September 8, 2014

Provided by the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs / Feedstuffs FoodLink

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Opinion and editorial content included in the Dair-e-news represent the views of the authors. 
Publication does not represent endorsement of any position by the ADSA.
 Ken Olson, Ph: 630-237-4961,

Senators seek removal of GIPSA rider

The Senate and House agricultural appropriations bills passed out of committee suggested different approaches on how to fund the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) from finalizing several rules under the Packers and Stockyard Act. Thirteen senators have written a letter to leaders of the Senate Appropriations Committee asking for support of excluding the GIPSA rider from being included in a final appropriations package.


The bipartisan group of senators said they support the Senate Appropriations Committee proposed budget which did not contain the language which prevents GIPSA from finalizing the rules, whereas the House version did include a GIPSA rider.

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New food institute blends academic, industry partners

In an era of tight resources for food makers, sometimes solutions are found in the meeting of food minds, such as through the Cornell Institute for Food Systems Industry Partnership Program (CIFS-IPP), a new public-private partnership that brings together Cornell's CIFS faculty fellows and staff with industry scientists, engineers and leaders.


"Our program is a new opportunity for industry members to engage with Cornell faculty, staff and students to work on farm-to-fork food system issues," said Julie Stafford, Cornell's industry liaison officer, who leads CIFS-IPP.


The institute comprises more than 60 faculty members from more than a dozen disciplines who can address current food system challenges and develop effective solutions.


"We think this is unique," Stafford said.

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House prepares for vote on stopping WOTUS

A majority of Congressional members have voiced opposition to the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule, and now House members will have a chance to vote on a measure which would stop EPA from implementing the rule and its accompanying interpretive rule on agricultural exemptions.

 The House Rules Committee is scheduled to review H.R. 5078, legislation prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers from finalizing the proposed Waters of the U.S. regulation.


In a scheduled meeting late in the afternoon on Monday, the Rules Committee will establish the rules of debate for the House, which is expected shortly after the bill clears the Rules Committee. A vote by the full House of Representatives on H.R. 5078 is expected later on in the week.

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Milk prices concern of organic dairy farmers


Northeastern organic dairy farms have indicated that their top concern is receiving steady, fair prices for their milk from milk processors, according to a new survey that is the first to assess the research and educational needs of organic dairy farmers in the region.


The research was funded by the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) College of Life Sciences & Agriculture.


While this finding won't come as news to dairy farmers, it may surprise organic milk consumers who pay considerably more for organic milk than conventional milk at the grocery.


"When organic dairy farmers are talking about price, they are talking about the price that they get for their milk. That is a very different conversation than what the consumer is actually paying for the milk. The profit margin is still pretty small whether you are an organic or conventional dairy farmer. Consumers may not realize this because they may think that if they are paying more for organic milk, surely 75% of that is going directly back to the farmer. That is not the case," said David Townson, professor of reproductive physiology at UNH.

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ADSA and Related Happenings

NAS Schedules Fourth Meeting for Animal Science Committee

The National Academies of Science committee undertaking the study entitled "Sustainability Considerations for the Future of Animal Agriculture Science Research" will meet for a fourth time on September 8-9th. The meeting will be closed to the public as committee members continue their internal work to draft the report. The report is expected to identify critical R&D, technologies, and resource needs for research in the field of animal agriculture, both nationally and internationally. Previous committee meetings were held in March, May, and July of 2014, and a final report based on their deliberations will be completed in late 2014. More information on the study can be found by clicking here.


Appropriations Outlook

As Congress returns from August recess on September 8th, they still have the task of providing appropriations for fiscal year 2015. The House and Senate Appropriations Committees have passed their respective versions of the agriculture appropriations bill, but it appears unlikely that a stand-alone appropriations bill for agriculture will pass before the fiscal year ends on September 30th. With a limited number of legislative days in September, Congress is expected to pass a continuing resolution that would likely last until sometime in December. This would get members of Congress past the 2014 elections. Depending on who controls Congress after the November elections, an omnibus appropriations bill or a continuing resolution covering the remainder of the year are the most likely outcomes.


ADSA Sends Thanks to USDA

ADSA joined with 66 other University and science based organizations in expressing their sincere appreciation and thanks to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for their expeditious leadership actions to create the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (FFAR) and appoint the 15-member, founding Board of Directors.  Dr. Kathryn Boor - the Ronald P. Lynch Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, an ADSA member and a past member of the ADSA Board is a part of the new FFAR Board of Directors.  A copy of the letter to USDA is available by clicking here.


Margin Protection Plan (MPP) for Dairy Producers
Registration is now open for the MPP-Dairy. Registration must be finalized by November 28; so there is still plenty of time, but producers need to be evaluating their options relative to it and gathering the information they need if they apply. Economists say that despite recent record setting butter prices and all the other bullish signs, there are good reasons to expect that markets will break this winter.  Price expectations for mid to late 2015 could sour sufficiently to justify thinking about MPP-Dairy simply for that reason.  


It would be an excellent idea for producers to look at educational materials and stop by their local FSA office this month simply to get a better idea about the lay of the land.  It will be helpful to figure out what information each dairy operation will need to pull together and to begin sorting out decision strategies.  One tool that is available is the MPP-Dairy Decision Tool developed by the DMaP Team that is now available at their website or via the USDA-FSA website.  There is a lot of information available on these websites already and more will be forthcoming.


Interested in volunteering?

Winrock International is looking for volunteers with dairy expertise. Their volunteers work with farmers, businesses, organizations and governments worldwide on short-term assignments, sharing their experience and expertise and improving lives. Volunteer programs address emerging challenges and support existing programs through specialized services. Winrock pays for all travel expenses and coordinates all of the logistics. They are currently looking for 3 dairy experts (US citizens or permanent residents only) in the following areas (i) dairy nutrition ii) dairy management iii) forage production to volunteer in Bangladesh starting in October-Dec.

You can learn more about the program at If you are interested in volunteering please contact Angela Kraszewski at or by phone at 703-302-6550. 


ADSA� on Linked In continues to grow

Our ADSA Linked In group continues to grow.  We now have 1,033 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to network with other dairy professionals from around the world.  Check it out here

Dates to Note:

Sept 8-12, 2014   -  Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference   - : Harnessing the Ecology and Physiology of Herbivores, National Convention Centre, Canberra, Australia.  For more information, click here

Sept. 16-18, 2014   -  NYS Association for Food Protection Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY. For more information click here

Sept. 17 - 18, 2014  -  75th Annual Minnesota Nutrition Conference*, Mystic Lake Casino & Hotel, Prior Lake, MN For more information click here

Sept 18 - 20, 2014  -  American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Conference,* in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  For more information click here.

Sept. 23-25, 2014  -   Cultured Dairy Products Short Course, Food Science Building,University Park, Pennsylvania, for more information visit

Sept 30-Oct 4, 2014  -  World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI.  For more information click here

Oct. 6-8, 2014   -   11th International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health, Aarhus, Denmark. For more information click here.


Oct 6-9, 2014  -  28th Discover Conference on Food Animal Agriculture - Starch for Ruminants, Northern Illinois University Conference Center, Naperville, IL, for more information click here


Oct. 8-9, 2014  -  Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference*, The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, British Columbia. For more information click here


Oct.14-16, 2014  -   High Temperature Short Time(HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Click here for the Course Syllabus. For more information contact Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or Janene Lucia 607-255-2892

Oct 16-22, 2014   -  U.S. Animal Health Association 118th Annual Meeting*, Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center. For more information click here


Oct. 18-25, 2014   -  American Dairy Goat Association Annual Meeting & Convention, DoubleTree by Hilton, Portland, Maine. For more info, call 828-286-3801 or click here.

Oct 21-23, 2014   -  Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers *, for more information click here

Oct 21-23, 2014  -  Pasteurizer Operators Workshop, Penn State University, Food Science Building, University Park, PA, for registration and more information click here


Oct 21-23, 2014 - Advanced Chieese Making Workshop, Cornell University Campus. For registration and more information, click here.


Oct 27, 2014   -   Vat Pasteurization Workshop, Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information and registration click here

Oct 28-29, 2014   -  Basic Cheese Making Workshop, Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information and registration
click here

Nov. 4, 2014  -
  Artisan/Farmstead Food Safety Workshop, Kansas City, MO,Innovation Center for US Dairy, hosted by Midwest Dairy Association and Dairy Practices Council For more information and registration visit:  and scroll down to the event.

Nov 10-13, 2014   -  The Science and Art of Cheese Making Short Course, Penn State University, Food Science Building, University Park, PA, for registration and more information click here

Nov. 12-13, 2014   -  Pennsylvania Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop*, Holiday Inn, Grantville, PA, For more information, click here.

Nov 12-14, 2014 - The Dairyland Initiative Workshop - Stoney Creek Inn, La Crosse, WI.
 - Nov 12: Improving Calf Barn Air Quality through Positive Pressure Tube Systems and Barn Design
 - Nov 13: Positive Pressure Tube Design for Ventilation & Heat Abatement of Milking Center Holding Areas
 - Nov 14: Planning New & Remodeling Existing Housing for Dairy Cows
For more information, check the online brochure, for online registration click here.

Nov, 13-14, 2014   -  DCRC (Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council) Annual Meeting. Hilton Salt Lake City Center, Salt Lake City, UT. For more information click here. 

Dec. 8-9, 2014  The Last Food Mile Conference, Philadelphia, PA. For more information, click here.


Jan. 4-10, 2015 - Ice Cream Short Course, The Nittany Lion Inn, State College, PA, For more information visit


Jan. 24-25, 2015 - Ice Cream 101: Introduction to Frozen Dessert, Food Science Building, University Park, PA.  For more information visit


Mar 23-26, 2015    NIAA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN For more information click here


Mar 30-Apr 1, 2015   2015 Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Annual Meeting*, Madison, WI For more information click here.


Mar 30 - Apr 3, 2015    From Waste to Worth: Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture- Seattle, WA. For more information  click here.


April 20-22, 2015    Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Grand Wayne Center, Ft. Wayne, IN. For more information, click here.

May 26-29, 2015 - 29th Discover Conference - "Amino Acid Requirements of Dairy Cattle," Eaglewood Resort & Spa, Itasca, IL. For more information, click here.

July 12-16, 2015    2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, FL. For more information
click here


June 20-24, 2016  13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information click here


*An S-PAC Partner Conference

If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC�, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.

If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.


Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining members for their ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition

Adisseo North America


Akey, Inc.

Elanco Animal Health

Pfizer Animal Health

Varied Industries Corp.

SoyPLUS / SoyChlor

Diamond V Mills Inc

Kent Feeds

Grande Cheese Co.

Danisco USA Inc

Land O'Lakes Inc

Kraft Foods

GEA Farm Technologies (Westfalia/Surge)

Prince Agri Products

Novus International

BioZyme Inc.

Ag Processing Inc.

Darling International Research

Performance Products, Inc.

MIN-AD, Inc.

Quali Tech

Zook Nutrition & Management

Swedish Univ. of Agri. Sciences


For information on
Corporate membership
please Click here


American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St, Suite 100
Champaign, IL 61820