August 4, 2014

Provided by the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs / Feedstuffs FoodLink

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Opinion and editorial content included in the Dair-e-news represent the views of the authors. 
Publication does not represent endorsement of any position by the ADSA.
 Ken Olson, Ph: 630-237-4961,

Meat scandal prompts overhaul of OSI China business

OSI Group LLC announced last week changes to the organizational and management structure of OSI China after its subsidiary, Shanghai Husi Food Co., was accused of allegedly selling expired meat and poultry products to fast-food restaurants throughout China.

David McDonald, OSI Group president and chief executive officer, said in a statement, "Our China operations will now become a part of the OSI International umbrella, directly embedded into our corporate organization rather than operating as a separate, decentralized entity. This new organization will be called OSI International China."

In order to resolve the recent events, operations at the Shanghai Husi plant were immediately ceased, and a company investigation and reviews are being conducted.

Changes to the leadership team have also been announced: The OSI International China leadership team will include experienced individuals from around the world to ensure full compliance with OSI Group's world-class standards for quality.

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USDA releases its poultry inspection modernization rule

After over two and a half years since it was first proposed, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced its New Poultry Inspection System (NPIS), which it touts as an "updated science-based inspection system that positions food safety inspectors throughout poultry facilities in a smarter way."

Poultry companies will have to meet new requirements to control Salmonella and Campylobacter, and up to 5,000 foodborne illnesses will be prevented each year, USDA estimates.

"The United States has been relying on a poultry inspection model that dates back to 1957, while rates of foodborne illness due to Salmonella and Campylobacter remain stubbornly high. The system we are announcing today imposes stricter requirements on the poultry industry and places our trained inspectors where they can better ensure food is being processed safely. These improvements make use of sound science to modernize food safety procedures and prevent thousands of illnesses each year," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said.

FSIS will now require that all poultry companies take measures to prevent Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination, rather than addressing contamination after it occurs. Also for the first time ever, all poultry facilities will be required to perform their own microbiological testing at two points in their production process to show that they are controlling Salmonella and Campylobacter. These requirements are in addition to FSIS' own testing, which the agency will continue to perform.

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Next-generation sequencing rapidly identify pathogens

Next-generation sequencing identifies porcine enterovirus G, a novel but benign virus in the U.S., according to Benjamin Hause, an assistant research professor at the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Kansas State University, who recently published an article about the find.

"We had isolated a virus in cells, but didn't know what it was," Hause said. "We used next-generation sequencing to identify it, and it turned out to be porcine enterovirus G, which had been described before but had never previously been found in North America."

The virus had only been reported before in Europe and Asia.

"Fortunately, porcine enterovirus G doesn't do much in pigs, but it raises concerns about other viruses getting through the border," Hause said. "We're not sure if this has been here for some time undetected or is a recent introduction. Coincidentally, the virus was most similar to 2012 Chinese isolates and was detected around the same time as a couple of other viruses: porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) and porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV), both of which were detected in China in the same time frame prior to the U.S."

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Evaluation of management strategies

By Di Liang

Dairy producers are utilizing diverse management strategies in the real world. Presenters in the "Economics of different management practices" session on Wednesday afternoon at the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting American Dairy Science Assn. and American Society of Animal Science discussed various management strategies, their outcomes and related management tools.

Results from University of Wisconsin-Madison showed that dairy farms with higher milk production and lower culling rates would decrease greenhouse gas emissions while increasing profits. This result could encourage dairy producers to mitigate the greenhouse gas emission by improving the herd performance, which also results in higher profit.

Researchers from the Ohio State University and University of Florida looked at transition cow management economics, especially the impact of the human factors. They suggested good training could ensure the hands-on employees were knowledgeable and skilled. The speaker reported that a $1 investment in training could be worth $25 in the future profits.

Two studies focused on health economics. H.A. Delgado from University of McGill compared the life-time cumulative profit for different types of dairy farms in Canada, including tie-stall, free-stall, and robot milking farms. The robot milking system had the highest profit, lowest mastitis cost, and lowest age at first calving. Delgado concluded that management type could change dairy farm profits in the end.

E. Rolling from University of Georgia presented a model to calculate the cost of clinical mastitis in the first 30d in lactation. This total cost was $424 per case, primarily from production loss and culling. This model could help producers review their mastitis control strategies.

Another study by USDA- APHIS compared DHIA and Non-DHIA herds in the U.S. The results showed that dairy farms with DHIA had more cows, higher milk production, lower preweaned death, and used more preventive health and biosecurity recommendations.

Breeding all the cows may not be the most profitable option, S. Shahinfar from University of Wisconsin-Madison presented a model to optimize the breeding strategies. This model was able to identify a subset of eligible cows to get breed.

Dairy producers are adapting more technologies in daily practice than ever. The evaluation of different strategies and the use of decision support tools help  producers better understand their situation and figure out better solutions.


Di Liang is a Ph.D. student at University of Wisconsin-Madison, working on economics and environmental performance of dairy farms. 

ADSA and Related Happenings

JDS Confirmed as the Leading Dairy Journal in the World

Thomson Reuters recently published the 2013 Journal Citation Reports Impact Factors and rankings. I am very pleased to report that the Journal of Dairy Science� (JDS) is unquestionably the leading dairy science journal in the world and ranks very highly as follows:

JDS is ranked second of 51 journals in the Agriculture, Dairy, and Animal Science category for the 2013 Impact Factor (2.550) and is also ranked second by 5-Year Impact Factor (3.080). The JDS is the top-ranked journal by Eigenfactor Score, which removes self-citations, and first in total citations (31,754 cites).

Genetics, Selection, Evolution is the category's top-ranked journal, with an Impact Factor of 3.747 (1,717 total cites; 44 articles published).

In the Food Science and Technology category (using the same Impact Factor), JDS is ranked 24th of 123 journals by Impact Factor and 21st of 123 journals by the 5-Year Impact Factor. The JDS is ranked third by Eigenfactor Score in this category, and third in total citations.

The Journal of Dairy Science published 740 articles in 7,429 (science) pages in 2012 and 783 articles in 8,134 (science) pages in 2013. Thus, with a 9.5% increase in pages published from 2012 to 2013, the Impact Factor decreased by only 0.016 from 2012.

Special thanks are due to Roger Shanks, editor-in-chief; the dedicated and excellent team of section editors and senior editors; the editorial board and reviewers; the FASS editorial and production staff, especially Susan Pollock, managing editor, and Louise Adam, lead technical editor; and-the lifeblood of JDS-the authors.

Al Kertz, ADSA President


USDA Plan Would Capture Biogas From Livestock
The Obama administration Friday released a strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock by capturing the biogas to use as an alternative to fossil fuels.  The strategy, developed by the departments of Agriculture and Energy and EPA, is a follow-up to the administration's methane-reduction plan, issued in March that led to accusations on Capitol Hill that the White House would attempt to regulate livestock emissions.

The report emphasized that the suggested projects were voluntary and that the plan had been requested by the dairy industry.  Although a few dairies have already installed what are known as methane "digesters" to generate electricity from manure, the plan estimates that more than 11,000 additional biogas systems could be installed nationwide to power more than 3 million homes.  Methane emissions could be reduced by the equivalent of 800,000 and 11 million automobiles, the plan says.

The report says 239 livestock biogas systems are in operation, producing enough electricity to power 70,000 homes. Biogas also can be captured from municipal solid waste, wastewater, food waste and food production, the plan says.   

The plan outlines several steps that the administration intends to take to promote installation of the systems, including by expanding federal financial assistance; compiling financial and technical data on the methane digesters; and ensuring that biogas systems are eligible under federal procurement guidelines.

"The emissions intensity of the production of meat and milk in the United States is already much lower today than it was even a few decades ago," the plan says. "Due to improvements in production efficiency, it's amongst the lowest in the world . Enhancing the deployment of cost-effective technology to utilize biogas can increase revenues and reduce emissions, providing another 'win-win' for farmers, communities, and the nation."

The National Milk Producers Federation welcomed the plan. Jim Mulhern, the group's president and CEO, said it would "help stimulate the emerging biogas market in ways that could provide revenue-generating opportunities for dairy farms of all sizes."  He also emphasized that the projects were voluntary and said the plan " validates the proactive and voluntary path the industry is already taking to reduce methane emissions, and provides direction for future actions and opportunities."

After the White House released the methane reduction plan in March, 16 Republican senators, led by John Thune of South Dakota, wrote the USDA, the EPA and the Energy Department raising concerns that the administration was seeking to regulate emissions from livestock operations.

A fact sheet for the roadmap is here . (Source: Philip Brasher, CQ Roll Call) 

ADSA shows support
ADSA was among 70 U.S. science and engineering communities expressing concerns about current and proposed restrictions on the ability of federal and contractor scientists and engineers to participate in scientific and technical conferences to leaders of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs. A copy of the letter is available on the ADSA Science Policy area of our website.

Help the animal and dairy science community and attend JAM 2015 for free, too!

Referrals are the most tried-and-true way businesses grow, and the same is true for the Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS). Do you know a colleague working with an animal science group that is in need of high-quality, cost-effective support services? Help them out by referring them to Jamie Ritter, FASS Executive Director at

Help them benefit from the shared resource concept and the 264 years of collective experience the FASS staff have in working with non-profit animal science organizations. If your referral becomes a FASS customer prior to July 1, 2015, ADSA will comp your registration to the 2015 JAM. It's win-win-win. For more information about services offered by FASS, click here.  ADSA is a founding member of FASS.


ADSA� on Linked In tops 1,000

Our ADSA Linked In group reached a new milestone this week.  We now have 1,004 members from around the world, are you one of them? It's a great place to network with other dairy professionals from around the world.  Check it out here.

Dates to Note:

Aug 4-6,   -   
National Mastitis Council Regional Meeting   - , Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, For more information and registration click here

Aug 25-29,   -  European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) Annual Meeting *,
Copenhagen, Denmark For more information click here

Aug 25-29,   -   9th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium (9th RRS), Hotel Nikko Northland Obihiro, Obihiro City, Hokkaido, Japan For more information please click here

Aug. 27   -   Artisan/Farmstead Food Safety Workshop, Ithaca, NY,  Innovation Center for US Dairy, hosted by American Dairy Association and Dairy Council, Cornell University For more information and registration visit:  and scroll down to the event.

Sept. 7-9,   -  NYS Cheese Manufacturers' Association Annual Fall Meeting, Sagamore on Lake George, Bolton Landing, NY. Contact Janene Lucia 607-255-2892

Sept 8-12,   -  Joint ISNH/ISRP International Conference   - : Harnessing the Ecology and Physiology of Herbivores, National Convention Centre, Canberra, Australia.  For more information, click here

Sept. 16-18,   -  NYS Association for Food Protection Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY. For more information click here

Sept. 17 - 18,   -  75th Annual Minnesota Nutrition Conference*, Mystic Lake Casino & Hotel, Prior Lake, MN For more information click here

Sept 18 - 20,   -  American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Conference,* in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  For more information click here.

Sept. 23-25,   -   Cultured Dairy Products Short Course, Food Science Building,University Park, Pennsylvania, for more information visit

Sept 30-Oct 4,  -  World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI.  For more information click here

Oct. 6-8,   -   11th International Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human Health, Aarhus, Denmark. For more information click here.


Oct 6-9,   -  28th Discover Conference on Food Animal Agriculture - Starch for Ruminants, Northern Illinois University Conference Center, Naperville, IL, for more information click here


Oct. 8-9,   -  Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference*, The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, British Columbia. For more information click here


Oct.14-16,  -   High Temperature Short Time(HTST) Pasteurizer Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Click here for the Course Syllabus. For more information contact Steve Murphy 607-255-2893 or Janene Lucia 607-255-2892

Oct 16-22,   -  U.S. Animal Health Association 118th Annual Meeting*, Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center. For more information click here


Oct. 18-25,   -  American Dairy Goat Association Annual Meeting & Convention, DoubleTree by Hilton, Portland, Maine. For more info, call 828-286-3801 or click here.

Oct 21-23,   -  CornellNutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers *, for more information click here

Oct 21-23,   -  Pasteurizer Operators Workshop, Penn State University, Food Science Building, University Park, PA, for registration and more information click here

Oct 27,   -   Vat Pasteurization Workshop, Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information and registration
click here

Oct 28-29,   -  Basic Cheese Making Workshop, Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. For more information and registration
click here

Nov. 4,   -
  Artisan/Farmstead Food Safety Workshop, Kansas City, MO,Innovation Center for US Dairy, hosted by Midwest Dairy Association and Dairy Practices Council For more information and registration visit:  and scroll down to the event.

Nov 10-13,   -  The Science and Art of Cheese Making Short Course, Penn State University, Food Science Building, University Park, PA, for registration and more information click here

Nov. 12-13,   -  Pennsylvania Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop*, Holiday Inn, Grantville, PA, For more information, click here.

Nov, 13-14,   -  DCRC (Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council) Annual Meeting. Hilton Salt Lake City Center, Salt Lake City, UT. For more information click here.

Jan. 4-10, 2015 - Ice Cream Short Course, The Nittany Lion Inn, State College, PA, For more information visit


Jan. 24-25, 2015 - Ice Cream 101: Introduction to Frozen Dessert, Food Science Building, University Park, PA.  For more information visit


Mar 23-26, 2015    NIAA Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN For more information click here


Mar 30-Apr 1, 2015   2015 Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Annual Meeting*, Madison, WI For more information click here.


Mar 30 - Apr 3, 2015    From Waste to Worth: Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture- Seattle, WA. For more information  click here.


July 12-16, 2015    2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting (JAM)*, Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, FL. For more information click here


June 20-24, 2016  13th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis*, Nantes, France, For more information click here


*An S-PAC Partner Conference

If your organization's conference isn't among the ever growing list that contribute proceedings and presentations to S-PAC�, ask your conference organizer to contact Ken Olson for more information about the benefits of participation.

If you would like to have an event included in the "Dates to Note," please contact Ken Olson.


Your registration material at then JAM includes information about S-PAC, the world's largest on-line database of dairy and animal science conference proceedings with 495 proceedings from 55 conferences now available to subscribers.  We've recently added our first Spanish language proceedings from the "Managing Heat Stress In Dairy Cows"road show, the English version is available as well.  We've also included the 2013 AABP proceeding and those from the recent International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis.  Check out the complete list at .   All JAM attendees are eligible to subscribe at the member rate.  



Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining members for their ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition

Adisseo North America


Akey, Inc.

Elanco Animal Health

Pfizer Animal Health

Varied Industries Corp.

SoyPLUS / SoyChlor

Diamond V Mills Inc

Kent Feeds

Grande Cheese Co.

Danisco USA Inc

Land O'Lakes Inc

Kraft Foods

GEA Farm Technologies (Westfalia/Surge)

Prince Agri Products

Novus International

BioZyme Inc.

Ag Processing Inc.

Darling International Research

Performance Products, Inc.

MIN-AD, Inc.

Quali Tech

Zook Nutrition & Management

Swedish Univ. of Agri. Sciences


For information on
Corporate membership
please Click here


American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St, Suite 100
Champaign, IL 61820