Provided by the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs / Feedstuffs FoodLink
Opinion and editorial content included in the Dair-e-news represent the views of the authors.
Publication does not represent endorsement of any position by the ADSA.
Ken Olson, Ph: 630-237-4961, keolson@prodigy.net |
Comments sought on dairy sustainability indicators
The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy - established under the leadership of America's dairy producers and importers - announced Jan. 11 a 60-day stakeholder consultation period for the review of proposed indicators in the "Stewardship & Sustainability Guide for U.S. Dairy."
Launched in 2013, the guide provides a voluntary, science-based framework for the dairy value chain to measure and communicate sustainability progress.
The proposed indicators are the result of a multiyear, science-based effort led by the innovation center's Sustainability Alliance to identify and define the sustainability indicators that matter most. The new indicators for farms as well as processors and manufacturers have been through an extensive review process by members of the dairy community, including farm cooperatives, dairy processors and manufacturers. They are now available for review by other key stakeholders, such as dairy retailers, government agencies and non-governmental organizations. Read more
Trade commission hears pros, cons of TPP
Before the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC), a panel of agricultural groups outlined some of the possible economic benefits and impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
The TPP is trade agreement among Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the U.S. and Vietnam. Negotiations concluded in November, and now the agreement must be ratified by each country and, in the U.S., debated and passed by Congress.
USITC held three days of hearings to gather information for an economic analysis of TPP, as mandated by trade promotion authority legislation. That analysis includes the pact's impact on specific business sectors, such as agriculture. Read more
Chr. Hansen to acquire Nutritional Physiology Co.
Nutrition Physiology Co. LLC (NPC) announced Jan. 13 that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Chr. Hansen. NPC is committed to enhancing the health and productivity of animals with its BOVAMINE, BOVAMINE DEFEND, BOVAMINE DAIRY and POULTRIMAX products and said it has built a reputation as the partner for developing innovative probiotic microbial solution products for the cattle and poultry industries. Chr. Hansen is a leading developer and manufacturer of microbial solutions for animal health globally.
"Over the last five years, NPC has delivered excellent value to existing customers, expanded to serve new types of livestock customers and introduced new product formulations. Our employees have been critical to our success and effectively servicing our customers," NPC chairman and chief executive officer Tony Arnold said. "The sale of NPC to Chr. Hansen will provide access to a broader array of resources and a global footprint, which will enable further expansion and customer service." Read more
New OIE director general presents five-year plan
Dr. Monique Eloit took up her position as director general of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) on Jan. 1 for a five-year term, succeeding Dr. Bernard Vallat. She was elected in May 2015 by the World Assembly of OIE Delegates. Eloit will guide the future direction of the organization from the OIE headquarters in Paris, France, overseeing the work of the various departments there and of the organization's 13 regional and sub-regional representations throughout the world.
A veterinary surgeon and general inspector of veterinary public health, Eloit has also held the positions of director to the director general of the French Food Safety Agency and chief veterinary officer and delegate from France to OIE before becoming OIE deputy director general in charge of administration, management, human resources and regional activities. Read more
FFAR Call for Nominations for New Innovator Award and Advisory Councils
The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) is busy working to develop new programs and policies. One of the first programs announced is the New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Award. The award is designed to support, through grants of up to $200,000 per year over three years, standout food and agriculture scientists within the first three years of a tenure-track or equivalent career. Awardees will possess innovative ideas with the potential to propel a specific area of food and agriculture science forward. Institutions of higher education are invited to nominate one outstanding individual. Please be prepared to submit via online form the nominee name, department, title, institution, and area of research. More information on the New Innovator program can be found here.
FFAR is also seeking Advisory Council members who will play an important role in advising the FFAR staff and board on future programming decisions and other ways in which the Foundation may fulfill its mission to build unique partnerships to support innovative research addressing today's agricultural challenges. Knowledge and experience is sought in each of FFAR's seven research target areas. More information on the Advisory Council can be found here.
Nominations for both programs are due on January 20, 2016.
AAVMC/APLU to Hold Summit on Antibiotic Stewardship
The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) and the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU), in partnership with the Economic Research Service and the Farm Foundation, are holding a summit in Washington, DC on January 20-21 to examine policy, education and economics of antimicrobial stewardship. The summit will highlight the diverse issues involved in antimicrobial stewardship. Targeted to livestock producers, feed suppliers, veterinarians, academics and government agency staff, the summit is an opportunity to advance the conversation on the industry's adaptation to the changing landscape of antimicrobial drug use. FASS Washington Representative Lowell Randel will be participating in the meeting. More information on the summit can be found here.
ADSA says: Thank you for being a member of ADSA!
Thank you for being a member of ADSA! While the ADSA Dair-e-news and our ADSA® Linked In group are available to all who have in an interest in dairy science, they are made available because of our membership. If you forgot to renew your ADSA membership you can still do it. To continue to receive all your member benefits throughout the coming year click to renew today. If you are not already a member we hope that you find the many ADSA benefits of interest. Now is a great time to join and take advantage of all these benefits. In order to serve our members, and potential members more efficiently, we are continuing to offer online dues renewal. We look forward to your membership and participation through the coming year. Click here to join or
A Present from ADSA to begin the New Year
The ADSA® Board is pleased to announce that the Journal of Dairy Science now has new sections beginning with the January 2016 issue. We invite you to view the new sections by browsing the January issue, which has been made freely accessible to all readers.
The journal has expanded from four science sections to six subsections in dairy foods and six subsections in dairy production to further distinguish content.
The Table of Contents features subsections for the first time. Dairy Foods, the section that receives the most submissions, is now subdivided into six, more specific content areas: Processing and Engineering; Chemistry and Materials Science; Microbiology and Safety; Bioactivity and Human Health; Sensory Analysis; and Resources and Environment.
The new dairy production sections include Physiology; Management and Economics; Health, Behavior, and Well-being; Animal Nutrition; Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics; and Resources and Environment. Our Industry Today has been renamed Dairy Industry Today, but its scope remains the same.
Thank you to Dr. Matthew Lucy, editor-in-chief; the Section Editors, and the Journal Management Committee for their work to refine the journal sections. Read the full press release.
Susan E. Duncan, PhD, RD ADSA President
Join us for the LDHM Conference
The "Large Dairy Herd Management" (LDHM) book has been a trusted resource for dairy producers and advisors for decades and a staple in universities' upper level dairy management courses. The last update, released in 1992, is still a good resource, but dairy production practices and management tools have changed significantly since that time. In view of continuing interest in the 2nd edition (1992) of LDHM and requests for an update, the ADSA® Foundation has undertaken publication of a 3rd edition (eBook) of LDHM led by Dave Beede.
As a first step in creating this comprehensive and essential resource, dairy experts from around the world have been selected to prepare and present chapter papers at the LDHM Conference that will be held May 1-4, 2016 at the Hilton Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook IL. Final publication of the e-Book is anticipated in 2017. We invite and encourage you to be a part of this important project that will benefit the dairy industry years for years to come.
The Conference is designed to provide an opportunity to share information on the topics in the e-Book and for authors to obtain feedback on the chapter papers they have developed. The program is designed so attendees will be able to participate in the sessions of most interest to them. The format will be different from your typical conference in that there will be multiple concurrent sessions organized around the e-Book sections topics (click here to see the list of sections).
Why should you attend?
- You will learn about the views of other industry leaders on the future of large dairy herd management as you help shape an important educational tool for the dairy industry.
- Conference/ e-Book topics are applicable to producers/managers of large dairy herds and you will be the first to see the information.
- You will have access to global experts on 96 large herd topics (click here to see the list of topics) during the 2 1/2-day Conference including the opportunity to ask questions, provide suggestions and engage in discussions during sessions and breaks.
- You will have opportunities for discussions and interactions with other large dairy herd producers and professional advisors from around the US and the world.
- There will be opportunities to visit with representatives of major global dairy support businesses and technical services.
Remember, the program is designed so that you can participate in the sessions of greatest interest to you, selecting from among the 8 concurrent sessions that will take place. The whole content from the Conference will be organized into an e-Book available from ADSA to the global dairy industry in spring of 2017.
Would you like to help the animal and dairy science community and attend the 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting for free?
Referrals are the most tried-and-true way businesses grow, and the same is true for FASS. Do you know a colleague working with an animal science group that is in need of high-quality, cost-effective support services? Help them out by referring them to Jamie Ritter, FASS Executive Director at jamier@assochq.org .
Help them benefit from the shared resource concept and the 264 years of collective experience the FASS staff have in working with non-profit animal science organizations. If your referral becomes a FASS customer prior to June 1, 2017, ADSA will comp your registration to the 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting that will be held June 25 to 28, 2017 in Pittsburgh, PA. It's win-win-win. For more information about services offered by FASS, click here.
Are You Part of ADSA® on Linked In
Our ADSA Linked In group continues to grow. We now include 1,490 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to get information and network with other dairy professionals from around the world. Check it out here.
Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining Members
We appreciate your ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science®.
Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition Elanco Animal Health Diamond V Mills Kent Nutrition Grande Cheese Co. Kraft Foods GEA Farm Technologies BioZyme Inc. Darling International Research Quali Tech Zook Nutrition & Management Zinpro DuPont Pioneer Zoetis West Central Lallemand Animal Nutrition Ag Processing Renaissance Nutrition Global Agri-Trade Corp. Masters Choice Papillon Agricultural Co. Nutriad
Jan 18-19, 2016 Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference: The Riverside Hotel, Boise Idaho, visit the http://www.pnwanc.org/
Jan 19, 2016 Hyperketonemia Treatment at the Individual Cow and Herd Level- Webinar with Dr. Jessica McArt, Cornell University, For more information and to register click here
Jan. 20-21, 2016 Antimicrobial Stewardship: Policy, Education and Economics Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, 400 New Jersey Ave. NW, Washington, D.C, Fore more information click here.
Feb 15-17, 2016 Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium*, Gainesville, FL, For more information click here.
Feb 16-18, 2016 Preventive Controls Qualified Individual Training - Preventive Controls for Human Food, Stocking Hall Conference Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact: Kim Bukowski, Ph 607-254-3313 or Louise Felker, Ph 607-255-7098
Feb 17-19, 2016 Midwest Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by UW Platteville and Southwest Technical College in Platteville, WI For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
Feb 17-19, 2016 2016 Southwest Nutrition Conference, Tempe Mission Palms Hotel & Conference, Tempe, AZ, For more information click here
Feb 17-19, 2016 VSFA Convention and VT DASC "Cow College"*, Roanoke, VA, For more information click here
Feb 23, 2016 Vermont Dairy Producers Conference, For more information click here
Feb 23-24, 2016 Specialty Cheese Course, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, NY, For more information contact Rob Ralyea 607-255-7643 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098
Feb. 25-26, 2016 USDA Ag Outlook Conference - Transforming Agriculture: Blending Technology and Tradition, Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel, Arlington, VA, for information about the Forum and to register, go to www.usda.gov/oce/forum/.
Feb 25-27, 2016 Western Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by College of the Sequoias in Tulare, CA For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
Mar. 8 - 11, 2016 34th Western Canadian Dairy Seminar*, for more information click here
Mar 14 - 16, 2016 Midwest Meeting ADSA® Midwest Branch and ASAS Midwestern Section, Des Moines, IA
Mar 30-31, 2016 Pathogen Environmental Monitoring Workshop, Cornell University. For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
April 5-7, 2016 Membrane Filtration, Separation, and Concentration Technologies, Cornell University, For more information contact Steve Murphy, Ph: 607-255-2893 or Louise Felker, Ph: 607-255-709
April 7-9, 2016 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge & Academy: hosted by the Northeast Region in Syracuse, NY For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
April 12-14, 2016 (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop in Association with NYS Agric. & Markets, Cornell University, For more information contact Steve Murphy, Ph: 607-255-2893 or Louise Felker , PH: 607-255-7098
Apr18 - 20, 2016 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne, IN, For more information click here
May 1-4, 2016 Large Dairy Herd Management (LDHM) Conference, Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook, IL, For more information click here
May 24-25, 2016 Basic Dairy Science & Sanitation Workshop, Online and Cornell University, For more information contact Kim Bukowski Ph: 607-254-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
June 7-8, 2016 Science of Yogurt & Fermented Dairy Products Workshop (Basic), On-line and Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
June 15-16, 2016 4-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, Grand River Center, Dubuque, IA, contact Jim Salfer, U of MN, salfe001@umn.edu
June 20-24, 2016 13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information click here
June 21-23, 2016 Precision Dairy Farming 2016, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. For more information, click here.
July 2-9, 2016 American Dairy Goat Association National Show, Farm Show Complex & Expo Center, Harrisburg, PA. For more information contact ADGA, PO Box 865, Spindale, NC 28160, 828-286-3801 www.ADGA.org.
July 3-8, 2016 World Buiatrics Congress 2016, Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland, For more information click here.
July 12-14, 2016 High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop in association with NYS Agriculture and Markets, Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
July 19-23, 2016 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Salt Lake City, UT, for more information click here
July 24-28, 2016 2016 National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference (AM/PIC) Little Rock, AR, For more information click here
Aug 15-18, 2016 Food Safety Systems (HACCP) and Implementing SQF, Cornell University, For more information contact Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Sept 14-15, 2016 Advanced Fluid Milk Cornell University, For more information contact Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Oct 4-8, 2016 50th World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI. For more information click here
Oct 11-13, 2016 High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, For more information contact Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Oct 19-20, 2016 Advanced Cheese Making, Cornell University, For more information contact Rob Ralyea Ph: 607-255-7643 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Oct 20-26, 2016 120th IUSAHA- AAVLD Annual Meeting , Greensboro Sheraton Hotel. Greensboro, NC, For more information click here
Oct 25-26, 2016 Vat Pasteurization/Basic Cheese Making Workshop, On-line and Cornell University, For more information contact Rob Ralyea Ph: 607-255-7643 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
Nov 1-4, 2016 31st ADSA Discover Conference: Big Data Dairy Management, Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook, IL, For more information click here
Dec 6-7, 2016 Food Safety Plans for Artisan and Farmstead Processors, Online & Hands-On Location TBD, For more information contact Kimberly Bukowski Ph: 607-243-3313 or Louise Felker Ph: 607-255-7098
June 25-28, 2017 2017 ADSA Annual Conference and Tradeshow, Pittsburgh, PA. For more information click here
*An S-PAC Partner Conference
If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC®, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.
If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.
ADSA Membership Benefits
Did you know that your ADSA Professional Membership provides you with:
* Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science®
* Joint Annual Meeting at member rates
* Discover Conferences at member rates
* S-PAC: Free access to JAM and ADSA divisional abstracts
* S-PAC subscription at member rates
* Access to recorded symposia library
* ADSA News (association newsletter)
* ADSA Dair e-news (ADSA industry newsletter)
* Access to member directory
* Peer recognition through ADSA and Foundation Award Program
* Discounted page charges in Journal of Dairy Science®
* A strong voice of advocacy for the animal sciences, animal agriculture and agriculture research
* Broad author recognition through ADSA/Elsevier press release program
* Linked In and You Tube sites for ADSA
* Quality networking with academic and industry professionals
* Travel awards for all graduate students attending Discover Conferences
* Opportunity to serve peers via committee and officer positions
American Dairy Science Association 1800 South Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820 Email: adsa@assochg.org