Global LCA database completes first phase

The World Food LCA Database, an international and multi-stakeholder project lead by Agroscope and Quantis, has delivered 900 accurate and transparent food datasets for improved life cycle assessments (LCA) and environmental communications.

The Swiss Federal Research Station Agroscope and the sustainability consulting firm Quantis, co-founders of the project, announce the completion of Phase One of the World Food LCA Database (WFLDB). The goal of the WFLDB project is to develop and maintain the first comprehensive and up-to-date inventory of food datasets.

The completion of Phase One delivered more than 900 datasets as well as the methodological guidelines that will guide organizations worldwide to produce more robust LCAs and accurate environmental communications. Quantis and Agroscope will now launch Phase Two of the WFLDB project and will be open to new consortium partners.

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Chipotle sued for false advertising, misleading consumers

A California woman filed a lawsuit Aug. 28 against Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc., alleging the restaurant's marketing and advertising campaign that claims its menu does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is  "deceptive and misleading to consumers because many of Chipotle's menu items actually do contain GMOs."

In the complaint filed with the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Colleen Gallagher filed on behalf of all California consumers who purchased food products from Chipotle between April 27, 2015, and the present. 

The complaint specifically alleges that Chipotle has marketed its "Food with Integrity" brand to healthy-lifestyle and environmentally conscious consumers who are willing to pay premium prices for food that align with the consumers' ethical eating choices.

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Mislabeling found on meat products

Commercially sold meat products were found to have been mislabeled, either accidentally due to cross-contamination or possibly for economic gain, according to findings from a small research study conducted by Chapman University's Food Science Program.

In a study on identification of species found in ground meat products, 48 samples were analyzed and 10 were found to be mislabeled, according to the study. Lead researcher and assistant professor of food science at Chapman Rosalee Hellberg said a range of samples were taken from different outlets including 17 samples from supermarkets, 12 from a local butcher, and 19 from online retailers. She said the goal was to focus on collecting a variety of meat products from different retail sources.
Botanical extract found effective in dairy calf diarrhea

Jaguar Animal Health Inc., an animal health company focused on developing and commercializing first-in-class gastrointestinal products for companion and production animals, announced the publication of a study titled "Effect of crofelemer extract on severity and consistency of experimentally induced enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli diarrhea in newborn Holstein calves" in the Journal of Dairy Science. The study was conducted by researchers from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.

The study evaluated the effect of a standardized botanical extract derived from the Croton lechleri tree, the key composition of Jaguar's Neonorm Calf product, on diarrhea severity and consistency in newborn Holstein bull calves experiencing diarrhea induced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.
ADSA News and Happenings
"Creating an Enduring U.S. Dairy Production Sector"
Have you made plans yet to attend the 30th Discover Conference "Creating an Enduring U.S. Dairy Production Sector"?  The speaker list is in place and will be a great program.  You can check out the agenda and speakers on the DC 30 website. The Conference, hosted by the American Dairy Science Association�, will be held November 2-5, 2015 at Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itasca, IL.  On-line and or mail-in registration is available on the website. The early registration deadline is October 2.  
An Invitation from ARS to Help Identify Research Priorities
On Behalf of Animal Health National Program Leaders for USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Cyril Gay and Eileen Thacker, we invite you to assist in identifying research priorities for the next National Program research cycle as well as assess the performance of the Animal Health National Program 103 over the last five years.
We value our stakeholders input into our research programs.  Please take our short survey at: http:// which will let us know the impact of our current programs and the animal health diseases most important to you so that we can use your input to create the NP 103 Five Year Action Plan.  We would appreciate it very much if you pass this email on to other animal health experts in your institution that have an interest in the animal health field.  It is our mission to serve the needs of our stakeholders.
Thank you kindly for your assistance in making the ARS NP 103 Research Programs stronger and better for all of our stakeholders.
ADSA at World Dairy Expo
World Dairy Expo will soon be here and ADSA will be there at our usual spot in the Arena level of the Coliseum, Booth: AL 178. The expo runs from September 29 through October 3, 2015. If you will be attending Expo this year and would like to help at the ADSA exhibit booth, please contact Cara Tharp at . We will then get back to you to schedule time slots.
Recent Publications on DAIReXNET
Genetics and Genomics: An Introduction - Confused about genomics? This short piece describes the difference between genetics and genomics, and shares some basic information about genes and the history of genetics.
Bunker Silo and Drive-Over Silage Pile Management  - This piece has all of the basic information you'll need to keep your silage in good shape! From bunker size and construction to management at harvest and feedout, Dr. Amaral-Phillips has your silage information covered.
Heat Stress Management of Dry Cows - Dry cows are one of the more ignored groups on the dairy- but why should they be left out when it comes to heat stress abatement? In this article, Izabella Thompson and Geoffrey Dahl make the case that abatement is important for the well-being of dry cows-and that reducing heat stress in dry cows can improve your bottom line.
Are You Part of ADSA� on Linked In
Our ADSA Linked In group continues to grow. We currently have 1,396 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to network with other dairy professionals from around the world.  Check it out here.

Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining Members
                                 We appreciate your ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition
Elanco Animal Health
Diamond V Mills 
Kent Nutrition
Grande Cheese Co.
Kraft Foods
GEA Farm Technologies 
BioZyme Inc.
Darling International Research
Quali Tech
Zook Nutrition & Management
DuPont Pioneer
West Central
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Ag Processing
Renaissance Nutrition
Global Agri-Trade Corp.
Masters Choice
Papillon Agricultural Co. 
Calendar of Events
Sept 8-9, 2015 Cultured Dairy Products Short Course UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Sept 13-15, 2015  NYS Cheese Manufacturers' Association .Annual Fall Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lake Placid, NY, for more information contact Janene Lucia  607-255-2892
Sept 16-17, 2015  The 76th Minnesota Nutrition Conference ,Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, Prior Lake, MN, For more information click here.
Sept 17-19, 2015  48th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners* New Orleans, LA For more information click here
Sept 21-24, 2015  NYS Association for Food Protection Annual Conference/FDA NE Regional Update, Syracuse, NY, For more information contact Janene Lucia  607-255-2892
Sept 22-24, 2015  Master Artisan Short Course Series, UW Madison,  For more information click here
Sept 28 - Oct 1, 2015, 5th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortalities, Products, By-Products, and Associated Risks: Connecting Research, Regulations, and Responses. in Lancaster, PA. For more information click here
Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2015 World Dairy Expo "Dairy in Our DNA", Madison, WI.  For more information click here
Oct 6-8, 2015  NextGen Dairy Network Symposium, Cornell University. For more information, click here.

Oct 12-16, 2015 Cheese Tech Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information
click here
Oct 13-15, 2015  High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or
Janene Lucia  607-255-2892
October 14-18, 2015  ADGA Annual Convention, The Riverside Hotel, Boise, ID. For more information contact American Dairy Goat Association, PO Box 865, Spindale, NC 28160, 828-286-3801 or
Oct 20-21, 2015  Dairy Ingredient Applications, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Oct 20-22, 2015  Pasteurizer Operators Workshop, Penn State University, Rodney A. Erickson Food Science Building, University Park, PA, for information and registration click here
Oct 20-22, 2015  77th Annual Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers*, Doubletree Hotel Syracuse, East Syracuse, NY, For more information click here
Oct 22-24, 2015 Northeast Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by Penn State University in State College, PA For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
Oct. 22-28, 2015 119th IUSAHA- AAVLD Annual Meeting , Rhode Island Convention Center. Providence, RI, For more information click here
Oct. 26, 2015  Vat Pasteurization Workshop in Association with NYS Agriculture & Markets, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact  Rob Ralyea 607-255-7643 or  Janene Lucia 607-255-2892
Oct 26-28, 2015  12th Anniversary of the International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health, Sydney Australia, For more information click here.
Oct 27-28, 2015 Basic Cheese Making Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Rob Ralyea607-255-7643 or Janene Lucia607-255-2892
Nov 2-5, 2015    30th Discover Conference - "Creating an Enduring U.S. Dairy Production Sector", Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itasca, Il. For more information, click here
Nov 5-7, 2015    Cheese Grading Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Nov 9-11, 2015  Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals*, Kansas City, Missouri, For more information click here
Nov. 9-12, 2015  The Science and Art of Cheese Making Short Course, Penn State University, Rodney A. Erickson Food Science Bldg, University Park, PA. For more information and registration click here
Nov. 10-11, 2015  Accredited Introductory HACCP Training, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information, click here, to register click here.

Nov 11-12, 2015 PA Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop, For more information
click here
Nov 12-13, 2015  DCRC Annual Meeting, Adam's Mark, Buffalo, New York, For more information click here
Nov. 12-13, 2015   Implementing SQF Systems, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information click here, to register Click here.

Nov 15-17, 2015 Southern Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by Virginia Tech in Abington, VA For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
Dec 2-4, 2015   Ice Cream Makers Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course
Feb 17-19, 2016 Midwest Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by UW Platteville and Southwest Technical College in Platteville, WI For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
Feb 23, 2016  Vermont Dairy Producers Conference, For more information click here
Feb 25-27, 2016 Western Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by College of the Sequoias in Tulare, CA  For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
Mar. 8 - 11, 2016  34th Western Canadian Dairy Seminar*, for more information click here
Mar 14 - 16, 2016 Midwest Meeting ADSA� Midwest Branch and ASAS Midwestern Section, Des Moines, IA
April 7-9, 2016 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge & Academy: hosted by the Northeast Region in Syracuse, NY For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site
Apr18 - 20, 2016 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Grand Wayne Center,  Fort Wayne, IN, For more information click here
May 1-4, 2016Large Dairy Herd Management (LDHM) Conference, Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Resort and Conference Center, Oak Brook, IL, For more information click here
June 20-24, 2016 13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information click here
July 19-23, 2016  ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Salt Lake City, UT, for more information click here
June 25-28, 2017 2017 ADSA Annual Conference and Tradeshow, Pittsburgh, PA.  For more information click here
*An S-PAC Partner Conference
If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC�, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.
If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.
ADSA Membership Benefits                                 
Did you know that your ADSA Professional Membership provides you with:

*        Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science�

*        Joint Annual Meeting at member rates

*        Discover Conferences at member rates

*        S-PAC: Free access to JAM and ADSA divisional abstracts

*        S-PAC subscription at member rates

*        Access to recorded symposia library                                                                       

*        ADSA News (association newsletter)

*        ADSA Dair e-news (ADSA industry newsletter)

*        Access to member directory

*        Peer recognition through ADSA and Foundation Award Program

*        Discounted page charges in Journal of Dairy Science�

*        A strong voice of advocacy for the animal sciences, animal agriculture and agriculture research

*        Broad author recognition through ADSA/Elsevier press release program

*        Linked In and You Tube sites for ADSA

*        Quality networking with academic and industry professionals

*        Travel awards for all graduate students attending Discover Conferences

*        Opportunity to serve peers via committee and officer positions

For more information on your benefits please visit:
To join now and gain these member benefits, visit:

American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820