2014 Bond Program Update - Fall 2015
Construction of FBISD's newest elementary school underway
Sullivan Elementary is first construction project included in the $484 million bond  
Members of the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees used shovels to move dirt at the future site of Anne Sullivan Elementary School on Wednesday, July 15, ceremoniously marking the first groundbreaking in the 2014 Bond Program. The school is located in the Riverstone subdivision and will welcome its first students for the start of the 2016-2017 school year. Read more ...

Bus GPS installation complete!

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have been installed in 480 FBISD buses and 20 fleet vehicles, a project that was funded as part of the 2014 Bond Program. These GPS units give FBISD the ability to track vehicle activity in real time, assuring that students and staff are being transported safely and responsibly.

Information transmitted from these devices will also provide another layer of protection, providing an additional 'safety check' of the bus and its engine before it leaves the terminal each day and live engine diagnostics while the bus is in service.

Track the progress of the 2014 Bond Program

Fort Bend ISD's 2014 Bond Program webpage has been updated to include the latest and most recent information on bond projects, broken down by campus. There is also an updated Bond Project Schedule, where the community can see beginning and ending dates for each project, including specific phases such as design, procurement and construction.

To visit the updated 2014 Bond Program webpage, click here.
Technology Upgrade Underway

Work is already underway on District-wide technology upgrades that were included in the November 2014 Bond.  Tremendous accomplishments have been achieved over the summer by the Information Technology Division, not only for the Bond Projects, but for overall improvement of the District's technology capabilities. The Bond Project work accomplished this summer includes upgrades to the District's wireless network and Wide Area Network.

What do schools of the future look like?
Design process begins for three elementary schools in 2014 Bond Program  

How can Fort Bend ISD's Elementary Schools 48, 49, and 50 truly inspire learning? What does a 21st Century Learning environment look like? And how can a school's design ensure a student-focused learning experience?


These are the questions that are being asked as architects selected to build three elementary schools in the 2014 Bond Program begin the schematic design process. During the month of July, IBI Group (Elementary School 48 - Sienna Plantation), PBK Architects, Inc. (Elementary School #49- Harvest Green), and Huckabee Inc. (Elementary School 50 - Grand Vista) held design "Charrettes" and invited participation from District representatives from every department: curriculum, technology, police, special education, and child nutrition (just to name a few).


Each firm spent two afternoons with department representatives to get input and guide exercises that consider everything from the school's footprint to the location of classrooms and programs inside of the buildings.


These charrettes are organized to give the architects ideas to use as they develop their schematic designs, the first phase in the design process.


Elementary Schools 48, 49, and 50 are planned to open in time for the 2017-2018 school year. The architectural firms are expected to share their preliminary designs with the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees during the fall of 2015.