Provided by the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs / Feedstuffs FoodLink
Opinion and editorial content included in the Dair-e-news represent the views of the authors.
Publication does not represent endorsement of any position by the ADSA.
Ken Olson, Ph: 630-237-4961, keolson@prodigy.net |
National Dairy FARM program updated
The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) board of directors recently approved changes to the National Dairy FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) Program to strengthen the effectiveness and credibility of its animal care standards.
Revisions to the FARM Program occur every three years and are based on input from farmers, veterinarians and others involved in the FARM Program's Technical Writing Group and the NMPF Animal Health & Wellbeing Committee and on recommendations received through a public comment period.
The revision process began in May 2015; the NMPF board's decision to approve the recommended revisions was the final step in the nearly 10-month process. The updates approved March 8 during the NMPF board of directors meeting will be reflected in version 3.0 of the Dairy FARM Program when it is implemented starting Jan. 1, 2017. Read more
FDA finalizes BSE rule
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration issued a rule March 17 finalizing three previously issued interim final rules designed to further reduce the potential risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in human food. The final rule provides definitions for prohibited cattle materials and prohibits the use of such materials in human food, dietary supplements and cosmetics to address the potential risk of BSE. These materials include: * Specified risk materials - the brain, skull, eyes, trigeminal ganglia, spinal cord, vertebral column (excluding the vertebrae of the tail, the transverse processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and the wings of the sacrum) and dorsal root ganglia of cattle 30 months of age and older and the tonsils and distal ileum of the small intestine from all cattle;
* The small intestine from all cattle, unless the distal ileum has been properly removed; * Material from non-ambulatory disabled cattle, and * Material from cattle not inspected and passed, or mechanically separated (MS) beef. Read more
Momentum surges on 'protein highway' plan
A new initiative started by the Canadian Consulate in Minneapolis, Minn., and involving representatives from a variety of sectors from both Canada and the U.S. is seeking to rebrand a certain area of North America the "Protein Highway." According to a recent white paper from the Consulate General of Canada in Minneapolis, the Protein Highway initiative seeks to enhance cross-border collaboration among entrepreneurs, researchers and investors across the Canadian Prairies and Upper Midwest/Great Plains region and to stimulate economic growth and prosperity in innovative agricultural technology solutions to meet the growing global demand for plant-derived protein. This is in response to ongoing population pressure, increasing demand on finite resources and a documented increase in demand for "whole-format protein crops, novel plant-derived protein ingredients, meat replacements and specialty industrial ingredients."
The goal is to make the Protein Highway region into a hub for innovation to improve the entire productive value chain for crops grown in the identified region: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. This would include enhanced protein crop production, development of new processing facilities and food ingredient manufacturing and incentives for new entrepreneurial and investment activity. Read more
Top food companies urge funding to combat antibiotic resistance
Leading food companies such as Wal-Mart, Costco, Cargill, McDonald's, Tyson Foods, Hormel, Cargill and others have written a letter to congressional appropriators urging Congress to build on investments in the fiscal 2017 appropriations legislation that would help combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The companies sought support for the Administration's National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria through the Food & Drug Administration and at the Department of Agriculture.
In the letter, the groups cited recent reports showing that highly mobile resistance genes are emerging to "last resort" antibiotics like colistin, which raise serious concerns over the future availability of these vital drugs. "Combating this threat and avoiding a world without effective antibiotics will require increased and sustained federal investments in biomedical research, public health infrastructure and surveillance," the letter said. Read more
Another "Member Benefit"
Since 2009, FASS has hosted a science policy program to create a voice for animal science. The success of this program has been driven by an effective partnership between The Randel Group and active participation by committed members of the FASS Science Policy Committee. The Randel Group represents FASS in Washington, DC as well as at other events and meetings throughout the country. The vision of this program is to serve as the "go to" source and communicator of policies that are founded in sound science and to promote FASS as a leading authority on issues across the animal sciences at the local, state, regional, national, and global levels.
Effective January 1, 2016, the FASS advocacy program was expanded to benefit all FASS animal science clients. Not yet an ADSA member? Click here to join and enjoy all the benefits of membership throughout the remainder of the year or
ADSA and FASS Support For Research Funding
ADSA and FASS joined with other members of the Friends of Agricultural Statistics and Analysis (FASA), in a letter to leaders of the U.S. Senate and House Subcommittees on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies strongly supporting federal investment to advance agricultural statistics and research in the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA). Copies of the letters and other coalition letters that ADSA has participated in are available in the Science Policy section of the ADSA website.
Touch the Lives of All Americans!
Here is an opportunity for dairy scientists to have an impact on scientific, policy or regulatory issues that impact us now and in the future. The FDA's Commissioner's Fellowship Program is accepting applications for the Class of 2016 from April 1 - May 12, 2016! FDA invites outstanding health care professionals, scientists, and engineers to apply to its two-year Fellowship Program, where they will receive regulatory science training and the chance to conduct cutting-edge research on targeted scientific, policy, or regulatory issues under the mentorship of an FDA senior scientist.
The ADSA Foundation invites you to register now for the upcoming Large Dairy Herd Management Conference May 1-4, 2016, at the Hilton Oak Brook Hills Resort in Oak Brook, Illinois. Click here for complete conference and registration information.
Your registration includes all conference materials, as well as the opening reception, breakfast Monday through Wednesday, and lunch Monday and Tuesday. To add even more value, a 90-day free subscription to S-PAC�is included with your registration. Complete registration and conference information including the program is posted on the LDHM website:http://www.adsa.org/Meetings/LargeDairyHerdManagement.aspx
Can't Attend the Entire Conference? One Day Registrations Now Available!
The abstract submissions deadline for the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�), the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science (WSASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) 2016 Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) is Wednesday, March 23.
Before you submit an abstract, please note the following:
- Abstracts submitted for JAM will be accepted or rejected. There will be no revisions after the submission deadline. Because of this, the Quality Standards for Abstracts Statement has been revised.
- Authors submitting an abstract for JAM will be charged a $30 technology fee per abstract at submission. This submission fee is being used to cover the cost of electronic posters and virtual meetings.
- WSASAS authors submitting an abstract and proceedings manuscript will not be charged the JAM technology fee, but will be charged the $100 page charge for proceeding manuscripts up to 4 pages in length. If a WSASAS proceedings manuscript is over 4 pages, the submitting author will be invoiced an additional $25 per page, due April 27, 2016. Starting with the 2016 meeting, there are no longer forms to fill out, sign and send to ASAS headquarters. Instead, there is a copyright release box in step two of submission. If you do not check the box saying you agree to these terms, then your abstract will not be considered for publication or presentation.
The deadline for abstract submission is next Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 11:59 pm (PST). More detailed instructions can be found here or downloaded as a PDF.
Would you like to help the animal and dairy science community and attend the 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting for free?
Referrals are the most tried-and-true way businesses grow, and the same is true for FASS. Do you know a colleague working with an animal science group that is in need of high-quality, cost-effective support services? Help them out by referring them to Jamie Ritter, FASS Executive Director at jamier@assochq.org .
Help them benefit from the shared resource concept and the 264 years of collective experience the FASS staff have in working with non-profit animal science organizations. If your referral becomes a FASS customer prior to June 1, 2017, ADSA will comp your registration to the 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting that will be held June 25 to 28, 2017 in Pittsburgh, PA. It's win-win-win. For more information about services offered by FASS, click here.
Are You Part of ADSA� on Linked In
Our ADSA Linked In group continues to grow. We now include 1,516 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to get information and network with other dairy professionals from around the world. Check it out here.
Share Your Ideas for a Discover Conference Topic
The DISCOVER conference series is seeking your input for future topics that address important contemporary issues in food animal agriculture. The DISCOVER environment fosters creativity and emphasizes interaction and open discussion among all participants. See the following web site (http://www.adsa.org/Portals/0/SiteContent/docs/discover/DiscoverRFP.pdf) for submitting a proposed topic.
Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining Members
We appreciate your ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.
Diamond V Mills Kent Nutrition Grande Cheese Co. Darling International Research Quali Tech Zook Nutrition & Management DuPont Pioneer Zoetis West Central Lallemand Animal Nutrition Ag Processing Renaissance Nutrition Global Agri-Trade Corp. Masters Choice Papillon Agricultural Co. Nutriad Western Pacific Oils LLC
Mar 22-23, 2016 FRI Better Process Cheese School, Microbial Sciences Building, 1550 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For registation information, click here.
Mar 30-31, 2016 Pathogen Environmental Monitoring Workshop, Cornell University. For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
April 5-7, 2016 Membrane Filtration, Separation, and Concentration Technologies, Cornell University, For more information contact Steve Murphy, Ph: 607-255-2893 or Louise Felker, Ph: 607-255-709
April 6, 2016 52nd Florida Dairy Production Conference*, Alto Straughn, IFAS Extension Professional Development Center, Gainesville, FL. For more information and registration, click here.
April 7-9, 2016 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge & Academy: hosted by the Northeast Region in Syracuse, NY For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
April 12-14, 2016 (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop in Association with NYS Agric. & Markets, Cornell University, For more information contact Steve Murphy, Ph: 607-255-2893 or Louise Felker , PH: 607-255-7098
April 13, 2016 2016 Herd Health & Nutrition Conference*, Holiday Inn, Liverpool/Syracuse, NY. For registration and more information click here.
April 14, 2016 2016 Herd Health & Nutrition Conference*, Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, South Burlington, VT. For registration and more information, click here.
April 13-14, 2016 "REAL Sustainability," Real Engagement in Agricultural Livelihoods, Scheman Building at the Iowa State Center in Ames, Iowa. For registration and more information, click here.
April 18 - 20, 2016 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne, IN, For more information click here April 25-29, 2016 World of Cheese from Pasture to Plate, Babcock Hall, Room 2015, UW-Madison, Madison, WI. For more information click here
May 1-4, 2016 Large Dairy Herd Management (LDHM) Conference, Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook, IL, For more information click here
May 3, 2016 Wisconsin Cleaning & Sanitation Workshop, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, Wis. For more information,
May 4, 2016 HACCP Workshop, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
May 10-11, 2016 Applied Dairy Chemistry, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
May 15-19, 2016 "Membrane & Other Separation Technologies" short course, sponsored by Food Protein R&D Center at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. For registration and more information, click here.
May 18-20, 2016 Minnesota Dairy Health Conference, Crowne Plaza Suites MSP Airport - Mall of America, Bloomington, MN, for registration and more information, click here.
May 20-21, 2016 The Dairy Cattle Welfare Symposium: Intersection of Best Practices and Sustainability. Ohio Union at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. For registration and more information, click here.
May 24-25, 2016 Basic Dairy Science & Sanitation Workshop, Online and Cornell University, For more information contact Kim Bukowski Ph: 607-254-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
May 24-25, 2016 IDFA's 2016 Milk and Cultured Dairy Conference, Omni Severin Hotel, Indianapolis, IN. For more information and registration, click here.
June 7-8, 2016 Science of Yogurt & Fermented Dairy Products Workshop (Basic), On-line and Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
June 7-9, 2016 Cheese Grading Short Course, Babcock Hall, 2605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
June 15-16, 2016 4-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, Grand River Center, Dubuque, IA, contact Jim Salfer, U of MN, salfe001@umn.edu
June 20-24, 2016 13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information click here
June 21-23, 2016 Precision Dairy Farming 2016, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. For more information, click here.
July 2-9, 2016 American Dairy Goat Association National Show, Farm Show Complex & Expo Center, Harrisburg, PA. For more information contact ADGA, PO Box 865, Spindale, NC 28160, 828-286-3801 www.ADGA.org.
July 3-8, 2016 World Buiatrics Congress 2016, Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland, For more information click here.
July 12-14, 2016 High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop in association with NYS Agriculture and Markets, Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
July 19-23, 2016 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Salt Lake City, UT, for more information click here
July 24-28, 2016 2016 National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference (AM/PIC) Little Rock, AR, For more information click here
Aug 2-3, 2016 Milk Pasteurization, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
Aug 15-18, 2016 Food Safety Systems (HACCP) and Implementing SQF, Cornell University, For more information contact Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Aug 17-18, 2016 2016 Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference*, Embassy Suites, Grapevine, TX. For registration and more information, click here.
Sept 11-13, 2016 NYS Cheese Manufacturers' Assoc. Annual Fall Meeting, Harbor Hotel, Watkins Glen NY, For more information contact Janene Lucia, Ph: 607-227-5833
Sept 13-14, 2016 Master Artisan Short Course Series, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
Sept 14-15, 2016 Advanced Fluid Milk Cornell University, For more information contact Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Sept 21-22, 2016 77th Minnesota Nutrition Conference*, Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, Prior Lake, MN. For more information and registration, click here.
Oct 3-7, 2016 Cheese Tech Short Course, Babcock Hall Room 205, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
Oct 4-8, 2016 50th World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI. For more information click here
Oct 11-12, 2016 Dairy Ingredient Manufacturing, Babcock Hall, Room 2015, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
Oct 11-13, 2016 High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Oct 19-20, 2016 Advanced Cheese Making, Cornell University, For more information contact Rob Ralyea Ph: 607-255-7643 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Oct 20-26, 2016 120th IUSAHA- AAVLD Annual Meeting , Greensboro Sheraton Hotel. Greensboro, NC, For more information click here
Oct 25-26, 2016 Vat Pasteurization/Basic Cheese Making Workshop, On-line and Cornell University, For more information contact Rob Ralyea Ph: 607-255-7643 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Oct 25-27, 2016 Pasteurizer Operators Workshop, Penn State University, Food Science Building, Curtain and Bigler Roads, University Park, PA 16802. For details on the workshop and registration information, click here.
Nov 1-4, 2016 31st ADSA Discover Conference: Big Data Dairy Management, Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook, IL, For more information click here
Nov 2-4, 2016 Cheese Grading Short Course, Babcock Hall, Room 205, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI, For more information click here
Nov 10-11, 2016 2016 DCRC Annual Meeting, Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, For registration and more information click here
Nov 14-16, 2016 Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals*, St. Louis, MO. For more information and registration click here.
Nov 30-Dec 2, 2016 Ice Cream Makers Short Course, Babcock Hall, Room 205, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI, For more information click here
Dec 6-7, 2016 Food Safety Plans for Artisan and Farmstead Processors, Online & Hands-On Location TBD, For more information contact Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
June 25-28, 2017 2017 ADSA Annual Conference and Tradeshow, Pittsburgh, PA. For more information click here
*An S-PAC Partner Conference
If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC�, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.
If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.
ADSA Membership Benefits
Did you know that your ADSA Professional Membership provides you with:
* Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science�
* Joint Annual Meeting at member rates
* Discover Conferences at member rates
* S-PAC: Free access to JAM and ADSA divisional abstracts
* S-PAC subscription at member rates
* Access to recorded symposia library
* ADSA News (association newsletter)
* ADSA Dair e-news (ADSA industry newsletter)
* Access to member directory
* Peer recognition through ADSA and Foundation Award Program
* Discounted page charges in Journal of Dairy Science�
* A strong voice of advocacy for the animal sciences, animal agriculture and agriculture research
* Broad author recognition through ADSA/Elsevier press release program
* Linked In and You Tube sites for ADSA
* Quality networking with academic and industry professionals
* Travel awards for all graduate students attending Discover Conferences
* Opportunity to serve peers via committee and officer positions
American Dairy Science Association 1800 South Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820 Email: adsa@assochg.org