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January 2014

The launch of Directions 4 Wellness is off to a great start. I have had incredible support and some really insightful feedback about my website:  


I completed my training as an Integrative Health Coach through Duke University this past April. I am now partnering with clients who are working to change lifestyle patterns. My goal is to work with 8-10 new clients by the end of January. I am enrolled in a certification program through Duke Integrative Health to become a Certified Health Coach. This requires 100 hours of coaching clients followed by a testing process.


So I would be very pleased to support you, or someone you know,  in any arena of your life that feels out of balance or is causing you stress or health issues. It can be as simple as reorganizing an area of your home, getting more rest, improving your nutrition or tuning up your blood sugar. Anything that creates a barrier to harmony can be a focus for coaching to move towards optimal health. As a nurse I have a lot of insight that I can offer in relation to health patterns and lifestyle pattern changes.


I'm offering some great incentives to be one of my first clients so I'm very happy to meet with you if you would like to change at least one thing in your life to bring more balance and harmony.



For more information contact Sara Regester directly at 602-363-5533

Sara Regester, RN, BSN,  

Duke Trained Integrative Health Coach

Wheel of Health

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If you were as simple as a line, you'd be linear. If your health was a simple progression from feeling sick to feeling better, it would be linear. But you are complex and so is the process of your health! Imagine yourself at the Center of your personal Wheel of Health
. Any one aspect of your life can impact all of the other aspects of your Wheel of Health. Maybe you have never started an exercise practice because you have too much chaos in your environment. You may be sabotaging your nutrition due to job stress. Sometimes one needs to focus in one area of the wheel before you will be successful in managing change in the primary area you may have sought coaching for. Any of the arenas on the Wheel of Health will impact your physical and mental well being if you are out of balance. When one is successful in maintaining and sustaining a new healthy pattern, the outcome is not only good health but inner harmony and the willingness to take the next steps with a new focus.


One or Six Health-Coaching Sessions   (Up to 54% Off)

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In This Issue
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Launch into Change


Suspension Bridge Nepal. I was once walking across a suspension bridge while I was trekking in Nepal. My first thought was "wow what a photo op......" then as I released my grip on the handrail to reach for my camera, I could feel swinging of the bridge beneath my feet and felt as if I would be pitched into the roaring waters below.


I let go of my security and the guides that supported me as I took each step across that great expanse. In that moment of full presence, I could see how sometimes I have to let go of the secure handrail and align with the chaotic movement that may feel as if I'm being pitched forward.


Whenever we launch into change, there will always be those first steps of chaos until one is able to align with the new pattern that evolves from the chaos. You can plan on changes to invite chaos because it is when we ride the chaotic wave of energy that we can harness the full empowerment of change.  When we resist the chaos, we are likely to stay stuck in the old pattern.

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