July 22, 2016
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NASUAD State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Report
The National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) published a new report that offers data from the Long-Term Care Ombusdman Program organizational structure survey that was conducted in early 2015. This survey was conducted through one-on-one telephone interviews with each State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. Information for the survey focused on four basic topic areas: Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, management of regional/ district/ local program offices, volunteers, and comments regarding current structure. The report includes a standard organizational structure chart and a flow structure with more detailed information regarding roles and responsibilities for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. 

 Click here to view the report.
NASUAD I&R Center Webinar: Guardianship - Key Concepts for I&R/A Specialists
The National I&R Support Center will host a webinar that will train attendees on the basics of guardianship. It is a key but complicated issue that aging and disability I&R/A specialists address in their work with consumers, family members, and caregivers. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, August 4, 2016, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.

The webinar will cover the process of becoming a guardian, responsibilities of the guardian, the difference between guardianship and powers of attorney, and a discussion on when a guardianship may be necessary. To help I&R/A specialists gain more insight into guardianship issues, our presenter, Kim Grier, Adult Guardianship Specialist, Georgia Department of Human Services, will share her expertise on this topic. Pre-registration is required for this webinar. Space is limited so make sure to register as soon as possible.

Click here to view details and register.
Early Bird Rate Ends July 31st! Register Today for the 2016 HCBS Conference! 
Join us for the National Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Conference held in Washington, DC, August 29 - September 1. The Conference offers a unique blend of policy, program, and practice issues for professionals interested in home and community based services for individuals of all abilities and in all settings. Quickly becoming the "go-to" conference for learning in the expanding field of HCBS and long-term services and supports, the Conference allows states to share best practices, present unique partnerships, and recognize the work of their peers. 

The National HCBS Conference will include federal, state, and local policymakers and those who administer, manage, and deliver waiver and other HCBS programs. The Conference always sees a strong presence from U.S. Health and Human Services ranging from the Administration for Community Living including (AoA, Office of Disability, and AIDD) to CMS, HRSA, SAMHSA, Office of Developmental Disabilities, and other federal agencies.

Click here to view details and register. 
HCBS Clearinghouse E-Clips
This section of  Friday Update highlights reports that have been added to the HCBS Clearinghouse within the past week. Visit www.nasuad.org/hcbs for more information.
State Trends in the Delivery of Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports
On Wednesday, July 20, 2016, the Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. (CHCS) published a new brief, "State Trends in the Delivery of Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports." With support from The SCAN Foundation, seven states (Arizona, California, Kansas, Minnesota, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Texas) were selected to provide insights into current trends in both managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) program refinement and long term services and supports (LTSS) system reform. The report is intended to provide other states with strategies to consider for improving the care delivery for their own beneficiaries and providers.

Click here to view the report.
From the Administration
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Long-Term Services and Supports Open Door Forum
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is holding an upcoming long-term services and supports (LTSS) Open Door Forum that will focus on managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS). The integration of LTSS and associated beneficiary protections into the Medicaid managed care regulation will be discussed. The open door forums are hosted to provide an opportunity for live dialogue and foster strong collaboration between CMS and the stakeholder community at large. These forums are intended for all stakeholders who interact with CMS or work with consumers who rely on services that CMS provides. The forum is scheduled for Tuesday, July 26, 2016, from 2:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m. ET.

Click here for more information about the forum.
Program Integrity Report to Congress
On Wednesday, July 20, 2016, the Center for Program Integrity (CPI) in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released their program integrity report. The report highlights CMS achievements in reducing potentially fraudulent and improper payments.  Total savings from the program's efforts were nearly $42 billion over the two-year period covered by the report. Program integrity efforts have included provider enrollment and screening standards, enforcement authorities, and advanced analytics such as predictive modeling. In addition, CMS collaborates with various partners such as law enforcement, state Medicaid agencies, and contractors to implement integrity measures.

Click here to view the report.
Technical Assistance Mailbox for Parity Final Rule
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has created a mailbox for stakeholders to submit questions regarding the Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) mental health parity final rule.  The rule was finalized on March 29, 2016 with the intent of strengthening access to mental health and substance use services for people with Medicaid or CHIP, while aligning with protections already required of health plans in the commercial market.

Click here to view the final rule.
Technical assistance will begin this fall and continue through 2018. Questions and concerns can be submitted at any time to parity@cms.hhs.gov.

From Other Organizations
Justice in Aging
Medicare and Medicaid Fact Sheets for LGBT Beneficiaries
Justice in Aging published three new fact sheets in collaboration with SAGE (Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Elders), SHIP National Network (State Health Insurance Assistance Programs), and the Administration for Community Living (ACL).  The new fact sheets were designed to help LGBT consumers learn how recent changes in Medicare and Medicaid may affect them. The Supreme Court's legalization of same sex marriage in all states changed how both programs evaluate the eligibility of same sex spouses. Additionally, Medicare has begun covering gender reassignment surgery and issued new rules that protect transgender older adults from sex discrimination in health care settings.

Click here to view the publications.
LEAD Center
Webinar: Implementing the WIOA Final Rule from a Disability Perspective
The LEAD Center is hosting a webinar to inform participants about provisions in Title I of the Final Rule to implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) that creates opportunities for youth and adults with disabilities. The session will review available resources that support implementation. In addition, leadership from the Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), and from the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) and the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) will talk about the implementation from a disability perspective.  The session is scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 2016, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to register.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Meeting the Dietary Needs of Older Adults
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine published a report that includes discussions and presentations from a previously held Food and Nutrition Board workshop. "Meeting the Dietary Needs of Older Adults" convened last fall and was designed to examine factors in the physical, social, and cultural environment that affect the ability of older adults to meet their daily dietary needs. 

Click here to view the report.
National Quality Forum
Webinar: HCBS Committee Meeting 
The National Quality Forum (NQF) published the last interim report, "Addressing Performance Measure Gaps in Home and Community-Based Services to Support Community Living: Priorities for Measure Development." It details the findings and milestones in the home and community-based services (HCBS) quality project performed under contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  The HCBS Committee will host a meeting for members and the public on Thursday, August, 4, 2016, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 pm. ET.

Click here to register
Oral Health America
Webinar: Barriers to Food Access: 
Experiences by Older Adults
The Wisdom Tooth Project, an Oral Health America Program, hosts a monthly webinar series to provide a forum for organizations to share information about initiatives and activities related to older adults. The upcoming session, "Barriers to Food Access: Experiences by Older Adults," will discuss the issue of food insecurity as it relates to older adults. The presentation will cover topics such as causes of food insecurity, preparing meals, nutrition, barriers to food access programs, and measurement issues. The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, July 26, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to register.
University of New Hampshire, Kessler Foundation, Association of University Centers on Disabilities
Webinar: nTIDE Lunch and Learn
The Employment Policy & Measurement Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (EPM-RRTC) at the University of New Hampshire, in partnership with Kessler Foundation and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), hosts a monthly webinar on the first Friday of every month. There will be a live broadcast via Zoom webinar to share the results of the latest nTIDE findings, based upon the Bureau of Labor statistics jobs report. Additionally, the monthly webinars will feature news and updates from the field of Disability Employment and a discussion from an invited panelist on current disability related findings and events. The next nTIDE webinar is scheduled for Friday, August 5, 2016 at 12:00 pm ET.

Click here to register.
Jobs & Internships 
Crater District Area Agency on Aging Seeks Executive Director
Crater District Area Agency on Aging (CDAAA) in Petersburg, Virginia is seeking an Executive Director that provides leadership and vision in planning services, coordinating community programs, developing new initiatives, and fundraising. The Director must work effectively with the Board of Directors, elected officials, local governments, Advisory Council, advocacy organizations, agency staff, volunteers, and older individuals and families receiving services. In addition, the Director is responsible for administration, personnel, and financial management including the monitoring of programs and subcontractors.

The successful candidate will be expected to have a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with a major in business or public administration, gerontology, social work or a closely related field. A Master's degree is preferred. Strong written and oral communication skills and public relations skills are also critical. Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible administrative or supervisory experience in either a public or private agency.  Applications are due by Friday, July 29, 2016.

Click here to view the posting.
TMG seeks Long-Term Care Screening Specialists
TMG is seeking three Screening Specialists in Wisconsin to be responsible for completing the Adult Long-Term Care Functional Screens (LTC-FS) for participants of the IRIS program. This includes completing annual re-screens and any change in condition screens. The Screening Specialist will use the Adult LTC-FS tool for IRIS participants as required and outlined in the Wisconsin Adult LTC-FS Instructions. This includes completing collateral contacts to verify screen findings with IRIS Consultants, MAPC agencies and day programs, and verifying diagnosis information with physicians and or SSA. Screening Specialists are also responsible for tracking screening requests electronically and participating in the development, process improvement, and ongoing quality management of the services provided. Applications are due by Friday, July 29, 2016. 

Click here to view the posting for Chippewa, Price , Rusk, or Taylor Counties
Click here to view the posting for Milwaukee, Ozaukee, or Washington Counties
Click here to view the posting for Ashland, Price, or Sawyer Counties
Mid-America Regional Council Seeks Director of Aging and Adult Services
The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) in Kansas City, Missouri is seeking a Director of Aging and Adult Services.  The director will play a key role in helping to advance the vision that all adults in the Kansas City region have access to resources and networks to support a high quality of life. The director will play a visible, active role in the broader community and state initiatives to strengthen and develop new services and systems, and will provide central leadership in internal efforts to develop and deploy a strategy for assessing and reorganizing services to older adults. At the same time, the director will be responsible for all aspects of planning and managing the effectiveness and statutory compliance of ongoing programs. In addition, MARC's Aging and Adult Services Department will support the Communities for All Ages initiative in cooperation with MARC's Community Development Department, which coordinates a variety of related local and regional planning efforts.  Applications should be submitted by Friday, August 19, 2016.

Click here to view the job announcement.
Funding Opportunities 
Partnerships in Employment Systems Change
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) released the Partnerships in Employment Systems Change grant. The purpose of the funding opportunity is to encourage state partnerships and systems change efforts that will contribute to the 1) the development of policies that support competitive employment in integrated settings as the first and desired outcome for youth and young adults with developmental disabilities including intellectual disabilities; 2) the removal of systemic barriers to competitive employment in integrated settings; 3) the implementation of strategies and best practices that improve employment outcomes for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and 4) enhanced statewide collaborations that can facilitate the transition process from secondary to post-secondary school, or other pre-vocational settings, to complete employment in integrated settings.  Eligible applicants include state and local governments, public and private institutions of higher education, independent school districts, nonprofit organizations, and public housing authorities. All applications are due by Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Click here to view the full posting.
Building the Business Capacity of Community-Based Aging and Disability Networks for Integrated Services Partnerships
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) announced two new funding opportunities that seek to expand the readiness of community-based aging and disability organizations (CBO) for contracting with integrated care entities, and prepare state agencies and CBOs to be active stakeholders and partners in the development and implementation of integrated care systems.

The Learning Collaboratives for Advanced Business Acumen Skills initiative is intended to achieve the following tasks: organize and conduct three to five topically-based action learning collaboratives to address issues such as continuous quality improvement, infrastructure and technology, generating and maintaining volume, data pooling, and more; provide targeted technical assistance to networks of CBOs; and create knowledge and capture insights through these collaboratives to incorporate into future curriculum for national dissemination.

The purpose of the Business Acumen for Disability Organizations initiative is to develop baseline knowledge about the content and infrastructure needs of CBOs through surveys and feasibility studies; and utilize a learning collaborative model to provide targeted technical assistance to up to 15 state coalitions of CBOs that seek to build their business capacity to contract with health care entities (e.g. hospitals, health systems, accountable care organizations, managed/integrated care plans).

The original closing date for both applications was Monday, July 11, 2016. ACL extended the closing date to 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 28, 2016, for both applications.
Click here to view the announcements.
Disability Employment Initiative
The Department of Labor Employment and Training Administrated announced a new grant opportunity, the Round VII of the Disability Employment Initiative (DEI). The purpose of the program is to provide funding to expand the capacity of American Job Centers (AJCs) to improve the employment outcomes of three population focus areas: 1) adults with visible and non-visible disabilities, including those who have acquired disabilities in adulthood; 2) youth with visible and non-visible disabilities, including those who have chronic health conditions; and 3) individuals (ages 14 and older) with significant disabilities. The DEI plans to accomplish this by increasing participation in career pathways systems and existing programs in the public workforce system in partnership with vocational rehabilitation, community colleges and other education, human service, and business partners. Capitalizing on the flexibility that the career pathways model provides to use innovative service delivery strategies, grantees will use the award to support job-driven approaches in their pre-existing career pathway systems and programs. This will further equip individuals with disabilities with the skills, competencies, and credentials necessary to help them obtain in-demand jobs, increase earnings, and advance their careers. The Department intends to award at least one cooperative agreement in each of three population focus areas. Applications are due by Monday, August 1, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to view more information.
New York Seeks HCBS Contractor
The New York State's Department of Health (DOH), Office of Health Insurance Programs, Division of Long Term Care has issued a request for proposals to hire a contractor to help the State implement their Statewide Transition Plan required under the federal HCBS Waiver Rule (CMS 2249-F/CMS 2296-F). The contractor will work to ensure that settings across all agencies serving individuals with disabilities are compliant with the new rule.  This is a three-year contract to ensure compliance across the State by March 17, 2019. The contractor will assist state personnel in assessing and remediating residential and non-residential settings to ensure that they meet the requirements of the HCBS rule where Medicaid-funded home and community based services are provided under the authorities of 1915(c), 1915(k) and the 1115 waiver demonstration.

Activities will include: 1) Site visits to assess compliance; implement corrective actions plans, when necessary; and ensure that compliance has been achieved; 2) Participant and stakeholder interviews to ensure that individual's receiving Medicaid-funded HCBS are receiving person-centered care and that any modifications to settings are appropriately individualized; 3) Data collection and reporting to ensure that the State is carrying out its Statewide Transition Plan; 4) Identifying sites that will require an additional federal review called "heightened scrutiny" in order to be allowed as sites for participants in Medicaid-funded HCBS to live and/or receive services (sites that are presumed institutional); 5) Compiling evidence packages that include public comment on all sites presumed to be institutional under the rule to show that they have the characteristics and qualities of an appropriate home and community based setting; and 6) Establishing a monitoring plan and tools using the State's existing surveillance schedules and staff to ensure ongoing compliance.  Submissions are due by Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to submit a proposal.
Native American Independent Living Demonstration Project
The Administration for Community Living (ACL), Independent Living Administration (ILA), announced a new funding opportunity that intends to 1) gain an increased understanding of service needs of Native Americans with disabilities living in Indian Country; 2) improve cultural competence in regards to the needs of specific tribal organizations targeted by current (Centers for Independent Living) CIL grantees; and 3) capture lessons learned and best practices for outreach and service delivery for Native Americans with disabilities, a traditionally under-served population. To achieve these goals, ACL is seeking applications from existing CIL grantees to develop capacity and demonstrate how to provide the five CIL core services in Indian Country. The grant application is due by Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Click here to view the announcement.
Community-Based Palliative Care Delivery for Adult Patients with Advanced Illnesses and their Caregivers
The Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) posted a notice of an upcoming funding opportunity to: a) support care planning for adult patients with advanced illnesses over time that is consistent with the goals and preferences of adult patients and their caregivers, and b) support the delivery of coordinated, community-based palliative care that effectively implements those care plans. PCORI seeks to fund multiple, large, multi-site, community-based comparative effectiveness research (CER) studies to generate evidence in support of this goal. The funding announcement will be released in August 2016. The deadline for Letters of Intent (LOI) is Wednesday, September 14, 2016 

Click here to view more information.

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