Welcome to the 2016 JAM

As you review your daily plans for the meeting here are several ASDA and dairy related events that you may want to include on your personal schedule. 

Thursday, July 21
8:00-9:00 am - Johne's - Bovine TB Interest Group Salt Palace Convention Center, 251 D
9:30-11:00 am - ADSA Undergraduate Symposium: Telling Our Dairy Story, Salt Palace Convention Center, Grand Ballroom E
12:30-2:00 pm - ADSA DF Division Program Planning Lunch Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown
12:30-2:00 pm - ADSA Production Division Business Meeting Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown
1:00-2:00 pm - S-PAC Q and A at the ADSA Booth
2:00-3:00 pm - Dairy Foods author meet, greet, and recognition at JDS Elsevier booth

3:00-4:30 pm - ADSA Graduate Student Three-Minute Thesis Challenge, Salt Palace Convention Center, 250 F
5:30-6:30 pm - ADSA Awards Program Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown, Salon D/E/F
8:15-9:30 pm - JAM Ice Cream Social, Salt Palace Convention Center, Grand Ballroom North Foyer
Friday, July 22
8:00-9:00 am - ADSA Spokesperson Q&A at ADSA exhibit booth
9:30-10:30 am - ADSA Business Meeting Salt Palace Convention Center, 258/259
1:00-2:00 pm - S-PAC Q and A at the ADSA Booth

 2:00 - 5:30 pm - MILK Symposium: Marketing Milk for Entrepreneurial and Big Business Value, Grand Ballroom B/D

ADSA Undergrads to attend DMI Social Media Seminar
ADSA Undergraduate Student Symposium - Telling Our Dairy Story
9:30 - 11:00 am Salt Palace Convention Center, Grand Ballroom E - Today
ADSA Undergraduates will receive training on becoming an online dairy advocate. Dairy Management Inc. will guide students thru existing and emerging social media channels, and instruct them how to navigate online conversations about dairy as a dairy expert. A special thanks to DMI for their support of the ADSA Student Affiliate Division!  

Join the Johne's - Bovine TB Interest Group from 8:00 am-9:00 am in room 251 D of the Salt Palace Convention Center. We will share information from the Mycobacterial Disease of Animals - Multistate Initiative and share ideas on addressing these important diseases.

PLEASE NOTE - ADSA Awards Program Time
The ADSA Awards Program will be held on Thursday, July 21 * 5:30 - 6:30 pm at the Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown, Salon D/E/F All meeting participants, families, and friends are welcome to attend the 2016 ADSA awards program. Please join us at this special event to recognize and congratulate the 2016 award winners.
Visit with our FASS Science Policy Advisors
Walt Smith and Lowell Randel, FASS Science Policy Directors, will be at the FASS booth today from 2:00-4:00 pm. Stop by to visit and learn more about Science Policy activities.  Get their insights on recent legislative and regulatory activity in Washington, D.C.

S-PAC Users and Potential Users
Join us for an S-PAC Information Update from 8:00 am-9:15 am at ADSA exhibit booth. Learn more about what is available on S-PAC and how you can use it.
Attention ADSA Dairy Foods Division and Dairy Foods Authors:
Please join us for a special get-together at the Elsevier booth (#203) in the exhibitor area for all dairy foods members and authors on Thursday, July 21, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. This will be an opportunity for authors, potential authors, editors, and editorial board members to mingle and learn more about our Journal of Dairy Science initiatives in dairy foods.
Do You Know S-PAC?
You received information about S-PAC with your registration material, but do you:
*             Want more information about SPAC?
*             Have questions about using S-PAC?
Stop by the ADSA Booth between 1:00 and 2:00 pm today to visit about or try out our large and ever-growing on-line collection of conference proceedings

New findings in ruminant feeds and feeding explored at 2016 JAM
By Michele Jones

During the Ruminant Nutrition: Foods and Feeding session at the 2016 JAM, discussion focused around canola meal, dried distillers grains, okara meal and field peas.  

Representing the University of Nevada, Marostegan de Paula and colleagues tested the effects of replacing soybean meal with canola meal or treated canola meal on ruminal digestion, and omasal nutrient flow in lactating dairy cows.  They found that the canola diets increased nitrogen intake and the rumen degradable protein supply.  Based on their results they concluded that canola meal is a viable replacement for soybean meal in a lactating dairy cow diet.

Researchers from South Dakota State University evaluated the growth performance of dairy heifers that were limit-fed dried distillers grains with ad libitum forage.  They limit-fed dried distillers grains to 0.8% of the heifers body weight.  They were able to conclude that there was no difference in feed efficiency and digestibility when compared with a corn and soybean control diet.  Therefore they concluded that limit-feeding dried distillers grains is a viable option for feeding heifers.

There was interesting research on okara meal from the Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais in Brazil and the University of New Hampshire.  Okara meal is a byproduct of soymilk production.  Okara meal is commonly made from organic soybeans which allows it to be used by organic herds.  The crude protein of okara meal was reported to average between 25.5 to 37.5%.  Researchers hypothesized that okara meal can completely replace soybean meal in early to mid-lactation dairy cows.  They compared soybean meal to okara meal and found no difference in intake, however, milk protein was found to be lower in the okara meal treatment.  The researchers recommended feeding okara up to 8% of soybean meal on a dry matter basis. 

Field peas were by far the most interesting feed discussed in today's session.  Researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln evaluated the possibility of using field peas to supplement grazing beef cattle.   Using three different diets, corn, field peas, and control (no supplement) the researchers found that the corn diet had a higher average daily gain (ADG) than the field peas.  However the field peas had a higher ADG than the control.  Researchers concluded that field peas could be a viable option to supplement grazing beef cattle.

Michele Jones is originally from Indianapolis, Indiana.  She is currently a Masters student at the University of Kentucky, studying precision dairy technology and nutrition. 

Animal science models: What are they good for?
By Karmella Dolecheck

In one of the first sessions of JAM 2016, Dr. Jan Dijkstra of Wageningen University gave a presentation that defined what a model is, what types of models are available, how models can contribute to animal sciences and potential future prospects and applications of models in our industry. 

What is a model?

A model is a mathematical representation of a system.  When modeling, a scientist attempts to define an idea and answer a hypothesis using one or more mathematical equations. 

What types of models are available?

A model can be constructed at many different levels.  At the largest level, you could have an industry model that considers, for example, the influence of a change in dairy policy.  At the smallest level you could build a cell level model to look at ion transportation.  Additionally, anything in between is possible including animal, organ, and tissue models.  In addition to a variety of options for the scope of the model, models can also be empirical (based on direct observation or data collection) or mechanistic (based on an understanding of interactions within a system), static (steady-state) or dynamic (includes time-dependency), and deterministic (non-random) or stochastic (includes randomness).  The scope and features of a model depend on the idea or hypothesis that a modeler is trying to examine.

How can models contribute to animal sciences?

Dijkstra highlighted 6 ways that models can contribute to animal sciences:
1)             Quantitative descriptions: Models can be used to better explain and understand biological processes.
2)             Complete use of data sets: Today, data is more expensive and ethically challenging to collect.  Reusing and using un-used data in models is one way to maximize returns from collected data.
3)             Decision support: Models can be used to answer "what-if" questions.  What-if a dairy invests in a new barn?  What-if a dairy starts using a new feed additive?  The possible questions to consider are endless.
4)             Evaluate non-testable hypothesis: Sometimes a question arises about a potential product or methods to measure a response of interest are not possible.  Models can be used to predict the expected outcomes in these scenarios.
5)             Identify missing knowledge: When attempting to build models, missing data on relationships and casual interactions are highlighted.  By finding these missing links, areas for further research are identified.
6)             Educational tools: Models are an ideal learning tool that can help students (at all levels: elementary, AS, BS, MS, and PhD) increase their understanding of how a system works.  Additionally, students can use models to test how changes in a system influence how the system works.

What does the future hold for animal science modeling?

Two key future opportunities Dijkstra highlighted were integration of models and the combination of models and "-omics" technologies.  By integrating models, a potential network of data could be built to better show and represent interrelationships.  The "-omics" technologies include areas like genomics, proteome, metabolome, transcriptome, and others.  The amount of data these technologies provide could greatly improve and increase accuracy of current and future animal science models.

Dijkstras' presentation, and the entirety of the Big Data in Animal Science: Uses for Models, Statistics and Meta-Approaches was sponsored by The National Animal Nutrition Program. 
Karmella Dolecheck is originally from southern Idaho.  She completed her BS at Utah State University in 2012, her MS in Animal Sciences at the University of Kentucky in 2014, and is currently working on her PhD in Animal Sciences at the University of Kentucky.  Her research focuses on dairy economic modeling and decision support.
Public perceptions influence success of GM products
By Sarah Muirhead

The success of agricultural biotechnology depends as much on consumer acceptance of genetically modified (GM) products as it does on the ability to create them, explained William K. Hallman of Rutgers University at the 2016 JAM.

To explore public perceptions of GM food products, Hallman surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,148 American adults during October of 2013. The data was collected by GFK Knowledge Networks from an internet panel recruited using proportional random sampling. The data was weighted to project to the U.S. population, and has a margin of error of � 3%.

According to Hallman, the results showed that despite the ongoing controversy over GM foods, 50% of Americans reported having heard or read little or nothing about them, 55% reported that they knew very little or nothing at all about them, and two-thirds (66%) said they had never discussed the issue of GM foods with anyone.

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Costs of infammatory response reviewed
By Tim Lundeen

The immune system is complex, and the costs of an immune response are not yet widely understood, according to Dr. Kirk Klasing, a poultry scientist with the University of California-Davis, in a presentation at the 2017 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Assn. and American Society of Animal Science in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Klasing said immune response costs can be determined with direct estimates -- resources used by the immune system -- and indirect estimates, which are the trade-offs from the immune response. These rely on different sets of assumptions to get to a similar ending point.
In his abstract (185), Klasing reviewed the generalized immune response, noting that innate immune cells respond quickly to a potential pathogen due to the presence of a common set of receptors on all phagocytic cells that recognize broad categories of pathogens. Thus, a very large number of cells can recognize invading microbes and respond to them quickly.

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All 'milk' products are not the same
By Sarah Muirhead

While plant-based "milk" products, such as beverages made from almonds and soybeans, have some nutritional promise, they have a difficult time replacing milk from a cow, J.M. Madigan of North Carolina State University-Raleigh reported during the ASDA-SAD undergraduate student oral competition on dairy foods at the 2016 JAM.

To examine whether plant-based beverages hold the same nutritional aspects as cow's milk and are overall better for the consumer, Madigan studied multiple research papers on cow-based milk and plant-based 'milk' products and analyzed the potential benefits and limitations of each.

One key point of analysis was that soymilk was shown to reduce cholesterol (Meyer et al., 2004), but in another study showed no effect even with increased isoflavone in samples taken (Onuegbu et al., 2011).  This is an area that requires further study, she said.

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Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining Members

                                 We appreciate your ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.

Ag Processing Inc.

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition

BioZyme Incorporated

Darling International Research

Diamond V Mills

DuPont Pioneer

Elanco Animal Health

GEA Farm Technologies

Global Agri-Trade Corporation

Grande Cheese Company

Kent Nutrition Group

Kraft Foods

Lallemand Animal Nutrition

Masters Choice

Papillon Agricultural Company

Quali Tech, Inc.

Renaissance Nutrition Inc.

SoyPLUS, SoyChlor (West Central)



Zook Nutrition & Management Inc. 

ADSA Membership Benefits                                 

Did you know that your ADSA Professional Membership provides you with:

*        Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science�

*        Joint Annual Meeting at member rates

*        Discover Conferences at member rates

*        S-PAC: Free access to JAM and ADSA divisional abstracts

*        S-PAC subscription at member rates

*        Access to recorded symposia library                                                                       

*        ADSA News (association newsletter)

*        ADSA Dair e-news (ADSA industry newsletter)

*        Access to member directory

*        Peer recognition through ADSA and Foundation Award Program

*        Discounted page charges in Journal of Dairy Science�

*        A strong voice of advocacy for the animal sciences, animal agriculture and agriculture research

*        Broad author recognition through ADSA/Elsevier press release program

*        Linked In and You Tube sites for ADSA

*        Quality networking with academic and industry professionals

*        Travel awards for all graduate students attending Discover Conferences

*        Opportunity to serve peers via committee and officer positions

For more information on your benefits please visit: http://www.adsa.org/join.asp
To join now and gain these member benefits, visit: http://www.adsa.org/join.asp

American Dairy Science Association

1800 South Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820

Email: adsa@assochg.org

Penton Farm Progress | 255 38th Ave #P | St. Charles | IL | 60174