Provided by the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs / Feedstuffs FoodLink
If you received this issue of ADSA Dair-e-news from a friend and would like to receive your personal copy in the future, please visit Opinion and editorial content included in the Dair-e-news represent the views of the authors. Publication does not represent endorsement of any position by the ADSA.
First exploratory research grants awarded The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) announced that it has awarded the first grants made through the inaugural round of funding provided under NIFA's Exploratory Research Grants (ERG) program, which provides one-year grants for up to $100,000 for proof-of-concept research in areas not previously addressed or where a novel approach could result in high impact breakthroughs. NIFA will provide nearly $2 million of fiscal year 2014 funding for this program.
"The Exploratory Research Grants program provides limited initial funding to the scientific community for research that is judged to have a potential profound, positive and rapid impact on agriculture and the food systems of our nation," NIFA director Sonny Ramaswamy said. "When successful, these are the type of projects with the potential to transform agriculture in the United States for years to come."
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Milk proteins may protect against cardiovascular disease
The Maillard reaction is a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that results in browned foods like seared steaks and toasted bread. When proteins and sugars are mixed together and heated, new chemical compounds are formed. Some are responsible for new flavors and some, according to a new study published in the Journal of Dairy Science, may protect us against cardiovascular disease.
Researchers at the R&D Center, Seoul Dairy Cooperative, the College of Life Science & Biotechnology, Korea University and the BK21 Plus Graduate Program, Department of Animal Science and Institute Agricultural Science & Technology, Chonbuk National University in South Korea, have determined that dietary compounds formed in milk-based products lowered serum total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels and triglycerides in mice. These compounds also protected against acute pulmonary thromboembolism as well as aspirin, but without the possible bleeding consequences often observed in aspirin therapy.
Whey protein concentrate and sodium caseinate were heated with lactose to form whey-protein Maillard reaction products (wMRP). Lactic acid bacteria were then used to produce fermented MRPs (f-MRP). Sodium caseinate alone was also reacted to form Maillard-reacted sodium caseinate (cMRP) and further fermented to f-cMRP.
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House passes COOL repeal
The House sent a strong message for the need to avoid retaliatory tariffs as it passed a repeal of mandatory country-of-origin labeling for beef, pork and chicken by a vote of 300-131.
The COOL law has been on the books since the 2002 Farm Bill and requires information detailing where livestock was born, raised and slaughtered. It has been found trade distorting by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in four challenges. The latest ruling came in May and has led Canada and Mexico to move forward in asking the WTO for a special Dispute Settlement Body to request retaliation rights against the United States to take place on June 17.
Canada has sought authorization for $3 billion (Canadian dollars, or $2.4 billion U.S. dollars) in retaliatory sanctions and Mexico plans to seek $653 million. While it remains to be seen on which U.S. products Canada and Mexico place tariffs, a preliminary Canadian retaliation list included fresh pork and beef, bakery goods, rice, apples, wine, maple syrup and furniture. Read more
House trade votes get messy
On Friday the House of Representatives brought up the Senate's previously approved bill that offers Trade Promotion Authority to the President as well as a bill that offers Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). The result was a mixed bag on how the House proceeds and a final bill gets to the President's desk.
Both must pass before going to the president to be signed into law. Republicans motioned to reconsider the vote on TAA, which might occur early next week. The Senate passed these measures on May 22.
The TAA bill came up first, and because it was part of the Senate package has to be passed in conjunction with a TPA bill. The TAA vote - seen as the predecessor for a successful TPA vote - actually failed overwhelmingly by a vote of 126-302. The TAA program would provide training and other assistance to U.S. workers whose jobs are displaced by international trade. Republicans largely are unsupportive of the program because of the costs associated with it. Read more |
ADSA and Related Happenings
Thank you to all members who voted in the recent ADSA election and to those individuals who were on the ballot. We are pleased to share the results of the election with you. The following individuals were elected:
Vice President
Lou Armentano
University of Wisconsin
Director - Dairy Foods Division
Stephanie Clark
Iowa State University
Director - Production Division
Ken Griswold
Kemin Industries
Marjorie Faust, ABS Global, has been appointed to the position of Secretary/Treasurer
Congratulations to Drs. Armentano, Clark, and Griswold on their election, and to Dr. Faust on her appointment. They will take their positions at the end of the ADSA Annual Business Meeting, on Wednesday, July 15, 2015.
JAM 2015 Updates and Reminders
JAM early registration closes on June 19, after which registration fees increase substantially. If you haven't done so already be sure to register now! Visit the registration page to register online. Hotel registration also closes on June 19. Rooms are limited at the Shingle Creek, but serveal other options are included on the "Hotel Information" page. Complimentary shuttle service will be available during JAM hours between the additional hotels and the Rosen Shingle Creek.
To help in planning your JAM 2015, the website now includes the final JAM 2015 Scientific Program and the fully redesigned MyProgram. The revamped MyProgram functions as a mobile scheduling assistant and includes abstracts for all scientific sessions, as well as general meeting information, times and locations of special events, exhibitor details, invited speaker bios, and more. Also new for JAM 2015 is the "Poster in my Pocket" app. This app (for smartphones and tablets) is available FREE from the iTunes app store and Google Play. Now, poster presenters have an additional way to share their research with JAM attendees and the rest of the world. JAM attendees can access high-resolution, digital versions of their favorite posters, share links to posters with colleagues, and contact poster presenters, all via the app. For more information, visit or
Interview Room Connects Job Seekers and Employers at 2015 JAM - JAM 2015 will offer many opportunities for networking. In addition to the exhibit hall, Job Resource Center, and many social events, this year we are providing a room for use by employers to interview potential job candidates at JAM 2015. The interview room (Gatlin A-4) will be available on Monday through Wednesday from 8 am to 5 pm. A table will be set up in each corner of the room to allow up to four employers to use the room at one time. Each employer may reserve the room for up to four hours (as one block of time or spread over the three days). To reserve your time and space as an employer, please visit You must be registered for the meeting to access this feature. We will publish each employer's reserved days and times, a brief position description, and instructions for potential candidates on how to contact employers on the JAM mobile website at It is the responsibility of employers and potential candidates to arrange to meet, if desired. Employers and interviewees can arrange to meet by appointment or on a walk-in basis. We hope that job seekers and employers find this a valuable addition to the networking possibilities at the 2015 JAM! Please contact us with any questions at
JAM 2015 is offering a great teaching workshop on Sunday, July 12.! "Changing the Animal Science Teaching and Learning Paradigm-An interactive workshop on how to use case study teaching to foster critical thinking and classroom discussion ". This workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Clyde (Kipp) Herreid, who is the founding director of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science ( and distinguished teaching professor at State University of New York. Kipp has published more than 150 articles and five books in the fields of ecology, behavior, and physiology of animals, and he has written extensively in the field of science education. The purpose of this full-day case study workshop is to engage participants in different types of case study methods of instruction, demonstrate how to teach with case studies, and how to write cases and teaching notes so that other individuals can use them. During this highly interactive workshop, participants will experience case study teaching from the student's viewpoint and discuss how this teaching method can contribute to critical thinking and effective classroom discussions. In breakout sessions, participants will write their own cases or modify existing cases relevant to specific disciplines within the animal sciences undergraduate program (e.g., nutrition, genetics, management, physiology). If you have already registered for JAM and would like to add this workshop to your registration, please contact us at If you have not registered for JAM, please visit the JAM 2015 registration page to sign up today.
For more information on this year's JAM, visit the meeting website and check back often for updates. We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!
Would you like to help the animal and dairy science community and attend JAM 2015 for free?
Referrals are the most tried-and-true way businesses grow, and the same is true for FASS. Do you know a colleague working with an animal science group that is in need of high-quality, cost-effective support services? Help them out by referring them to Jamie Ritter, FASS Executive Director at .
They will benefit from the shared resource concept and the 264 years of collective experience the FASS staff have in working with non-profit animal science organizations. If your referral becomes a FASS customer prior to July 1, 2015, ADSA will comp your registration to the 2015 JAM. It's win-win-win. For more information about services offered by FASS, click here.
S-PAC Grows Again
We are pleased to announce the addition of proceedings from the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) and the 2015 Western Canadian Dairy Seminar to S-PAC. Subscribers now have access to 523 proceedings from 57 conferences. Visit for a complete list of conference included in S-PAC. If you are not already a subscriber, now is a great time to become one. Just click on the <Subscribe> button and put the power of S-PAC to work for you.
We Mourn Kent Williamson
We are sad to announce the recent death of Kent Williamson. He became ADSA's Executive Director in the Spring of 1999 and was with us for about 2 years. While he only served ADSA for a brief time, Kent provided great association management expertise and leadership to ADSA as we were working our way through the early years of FASS and its complexities. You can find his obituary at: Our sympathy goes out to his family and many friends.
New NRC report available
The National Research Council report Critical Role of Animal Science Research in Food Security and Sustainability released recently. It's available to read or download for personal use at this link: The report includes several recommendations for reinvigorating animal science research and will be a valuable resource in discussions with the public and with congress.
Online foreign animal disease course available
The web-based course Emerging and Exotic Diseases of Animals (EEDA) will this year be offered July 13-August 22, 2015. The course has been approved for 18 hours of Continuing Education (CE) through RACE (Registry of Approved Continuing Education of the American Association of Veterinary State Boards). ARPAS credits may also apply. This online course, currently used at all US veterinary schools, can be taken by anyone interested in high consequence animal diseases and the response to them. The course is an excellent refresher for veterinarians and veterinary technicians, animal health industry employees and government officials. This course is subsidized with support from the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD), a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence, as well as the CFSPH. This $450 course can now be offered at the reduced price of $150 which includes the companion textbook. To find out more and register, visit Please register by July 10. The course is moderated by Dr. Jesse Hostetter, DVM, PhD, DACVP, Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University. "Professionals who take this course will gain a better understanding of clinical presentation, diagnosis and response to significant foreign animal diseases, and the role individuals can play in response to them," said Dr. Jesse Hostetter, course moderator.
ADSA� Midwest Branch and ASAS Midwestern Section members are invited to submit their ideas for symposia for the 2016 Midwest Meeting. Submitting symposia ideas provides membership with the opportunity to steer the direction of the meetings and ensures that the Midwest program is timely and of interest. These ideas will be forwarded to the program committees for review and possible development into a symposium. Please follow the link below to the submission form.
Symposia Idea Submission Form
Deadline for ideas is June 30, 2015
It is already time to start planning for next year's Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah, July 19-23, 2016. It is important to ADSA and ASAS that we present the most up-to-date and relevant symposia possible; therefore, we rely heavily on our members for symposia ideas and proposals.
Below you will find a link to a symposium suggestion form; please click on the link and complete the symposium proposal form with your symposium ideas. Forms must be submitted by Tuesday, June 26, 2015, for consideration by the 2016 JAM Program Chairs and their committees. Many program committees will meet at this year's JAM to begin development of the 2016 program, and we want to be sure they have your suggestions when they meet. All symposia suggestions received by the deadline will be considered by specific program committees or by the overall program committee. Submit your suggestions here.
Thank you in advance for helping us develop the best possible program for 2016!
2016 JAM Program Committee
Are You Part of ADSA� on Linked In
Our ADSA Linked In group continues to grow. We currently have 1,343 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to network with other dairy professionals from around the world. Check it out here.
Dates to Note:
June 15-18, 2015 17th International Symposium of the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (WAVLD), Saskatoon, Sask. For more information, click here.
June 16-18, 2015 Advanced Science of Yogurt & Fermented Dairy Products Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information contact Tristan Zuber 607-254-3313 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098. To register, Click here.
June 24, 2015 Northeast Fluid Milk Forum, DoubleTree Hotel, East Syracuse, NY. For more information and to register,
June 24-25, 2015 2015 Precision Dairy Conference and Expo, Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, MN. For more information contact Marcia Endres, PHD, 612-624-5391 or For more information, click here.
July 1-3, 2015 The XVII International Silage Conference, Piracicaba, Brazil. For more information, click here.
July 7-8, 2015 Missouri Dairy Grazing Conference, Ramada Plaza Hotel and Oasis Convention Center, Springfield, MO. For more information, click here.
July 9-12, 2015 2015 Interbull Annual Meeting, Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, FL. For more information, click here or here.
July 11-18, 2015 ADGA National Show, Deschutes County Expo Center, Redmond, OR. For more information contact American Dairy Goat Association, PO Box 865, Spindale, NC 28160; 828-286-3801 or or
July 12-16, 2015 2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, FL. For more information click here
July 12-16, 2015 National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference (AM?PIC)* Sioux Falls, SD. For more information, click here.
July 20-23, 2015 Certified Milk Inspector's School in Association with NY State Agriculture & Markets, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information contact Janene Lucia 607-255-2892 or Steve Murphy 607-255-2893
Aug 4-5, 2015 Milk Pasteurization, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course
Aug 18-20, 2015 HACCP for Dairy Operations, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY for more information. Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098.
Aug. 20-21, 2015 Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference, Embassy Suites, DFW, Grapevine, TX. For more information, click here
Aug. 27-29, 2015 8th International Congress on Farm Animal Endocrinology, Hotel LEGOLAND, Billund, Denmark. For more information and registration, click here.
Sept 6-8, 2015 NYS Cheese Manufacturers' Association .Annual Fall Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lake Placid, NY, for more information contact
Sept 8-9, 2015 Cultured Dairy Products Short Course UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Sept 15-17, 2015 Fluid Milk Processing for Quality& Safety, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Steve Murphy607-255-2893 or Janene Lucia607-255-2892
Sept 16-17, 2015 The 76th Minnesota Nutrition Conference, Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, Prior Lake, MN. For more information, click here.
Sept 17-19, 2015 48th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners*, New Orleans, LA. For more information, click here.
Sept 21-24, 2015 NYS Association for Food Protection Annual Conference/FDA NE Regional Update, Syracuse, NY, For more information contact Janene Lucia 607-255-2892
Sept 22-24, 2015 Master Artisan Short Course Series, UW Madison, For more information click here
Sept 28-Oct 1, 2015 5th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortalities, Products, By-Products and Associated Risks: Connecting Research, Regulations and Responses. Lancaster, PA. For more information, click here.
Sept 29-Oct. 3, 2015 World Dairy Expo "Dairy in our DNA", Madison, WI. For more information, click here.
Oct 12-16, 2015 Cheese Tech Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Oct 13-15, 2015 High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or Janene Lucia 607-255-2892
Oct 14-18, 2015 ADGA Annual Convention, The Riverside Hotel, Boise, ID. For more information contact American Dairy Goat Assn. PO Box 865, Spindale NC 28160, 828-286-3801 or or
Oct 20-21, 2015 Dairy Ingredient Applications, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Oct. 20-22, 2015 Pasteurizer Operators Workshop, Penn State University, Rodney A. Erickson. Food Science Building, University Park, PA. For more information and to register, click here.
Oct 22-24, 2015 Northeast Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by Penn State University in State College, PA. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
Oct 22-28, 2015 119th IUSAHA-AAVLD Annual Meeting, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, RI. For more information, click here.
Oct 26, 2015 Vat Pasteurization Workshop in Association with NYS Agriculture & Markets, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Rob Ralyea 607-255-7643 or Janene Lucia 607-255-2892
Oct 26-28, 2015 12th Anniversary of the International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health, Sydney, Australia. For more information, click here.
Oct 27-28, 2015 Basic Cheese Making Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Rob Ralyea 607-255-7643 or Janene Lucia607-255-2892
Nov 2-5, 2015 30th Discover Conference. Creating an enduring US dairy production sector, Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itasca, IL. For more information, click here.
Nov 5-7, 2015 Cheese Grading Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here
Nov 9-11, 2015 Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals*, Kansas City, Mo. For more information, click here.
Nov 9-12, 2015 The Science and Art of Cheese Making Short Course, Penn State University, Rodney A. Erickson Food Science Bldg, University Park, PA. For more information and registration, click here.
Nov 11-12, 2015 PA Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop. For more information, click here.
Nov 12-13, 2015 DCRC Annual Meeting, Adam's Mark, Buffalo, NY. For more information, click here.
Nov 15-17, 2015 Southern Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by Virginia Tech in Abington, VA. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
Dec 2-4, 2015 Ice Cream Makers Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course
Feb 17-19, 2016 Midwest Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by Platteville and Southwest Technical College in Platteville, WI. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
Feb 25-27, 2016 Western Regional Dairy Challenge: hosted by College of Sequoias in Tulare, CA. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
Mar 8-11, 2016 34th Western Canadian Dairy Seminar*, For more information, click here.
Mar 14-16, 2016 Midwest Meeting ADSA Midwest Branch and ASAS Midwestern Section, Des Moines, IA.
April 7-9, 2016 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge & Academy: hosted by the Northeast Region in Syracuse, NY. For more information, visit the Dairy Challenge web site.
June 20-24, 2016 13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information click here
*An S-PAC Partner Conference
If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC�, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.
If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.
Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining members for their ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.
Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition
Adisseo North America
Akey, Inc.
Elanco Animal Health
Pfizer Animal Health
Pioneer Varied Industries Corp.
SoyPLUS / SoyChlor
Diamond V Mills Inc
Kent Feeds
Grande Cheese Co.
Danisco USA Inc
Land O'Lakes Inc
Kraft Foods
GEA Farm Technologies (Westfalia/Surge)
Prince Agri Products
Novus International
BioZyme Inc.
Ag Processing Inc.
Darling International Research
Performance Products, Inc.
MIN-AD, Inc.
Quali Tech
Zook Nutrition & Management
Swedish Univ. of Agri. Sciences
For information on Corporate membership please Click here