July 23, 2014

Provided by the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs / Feedstuffs FoodLink

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 Ken Olson, Ph: 630-237-4961, keolson@prodigy.net

             SPECIAL 2014 JAM COVERAGE


Welcome to JAM 2014

Welcome to our expanded coverage of the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association� (ADSA�) and the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS).

Whether you are in Kansas City as one of the 3,000 participants in the meeting, or if you were unable to attend this year's meeting, we hope you will find this additional coverage valuable.

We appreciate the assistance of the Graduate Student Division who will be assisting with the reporting for our daily editions. We will also be using social media at the meeting. If you are on Twitter, watch for #JAM2014 for tweets from the JAM. We also have a You Tube channel "ADSANews" where you will find video clips from activities at the JAM.

We welcome your feedback on the coverage and hope you enjoy our special JAM 2014 coverage.
For more information on JAM, visit https://www.asas.org/meetings/jam2014/home

JAM 2014 Schedule Highlights
for Wednesday, July 23


Wednesday, July 23

7:00 am - 5:15 pm Registration open, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB

7:30 am - 9:15 am Poster Presentations, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB

8:00 am - 9:00 am S-PAC� Users Meeting, Convention Center, 2505A

8:00 am - 3:00 pm Exhibits open, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall AB

10:30 am - 5:00 pm Scientific Sessions, Convention Center

See below for more details 

News from JAM 2014   


Ethics deemed necessity within industry, academia    

As the business of providing animal feed and nutritional services has become increasingly sophisticated and global in nature, and as the complexity of the industry has increased, the ethical behavior of feed suppliers and even university researchers has come under question.  


L.D. Bunting of ADM Alliance Nutrition, Lubbock, Texas, explained at the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) of the American Dairy Science Assn. and the American Society of Animal Science in Kansas City, Mo., that this perception likely originates not only from some actual decline in ethical standards but perhaps also from an increasing lack of clarity relative to what actually constitutes ethical practice.

Bunting acknowledged that the field of animal nutrition is evolving quickly and that there are a great number of new feed technologies and suppliers entering the market from both domestic and international sources. He further pointed out that potential ramifications are possible as a result of the feed industry work force becoming less experienced (youthful) and increasingly foreign trained.   

 VIEW RELATED VIDEO:  http://youtu.be/eIfNXaO4Y90


Behavior, management of feed intake complex  

The physiological control of feed intake is complex with signaling pathways to ensure that adequate nutrients are supplied while, at the same time, overconsumption is prevented, according to Dr. Mike Allen at Michigan State University in a presentation at the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting American Dairy Science Assn. and American Society of Animal Science. 

Looking at ruminants and especially focusing on dairy cattle, Allen noted that intake is a function of meal size and meal frequency and a number of factors are involved in the regulation of both. For example, rumen distension - i.e., rumen fill - can dominate the control of feed intake because there are physical limits to the capacity of the rumen. Other factors include endocrine effects of gut peptides, osmality of rumen contents and the energetic status of the cow.

Also at the "Understanding Feeding Behaviour to Improve Animal Well-Being & Productivity" symposium sponsored by the Canadian Society of Animal Science and the European Association of Animal Production, Juan Villalba of Utah State University explored the psychology and sociology of animal feeding.

Villalba noted that behavior serves the same end as physiological regulation of feed intake. He said the cognitive system of the brain integrates food preferences and food selection. 

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U.S. beef cow herd rebuilding provides opportunity for new thinking

The U.S. beef industry is confronted with a significant long-term decline in cattle numbers driven in part by record input costs and severe drought conditions in many major cattle-producing states. These recent challenges only add to the long-term issues the industry has faced, which include an aging producer population, increased global competition, increased competition from other meat proteins, weak domestic demand for beef, and a perceived lack of economic incentives to expand the cattle herd. 

D. S. Brown and D. J. Patterson of the University of Missouri, Columbia, explained in a presentation prepared for the 2014 JAM in Kansas City that while the industry has been able to move toward more consistency in beef products over the last three decades, major strides are still left to be made given less than 5% of today's cattle grade Prime. In comparison with other domestic livestock sectors in the U.S., they said, tradition and segmentation within the U.S. cattle industry has hindered the adoption of newer production and marketing strategies.

The researchers suggested that coordination of the various industry segments (cow-calf, stocker, feedyard, processor) with allied industry (AI companies, seed stock suppliers, feed and pharmaceutical industries) offers the potential to enhance technology adoption and contribute to increases in production efficiency.

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Agriculture extension has role to play 

By Derek Nolan

Agriculture Extension programs have come under the knife in recent years but as speakers explained here at the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society of Dairy Science and the American Society of Animal Science there are a number of reasons why Extension remains important to the nation's agriculture industry.

With technology becoming a major part of today's world, Extension has a role to play in the development of tools that help producers make management decisions.

Extension also has a part in traditional education programs for producers. Agents at the Kansas State University indicated that they have held calving management programs in nine different counties throughout Kansas. By providing education on how to aid a cow while calving, they said, they have helped lower the number of stillborn calves.

Extension agents at the University of Kentucky have developed the Master Stocker Program to help beef producers improve their management practices. This program has encouraged 2/3 of the producers that attended to alter management practices and has made beef producers more aware of their effect on the environment.

Extension specialists in North Dakota have shown that Extension agents strive to help the producers they work with. They conducted a survey of beef producers in the state to find out what current management practices work for them, to get opinions on management practices such as expanding, what management practices they believe have made them more profitable, and what type of consulting would help them in the future.



Derek Nolan, graduate student at the University of Kentucky, researching the economics of mastitis. 

Future lactation biology research opportunities presented

By Adam Geiger

The second installment of lactation biology followed the strong stage set by the first with a total of 5 different countries presenting their work during Tuesday session at the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science and American Society of Animal Science in Kansas City.

Researchers from Ghent University in Belgium attempted to uncover the link between a coagulase-negative staphylococci mammary infection and increased milk production seen in previous studies. It was thought that increased prolactin levels might explain this increase in production. After experimentally inducing cows with the infection, an increase in prolactin was observed. However, an increase in milk production was not observed in this study. Future opportunities may exist to determine the mode of action that correlates a coagulase-negative staphylococci infection to milk yield differences.

Other results from the University of Guelph assessed the addition of glycerol to lactating cow diets. Adding glycerol to a base diet stimulated dry matter intake and increase milk protein by 66.5 g/day compared to the controls. Lactose was also increased. However, cows fed glycerol in their diet milk fat compared to the controls. Overall, the lactation biology sessions this year provided attendees with data that will spark future research projects and directions. This was the last lactation biology session held at this years joint annual meeting.



Adam Geiger is a Ph.D. student at Virginia Tech studying Dairy Science and specializing in lactation physiology.  His primary research focus is on the pre-weaned dairy calf with an emphasis on the effects of plane of nutrition on pre-pubertal mammary development.

Animal health topics dominate JAM session 

By Karmella Dolecheck


Although titled Animal Health: A Retrospective Look, the Tuesday afternoon session at the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Assn. and the American Society of Animal Science offered insight into past, present, and future work surrounding animal health:

Researchers from the Expertise Centre for Farm Management and Knowledge Transfer and Livestock Research Wageningen UR reported on antibiotic use on dairies in the Netherlands.  Their study of 94 farms found that antibiotic use has decreases 20% between 2005 and 2012.  The majority of this reduction occurred due to reduced mastitis and "other" disease treatment, while dry cow therapy has not changed (currently around 44% of antibiotics used).  The study also found that increased use of antibiotics was associated with greater farmer education, younger farmer age, increased herd milk yield, decreased herd SCC, and increased herd heath status overall. 

Read more 


Karmella Dolecheck is originally from Twin Falls, Idaho.  She graduated from Utah State University with her BS in Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences in 2012 and is currently finishing her MS degree in Dairy Systems Management at the University of Kentucky.  

JAM 2014 Extra

There are many activities taking place during the JAM.  Some special items of note include: 

S-PAC User Meeting

All current and potential Users Welcome

Wednesday, 8 - 9 AM, Convention Center 2505A


*               S-PAC Overview

*               S-PAC in the Classroom

*               Recent Additions

*               Suggestions/Comments


ADSA Schedule of Events for Wednesday, July 23


REMEMBER the MILK Symposium:

Water: Consideration for the Future of Animal and Food Production and Processing, Wednesday, July 23, 2:00 pm. Room 2101

Water shortages and quality issues are of increasing concern in agricultural and food processing practices.   This symposium is targeted to domestic and international dairy, animal and food scientists with interests in the challenges and concerns associated with water availability and quality for animal production and food processing. 

Topics include:

  • Drought Devastation: Lessons to Learn in Agriculture
  • Water Options: Water Sources and Quality Considerations for Animal Production and Food Processing
  • Water Rights: International and Domestic Choices for the Future
    Water Case Studies: Examples of Research and Field Practices in Dairy and Beef Production and Food Processing

2014 ADSA Awards

Last night's ADSA Awards programs recognized individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the dairy industry and to ADSA.  Both recent accomplishments and career contributions were recognized.  The following winners were recognized.  Information on each of the individuals is available at:

ADSA Award of Honor

Phillip S. Tong

ADSA Distinguished Service Award

Donald Palmquist

ADSA Fellows

Bill Aimutis

Tom Jenkins

Ellen Jordan

Nagendra Shah

Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award

Rachel Campbell Mertz

American Feed Industry Association Award

Randy Shaver

Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award

Heather Dann

DeLaval Dairy Extension Award

Normand St-Pierre

Elanco Award for Excellence in Dairy Science

Joseph S. Hogan

Hoard's Dairyman Youth Development Award

William M. Graves

International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing

Kayanush (Kai) Aryana

J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding

Les Hansen

Lallemand Animal Nutrition Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition

Trevor DeVries

Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production

Amin Ahmadzadeh

National Milk Producers Federation Richard M. Hoyt Award

Eduardo de Souza Ribeiro

Nutrition Professionals Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award

Bill Mahanna


Zoetis Physiology Award

Juan Loor


Dupont Pioneer Forage Award

David Combs

West Agro Inc. Award

Geoff Dahl

Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award

Jessica Hammerand

ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Production

Todd R. Bilby

Journal of Dairy Science� Most
-Cited Awards

     Dairy Foods

Aziz Homayouni

     Physiology and Management

Kristen Reyher

     Nutrition, Feeding and Calves

Alexander Hristov

     Genetics and Breeding

George Wiggans

Thanks to the many donors whose generous support makes the 2014 ADSA Awards Program possible.  


Your registration material at then JAM includes information about S-PAC, the world's largest on-line database of dairy and animal science conference proceedings with 495 proceedings from 55 conferences now available to subscribers.  Stop by the ADSA booth (#404) to check it out.  All JAM attendees are eligible to subscribe at the member rate.



Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining members for their ongoing support of ADSA and the Journal of Dairy Science�.

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition

Adisseo North America


Akey, Inc.

Elanco Animal Health

Pfizer Animal Health

Varied Industries Corp.

SoyPLUS / SoyChlor

Diamond V Mills Inc

Kent Feeds

Grande Cheese Co.

Danisco USA Inc

Land O'Lakes Inc

Kraft Foods

GEA Farm Technologies (Westfalia/Surge)

Prince Agri Products

Novus International

BioZyme Inc.

Ag Processing Inc.

Darling International Research

Performance Products, Inc.

MIN-AD, Inc.

Quali Tech

Zook Nutrition & Management

Swedish Univ. of Agri. Sciences


For information on
Corporate membership
please Click here


American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St, Suite 100
Champaign, IL 61820