful that God had allowed us the opportunity to serve Him in Nicaragua! 


Bennie Durham, Senior Pastor 



Team Led by Jimmy Wall

February 7-14


On February 7, a small team of 10 people, led by Jimmy Wall, left from two different airports (GSP and CLT) for a week of work with Chosen Children Ministries.  Amazingly, all flights were on time and the team members were reunited within thirty minutes of their arrival in Managua.  Roger Hurtado was their guide, serving as coordinator, driver, translator, etc.


On Sunday, they began the day with a trip to The Flags and Guillermo's church.  Pastor Bennie Durham, who led another team from Marietta First Baptist Church, preached a sermon while Kitty Wall, Kelly Bowyer and Tracie Parker taught Sunday School to the children.  After lunch back 

at the mission house, the team headed out for the four hour trip to Juigalpa and Casa Mephibosheth.  


Monday morning, the team went to a nearby barrio and met Pastor Luter from Iglesia Betel (Bethel Church).  Meanwhile, Kitty, Tracie, Kelly, Doug Waldrop and Roger Petty went door to door, while Art Allum, Keith Thompson, and Dave Bowyer joined forces with Carl Cato and Glenn Boyd to make much needed improvements at the mission house at Mephibosheth.  (Carl and Glen were on a short three day trip to focus efforts on the improvements needed at Mephibosheth.)  Jimmy Wall and Mark Quinn went with Pastor Luther to pick up medical supplies and pay some bills due to a recent car accident involving the pastor and a few other parishioners.  We learned that several of the members from Iglesia Betel have joined the pastor in actively witnessing and visiting several surrounding barrios. 
(Right: Dave Bowyer working on electricity at the mission house at Mephibosheth). 



Later Monday afternoon, the team returned to Iglesia Betel to do Bible School for the children.  Several of the people the team had invited during their door to door trip earlier in the day came to the church. 

(Pictured: Doug was very popular with the kids as he handed out colored pencils for their coloring pages.)



Monday evening, the team set up an assembly line and packed the Yellow Bags to be handed out the next day.  What a blessing this will be as forty children will now get a chance at an education.  Thank you to all who support the Yellow Bag Project to offer children a chance to break the cycle of poverty.  Learning to read means a chance at a better job, and, more importantly, a chance to read a Bible and continue to grow stronger in their knowledge and faith and Jesus Christ. 


Tuesday morning, the team learned shopping trips in Nicaragua take a little longer than in the US.  The team spent most of the morning searching for items for survival kits (chickens, pigs, large barrels and machetes.)   With no pigs to be found, the survival kits would have to wait as the team had another shopping trip scheduled.  Each of the children from the orphanage got to go into town to pick out new shoes.  For many of these children, this was the first time they had ever been shopping.  Imagine never getting to go try on and pick out your own shoes.



The afternoon went a little smoother as the team handed out forty Yellow Bags to some very excited children at Iglesia Betel.  Many of these kids have never had an opportunity to attend school.  They will now learn important lessons as well as life skills such as basic math and reading.



Tuesday evening, it was time for one more trip to town with the kids from the orphanage.  This time, they were all going to get ice cream.  Imaging the shop keeper's surprise when ten Americans bring eighteen kids into their store.  All the kids (except one) were all smiles, and so were the adults. (Mark with Brigitte.)


Wednesday, the team's prayer for pigs was finally answered.  While most of the team headed out to buy pigs and other items to complete the survival kits, Jimmy and Kitty Wall got to spend a little more time with Rosaria, one of the children they had sponsored who had aged out of the orphanage. She found out the Walls were in town so she returned for a visit with them.  Kitty also shared her picture book with the kids at Mephibosheth, and one child prayed to receive Christ.  What a blessing a little delay can be.  Had they found the pigs yesterday, Kitty would not have had a chance to share her book at the orphanage. 


The team also visited a nursing home in Juigalpa where they assembled and installed fans to help keep the residents cool.  Jimmy Wall and Mark Quinn had visited earlier and counted sixteen spaces where fans should go.  However, when installations began, the team realized they had missed one of the rooms.  God quickly gave the team a lesson in Holy Math when they realized that there were actually seventeen fans already purchased and loaded in the van.  




After a busy and exhausting three days in Juigalpa, it was time to pack up and head back to Masaya.  While all of the team members looked forward to returning to the main mission house, saying goodbye to the children at Casa Mephibosheth brought lots of tears.


Thursday morning, fresh from a good night's sleep in the main mission house in Masaya, the team prepared for another busy day.  First on the agenda was a visit to one of the many dump sites where people hunt through trash to find plastic, cardboard, or any other items they might exchange for money.  Jimmy Wall shared his testimony and then the team served a meal. 


As the trip was winding down, Kitty Wall had one last request.  She wanted to go to Mt. Zion in hopes of seeing her friend Meynor.  Kitty met Meynor in November, 2013.  He arrived at the church a young boy, lost in his sin and headed down a dark path.  Upon arrival Thursday afternoon in Mt. Zion, Kitty learned that Meynor was doing well and occasionally earned money by helping teams with construction and repair projects.  After we did a Bible lesson with the kids at the church, Meynor showed up.  The best part of the story, though, was that he showed up wearing a school uniform.  He was now in school and attending church when he could.  What a blessing!















(Left, Kitty and Jimmy with Meynor.  Right, Dave hands out bread to the children at the church.)




While in Mt. Zion, the team was able to see the great progress being made in the community.  The well was being used to provide much needed water.  The team helped even more by providing ten barrels and buckets to be used to catch rain water and store and transport water from the well during the dry season.


Friday, it was time to relax a little.  Roger, Alicia, Carlos and Leo accompanied the team on a trip to Lake Nicaragua and Monkey Island.  Then there was time for a great lunch in Catalina and a little shopping in the market.  Later in the evening, the team invited all of the staff and their families for a farewell dinner at Papa John's.  Although anxious to get back home, it was hard for the team to leave their Nicaraguan family behind.  It was never goodbye, but only until next time.


A new keyboard, microphones and other equipment that the team purchased on their shopping trip will be delivered to the church at Mt. Zion.  The pastor hopes to bring in youth and younger families with the new sound equipment.

Tracy Haynie, Team Member 


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Board Trip

January 23-30


On behalf of the Board of Directors for Chosen Children Ministries, we would like to thank Wallace and Kim, the U.S. staff, Guillermo and Gabby and the Nicaraguan staff for their tireless efforts to help make sure Chosen Children Ministries continues to be God's ministry.


Proverbs 3:5 - "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding."  We truly believe that Chosen Children Ministries is that kind of ministry.


We, the Board of Directors, take our task very seriously and pray daily for the ministry, supporting it financially and helping give the ministry godly direction.  We are honored to serve in this capacity.


The Board of Directors members are Bill Whitfield, Chairman, Saluda, SC; Dr. Tom Bruns, Vice-Chairman, Chattanooga, TN; Charles Estes, Secretary/Treasurer, Marietta, GA; Tommye Hammel, Ringgold, GA; and Dr. Terry Lanford, Gaffney, SC.



We arrived in Nicaragua Friday, January 23, 2015, late in the evening. The next day we began our first day of ministering with a devotion by Tommye Hammel and then visited the Flags barrio.  We listened to Abner Morales' success stories about all of our Genesis projects in this community.  The first project we saw was a new oven which had just been completed. This new oven allowed triple the number of loaves to be cooked at one time.  We visited Alba's home where the Genesis project had helped her set up a community store.  She has taken advantage of a wonderful opportunity to break the shackles of poverty.


Dr. Terry Lanford conducted a church service there and the board members served a meal and pecos to the adults and children who attended the service.  We returned to the Masaya campus to have dinner and then prepared 15 food bags for the pastors and 52 Yellow Bags filled with school supplies to be used on Sunday.



On Sunday, we traveled to Managua to worship with Guillermo and his family.  We were warmly welcomed by his congregation and had quite a worshipful experience.  Upon returning to the campus, we had lunch, loaded the Genesis project bags and headed to the Parcels community.


The church members were anxiously awaiting our arrival.  Guillermo and the board shared with the church family the importance of the Genesis program.  Abner did an outstanding job arranging and organizing this event.  Fifty-two children received school supplies and uniforms given out by Pastor Francisco, the teachers and the board members.  Each teacher was also presented with a bag full of school supplies.  Pecos were provided for all who attended.  Emphasis was made by the Board that the children and the parents have a great responsibility to make sure they attend every day and to do their work each day.  What a wonderful day for the Board and for the barrio of Parcels.  May God be honored for the efforts on that day!



On Monday, after a devotion time by Dr. Tom Bruns, we made the long journey to Juigalpa.  We visited Pastor Luder at the Los Torres Church, heard his needs, prayed with him and his family and left a food bag for them.  Other supplies were left for the church by Charles and Trudi Estes who have a team ministry partnership with this church.


We had lunch at Tip Top and proceeded to the nursing home to leave food (chickens), medicine and hygiene supplies.  As always, this visit is quite an humbling and up-lifting experience.


Our next stop was Casa Mephibosheth.  The children were not in school and we had an opportunity to visit and play with all of the children and staff.  The Eskimo man was excited to provide ice cream for all.  The Board enjoyed a performance from the "Mephibosheth Rock Band".  Luz is doing a tremendous job in making sure our children are getting the care they need.  What a joy to see their faces when we arrive and how sad when we leave with their sweet faces peering through the fence.


On the way back to the Masaya campus, we received a call that Pastor Luder had been involved in an accident with three of his church members.  He was taken to the hospital and released the next day.  One of the other men in the truck remains hospitalized. 


After a devotion by Bill Whitfield on Tuesday, we visited with the Bible Institute participants at the Masaya campus.  It is always refreshing to see them so eager to learn God's Word to share with others.


The remainder of the morning was devoted to the quarterly Board meeting.  At the conclusion, we heard a ministry report from Guillermo.


After lunch, we had an R & R afternoon.  We visited Managua, had a boat ride on the lake, and enjoyed dinner at the "Summer" restaurant with Abner, Roger and Jorge.  Another wonderful day!


Charles Estes gave our devotion on Wednesday and we then made the long journey to the Leon campus.  Our purpose for this visit was to meet with the seven pastors and their families to offer encouragement and support.




II Corinthians 1: 3-4 was used to express to the Pastors and their families that they are not alone in their efforts.  We reiterated that the Lord is with them and that the Board will walk along beside them and pray for them each day. Tommye Hammel provided words of encouragement to all of the pastor's wives.


The Board provided pizza for lunch.  Each Pastor and his wife were called to the front.  We prayed for them and the men were given a tie, $20, and a food bag.  The wives were presented with a toiletry bag.


Pastor Rito, representing the area pastors, gave a word of thanks and appreciation for our visit and for the gifts.

After hugs and farewells, we headed back to the Masaya campus.  Our ministry is indeed blessed to have these pastors and their wives serving in the Leon area.


Guillermo drove us to the "Old Leon Town" which is several miles off the main road.  We toured the ruins with a guide (Mario) who spoke fairly good English and found out during the tour that he is a believer.  We returned to the Masaya campus very late that night, exhausted but happy.


Dr. Terry Lanford presented our devotion on Thursday morning before we left for the Mt. Zion community.  Our Genesis Project is in the infant stage, but is being quite successfully operated under the direction of Abner Morales.  The Board would like to express our thanks to Abner for his servant's heart and his willingness to do everything possible to help this program succeed.


On our visit to Mt. Zion, we stopped at Victor's home.  The Genesis project helped him establish a welding shop and he was making a metal chair when we arrived.  He was very excited to have the opportunity to earn a living for his family.  We prayed with him for protection and for success in his business.  He is a member of Mt. Zion church.  Another Genesis project is a beauty shop.  The building is complete but lacks furniture.


We met at the church for a service.  Pastor Jose Fuentes was presented with a study Bible and food bag.  Mrs. Tommye Hammel gave a study from God's Word.  After prayer, all who attended the service were provided a meal along with pecos.



After the feeding, we visited an additional Genesis project.  Victoria, who runs the General Store, is an industrious and ambitious 23-year-old young lady who works hard to provide for her family.  Along with having the most successful project at this time, she is also very actively involved in the Mt. Zion church, working with the youth and children.




We then visited Natalie who runs a restaurant through the Genesis project.  She has four children and is working hard to make her restaurant a success.  Her specialty is nacatamales.  She actually grows some of the ingredients that go into this delicacy and actually showed us the process she uses to make these.  She has been able to almost triple her business with the help of the Genesis project.  We prayed for her success and for her involvement in the church.


We are so grateful for the opportunity to see what God is doing in Nicaragua through Chosen Children Ministries.  May God continue to bless our efforts.  


Bill Whitfield, Chairman of CCM Board



Attention CCM Partners:

Now is the time to think about donating cars, trucks, campers, vans, or ATV's to Chosen Children Ministries. You will receive a tax credit for your end of the year donations. 
Every penny raised from these gifts will go to further the ministry where so many have so little. 
Call our office at 864-599-0067 or call Wallace at 864-237-0430.
Thank you for your consideration.

  Psalm 96:3   Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

Upcoming Teams:

March 28 - April 4: Mt. Creek 
Berea First Baptist

April 4 - 11: Peach Tree City
Cross Pointe City Church

April 5-12: West Ridge

April 25 - May 2: Thompson Station
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Phone: 864-599-0067  
Wallace Nix, Director
Kim Nix, Project Manager
Darrell Cothran, Media & Communication Director
Melanie Godfrey, Assistant to Director
Tonya Jones, Office Administrator
Sabra Kennedy, Accounting Associate