Sierra Pacific Synod Resource Center

January 22, 2015

Happy 2016!
The Synod Resource Center wishes everyone a peace-filled and Spirit-led year.

VBS resources are 'out there!'
Is it time to begin considering and planning for your VBS this summer?
Group is now offering FREE shipping on any VBS kits you order between now and February 5th
You must use the code: VBSFREESHP at checkout.

The Resource Center can help you in many ways.
We carry lots and lots of old VBS kits for your use, including a few great ones from Group:
"Weird Animals" and "Everest!" We can loan you one of these kits for a few months! 

If you are looking for something brand new this year, please send me an email, 
I would love to help you decide what VBS is best for you. 
We do have the 2016 Group Cave Quest at the Resource Center for hands on viewing
Email me if and when you will be in Fresno! 
There are also some excellent interactive websites where you can get a good picture of what is new and exciting! I do my best to stay up-to-date on all current VBS programs and am willing to share with you, 


Your Synod Resource Center now has a masterful three-volume biography on Martin Luther.   

Volume 1: "Martin Luther: His Road to Reformation, 1483-1521." 
Volume 2: "Martin Luther: Shaping and Defining the Reformation, 1521-1532."
Volume 3: "Martin Luther: The Preservation of the Church, 1532-1546."
These books are returning with great accolades! If you are interested in learning more about the life of Martin Luther, you would LOVE this series. Click here to Email Janet your request. Get your name on our waiting list.

**Augsburg Fortress has a new daily devotional book for Lent, 2016 called "Bearing Fruit." For each day in Lent 2016, Bearing Fruit offers an evocative image, a reading from Colossians, a quotation to ponder, a reflection, and a prayer. (All on 2 small pages!) The writers, Anne Edison-Albright, David Miller and Harvard Stephens, Jr, bring their unique voices and pastoral wisdom to these texts. To order one or more of these, please Order from Augsburg Fortress HERE .

We also have some great Lenten studies from Augsburg Fortress. (Plan early, Lent begins February 10th) There are 5 options available from the Augsburg Fortress series:

*Seven Wonders of the Word, by Kathryn A. Kleinhans
*40 Days with the Lord's Prayer, by Henry F. French
*Water Marks, by Diane L. Jacobson
*Marks of the Christian, by David L. Miller
*Beyond Question, by Eric Burtness

Send me an email if you would like to check any of these out, for personal, group, or congregational use:


Luther's Small Catechism pamphlets are still available for you.
We purchase these for you and your congregations. 
With Reformation 500 approaching, this is a great time to have a class on Luther's Small Catechism. 
We'll supply you with Luther's words! Just ask, via email at
To date we have sent out over 1,400 Small Catechism pamphlets. 
Join the excitement, as our Presiding, Elizabeth Eaton, suggested by 
"dusting off the catechism and taking another look at the basics of our faith. 

Some more Martin Luther quotes to ponder:
"I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all;
but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."

"Peace if possible, truth at all costs."

"As long as we live, there is never enough singing." 
We appreciate your calls and e-mails about resources!

The Resource Center is your lending library!  
You are helping us to do a better job when you recommend the specific resources you are looking for.
 Keep telling us what you want, at    
This is how we know what to purchase.

Please note that the Synod Resource Center of the Sierra Pacific Synod is eligible to receive your Choice Dollars from Thrivent Financial. 
We are sincerely grateful to Thrivent Financial and those individuals who designate their Choice Dollars to us for the support of the Synod Resource Center. In 2015 we received a total of $2032 from your Thrivent Choice Dollars. THANK YOU! 
For more information email Janet or contact your Thrivent Representative.
Resource Center hours for January and February: 

Mondays - 3pm-5pm (Resource Center closed Feb. 8)
Tuesdays - 8:30am-10:30am
Thursdays - Hours and dates vary, please email me  in advance if you plan to come in on a Thursday.
Fridays - 9:30am-11:30am (Closed February 5)
Other hours are available by appointment, please contact me. You can reach me by email:

To order materials through our website, please visit us at:
Click "Resources" and then click "Request Manager for the SPS Resource Center." You will then be on our online catalog page! Let me know if you have any questions or problems. Blessings! 
Janet Lane, Synod Resource Center Director
           Call 559-345-2725 (ext 120 if asked) 
           or send an Email
           This is your Synod Resource Center; 
               I am happy to serve you.