September 29, 2014

Provided by the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs / Feedstuffs FoodLink

If you received this issue of ADSA Dair-e-news from a friend and would like to receive
your personal copy in the future, please visit

Opinion and editorial content included in the Dair-e-news represent the views of the authors. 
Publication does not represent endorsement of any position by the ADSA.
 Ken Olson, Ph: 630-237-4961, [email protected]

FAO: Zero hunger not just a dream

Global peace and sustainable development cannot be achieved without ending hunger, U.N. Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) director-general Jose Graziano da Silva told participants Sept. 25 at a high-level U.N. meeting in New York City as the U.N. held its annual General Assembly.

"Food security might not always be our first concern, but it should be," Graziano da Silva said, highlighting the link between hunger and conflicts. He spoke at "Delivering Zero Hunger - Demonstrating Impact" a U.N. General Assembly side event, co-hosted by the governments of the Netherlands, Ireland and Mexico, FAO, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the U.N. World Food Programme.

"While world hunger figures have declined, there are still 805 million people who are chronically undernourished," Graziano da Silva said, citing figures from the recently released U.N. "State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI 2014)" report.

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BVD testing pays off 

The name of the disease is somewhat misleading. Although symptoms of this problematic virus - bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) - in beef herds include respiratory disease, and of course, diarrhea, it can lead to even greater problems for beef producers.

"Diarrhea is such a minor part of this disease," said Gregg Hanzlicek, a Kansas State University veterinarian. "On a cow/calf operation, BVD's biggest impact is on cow reproduction. It depends when the cow is exposed during pregnancy on what's going to happen to her or happen to her fetus."

Cow infertility, early embryonic death within 42 days of gestation, aborted calves and calves born with skeletal abnormalities, can all occur in a BVD-infected herd, he added. When BVD enters feedlots and stocker units, it can suppress the immune system of calves and result in issues with bovine respiratory disease.

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Climate change priorities affect ag

At the U.N. Climate Summit in New York last week, President Barack Obama announced a number of steps to assist in the global effort to slow climate change and help with adaptation, including for agriculture.

To reduce harm from extreme weather events occurring throughout the world, the Obama Administration announced its intent to begin a coordinated U.S. effort, led by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to develop reliable extreme weather risk outlooks on time horizons that are currently not available.

This effort will initiate the planned development of new extreme weather outlooks in the range of 15-30 days - beyond the 14-day limit of current reliable weather forecasts - and will explore generating information products for longer time scales at which climate change influences risk, the White House said in a fact sheet.

Currently available weather and climate information from NOAA empowers decision-makers, communities, farmers and business owners to make decisions as they plan and prepare for the future. This new effort will seek to increase the information available to these decision-makers in the 15- to 30-day time frame with new kinds of actionable information.

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Scientists respected but not trusted

Scientists respected but not trustedIF scientists want the public to trust their research suggestions, they may want to appear a bit "warmer," according to a new review by Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs.

The review, published in a supplement to the Sept. 16 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that while Americans view scientists as competent, they are not entirely trusted. This may be because they are not perceived to be friendly or warm.

In particular, Americans seem wary of researchers seeking grant funding and do not trust scientists pushing persuasive agendas. Instead, the public leans toward impartiality.

"Scientists have earned the respect of Americans, but not necessarily their trust," said lead author Susan Fiske, the Eugene Higgins professor of psychology and professor of public affairs at Princeton. "This gap can be filled by showing concern for humanity and the environment. Rather than persuading, scientists may better serve citizens by discussing, teaching and sharing information to convey trustworthy intentions."

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ADSA and Related Happenings


Journal of Dairy Science Supports ORCID Initiative

The Journal of Dairy Science is in the process of implementing support for ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID;, a means to uniquely identify researchers and link them to their research activities and output (e.g., publications, grants, patents). ORCID is an "open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers" ( ORCID is being integrated into the workflows of many scientific associations, publishers, university, institutions, grant funders, and government agencies.


 ORCID benefits you as an ADSA member and JDS author in several ways:

- ORCID links authors-and all their name variants-with their publications, improving the quality of author search results.

- ORCID identifiers facilitate the creation and maintenance of author and reviewer profiles and can support disambiguation of author names and linking to external information.

- Embedding ORCID identifiers in research workflows (including manuscript submission) supports timely and accurate attribution by automating the researcher-research link. In turn, the ORCID registry can serve an important role in supporting efforts in the publishing community, including conflict of interest reporting and author role acknowledgment.

The ORCID Registry is available free of charge to individual researchers, who may obtain an ORCID identifier, manage their record of activities, and search for others in the Registry. To participate in ORCID, follow the simple registration process ( and start adding your professional information. Once you have an ORCID identifier, you can add it to your user account in ScholarOne Manuscripts or contact the editorial office ([email protected]) for assistance with adding your ORCID.

Making Responsible Drug Choices on Dairy Farms series
The "UW Milk Quality Program" has just posted the 2nd of 3 segments of their Making Responsible Drug Choices on Dairy Farms series.  This episode is titled "Allowable Drug Usage on Dairy farms" and reviews definitions and regulations regarding "over the counter," prescription," extralabel" and prohibited drug usage.  The materials consist of a 13 minute YouTube Video and a 1 page factsheet.  The 3rd and final segment will deal with reducing the risk of residues and will be posted next month.

The link to these materials is:  . We are pleased to also have them available in a "Play list  on the ADSANews YouTube channel.


NRC Nutrient Requirements of Dairy - First Meeting

The NRC Nutrient Requirements of Dairy committee will hold its first meeting on September 29 and 30.  Visit the NRC website for more information on the project.  There will be an open session on the afternoon of September 29 for the committee to hear public comments, including those of the study sponsors. The open session of the meeting begins at 1:15 pm EST and will conclude at 4:00 pm EST.  If you want to attend in person or make comments please contact Robin Schoen (202-334-2236 or [email protected] ) soon as possible.

If you plan to listen and participate in the meeting using Webex you may join the online meeting at 1:15 pm Eastern, Monday, September 29  (please join any time after 1:00 pm). To do so:
1. Click on this link.

2. If requested, enter your name and email address.   

3. Click "Join".

4. The program will set up and eventually you will see a white screen and list of participants on the right side.  Your name should appear there and if you have a webcam there should be a movie camera icon next to your name.

5. As the program opens up, you will see a dialogue box asking you how you wish to join the audio part of the conference.  Our preference is choose the option to HAVE WEBEX CALL YOU.   Then you simply enter your phone number and hit enter.

Webex will then call you back and you'll have successfully joined the meeting.
To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

To join the teleconference only

If you just want to hear the audio (you won't be near a computer) you can call the toll-free number: 1-866-668-0721  (US)

For global numbers:
Conference Code: 486 764 6691.


World Dairy Expo

Will you be at World Dairy Expo?  If you are, be sure to stop by the ADSA booth.  It is in the lower level of the Coliseum at  AL 178.  If you have some time available, why not volunteer to help out at the booth.  Contact Cara Tharp for details.


ADSA� on Linked In continues to grow

Our ADSA Linked In group continues to grow.  We now have 1,053 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to network with other dairy professionals from around the world.  Check it out here.

Dates to Note:


Sept 30-Oct 4,2014   World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI.  For more information click here


Oct. 6-8, 2014   11th International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health, Aarhus, Denmark. For more information click here.


Oct 6-9, 2014   28th Discover Conference on Food Animal Agriculture - Starch for Ruminants, Northern Illinois University Conference Center, Naperville, IL, for more information click here


Oct. 8-9, 2014   Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference*, The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, British Columbia. For more information click here

Oct. 8-9, 2014   NABC 26- "New DNA-Editing Approaches: Methods, Applications and Policy for Agriculture", Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, for registration and more information
click here,


Oct 14-15, 2014   Dairy Ingredient Manufacturing, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205  Register On-line & Payment

Oct.14-16,2014   High Temperature Short Time(HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
Click here for registration and more information

Oct 16-22, 2014   U.S. Animal Health Association 118th Annual Meeting*, Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center. For more information
click here


Oct. 18-25, 2014   American Dairy Goat Association Annual Meeting & Convention, DoubleTree by Hilton, Portland, Maine. For more info, call 828-286-3801 or click here.

Oct 21-23, 2014   CornellNutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers *, for more information
click here

Oct. 21-23, 2014   Advanced Cheese Making Workshop, Cornell University Campus for registration and more information
click here

Oct 27, 2014   Vat Pasteurization Workshop, Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information and registration
click here

Oct 28-29, 2014   Basic Cheese Making Workshop, Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information and registration
click here

Oct 29-30, 2014   CA ARPAS CEC -"A year in the life: Part 2. Reproduction and Lactation", Harris Ranch Inn, Coalinga, CA, For more information and registration
click here.

Nov. 4, 2014
   Artisan/Farmstead Food Safety Workshop, Kansas City, MO,Innovation Center for US Dairy, hosted by Midwest Dairy Association and Dairy Practices Council For more information and registration visit:  and scroll down to the event.

Nov 10-13, 2014   The Science and Art of Cheese Making Short Course, Penn State University, Food Science Building, University Park, PA, for registration and more information
click here

Nov. 12 - 14, 2014   The Dairyland Initiative Workshop - Stoney Creek Inn, La Crosse, WI

    Nov. 12: Improving Calf Barn Air Quality through Positive Pressure Tube Systems and Barn Design

     Nov 13: Positive Pressure Tube Design for Ventilation & Heat Abatement of Milking Center Holding Areas

    Nov 14: Planning New & Remodeling Existing Housing for Dairy Cows

For more information check the online brochure, for online registration click here

Nov. 12-13, 2014    Pennsylvania Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop*, Holiday Inn, Grantville, PA, For more information, click

Nov, 13-14, 2014    DCRC (Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council) Annual Meeting. Hilton Salt Lake City Center, Salt Lake City, UT. For more information click

Nov. 14:   Planning New & Remodeling Existing Housing for DairyCows Building, University Park, PA, for registration and more information
click here

Dec 3-5, 2014   Ice Cream Makers Short Course, UW Madison,  Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI,
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course

Dec.  8-9. 2014   The Last Food Mile Conference, Philadelphia, PA, For more information
click here.

Jan. 4-10, 2015    Ice Cream Short Course, The Nittany Lion Inn, State College, PA, For more information visit


Jan. 6-7, 2015    Milk Pasteurization, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course

Jan, 13-15, 2015   Batch Freezer Workshop, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI.
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course


Jan. 24-25, 2015   Ice Cream 101: Introduction to Frozen Dessert, Food Science Building, University Park, PA.  For more information visit


Jan 27-29, 2015   HACCP for Dairy Operations, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY for more information  Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098

Feb 10-12, 2015   Basic Dairy Science & Sanitation Workshop
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY for more information,  Kim Bukowski 607-254-3313 or Louise Felker  607-255-7098

Feb. 24-25, 2015   Wisconsin Process Cheese Seminar, UW Madison,
Babcock Hall, Room 205 Register On-line & Payment

Mar 2-3, 2015   NYS Cheese Manufacturers' Association, Double-Tree Hotel, Syracuse, NY For more information contact Janene Lucia 607-255-2893

Mar 3-5, 2015   Buttermakers Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information
click here

Mar 23-26, 2015    NIAA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN For more information
click here

Mar 23-27, 2015 6th    Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference of the CVA and the 27th Congress of the Veterinary Association of Malaysia, The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For registration and more information
click here,

Mar 23-27, 2015    Cheese Tech Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information
click here.

Mar 23-27, 2015    Tharp & Young Ice Cream Course, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY For more information contact   Deanna Simons 607-254-4882 or
Janene Lucia 607-255-2892

Mar 30-Apr 1, 2015    2015 Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Annual Meeting*, Madison, WI For more information
click here.

Mar 30 - Apr 3, 2015   From Waste to Worth: Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture- Seattle, WA. For more information  
click here.


Apr 7-9, 2015   Membrane Filtration, Evaporation & Drying Technology Short Course, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Tristan Zuber  607-227-7398 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098

Apr 20 - 22, 2015   Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne, IN. For more information
click here


Apr 26-30, 2015    World of Cheese, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here

May 5, 2015   Cleaning and Sanitation, UW Madison,
1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course

May 6, 2015   HACCP, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information
click here

May 12-13, 2015    Applied Dairy Chemistry, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course

May 19-21, 2015    Basic Dairy Science & Sanitation Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact
Kim Bukowski 607-254-3313 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098

May 26-29, 2015    29th Discover Conference - "Amino Acid Requirements of Dairy Cattle", Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itasca, Il. For more information
click here


June 2-4, 2015    Cheese Grading Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information click here

June 2-4, 2015    Science of Yogurt & Fermented Dairy Products Workshop (Basic), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY  14853 For more information contact
Tristan Zuber 607-227-7398 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098

June 16-18, 2015    Advanced Science of Yogurt & Fermented Dairy Products Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information contact
Tristan Zuber  607-254-3313 or Louise Felker 607-255-7098

July 12-16, 2015    2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, FL. For more information
click here

July 20-23, 2015  Certified Milk Inspector's School in Association with NY State Agriculture & Markets, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information contact
Janene Lucia 607-255-2892 or Steve Murphy 607-255-2893

Aug 4-5, 2015 
Milk Pasteurization, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course

Sept 6-8, 2015    NYS Cheese Manufacturers' Association .Annual Fall Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lake Placid, NY, for more information contact
Janene Lucia  607-255-2892

Sept 8-9, 2015    Cultured Dairy Products Short Course UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information
click here

Sept 15-17, 2015   
Fluid Milk Processing for Quality& Safety, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact Steve Murphy607-255-2893 or Janene Lucia607-255-2892

Sept 21-24, 2015    
NYS Association for Food ProtectionAnnual Conference/FDA NE Regional Update, Syracuse, NY, For more information contact Janene Lucia  607-255-2892

Sept 22-24, 2015    Master Artisan Short Course Series, UW Madison,  For more information
click here

Oct 12-16, 2015    Cheese Tech Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information
click here

Oct 13-15, 2015   High Temperature Short Time (HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact
Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or  Janene Lucia  607-255-2892

Oct 20-21, 2015   Dairy Ingredient Applications, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information
click here

Oct 26, 2015  Vat Pasteurization Workshop in Association with NYS Agriculture & Markets, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact 
Rob Ralyea 607-255-7643 or  Janene Lucia 607-255-2892

Oct 27-28, 2015    Basic Cheese Making Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, For more information contact
Rob Ralyea607-255-7643 or Janene Lucia607-255-2892

Nov 5-7, 2015    Cheese Grading Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, Room 205, For more information
click here

Dec 2-4, 2015   Ice Cream Makers Short Course, UW Madison, Babcock Hall, 1605 Linden Dr., Madison WI
Download a copy of the brochure and register for the short course

June 20-24, 2016 13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information
click here

*An S-PAC Partner Conference

If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC�, ask your conference organizer to contact
Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.

If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact
Ken Olson.


Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining members for their ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition

Adisseo North America


Akey, Inc.

Elanco Animal Health

Pfizer Animal Health

Varied Industries Corp.

SoyPLUS / SoyChlor

Diamond V Mills Inc

Kent Feeds

Grande Cheese Co.

Danisco USA Inc

Land O'Lakes Inc

Kraft Foods

GEA Farm Technologies (Westfalia/Surge)

Prince Agri Products

Novus International

BioZyme Inc.

Ag Processing Inc.

Darling International Research

Performance Products, Inc.

MIN-AD, Inc.

Quali Tech

Zook Nutrition & Management

Swedish Univ. of Agri. Sciences


For information on
Corporate membership
please Click here


American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St, Suite 100
Champaign, IL 61820
[email protected]