Stephen J. Roberts Newsletter
Issue: # 6August/2014
Many  ways  to  grow ...
emotionally, psychologically, professionally spiritually ... 
Why  Do  It  Alone?


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Here's a toast to all of you! To a community of people that believes that the world will not change unless we attend to the "inner work": a community that knows that if we are not willing to look deeply at ourselves as parents, brothers, sisters and co-workers then we are destined to repeat unhealthy patterns that have us and others suffer needlessly. Here's to your health! As I am part of that band of sojourners, let me ask you the following question ... 





Years ago, a scientist/chemist friend and I were immersed in a dialogue about what happens psychologically and biologically to we humans when we are locked in self-righteousness, or staunchly defending our opinions as "truth". In his research, he had ran across studies that found that we not only tighten muscularly - jaws, fists, chest and quads - but that even at a cellular level we constrict, cells begin to clump or coalesce. We pull in, hunker down and get rock-like. We get dense. No more open space outside of me or inside of me.


I know this experience. On the surface, it seems like I get a brief, self administered shot as if I am strengthened. 


It is at those times when I am closed and I am convinced of my "brilliant" stance, one could ask me, "Are you dense?" ... and truth be known, I would have to answer, "Why yes, in this very moment, I am".





During the next few weeks, I am going to walk with an awareness to those moments that I constrict, batten down the hatches and get dense. Join me with a breath in those moment to open up, create space and allow something magical to enter.

'Til next month, Steve