Provided by the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs / Feedstuffs FoodLink
If you received this issue of ADSA Dair-e-news from a friend and would like to receive your personal copy in the future, please visit Opinion and editorial content included in the Dair-e-news represent the views of the authors. Publication does not represent endorsement of any position by the ADSA.
House advances stand-alone TPA bill
The U.S. House of Representatives passed Trade Promotion Authority Thursday with a vote of 218 to 208, as stand-alone legislation. The vote follows an unsuccessful attempt June 12 to pass TPA and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) as a package that previously was approved by the Senate.
The bill now moves to the Senate, and is part of an effort by congressional leadership to put TPA back on track following an unexpected defeat of Trade Adjustment Assistance last week that put the legislation in jeopardy.
The TAA vote failed overwhelmingly by a vote of 126-302 in the House on June 12. The TAA program would provide training and other assistance to U.S. workers whose jobs are displaced by international trade. Republicans largely are unsupportive of the program because of the costs associated with it.
Read more
FDA announces grant program for MUMS drug development
The Food & Drug Administration announced June 19 the opening date for applications for grants to support the development of new animal drugs intended for minor species or minor uses in major species (MUMS). This is a new Funding Opportunity Announcement (#RFA-FD-15-004). Applications must be submitted electronically by Aug. 14 through
(Major species are horses, dogs, cats, cattle, pigs, turkeys and chickens.)
The grant program was established by the Minor Use & Minor Species Animal Health Act of 2004, and funding was authorized to start after finalization of regulations to implement the Designation provisions of Section 573 of the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act. Read more
House subcommittee advances ag spending bill
The House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Robert Aderholt (R., Ala.), marked up and approved by voice vote its version of the FY 2016 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies appropriations bill Thursday.
The bill would provide $20.7 billion in discretionary spending, which would represent a 1% reduction from the FY 2015 enacted level, and it is $1.1 billion less than the Administration's budget request. The overall bill totals $143.9 billion.
The bill includes a provision that would prohibit USDA from restricting premium assistance related to conservation compliance for crop insurance eligibility for the 2016 reinsurance year. "The intended purpose of the language is not to unravel conservation compliance requirements, but rather to allow for additional time for implementation in order to address concerns posed by producers. If enacted, implementation would continue to move forward, but producers would not be penalized for non-compliance during this first year," the National Association of Wheat Growers said in a newsletter. Read more |
Biobased industry contributes $369B to U.S. economy
A new farm bill-mandated report shows the U.S. biobased products industry contributes $369 billion in economic value and 4 million jobs through direct, indirect, and induced contributions.
The report is focused on biobased products and does not include biobased fuels or other energy sources except when analyzing co-products.
"This report is the first to examine and quantify the effect of the U.S. biobased products industry from an economics and jobs perspective. Before, we could only speculate at the incredible economic impact of the biobased products industry. Now, we know that in 2013 alone, America's biobased industry contributed four million jobs and $369 billion to our economy," secretary of agriculture Tom Vilsack said. The report builds at an October 2014 report "Why Biobased?" Read more |
ADSA and Related Happenings
House Subcommittee Approves FY 2016 Agriculture Appropriations Bill
On June 18th, the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee met to take action on agriculture appropriations for fiscal year 2016. The bill considered by the subcommittee provides $20.65 billion in discretionary funding, which is $175 million lower than fiscal year 2015. When funding for mandatory programs is included, the overall bill totals $143.9 billion.
For research programs, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) would receive $1.122 billion, while the National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) would receive $781.5 million for Research and Education Activities, $472 million for Extension Activities, and $30.9 million for Integrated Activities. The bill language does not provide a specific breakdown of individual programs within these activities. These details will be included in the bill's accompanying report, which has yet to be released.
Also included in the bill are a number of policy provisions related to the administration of agency activities. Two of these are of particular interest to animal science and animal agriculture. First, in response to the allegations of improper animal care at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC), the bill contains language that withholds 5 percent of the ARS budget ($56 million) until the Secretary of Agriculture certifies that ARS has updated its animal care policies and that all of the agency's facilities at which animal research is conducted have a fully functioning Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, including all appropriate and necessary record keeping. The bill also includes additional resources for the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to support its implementation and enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act.
Second, the bill includes language that prohibits the release for finalization of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans unless it is demonstrated that all recommendations are based on scientific evidence that has been rated ''Grade I: Strong'' by the grading rubric developed by the Nutrition Evidence Library of the Department of Agriculture and are limited in scope to only matters of diet and nutrient intake. This language comes in response to the strong criticism of the draft dietary guidelines from animal agriculture and other industries. The scientific basis for some of the draft recommendations has been strongly questioned and the draft goes well beyond the scope of diet and nutrition by considering environmental sustainability as a factor for making dietary recommendations.
The subcommittee approved the bill on voice vote and the full House Appropriations Committee is expected to consider the bill during the week of June 22nd. A copy of the bill language can be found here.
2015 American Dairy Science Association� Awards
Champaign, IL -Among the many special events at the 2015 joint annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association and American Society of Animal Science will be recognition of the 2015 American Dairy Science Association award winners. This will take place at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, July 14. The 2015 Award winners include:
Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award
Natalia Martinez-Patino
American Feed Industry Association Award
Jan Dijkstra
Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award
Jeffrey Bewley
DeLaval Dairy Extension Award
Jan Shearer
Elanco Award for Excellence in Dairy Science
David Barbano
Hoard's Dairyman Youth Development Award
Bonnie Ayars
International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing
Harjinder Singh
J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding
John Cole
Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production
William Silvia
International Dairy Foods Association Teaching Award in Dairy Science
Carmen Moraru
National Milk Producers Federation Richard M. Hoyt Award
Rafael Bisinotto
Nutrition Professionals Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award
Rick Grant
Zoetis Physiology Award
John McNamara
DuPont Pioneer Forage Award
Richard Muck
West Agro Inc. Award
Christian Burvenich
Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award
Logan Worden
ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods
Kerry Kaylegian
ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Production
Jeffrey Bewley
ADSA Award of Honor
Roger Shanks
ADSA Distinguished Service Award
Douglas Wilson
ADSA Fellows
Jim Drackley
MaryAnne Drake
Jeffrey Stevenson
William Weiss
Journal of Dairy Science� Most Cited Awards
Dairy Foods
Adriano Cruz
Physiology and Management
Sarne de Vliegher
Nutrition, Feeding, and Calves
Qendrim Zebeli
Genetics and Breeding
Ben Hayes
Please visit for more information about the ADSA Awards Program. Releases on individual winners are available at
JAM 2015 Updates and Reminders
The early registration deadline has passed but it is not too late to attend JAM 2015! Advanced registrations will be taken online until Saturday, July 11 at 11:59pm and you can also register onsite in Orlando.
We are pleased to announce that the Late-Breaking Original Research Session program is now available on the meeting website as well as a PDF of the regular session abstracts, the official source for citations. To help in planning your JAM 2015, the website now includes the final JAM 2015 Scientific Program and the fully redesigned MyProgram. The revamped MyProgram functions as a mobile scheduling assistant and includes abstracts for all scientific sessions, as well as general meeting information, times and locations of special events, exhibitor details, invited speaker bios, and more. Also new for JAM 2015 is the "Poster in my Pocket" app. This app (for smartphones and tablets) is available FREE from the iTunes app store and Google Play. Now, poster presenters have an additional way to share their research with JAM attendees and the rest of the world. JAM attendees can access high-resolution, digital versions of their favorite posters, share links to posters with colleagues, and contact poster presenters, all via the app. For more information, visit or
Interview Room Connects Job Seekers and Employers at 2015 JAM - JAM 2015 will offer many opportunities for networking. In addition to the exhibit hall, Job Resource Center, and many social events, this year we are providing a room for use by employers to interview potential job candidates at JAM 2015. The interview room (Gatlin A-4) will be available on Monday through Wednesday from 8 am to 5 pm. A table will be set up in each corner of the room to allow up to four employers to use the room at one time. Each employer may reserve the room for up to four hours (as one block of time or spread over the three days). To reserve your time and space as an employer, please visit You must be registered for the meeting to access this feature. We will publish each employer's reserved days and times, a brief position description, and instructions for potential candidates on how to contact employers on the JAM mobile website at It is the responsibility of employers and potential candidates to arrange to meet, if desired. Employers and interviewees can arrange to meet by appointment or on a walk-in basis. We hope that job seekers and employers find this a valuable addition to the networking possibilities at the 2015 JAM! Please contact us with any questions at
JAM 2015 is offering a great teaching workshop on Sunday, July 12.! "Changing the Animal Science Teaching and Learning Paradigm-An interactive workshop on how to use case study teaching to foster critical thinking and classroom discussion ". This workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Clyde (Kipp) Herreid, who is the founding director of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science ( and distinguished teaching professor at State University of New York. Kipp has published more than 150 articles and five books in the fields of ecology, behavior, and physiology of animals, and he has written extensively in the field of science education. The purpose of this full-day case study workshop is to engage participants in different types of case study methods of instruction, demonstrate how to teach with case studies, and how to write cases and teaching notes so that other individuals can use them. During this highly interactive workshop, participants will experience case study teaching from the student's viewpoint and discuss how this teaching method can contribute to critical thinking and effective classroom discussions. In breakout sessions, participants will write their own cases or modify existing cases relevant to specific disciplines within the animal sciences undergraduate program (e.g., nutrition, genetics, management, physiology). If you have already registered for JAM and would like to add this workshop to your registration, please contact us at If you have not registered for JAM, please visit the JAM 2015 registration page to sign up today.
For more information on this year's JAM, visit the meeting website and check back often for updates. We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!
Would you like to help the animal and dairy science community and attend JAM 2015 for free?
Referrals are the most tried-and-true way businesses grow, and the same is true for FASS. Do you know a colleague working with an animal science group that is in need of high-quality, cost-effective support services? Help them out by referring them to Jamie Ritter, FASS Executive Director at .
They will benefit from the shared resource concept and the 264 years of collective experience the FASS staff have in working with non-profit animal science organizations. If your referral becomes a FASS customer prior to July 1, 2015, ADSA will comp your registration to the 2015 JAM. It's win-win-win. For more information about services offered by FASS, click here.
S-PAC Grows Again
We are pleased to announce the addition of proceedings from the 2015 Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference and the 2015 Virginia Tech Feed and Nutritional Management Cow College Conference to S-PAC. Subscribers now have access to 526 proceedings from 57 conferences. Visit for a complete list of conference included in S-PAC. If you are not already a subscriber, now is a great time to become one. Just click on the <Subscribe> button and put the power of S-PAC to work for you.
Are You Part of ADSA� on Linked In
Our ADSA Linked In group continues to grow. We currently have 1,348 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to network with other dairy professionals from around the world. Check it out here.
Dates to Note:
June 24, 2015 Northeast Fluid Milk Forum, DoubleTree Hotel, East Syracuse, NY. For more information and to register,
June 24-25, 2015 2015 Precision Dairy Conference and Expo, Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, MN. For more information contact Marcia Endres, PHD, 612-624-5391 or For more information, click here.
July 1-3, 2015 The XVII International Silage Conference, Piracicaba, Brazil. For more information, click here.
July 7-8, 2015 Missouri Dairy Grazing Conference, Ramada Plaza Hotel and Oasis Convention Center, Springfield, MO. For more information, click here.
July 9-12, 2015 2015 Interbull Annual Meeting, Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, FL. For more information, click here or here.
July 11-18, 2015 ADGA National Show, Deschutes County Expo Center, Redmond, OR. For more information contact American Dairy Goat Association, PO Box 865, Spindale, NC 28160; 828-286-3801 or or
July 12-16, 2015 2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, FL. For more information click here
July 12-16, 2015 National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference (AM?PIC)* Sioux Falls, SD. For more information, click here.
July 14-16, 2015 High Temperature Short Time Pasteurization Workshop, Cornell University Campus. The complete program may be found here. To register and pay on-line, click here.
July 20-23, 2015 Certified Milk Inspector's School in Association with NY State Agriculture & Markets, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information contact Janene Lucia 607-255-2892 or Steve Murphy 607-255-2893
Aug 4-5, 2015 Milk Pasteurization, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course
Aug 18-20, 2015 HACCP for Dairy Operations, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY for more information. Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098.
Aug. 20-21, 2015 Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference, Embassy Suites, DFW, Grapevine, TX. For more information, click here
Aug. 27-29, 2015 8th International Congress on Farm Animal Endocrinology, Hotel LEGOLAND, Billund, Denmark. For more information and registration, click here.
Sept 6-8, 2015 NYS Cheese Manufacturers' Association .Annual Fall Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lake Placid, NY, for more information contact
Sept 8-9, 2015 Cultured Dairy Products Short Course UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Sept 15-17, 2015 Fluid Milk Processing for Quality& Safety, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Steve Murphy607-255-2893 or Janene Lucia607-255-2892
Sept 16-17, 2015 The 76th Minnesota Nutrition Conference, Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, Prior Lake, MN. For more information, click here.
Sept 17-19, 2015 48th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners*, New Orleans, LA. For more information, click here.
Sept 21-24, 2015 NYS Association for Food Protection Annual Conference/FDA NE Regional Update, Syracuse, NY, For more information contact Janene Lucia 607-255-2892
Sept 22-24, 2015 Master Artisan Short Course Series, UW Madison, For more information click here
Sept 28-Oct 1, 2015 5th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortalities, Products, By-Products and Associated Risks: Connecting Research, Regulations and Responses. Lancaster, PA. For more information, click here.
Sept 29-Oct. 3, 2015 World Dairy Expo "Dairy in our DNA", Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
Oct 12-16, 2015 Cheese Tech Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Oct 13-15, 2015 High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or Janene Lucia 607-255-2892
Oct 14-18, 2015 ADGA Annual Convention, The Riverside Hotel, Boise, ID. For more information contact American Dairy Goat Assn. PO Box 865, Spindale NC 28160, 828-286-3801 or or
Oct 20-21, 2015 Dairy Ingredient Applications, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Oct. 20-22, 2015 Pasteurizer Operators Workshop, Penn State University, Rodney A. Erickson. Food Science Building, University Park, PA. For more information and to register, click here.
Oct 22-24, 2015 Northeast Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by Penn State University in State College, PA. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
Oct 22-28, 2015 119th IUSAHA-AAVLD Annual Meeting, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, RI. For more information, click here.
Oct 26, 2015 Vat Pasteurization Workshop in Association with NYS Agriculture & Markets, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Rob Ralyea 607-255-7643 or Janene Lucia 607-255-2892
Oct 26-28, 2015 12th Anniversary of the International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health, Sydney, Australia. For more information, click here.
Oct 27-28, 2015 Basic Cheese Making Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Rob Ralyea 607-255-7643 or Janene Lucia607-255-2892
Nov 2-5, 2015 30th Discover Conference. Creating an enduring US dairy production sector, Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itasca, IL. For more information, click here.
Nov 5-7, 2015 Cheese Grading Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Nov 9-11, 2015 Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals*, Kansas City, Mo. For more information, click here.
Nov 9-12, 2015 The Science and Art of Cheese Making Short Course, Penn State University, Rodney A. Erickson Food Science Bldg, University Park, PA. For more information and registration, click here.
Nov 11-12, 2015 PA Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop. For more information, click here.
Nov 12-13, 2015 DCRC Annual Meeting, Adam's Mark, Buffalo, NY. For more information, click here.
Nov 15-17, 2015 Southern Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by Virginia Tech in Abington, VA. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
Dec 2-4, 2015 Ice Cream Makers Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course
Feb 17-19, 2016 Midwest Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by Platteville and Southwest Technical College in Platteville, WI. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
Feb 25-27, 2016 Western Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by College of Sequoias in Tulare, CA. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
Mar 8-11, 2016 34th Western Canadian Dairy Seminar*, For more information, click here.
Mar 14-16, 2016 Midwest Meeting ADSA Midwest Branch and ASAS Midwestern Section, Des Moines, IA.
April 7-9, 2016 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge & Academy: hosted by the Northeast Region in Syracuse, NY. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
June 20-24, 2016 13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information click here
*An S-PAC Partner Conference
If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC�, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.
If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.
Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining members for their ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.
Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition
Adisseo North America
Akey, Inc.
Elanco Animal Health
Pfizer Animal Health
Pioneer Varied Industries Corp.
SoyPLUS / SoyChlor
Diamond V Mills Inc
Kent Feeds
Grande Cheese Co.
Danisco USA Inc
Land O'Lakes Inc
Kraft Foods
GEA Farm Technologies (Westfalia/Surge)
Prince Agri Products
Novus International
BioZyme Inc.
Ag Processing Inc.
Darling International Research
Performance Products, Inc.
MIN-AD, Inc.
Quali Tech
Zook Nutrition & Management
Swedish Univ. of Agri. Sciences
For information on Corporate membership please Click here