How was your season? Were you able to execute as planned on your goals and objectives for this season? What might have come up to get in the way? Things don't always go as planned, but when you have the right systems and software in place, executing on your goals and objectives for the season becomes more manageable. 

The DynaSCAPE Software Team
1.800.710.1900 x2 |
Estimating landscape construction jobs is vastly different from estimating landscape maintenance seasonal contracts. We've made maintenance estimating easy. 

Contact the DynaSCAPE sales team ( or 1.800.710.1900 x2) and get your live online demonstration! Learn More
5 Questions to ask about landscape specific software
Have you ever created a landscape design plan and wondered if it was possible to automate a take-off to a full cost based estimate and proposal for your clients? If you answered yes, you are not alone. There are thousands of landscape companies across North America that share the same frustration. Read More
In this 3-part webinar series, we learned how to maximize our profits, build a salable business, and develop a profound lasting legacy. According to Jeffrey Scott, these 3 definitions of success are all connected and can all be attained with proper strategy and forethought.

If you missed it and would like to purchase the series, please contact the DynaSCAPE Sales team and they will provide instant access for you!  Learn More
3 Job Reports You Should Be Seeing Regularly
When you're in the thick of it and you're juggling a few jobs at the same time, it's key to stay on top of what is going on. Here's a few reports that will help:
  1. Job Progress Report: see where you are at with any given job based on labor and materials used to date.
  2. Job Profitability Report: compare your estimated vs actual costs, overhead, and profit.
  3. Job Cost Detail Report: compare your estimated vs actual quantities and costs showing the variances of each.
Free Webinar: Designing for Profit
JANUARY 21, 2016 | 2:00 PM EST
Patrick DuChene will demonstrate and highlight examples of:
  • Optimal design studios to maximize comfortability
  • The best computer specifications, reviewing time tracking tools, demonstrating studio organization
  • The most effective design processes, developing internal and external communications policies and procedures
  • How to estimate during the design process and maximize the profitability of the design and the project.
This is a free webinar that will be recorded and posted to the DynaSCAPE website.
Recapping 2015
Here's some great DynaSCAPE content that you might have missed from this year:

DynaSCAPE Software
1.800.710.1900 x2 |

The standard in landscape design and business management software.