FDA finalizes FSMA sanitary transportation rule 

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration finalized a new rule that will help prevent food contamination during transportation as part of the overarching Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The rule will require those involved in transporting human and animal food by motor or rail vehicle to follow such practices as properly refrigerating food, adequately cleaning vehicles between loads and properly protecting food during transportation.

The rule was proposed in February 2014 and takes into consideration more than 200 comments submitted by the transportation industry, food industry, government regulatory partners, international trading partners, consumer advocates, tribal organizations and others. It also builds on the transportation industry's best practices for cleaning, inspecting, maintaining, loading/unloading and operating vehicles and transportation equipment.

Changes from the proposed rule to the final rule seemed to take to heart many of the comments received from those in the animal feed industry, sources said.

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New $58m cheddar cheese joint venture for DFA

Denmark-based Arla and Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) have agreed to enter into a joint venture that includes the construction of a $58-million dairy plant in the U.S. for cheddar cheese production.

In their first collaboration ever, the two farmer-owned cooperatives plan to explore opportunities to build premium quality standards in the cheddar category in the world's biggest cheese market.

One-third of the cheese bought by American consumers is cheddar cheese. However, very few brands currently offered in the U.S. produce cheddar using the highest milk quality available, without growth hormones or artificial ingredients.

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Organic livestock standards proposed

Consumers look for and trust the organic seal because they know that the U.S. Department of Agriculture stands behind the standards it represents. In order to ensure consistent application of the USDA organic regulations for organic livestock and poultry operations and to maintain confidence in organic-labeled products, USDA took action Thursday by announcing that it will soon publish and invite public comment on a proposed rule regarding organic livestock and poultry practices.

"It's an important step that will strengthen consumer confidence in the label and ensure that organic agriculture continues to provide economic opportunities for farmers, ranchers and businesses around the country," Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) administrator Elanor Starmer said. "This proposal sets clear standards for organic animals, providing clarity to organic operations and certifying agents and establishing a level playing field for all producers." 

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More cattle may limit ag-related greenhouse gas emissions

A new study co-authored by an Iowa State University researcher indicates that an increase in cattle production - and the associated forage land - on Iowa's agricultural landscape could lead to fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

The research, published recently in the peer-reviewed Journal of Soil & Water Conservation, found that cattle production yields a smaller percentage of greenhouse gas emissions than row-crop cultivation.

That suggests that integrating more cattle production into Iowa's agricultural portfolio may cut the state's greenhouse gas emissions and lead to other environmental benefits, said Mark Rasmussen, director of Iowa State's Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture and co-author of the study.

However, those benefits largely would depend on new forage land on which the cattle would feed, Rasmussen said. More forage and pasture land means more roots in the ground holding soil in place and increasing the land's capacity to store carbon, he said.

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USDA launches first-ever local foods survey

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced April 7 the "2015 Local Food Marketing Practices Survey" as part of its continued support of local and regional food systems.

USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is conducting this first-time survey to produce official benchmark data on the local food sector in the U.S.

"USDA launched the 'Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Initiative' in 2009 to support the growing demand for local and regional food systems, and local food has been part of federal, state and local government policy discussions as consumer interest and demand has grown," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said. "The information NASS collects in this survey is vital to providing data to understand the benefits of local and regional food systems."

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ADSA News and Happenings

The LDHM Conference is less than a month away, are you coming?
The Large Dairy Herd Management Conference is less than a month away.  It will be held May 1 - 4, 2016 at the Hilton Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook, Illinois.  This is a "one of a kind" opportunity, so make your plans to be there.  It will be a great conference.  In addition to the cutting edge information that will be shared, networking opportunities will abound.  Nearly 500 people have already registered.  Participants come from 24 countries, 36 states, 40 universities, and over 160 companies!
Here are a few of the conference highlights:
2 � days of sessions with cutting edge information
15 Sections
Each presentation offered 2 times
So, choose from 94 presentations
1-day registration option is available
Registration Includes 90-day free trial for S-PAC�
2nd hotel provides shuttle service / parking at both hotels is free
If you drive, it is easy to get to as it is just short distance from I-88 and I-294.
Complete registration and the latest conference information, including the conference program, is posted on the LDHM website: http://www.adsa.org/Meetings/LargeDairyHerdManagement.aspx
FDA Finalizes Rule on Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food
On April 5th, the Food and Drug Administration released the FSMA Final Rule on Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food. The rule establishes requirements for shippers, loaders, carriers by motor or rail vehicle, and receivers involved in transporting human and animal food to use sanitary practices to ensure the safety of that food. Key requirements of the rule include:
Vehicles and transportation equipment: The design and maintenance of vehicles and transportation equipment to ensure that it does not cause the food that it transports to become unsafe. For example, they must be suitable and adequately cleanable for their intended use and capable of maintaining temperatures necessary for the safe transport of food.
Transportation operations: The measures taken during transportation to ensure food safety, such as adequate temperature controls, preventing contamination of ready to eat food from touching raw food, protection of food from contamination by non-food items in the same load or previous load, and protection of food from cross-contact, i.e., the unintentional incorporation of a food allergen.
Training: Training of carrier personnel in sanitary transportation practices and documentation of the training. This training is required when the carrier and shipper agree that the carrier is responsible for sanitary conditions during transport.
Records: Maintenance of records of written procedures, agreements and training (required of carriers). The required retention time for these records depends upon the type of record and when the covered activity occurred, but does not exceed 12 months.
Small businesses will have two years to comply with the regulation, while all other businesses will have one year to comply.  FDA has developed a fact sheet on the rule, and more information can be found here.
USDA Proposes Organic Animal Welfare Regulations
On April 7th, the United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) issued a proposed rule regarding organic livestock and poultry production practices.  According to AMS, the proposal is designed to provide clear guidance for organic producers and handlers to provide for their animal's welfare.  Major provisions of the proposed rule include:
  • Clarifying how producers and handlers must treat livestock and poultry to ensure their health and wellbeing throughout life, including transport and slaughter. 
  • Specifying which physical alterations are allowed and prohibited in organic livestock and poultry production. 
  • Establishing minimum indoor and outdoor space requirements for poultry.  
AMS asserts that the rule is needed to ensure a consistent standard for organic production and will strengthen consumer confidence in organic meat, poultry and eggs.  More information on the proposed rule can be found on the AMS website including text of the proposed rule and a questions and answers document.
Journal of Dairy Science� (JDS) website offers Additional Article Collections
Champaign, IL, April 8, 2016 - Approximately a year ago we introduced an enhancement to the Journal of Dairy Science� (JDS)-the Article Collections. The collections are compilations of significant papers and research developments within a particular subject area, selected by experts in that area. All papers have been published in the JDS, assuring that the information is high quality peer reviewed work that can be cited with confidence. The initial collections were:
Estrus Technology Collection
Compiled by Karmella Dolecheck, Lauren Mayo, and Jeffrey Bewley, University of Kentucky
JDS Mastitis and Milk Quality Collection
Compiled by Pamela L. Ruegg, University of Wisconsin
Pregnancy Diagnosis and Resynchronization Collection
Compiled by Paulo D. Carvalho, Rafael Barletta, and Paul M. Fricke, Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison http://www.journalofdairyscience.org/content/pregnancy 
Editor's Choice
Editor's Choice is a feature of each Journal issue, and articles selected are made available for free access. http://www.journalofdairyscience.org/content/edchoice 
The initial "Collections" have proven to be very popular but there are many other areas of interest, so we have expanded the offerings with six additional "Collections."  They are:
Tail Docking Collection
The Journal of Dairy Science has assembled a collection of research articles on the subject and has made these freely available to better inform discussion in the dairy community. http://www.journalofdairyscience.org/taildocking
Listeria monocytogenes and Dairy Products Collection
Compiled by Maxwell L. Van Tassell, Garrett P. Hoepker, and Michael J. Miller, University of Illinois, http://www.journalofdairyscience.org/listeria
Compiled by the ad hoc ADSA Milk Protein and Enzyme Committee, Rafael Jim�nez-Flores, Milena Corredig, and Rodrigo Roesch, http://www.journalofdairyscience.org/casein 
Timed AI Programs at First Insemination in Lactating Dairy Cattle
Compiled by Jeffrey S. Stevenson, Kansas State University, http://www.journalofdairyscience.org/invited-reviews
Most-Cited Awards
Four articles are selected each year, one from each of the four sections of the journal: Dairy Foods; Physiology and Management; Nutrition, Feeding and Calves; and Genetics and Breeding for recognition, as having the most citations from the date of publication to April 15 of the recognition year. http://www.journalofdairyscience.org/content/mostcited2015
Invited Reviews Collections
The section includes Invited Reviews in Animal Nutrition; Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics; Dairy Foods; Health, Behavior, and Well-Being; Physiology and Resources; and Environment. http://www.journalofdairyscience.org/invited-reviews
All collections are now available at http://www.journalofdairyscience.org. ADSA provides the collections as a service to the global dairy industry, enhancing the value that JDS already provides by creating content collections curated by ADSA members who are recognized experts in the field. Full access to all articles in every collection is provided to individual members and e-members of ADSA as well as institutional subscribers. Many articles are openly available and therefore accessible to all readers. To learn more about ADSA or to become a member go to www.adsa.org.
Would you like to help the animal and dairy science community
and attend the 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting for free?
Referrals are the most tried-and-true way businesses grow, and the same is true for FASS. Do you know a colleague working with an animal science group that is in need of high-quality, cost-effective support services? Help them out by referring them to Jamie Ritter, FASS Executive Director at jamier@assochq.org .
Helpthem benefit from the shared resource concept and the 264 years of collective experience the FASS staff have in working with non-profit animal science organizations. If your referral becomes a FASS customer prior to June 1, 2017, ADSA will comp your registration to the 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting that will be held June 25 to 28, 2017 in Pittsburgh, PA.  It's win-win-win. For more information about services offered by FASS, click here.
Are You Part of ADSA� on Linked In
Our ADSA Linked In group continues to grow. We now include 1,521 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to get information and network with other dairy professionals from around the world.  Check it out here.
Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining Members
                                 We appreciate your ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.

Diamond V Mills 
Kent Nutrition
Grande Cheese Co.
Darling International Research
Quali Tech
Zook Nutrition & Management
DuPont Pioneer
West Central
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Ag Processing
Renaissance Nutrition
Global Agri-Trade Corp.
Masters Choice
Papillon Agricultural Co.
Western Pacific Oils LLC 
Calendar of Events
April 12-14, 2016     (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop in Association with NYS Agric. & Markets, Cornell University, For more information contact Steve Murphy, Ph: 607-255-2893 or Louise Felker , PH: 607-255-7098.

April 12-14, 2016   FSPCA - Preventive Controls for Human Food Training. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. For more information, click here
April 13, 2016   2016 Herd Health & Nutrition Conference*, Holiday Inn, Liverpool/Syracuse, NY. For registration and more information click here.

April 14, 2016  2016   Herd Health & Nutrition Conference*, Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, South Burlington, VT. For registration and more information, click here.

April 13-14, 2016   "REAL Sustainability," Real Engagement in Agricultural Livelihoods, Scheman Building at the Iowa State Center in Ames, Iowa. For registration and more information, click here.

April 18 - 20, 2016     Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Grand Wayne Center,  Fort Wayne, IN, For more information click here

April 25-29, 2016    World of Cheese from Pasture to Plate, Babcock Hall, Room 2015, UW-Madison, Madison, WI. For more information click here

May 1-4, 2016
     Large Dairy Herd Management (LDHM) Conference, Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook, IL, For more information click here 
May 3, 2016   Wisconsin Cleaning & Sanitation Workshop, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, Wis. For more information,

May 4, 2016    HACCP Workshop, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here
May 10-11, 2016   Applied Dairy Chemistry, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.

May 10-11, 2016  Dairy Lab for Improved Quality. The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. For more information, click here.

May 15-19, 2016  "Membrane & Other Separation Technologies" short course, sponsored by Food Protein R&D Center at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. For registration and more information, click here.

May 18-20, 2016   Minnesota Dairy Health Conference, Crowne Plaza Suites MSP Airport - Mall of America, Bloomington, MN, for registration and more information, click here.

May 20-21, 2016  The Dairy Cattle Welfare Symposium: Intersection of Best Practices and Sustainability. Ohio Union at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. For registration and more information, click here.

May 24-25, 2016     Basic Dairy Science & Sanitation Workshop, Online and Cornell University,  For more information contact
Kim Bukowski Ph: 607-254-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
May 24-25, 2016  IDFA's 2016 Milk and Cultured Dairy Conference, Omni Severin Hotel, Indianapolis, IN. For more information and registration, click here.

June 7-8, 2016     Science of Yogurt & Fermented Dairy Products Workshop (Basic), On-line and Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
June 7-9, 2016   Cheese Grading Short Course, Babcock Hall, 2605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.

June 15-16, 2016     4-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, Grand River Center, Dubuque, IA, contact
Jim Salfer, U of MN, salfe001@umn.edu
June 20-24, 2016 13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information click here
June 21-23, 2016  Precision Dairy Farming 2016, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. For more information, click here.

July 2-9, 2016  American Dairy Goat Association National Show, Farm Show Complex & Expo Center, Harrisburg, PA. For more information contact ADGA, PO Box 865, Spindale, NC 28160, 828-286-3801 
July 3-8, 2016     World Buiatrics Congress 2016, Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland, For more information click here.
July 12-14, 2016     High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop in association with NYS Agriculture and Markets, Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
July 18-21, 2016     Certified Milk Inspector's School in Association with NY State Agriculture & Markets, Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098, Course Syllabus  , Required Course of NYS-CMIs
July 19-23, 2016  ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Salt Lake City, UT, for more information click here
July 24-28, 2016     2016 National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference (AM/PIC) Little Rock, AR, For more information click here
Aug 2-3, 2016  Milk Pasteurization, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.

Aug 15-18, 2016     Food Safety Systems (HACCP) and Implementing SQF, Cornell University, For more information contact
Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or  Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Aug 17-18, 2016  2016 Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference*, Embassy Suites, Grapevine, TX. For registration and more information, click here.

Sept 11-13, 2016    
NYS Cheese Manufacturers' Assoc. Annual Fall Meeting, Harbor Hotel, Watkins Glen NY, For more information contact Janene Lucia, Ph: 607-227-5833
Sept 13-14, 2016   Master Artisan Short Course Series, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.

Sept 14-15, 2016     Advanced Fluid Milk Cornell University, For more information contact
Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or  Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Sept 20-22, 2016      NYS Association for Food Protection Annual Conference/FDA NE Regional Update, Doubletree Hotel Syracuse, NY For more information contact Janene Lucia, Ph: 607-227-5833

Sept 21-22, 2016  77th Minnesota Nutrition Conference*, Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, Prior Lake, MN. For more information and registration, click here.

Oct 3-7, 2016   Cheese Tech Short Course, Babcock Hall Room 205, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
Oct 4-6, 2016  Introduction to Dairy Processing and Management. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. For more information and registration, click here

Oct 4-8, 2016     50th World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI. For more information
click here
Oct 11-12, 2016  Dairy Ingredient Manufacturing, Babcock Hall, Room 2015, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here

Oct 11-13, 2016     High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, For more information contact
Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Oct 19-20, 2016     Advanced Cheese Making, Cornell University, For more information contact Rob Ralyea Ph: 607-255-7643 or Louise Felker Ph:  607-255-7098

Oct 19-20, 2016  HTST Maintenance Workshop. The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. For more information and registration, click here.  
Oct 20-26, 2016     120th IUSAHA- AAVLD Annual Meeting , Greensboro Sheraton Hotel. Greensboro, NC, For more information click here
Oct 25-26, 2016   Advance Clean In Place (CIP), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. For more information and registration, click here.

Oct 25-26, 2016     Vat Pasteurization/Basic Cheese Making Workshop, On-line and Cornell University, For more information contact
Rob Ralyea Ph: 607-255-7643 or Louise Felker Ph:  607-255-7098
Oct 25-27, 2016  Pasteurizer Operators Workshop, Penn State University, Food Science Building, Curtain and Bigler Roads, University Park, PA 16802. For details on the workshop and registration information, click here.

Nov 1-4, 2016    31st ADSA Discover Conference: Big Data Dairy Management,  Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook, IL, For more information 
click here

Nov 2-4, 2016   Cheese Grading Short Course, Babcock Hall, Room 205, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI, For more information
click here

Nov 7-10, 2016  The Science and Art of Cheese Making Short Course, Rodney A.Erickson Food Science Building, Penn State University, University Park, PA. For more information and registration, click here.

Nov 10-11, 2016    
2016 DCRC Annual Meeting, Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, For registration and more information click here

Nov 14-16, 2016  Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals*, St. Louis, MO. For more information and registration click here.

Nov 30-Dec 2, 2016   Ice Cream Makers Short Course, Babcock Hall, Room 205, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI, For more information
click here

Dec 6-7, 2016    
Food Safety Plans for Artisan and Farmstead Processors, Online & Hands-On Location TBD, For more information contact Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or  Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
June 25-28, 2017 2017 ADSA Annual Conference and Tradeshow, Pittsburgh, PA.  For more information click here
*An S-PAC Partner Conference
If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC�, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.
If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.

ADSA Membership Benefits                                 
Did you know that your ADSA Professional Membership provides you with:

*        Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science�

*        Joint Annual Meeting at member rates

*        Discover Conferences at member rates

*        S-PAC: Free access to JAM and ADSA divisional abstracts

*        S-PAC subscription at member rates

*        Access to recorded symposia library                                                                       

*        ADSA News (association newsletter)

*        ADSA Dair e-news (ADSA industry newsletter)

*        Access to member directory

*        Peer recognition through ADSA and Foundation Award Program

*        Discounted page charges in Journal of Dairy Science�

*        A strong voice of advocacy for the animal sciences, animal agriculture and agriculture research

*        Broad author recognition through ADSA/Elsevier press release program

*        Linked In and You Tube sites for ADSA

*        Quality networking with academic and industry professionals

*        Travel awards for all graduate students attending Discover Conferences

*        Opportunity to serve peers via committee and officer positions

For more information on your benefits please visit: http://www.adsa.org/join.asp
To join now and gain these member benefits, visit: http://www.adsa.org/join.asp

American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820
Email: adsa@assochg.org

Penton Farm Progress | 255 38th Ave #P | St. Charles | IL | 60174