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E-Sunday Bulletin of St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church

38-65 234th. St. Douglaston, NY, 11363

 Sunday 09/14/2014 




Sunday Readings: Isaiah 49:13-23; Galatians 6:14-18; John 3:13-21


Join us in worship this Sunday

Morning Service 10:00 AM

Divine Liturgy 10:45 AM - Sermon 11:45 AM

Fr. Nareg Terterian, Pastor

Մասնակցեցէք Ս. Պատարագին

՝Առաւօտեան Ժամերգութիւն 10։00

Ս. Պատարագ 10։45- Քարոզ 11։45

Տ. Նարեկ Քհնյ. Թրթռեան, Հոգեւոր Հովիւ

News From St. Sarkis Church
Լուրեր Ս. Սարգիս Եկեղեցիէն
Family Worship

Family Worship September 2014
Family Worship

Last Sunday September 7, 2014, young children and their parents gathered at St. Sarkis Church at 9:00 AM for the monthly family worship service.


Participants read all the prayers in English and sang the hymns in Armenian. Mr. Michael Kaloustian did the Gospel Reading of the day, the pastor gave a short homily and everyone received the Holy Communion.


Embedded is the Short Homily that Fr. Nareg gave. The next monthly service is scheduled for Sunday October 5, 2013.


Annual Picnic is This Sunday
Volunteers are needed to help with the picnic; 
Please contact the Church Office to sign up

Bible Study Classes Started This Week
The Bible Study Group started its weekly meetings last Tuesday. We are studying the Gospel of Mark for this season. Bible Study Classes are held every Tuesday mornings at 10:30AM. Join us for another season of education and fellowship. 
9/11 Memorial Service

Last Saturday, September 6, 2014 was the first day of Suzanne and Hovsep Hagopian Saturday School


54 Students are registered this year and we hope that they will have a great learning experience. 


As in the past, this year also we will offer class in Western and Eastern Armenian, History, Religion and Armenian songs.


Mommy and Me Program which will start 10-11AM next Saturday, September 20, 2014.  


We wish our students a great academic year.


The Podcast: Episode 2 
Listen to a 
- A Tribute to 9/11 Victims 
- Answering Your Questions of Faith 
- Reflecting on the Scripture
- An Interview with Mrs. Nairy Zohrabian, Mrs. Natalie Sarafian-Meneshian and Mr. Harry Seoylemezian
- Hymns by Mesrob Mashdots

Email us your questions and we will to answer as part of The Podcast!

New Plums
Mrs. Siran Saroyan
Donated and planted mums around the Cross Stone Monument(Խաչքար) of St. Sarkis Church on the occasion of the Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross and the Annual Picnic of St. Sarkis Church.


St. Sarkis Church Youth Club

We are greatly looking forward to a fantastic and energetic new season with our Youth!


Upcoming Events


- Sunday September 14 Church Picnic

Our St. Sarkis Youth Club will have a table and we will be selling T-shirts. Registration forms will be available for all youth ages 12-18 to sign up for our group.  



- Friday, September 19  Youth Club Meeting & Social 6-8pm

Our first social and welcome to all our youth.  It will be a fun and exciting evening of friends, fun, games and food! 


We are also planning some fun and exciting socials, fundraisers and trips.  Here is a glimpse of what is in the works:


  • RadioCity Christmas Spectacular Trip
  • Paintball 
  • Basketball 
  • Food Drive
  • Poinsettia Sale and much much more


Looking forward to a great year of building friendships, worship and lots of FUN!
Last Sunday's Sermon
Last Sunday's Sermon
Nothing can replace the experience of attending church on Sundays and being part of the Divine Liturgy celebration. However, you can listen to the sermon that was delivered at St. Sarkis Church last Sunday.  
Bible Readings
Աստուածաշնչական Ընթերցումներ


May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of God. 
Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. 

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen.



Գալով ինծի, քաւ լիցի որ մեր Տիրոջ Յիսուս Քրիստոսի խաչէն զատ ուրիշ բանով պարծենամ: Այդ խաչին միջոցաւ մեղքի աշխարհը մեռած է այլեւս ինծի համար, ինչպէս ես մեռած եմ այդ աշխարհին համար: Կարեւորը մարդուս թլփատուած կամ անթլփատ ըլլալը չէ, այլ նոր արարած ըլլալը: Թող Աստուծոյ խաղաղութիւնն ու ողորմութիւնը ըլլան բոլո՛ր անոնց հետ՝ որոնք այս սկզբունքին համաձայն կ՚ապրին. բո՛լոր անոնց՝ որոնք իր ընտրեալ ժողովուրդը կը կազմեն: 

Այսուհետեւ, խնդրեմ, ոեւէ մէկը աշխարհիկ հոգերով թող զիս չնեղէ, որովհետեւ ես Յիսուսի կը պատկանիմ, ինչպէս մարմնիս վրայ վէրքերուն սպիները կը վկայեն: 

Եղբայրներ, մեր Տէր Յիսուս Քրիստոսի շնորհքը ձեր բոլորին հետ ըլլայ: Ամէն:

No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."




Ոչ ոք երկինք ելաւ՝ բացի Մարդու որդիէն, որ երկինքէն իջաւ, եւ որ երկինքի մէջ է: Եւ ինչպէս Մովսէս պղինձէ օձը բարձրացուց անապատին մէջ, նոյնպէս ալ Մարդու Որդին պէտք է բարձրանայ, որպէսզի անոր հաւատացողը յաւիտենական կեանք ունենայ: Որովհետեւ Աստուած այնքան սիրեց աշխարհը, որ մինչեւ իսկ իր միածին Որդին տուաւ, որպէսզի անոր հաւատացողը չկորսուի, այլ յաւիտենական կեանք ունենայ: Որովհետեւ Աստուած իր Որդին աշխարհ ղրկեց՝ ոչ թէ որպէսզի աշխարհը դատապարտէ, այլ որպէսզի աշախրհը փրկէ: Ով որ կը հաւատայ անոր՝ չի դատապարտուիր. իսկ ով որ չի հաւատար անոր՝ արդէն իսկ դատապարտուած է, Աստուծոյ միածին Որդիին չհաւատալուն համար:


Եւ դատապարտութիւնը այս է.- Լոյսը աշխարհ եկաւ, բայց մարդիկ խաւարը լոյսէն աւելի սիրեցին, որովհետեւ չարութիւն կը գործէին: Ով որ չար գործ կը կատարէ՝ կ՚ատէ լոյսը եւ լոյսին չի գար, որպէսզի իր գործերը չյայտնուին: Սակայն ով որ կը կատարէ ինչ որ ճշմարիտ է՝ լոյսին կու գայ, որպէսզի յայտնի ըլլայ թէ իր գործերը Աստուծոյ կամքին համաձայն գործուած են:

-TAMARA MELKOMIANS,  passed on September 7, 2014. A funeral service was held on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, at the Graveside. We extend our heartfelt condolences to her family. May she rest in peace.

-MANUG KRICORIAN, passed on September 8, 2014. A funeral service was held on Thursday, September 11, 2014, at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family. May he rest in peace.

Liturgical Calendar (From Crossroads: E-Newsletter of the Armenian Prelacy)
Exaltation Of The Holy Cross
This Sunday, September 14, the Armenian Church commemorates the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Khachverats), which is the last of the five Tabernacle Feasts observed by the Armenian Church during the liturgical year.
This holiday is a celebration of the Holy Cross and is commemorated by most Christian churches on September 14. The Armenian Church celebrates it on the Sunday closest to the 14th. It is the oldest of the feasts devoted to the Cross. The cross, once a means of death for criminals, gradually became the dominant symbol of the Christian world, an object of reverence and worship, and symbol of triumph over death. There are four feasts devoted to the Cross in the Armenian liturgical calendar, with the Exaltation being the most important. The other three are: Apparition of the Holy Cross; Holy Cross of Varak; and Discovery of the Cross. Each of these four holidays devoted to the Holy Cross are related to the life and the salvific work of our Lord.


The ceremony for the Exaltation begins with the decoration of the Cross with sweet basil (rehan), a sign of royalty, and also as a symbol of the living cross. After the Bible readings, the officiating priest lifts the Cross and makes the sign of the Cross, and blesses the four corners of the world (Andastan service), and asks the Almighty to grant peace and prosperity to the people of the world.


The Khachveratz ceremony was prepared by Catholicos Sahag Dzoraporetsi (677-703). He also composed the hymn that is sung on this occasion. As with other Tabernacle Feasts, the Exaltation is preceded with a period of fasting (Monday to Friday), and followed by a memorial day (Merelotz).


Name day commemorations this Sunday include: Khatchadour, Khatchig, Khatcherets. Rehan, Khatchkhatoun, Khachouhi, Khatchperouhi, Khosrov, Khosrovanoush, Khrosrovitoukhd, and Nshan.

Annual Fundraiser Dinner Dance & Gala
The PTA of the Suzanne & Hovesep Hagopian Armenian Saturday School is a group of friends and parents teaming to raise funds for this school. The goal of the school is to educate elementary school-age children in all aspects of the Armenian culture - history, language and music. 

We are hosting the 2nd Annual Dinner Dance Gala at the Crescent Beach Club on Friday, October 3rd, 2014. The goal of the event is to raise funds for the many different projects of the school, as well as to enhance the overall technology of the school. 

Those who attend will enjoy a great music and dancing, delicious food, fantastic raffles and, most importantly, the opportunity to help support the school. Don't miss out on the opportunity to attend this fabulous event. 

Reserve before August 31, to take advantage of the reduced price of admission.

Men's Club Cigar Night

Fellowship Hour
Join St. Sarkis Church Ladies Guild Fellowship Hour every Sunday following Church services. 


There will be no coffee hour this week. You are invited to attend our annual picnic.



- September 14, 2014 - Annual Picnic


- October 3, 2014 - Saturday School Dinner Dance Gala 


- October 10, 2014 - Men's Club's Cigar Night


- November 23, 2014 - Youth Club Presents: A Book Presentation With Hrair Hawk


       - December 14, 2014 - Simply Christmas Concert 


Adds From Sister Organizations

This Bulletin has been prepared and designed by Fr. Nareg Terterian

May God's Blessings Be Upon You All.

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