Dear Central States Alliance for Community Media Members,
It's a very exciting time to be working and volunteering in Public, Education and Government Access. We have seen studio transformed into HD streamlined workspaces and video on demand become just as popular as television.
This newsletter is meant to keep you informed with PEG Policies around our region and nationally, along with highlights from past events and important information for up and coming activates. Enjoy!
Ohio Chapter Meeting
 When: Friday, May 10, 2013 around 12 PM Where: Brunswick Area Television 4274 Manhattan Avenue Brunswick, OH 44212 What: Agenda includes eating lunch and ending the day with some type of dinner sponsored by the OK Chapter ACM. Some people might spend the night. Nothing is set in stone so make suggestions. Contact: 330-220-1726 Please RSVP by May 1st to Steve Sobel at 513.352.5308 or email Bring co- workers and invite Other PEG centers. You don't have to be a member to attend.
Indiana HB1432 | Dead
 It's true, for now! House Bill 1432 regarding video service franchise fee in Indiana is currently dead in house. But we believe it will reappear in January. We'll keep up posted.
Keep Us Connected
Keep Us Connected (KUC) protects the public's interest in Illinois state video franchise law and is a group of Illinois nonprofit organizations, municipalities, educational institutions, and PEG access stations committed to protecting public channels and public interest in Illinois telecommunications legislation. Even Kentucky is going head-to-head against AT&T and winning, for now.

2012 Highlights
The Spring 2012 Central States Conference was a resounding success! We owe a huge thank you to the crew at CTN Ann Arbor.
During the conference the social media team set up a Central States blog where members posted content for
for achieving and later viewing.
Daniell Krawczyk with LiveU provided live video streaming of the Keynote Luncheon and our Saturday morning session. Hip hip hooray for Otto Andrew who captured all the videos during the conference. View them here.
We also had the honor of having Sylvia Strobel, Executive Director of the National ACM, speak during a public policy session and the keynote luncheon.
Thank you to all our members who came out to enjoy the event. For more information on annual conferences visit
PEG Access has its ups, downs and battled with cable giants, but we can never forget why we are here. Our facilities are the voice of each community. Free speech is one of the many things that makes America special and at the end of each day we hope you are leading others to educate, entertain and inform their fellow citizens. Wishing you all a happy and healthy spring!
Alysha Schlundt-Bodien
Communication Chair
Central States ACM
CS-ACM Events
We hope to see you all at the Make A Difference Conference and Trade Show.
Where: Fort Wayne, IN