Technology Paradox: Are you hooked into technology 
or is technology hooked into you?

I was recently traveling in the Colorado Rockies  "off the grid" with no cellular service and no internet access unless I took a hike up to the hill to the pasture and stood under the big pine tree where I was able to access three bars on my smart phone. I wonder if this is how the indigenous felt when they sent out their smoke signals..... It's amazing how much technology rules our life and distracts our focus, yet as business owners how dependent we have become to staying plugged in and connected to our phones and our devices 24x7.

As Stress Mastery Expert, I'm always working with my clients to be more present, more mindful and more centered in their body so they can respond with effective problem solving when challenges hit rather than losing energy and spinning their wheels by going into emotional reactivity. Being a problem responder and not a problem reactor is at the core of the stress resilience techniques and strategies that I offer through my stress management programs. The downside of our technology dependency is that it often pulls us out of presence and distracts our attention from those around us.


Sara Regester, Stress Mastery Expert, is the founder of Directions 4 Wellness, and creator of the "Turn Your Stress into Success" programs that promote Stress Resiliency to support success driven individuals to be successful without wiping themselves out from stress. Her highly transformative programs are available to individuals and businesses.  Visit to download her free ebook "The True Cost of Stress"
Sara Regester, RN, BSN
Integrative Health Coach
Stress Mastery Expert
mobile: 602-363-5533

Stress Tip #2 - Spend Time in Nature

Click here 
to schedule your free 30 minute consultation!

Click here to download Sara's free ebook - "True Cost of Stress"

Programs and Services

Directions 4 Wellness offers programs that support a new generation of success driven individuals who want to live bigger without wiping themselves out!  Here is a list of programs we currently offer: 

Upcoming Events

6-Week Stress Resilience Boot Camp - Beginning Monday, July 25, 2016 -
Sara offers a program of six 90-minute classes designed to build on each other to support an integrative group process that transforms stress into a stress resilient lifestyle.  Learn how to harness the energy of Stress and change how you think about stress to transform your busy life to feel more energized, more focused and more fulfilled from what you do. Click here for more information and registration.

Don't miss Sara's next interactive workshop!

Turn your Stress Into Success Interactive Workshop Sara will present her interactive program designed to teach stress resiliency techniques and mindset tools to align with a busy life so that you can be "Fearlessly Authentic" to use the energy of stress to be successful and not wipe yourself out. - Saturday, July 23, 2016 -  


About Sara Regester RN, BSN 
Stress Management Specialist

Duke University Integrative Medicine
Certified Integrative Health Coach

Mentor-Supervisor for the University of Arizona's Center for Integrative Medicine Integrative Health Coaching Program

Sara works with the new generation of individuals who want to live bigger without wiping themselves out from stress.  Her expertise is in uncovering the underlying lifestyle patterns that open the door to health problems related to stressful living. She is also an expert in creating sustainable mind-set changes for new patterns, behaviors and habits. Sara applies unique mind-body-spirit techniques that are highly transformative.

Sara is the creator of the "Turn Your Stress Into Success" Programs based on the new science of stress management to help:

*  Get rid of competing priorities and put yourself higher on your to-do list
*  Prioritize what fuels your energy to fill your tank and eliminate burnout
*  Respond to stress and be present, solve problems effectively, and learn from the challenges            you face
*  Empower yourself to be fearlessly authentic

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Turn Your Stress Into Success
Turn Your Stress Into Success

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Sara Regester | Directions 4 Wellness | [email protected]