In This Issue
VBCF Will Award $5,000 to a Deserving Advocate
Looking for a Fun Way to Support the Cause?
Save the Date! Aces for Awareness
Join us for National Lobby Day!
We Need Your Help!
The Yarn Lounge Supports VBCF!
The folks at The Yarn Lounge in Carytown are raising funds to support VBCF by selling a limited number of project bags. The bags are $25 and all net proceeds go to VBCF. Stop by to get yours today! If you are not in the Richmond area, they are willing to ship the bags. 

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 Dear Friends,


Thank you for the warm welcome I've received as the new executive director of the Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation! I am so excited to join you in VBCF's efforts to educate Virginians, advocate on your behalf, and ultimately eradicate breast cancer. My first many days on the job have been busy learning about the organization and beginning to meet all of our wonderful partners across the state and beyond. I am pleased to be part of such a capable team of people that is committed to improving the health of Virginians.


VBCF is a Virginia-based organization whose grassroots efforts support state and local breast cancer initiatives for Virginians. If you haven't already done so, please join our work! There are so many ways to help - establish or get involved in one of our five local chapters; attend one of our many events such as the third annual Aces for Awareness on April 27th in Richmond; or join us in Washington, DC on May 8th to advocate with our state and federal legislators. 


You can even shop to support VBCF - we offer hats, Tervis tumblers, and scarves to express your support; VBCF pink ribbon license plates are available through DMV; and you can always make an ongoing, annual donation to support our work at Your generous contributions support Virginia's breast cancer patients, survivors, and families - women, men and children; young and old; insured and uninsured; at all income levels.


There are so many ways to offer VBCF your time, talents, and treasures so please don't hesitate to get involved. Your support makes a huge difference in the lives of Virginians. I am excited about the opportunity to grow VBCF's efforts but know that we can only continue to increase our services with your support.


Thank you for your commitment to end breast cancer,


Katy Sawyer's Signature 

Katy Sawyer

Executive Director

VBCF is awarding $5,000 to a deserving breast cancer advocate!
Karin Decker Noss
Are you passionate about ending breast cancer? Do you have a desire to learn about the science of breast cancer? The Karin Decker Noss Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Karin Decker Noss, a dedicated board member and past president of VBCF.  The scholarship funds training in medical research and legislative advocacy to carry on the work that Karin began. Click here to learn more and apply. The deadline to apply is March 30, 2012.
Looking for a Fun Way to Support the Cause?
Attend one of our chapter events!  
  • VBCF's Blue Ridge Chapter will host the Pink Ribbon Hi Tea on Saturday, April 14! This year's event will take place at 2:00pm at Memorial Baptist Church in Staunton. Tickets are just $15 for this typically sold out event. Contact or 540-932-8223 for more information. 
  • The Peninsula Chapter will present the 19th Annual Luncheon & Fashion Show with Quilt Raffle and Silent Auction on Saturday, April 21, 2012. The festivities begin at 11:30am at the Omni, Newport News. Tickets are $30 and fashions will be by Dress Barn - Kiln Creek. The chapter is currently soliciting door prizes, silent auction items, and table sponsorships. Tickets sell quickly! For tickets or more information call Eunice Fenwick at 757-253-2929 or 757-869-5510.
Save the Date!  Aces for Awareness
Save the Date!  Aces for Awareness
Mark Your Calendars! Aces for Awareness
Friday, April 27, 2012

A fun morning of tennis followed by a fabulous silent auction and luncheon.  Participants may also choose our luncheon only option.  The tennis portion incorporates a variety of tennis activities in a fun, social atmosphere for all player levels at one of three club locations - ACAC Fitness & Wellness Centers, The Dominion Club, or Hermitage Country Club.  The Silent Auction and Luncheon at Hermitage Country Club will also feature select Live Auction items and other fun prizes.

Registration opens on Monday, March 12 at
Join us for National Lobby Day!
VBCF National Lobby Day 2012 - logo

We Need

Sign up today for National Lobby Day - Tuesday, May 8 - in Washington, D.C. VBCF will charter a bus from Hampton Roads to Yorktown to Richmond to Washington, D.C. where advocates will break into teams to visit our Representatives and Senators and lobby for important national legislative issues related to breast cancer. If there is enough interest, transportation will also be coordinated from the Blue Ridge area. Last year VBCF brought close to 100 advocates to Washington for National Lobby Day, and this year we're aiming to bring even more! Your participation matters! Click here to register.
We Need Your Help!
We are gathering signatures on a petition to the President - calling on him to publicly commit to bring this nation's leadership, intellectual and creative forces together to eradicate breast cancer by January 1, 2020. 

The Goal: 290,000 signatures by election day.    
Here's how you can help:
  • Sign the petition and encourage everyone you know to sign - share it with friends, family, co-workers. Encourage them to collect signatures, too.
  • Return completed petitions to VBCF. You can mail them to: Attn: Vernal Branch | Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation | 5004 Monument Avenue, Suite 102 | Henrico, VA 23230. You can fax them to 804-285-7735.
Are you on VBCF's mailing list?  VBCF mails quarterly newsletters that have more in-depth scientific articles and more information than the VBCF Connection can offer.  If you have not recently received a newsletter, click here to get on our mailing list.  The newsletter is also available online.
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