June 17, 2016
In This Issue
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NASUAD President to Lead Medical and Social Services Division
NASUAD is pleased to share the announcement that Gary Jessee, President of the NASUAD Board of Directors, will become Deputy Executive Commissioner of the newly created Medical and Social Services division of the Texas Health and Human Services system.  The new Medical and Social Services division will combine the Office of Social Services, which includes SNAP food benefits, TANF cash assistance, and community partners programs with Medicaid and the newly created Community Services department. The new structure comes from recommendations made during the system's Sunset review process.  The division will begin operations on September 1, 2016.

Jessee was named Texas' Medicaid Director last year, after three years as Medicaid's Chief Deputy Director for program operations. He has overseen the launch of the STAR Kids managed care program, which will serve 180,000 Texans 20 years and younger who have disabilities. The new division that Jessee will lead will bring together Medicaid/CHIP, eligibility services, and community access under a single umbrella.  "I'm very excited about the opportunity to lead this division," Jessee said. "Combining Medicaid, eligibility services, and community services will break down silos. It will also provide easier and more efficient access to programs for Texans who rely on these essential services to improve their lives."
NASUAD I&R Center Webinar: Disability & Rehabilitation Resources 
The National I&R Support Center will host a webinar on Disability and Rehabilitation Resources that attendees can use to help consumers with disabilities of all ages. This webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, July 20, 2016, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.

If your agency and your partners are looking for good, evidence-based programs, tools, and materials that can help clients with disabilities, then this webinar is for you! The grantees of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) generate a wealth of ready-to-use guides, tools, webinars, and more for everything from creating welcoming congregations to testing the accessibility of the local health club. Our presenter, Jessica Chaiken, Media and Information Services Manager, HeiTech Services, Inc. for the National Rehabilitation Information Center, will sample the diverse library of NIDILRR-funded resources that your agency can use right now to help people with disabilities live independently, and show you where to find more. This webinar is an encore presentation of a session given at the 2016 AIRS I&R Conference. Pre-registration is required for this webinar. Space is limited so make sure to register as soon as possible.

Click here to view details and register.
NASUAD and HSRI Release NCI-AD Report and Launch New Website
On Thursday, June 9, 2016, the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD), in collaboration with the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), released the results from a six-state deployment of the National Core Indicators - Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD™) adult consumer survey. While 13 states are participating in the NCI-AD survey in 2016, six of the states - Colorado, Georgia, Maine, Mississippi, New Jersey, and North Carolina- opted for a rapid-cycle survey period in order to receive their results more quickly. A report with data from all 13 states - including Delaware, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Ohio, Tennessee, and Texas - will be released in winter 2017.

The NCI-AD project's primary aim is to collect and maintain valid and reliable data that give states a broad view of how their publicly-funded long term services and supports (LTSS) impact the quality of life and outcomes of service participants. NCI-AD brings an important value proposition to the field of aging and disability services through development of indicators and outcomes that assess quality of life, community integration, and person-centered services.

Click here to view the full report.
Click here to view the full press release.

NASUAD and HSRI also launched a new website dedicated to the NCI-AD project. NCI-AD.org is a repository of information, reports and data about the NCI-AD project, and includes profiles of each participating state, overview materials and published reports.

Contact NASUAD NCI-AD Project Director, Kelsey Walter, for more information. 
Registration for the 2016 HCBS Conference is Open! 
Join us for the National Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Conference held in Washington, DC, August 29 - September 1. The Conference offers a unique blend of policy, program, and practice issues for professionals interested in home and community based services for individuals of all abilities and in all settings. Quickly becoming the "go-to" conference for learning in the expanding field of HCBS and long-term services and supports, the Conference allows states to share best practices, present unique partnerships, and recognize the work of their peers. 

The National HCBS Conference will include federal, state, and local policymakers and those who administer, manage, and deliver waiver and other HCBS programs. The Conference always sees a strong presence from U.S. Health and Human Services ranging from the Administration for Community Living including (AoA, Office of Disability, and AIDD) to CMS, HRSA, SAMHSA, Office of Developmental Disabilities, and other federal agencies.

Click here to view details and register. 
HCBS Clearinghouse E-Clips
This section of  Friday Update highlights reports that have been added to the HCBS Clearinghouse within the past week. Visit www.nasuad.org/hcbs for more information.
MACPAC June 2016 Report to Congress
On Wednesday, June, 15, 2016, the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) released its June 2016 report to Congress. The report focuses on financial and spending analyses, reflecting concerns among some policymakers about the growth and sustainability of the program as it becomes a larger share of both federal and state budgets. In addition, the report describes the use of functional assessment tools to determine eligibility for long term services and supports (LTSS) and create specific care plans. 

 Click here to view the publication.
From the Administration
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Healthy Aging Data Portal
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched a new Healthy Aging Data Portal. It offers users easy access to CDC data on key indicators of health and well-being for older adults, including overall physical health, nutrition/physical activity/obesity, screenings and vaccines, smoking and alcohol use, mental health, and cognitive health. The portal allows users to attain national, regional, and state data about chronic diseases and risk factors that have a substantial impact on public health. Some capabilities of the portal include data downloads, custom reports, and custom visualizations.

Click here to view the portal.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Proposed Rule to Improve Health Equity and Quality in Hospitals
On Monday, June 13, 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed new standards that hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) must meet to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The proposed rules are intended to improve the quality of care and advance health equity in the nation's hospitals. The rule seeks to reduce overuse of antibiotics and implement comprehensive requirements for infection prevention as well as advance protections for traditionally underserved and often excluded populations based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including gender identity), age, disability, or sexual orientation.  The proposed rule also requires that CAHs implement and maintain a Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program which aims to improve hospital care by collecting data to identify opportunities for improvement and developing corrective plans. Other hospitals participating in Medicare or Medicaid already maintain these types of programs. CMS is accepting comments until Monday, August 15, 2016. 

Click here to view the proposed rule.
Health and Human Services
HHS Awards $156 Million to Expand Oral Health Services
On Thursday, June 16, 2016, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced nearly $156 million in funding to support 420 health centers in 47 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to increase access to integrated oral health care services and improve oral health outcomes for Health Center Program patients. The funding enables health centers to hire new clinicians in order to expand integrated oral health care services and increase the number of patients served. Secretary Burwell cited that the funding will help "reduce barriers to quality dental care."

Click here to view the announcement.
State Profiles and Updated Eligibility Levels Now Available
New state-by-state profiles have been added to the Medicaid.gov "By State" section. The new state profiles are organized and streamlined in a way meant to highlight state specific information instead of national aggregate data or language. For the first time, the content also includes state information from the adult and child core quality measures reports. Additionally, updated eligibility levels and source files for each state have been published to Medicaid.gov. 

Click here to view the state profiles.
Click here to view the updated eligibility levels.
From Other Organizations
American Academy of Nursing
2016 Academy Policy Conference: Call for Abstracts
The American Academy of Nursing issued a call for abstracts for their 2016 Policy Conference.  The 2016 Policy Conference will focus on issues surrounding HealthCare Economics and is scheduled for Thursday, October 20, 2016, to Saturday, October 22, 2016, in Washington, DC. Abstracts should demonstrate nursing contributions to health policy through translational science from efficacy to effectiveness studies, implementation and dissemination studies, comparative effectiveness research, or historical and health policy research. Quality improvement projects that inform organizational policy and systems of care are also welcomed, as are evidence-based practice projects. Submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, June 24, 2016.

Click here to view details and apply. 
Center for Health Care Strategies
Webinar: State Innovations: Oral Health Integration in Statewide Delivery System and Payment Reform
The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) is hosting a webinar, in collaboration with the Washington Dental Service Foundation, that will explore the range of approaches to oral health integration that states are considering in the areas of 1) Medicaid benefit design and expansion; 2) practice-level oral health reforms; and 3) statewide delivery reform models. State policymakers, health and oral health plans, providers, advocacy organizations, and others interested in improving adult oral health care access and outcomes are encouraged to attend. The webinar will cover creative strategies that are being tested for integrating dental care into primary care delivery. The development of primary care integration models in Virginia and the incorporation of oral health in Oregon's coordinated care will be featured.  The webinar will be hosted on Wednesday, June 22, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to view details and apply. 
Gerontological Society of America
2017 World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics: Call for Abstracts
The Gerontological Society of America is hosting the 2017 World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics and has issued a call for abstracts. The conference is scheduled for July 23, 2017 through July 27, 2017, in San Francisco, California.  Over 6,000 thought leaders, industry pioneers, scientists, researchers, and innovators from across multiple disciplines in the field of aging are expected to attend. The event is convened every four years, and the last time it was hosted in the United States was 32 years ago.  This is a unique opportunity for presenters to share their work with a large national and international audience of experts in aging. Submissions are due by Friday, July 15, 2016.

Click here to view details and apply.
National Aging and Disability Business Center
Webinar: Times of Transformation: The Changing LTSS Environment for the Aging and Disability Networks
The National Aging and Disability Business Center is hosting an upcoming webinar, "Times of Transformation: The Changing LTSS Environment for Aging and Disability Networks." Presenters from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) will speak about new efforts to integrate care for people with Medicare and Medicaid, and how aging and disability organizations can participate. This session will highlight the trends, opportunities, and challenges facing community-based organizations as they work to help older adults and people with disabilities live successfully at home and in the community.  The free webinar will take place on Wednesday, June 29, 2016, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to view details and register.
National Alliance for Caregiving
Webinar: Cancer Caregiving in the U.S.
A webinar is scheduled for the release of the new research report, "Cancer Caregiving in the U.S.," from the National Alliance for Caregiving, in partnership with researchers from the National Cancer Institute and the Cancer Support Community. Nearly three million Americans are currently caring for someone with cancer and many play a key role in managing cancer, including helping their loved one adhere to treatment, making informed decisions, and even addressing end-of-life concerns. After dementia, cancer is the second most prevalent condition that requires the assistance of a family caregiver. The report describes new findings on the care experience of those caring for an adult with cancer. The webinar is scheduled for Monday, June 20, 2016,  from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.

Click here to register.
National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center
Webinar: HRSA Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program: Preparing a Dementia Capable Workforce
The National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC) is hosting the webinar, "Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program: Preparing a Dementia Capable Workforce." Participants will learn about HRSA's efforts to develop a dementia capable workforce by 1) identifying ways for efficient dementia case finding; 2) learning about lifestyle interventions for persons living with dementia; 3) developing effective communication strategies across all levels of care; and 4) learning about interprofessional health care teams that include community service partners.  Directors from the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Programs in St. Louis and Illinois will present at this webinar that is scheduled for Wednesday, June 22, 2016, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET.  

Click here to register.
National Center on Elder Abuse
Blog with a Visionary Message from the Founder of WEAAD
On Friday, June 3, 2016, the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) shared its newest blog post written by the founder of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).  Elizabeth Podnieks, PhD, Professor Emerita at Ryerson University, writes about the power of imagination, and how it has helped shape today and will frame tomorrow's vision. The eleventh commemoration of WEAAD occurred this week on Thursday, June 15, 2016.

Click here to view the full post.
National Quality Forum
Home and Community Based Services Quality Comments
The National Quality Forum (NQF) is convening a stakeholder committee to develop recommendations for the improvement of quality measurements in home and community based services (HCBS). NQF released the third interim report, "Addressing Performance Measure Gaps in Home and Community Based Services to Support Community Living: Priorities for Measure Development," to guide the changes of future quality measures. NQF encourages individuals to view the report and make comments by Friday, July 15, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to view the report and submit comments. 

National Respite Network
National Lifespan Respite Conference Sponsorship and Exhibitors
Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are available for the 17th National Lifespan Respite Conference. The event is hosted by the Colorado Respite Coalition, Easter Seals CO, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society - CO/WY Chapter, and the Colorado Department of Human Services, in collaboration with the ARCH National Respite Network. The conference will be held in Denver, Colorado from September 20-22, 2016. The theme is Elevate Respite, and it will challenge conference attendees to heighten awareness about the innovation and progress being made to support the nation's family caregivers. The deadline for sponsorship commitment is Tuesday, July 5, 2016, and all fees are due Friday, July 29, 2016. 

Click here to view sponsorship information.
Click here to view exhibitor information.
University of New Hampshire, Kessler Foundation, Association of University Centers on Disabilities
Webinar: nTIDE Lunch and Learn
The Employment Policy & Measurement Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (EPM-RRTC) at the University of New Hampshire, in partnership with Kessler Foundation and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), have launched a monthly webinar. On the first Friday of every month, there will be a live broadcast via Zoom webinar to share the results of the latest nTIDE findings, based upon the Bureau of Labor statistics jobs report. Additionally, the monthly webinars will feature news and updates from the field of Disability Employment and a discussion from an invited panelist on current disability related findings and events. The next nTIDE webinar is scheduled for Friday, July 8, 2016, at 12:00 p.m ET.

Click here here to register.
Pathways RTC
Webinar: How Effective are Transition Programs for Youth and Young Adults 
The Research and Training Center for Pathways to Positive Futures (Pathways RTC), funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), is hosting a webinar to discuss results of the Healthy Transition Initiative (HTI), which is also supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). HTI explored the most effective ways to deliver transition oriented services that would result in positive outcomes for young adults (ages 16-25) with serious mental health challenges. The webinar will report on an analysis of National Outcome Measure (NOMs) data about individual HTI participants and their outcomes.  Data from seven grantees, 19 local communities, and over 1500 young people are included in the analysis. In addition to a multi-faceted description of the personal situation of the participants at baseline, the presentation will explore change on three outcomes: social connectedness, mental health symptoms, and daily functioning.  This free webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 2016, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to register.
Jobs & Internships 
ACL Seeks Program Manager (functions as the Director, Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services)
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Program Manager who functions as the Director of the Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services.  This position is located in the Administration on Aging, in the Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services, located in Washington, DC.  The position is dually advertised under both Merit Promotion (open to eligible status candidates) and Competitive Procedures (open to all US Citizens). Candidates should have one year of specialized experience in the Federal service improving the delivery and effectiveness of elder justice, elder rights and/or adult protective services programs and activities or initiatives which included: developing, implementing, and evaluating new methods and procedures for operational improvements to elder justice, elder rights and/or adult protective services programs; planning and assigning work to staff to meet priorities and complete work; using qualitative and quantitative data and analytical tools in order to provide solutions to improve elder justice, elder rights and/or adult protective services and providing guidance on the implications of proposed, new or revised policies, regulations, and legislative proposals. A full list of incumbent duties is included in the job postings. The application closes on Tuesday, June 21, 2016.

Click here to view the announcement.
ACL Seeks Supervisory Aging Services Program Specialist
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Supervisory Aging Services Program Specialist. The position is located in the Administration on Aging, in the Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services, in Washington, DC. The position is dually advertised under both Merit Promotion (open to eligible status candidates) and Competitive Procedures (open to all US Citizens). Candidates should have one year of specialized experience in the Federal service providing expert advice and guidance on the analysis of major policy issues pertaining to existing and proposed initiatives and programs addressing coordination, program oversight, evaluation, research and policy direction related to health policy, particularly public health programs; and managing human resources, financial, budgetary, administrative and operational matters.  Some incumbent duties include the administration, management, and assessment of the Older Americans Act (OAA); the development of innovative approaches to expand service and opportunities for older persons; and the initiation and expansion of capacities of home and community-based social services and health care systems for older adults. A full list of incumbent duties is included in the job postings. The application closes on Tuesday, June 21, 2016.

Click here to view the announcement.
Minnesota Seeks Home and Community Based Services Policy Integration Manager
The Aging and Adult Services Division in the Minnesota Department of Human Services is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Policy Integration Manager. The position manages the staff responsible for the administration of statewide programs, policies, and initiatives for older adults including those related to Alternative Care, Elderly Waiver, ECS (Essential Community Supports), Long Term Care Consultation, MnCHOICES (Long Term Care Consultation), special projects, Medical Assistance reform efforts, and related health care reform (i.e.NF-LOC, statewide rate setting methodologies and care planning under MNSPA/MN Choices). Applications must be submitted by Friday, June 24, 2016.

Click here to view details and apply.
Funding Opportunities 
Building the Business Capacity of Community-Based Aging and Disability Networks for Integrated Services Partnerships
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) announced two new funding opportunities that seek to expand the readiness of community-based aging and disability organizations (CBO) for contracting with integrated care entities, and prepare state agencies and CBOs to be active stakeholders and partners in the development and implementation of integrated care systems.

The Learning Collaboratives for Advanced Business Acumen Skills initiative is intended to achieve the following tasks: organize and conduct three to five topically-based action learning collaboratives to address issues such as continuous quality improvement, infrastructure and technology, generating and maintaining volume, data pooling, and more; provide targeted technical assistance to networks of CBOs; and create knowledge and capture insights through these collaboratives to incorporate into future curriculum for national dissemination.

The purpose of the Business Acumen for Disability Organizations initiative is to develop baseline knowledge about the content and infrastructure needs of CBOs through surveys and feasibility studies; and utilize a learning collaborative model to provide targeted technical assistance to up to 15 state coalitions of CBOs that seek to build their business capacity to contract with health care entities (e.g. hospitals, health systems, accountable care organizations, managed/integrated care plans).

The original closing date for both applications was Monday, July 11, 2016. ACL published updated announcements last week with a new closing date of 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 28, 2016, for both applications.
Click here to view the announcements.
Wyoming Seeks HCBS System
The Wyoming Department of Health is seeking a contractor to provide a commercial off the shelf (COTS) system, or previously developed system that is operational and configurable, to support Wyoming's Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Programs.  The system will replace the current Electronic Medicaid Waiver System (EMWS) that is used to manage the state's five Medicaid Waiver Programs. The Agency's vision is to acquire a system that contains the functionality of the current EMWS and incorporates the functionality for medical assessments, currently housed in the Public Health Nurse Informatics System (PHNI), and functionality for provider enrollment, re-enrollment, credentialing, re-credentialing, certification, and re-certification, currently housed in the Information Management for Providers System (IMPROV). The awarded contract will include three base years beginning on January 1, 2017, or when the transition phase criteria are met. Three additional one year extensions will be available based on the vendor and system performance. Proposals will be accepted through the Public Purchase online bidding system until Monday, July 18, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. ET. 

Click here to access the Public Purchase System.
2016 NBCUniversal Tony Coehlo Media Scholarships Available 
The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is offering eight NBCUniversal Tony Coelho Media Scholarships thanks to a generous contribution from NBCUniversal. Eligible applicants for this scholarship are "second year associate students, undergraduate sophomores, juniors, and seniors; and graduate students with disabilities with an interest in the entertainment, media, or communications industries." This scholarship was named in honor of Tony Coelho, a former United States Representative from California and the primary author and sponsor of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Scholarship recipients will receive $5,625 to help with the associated expenses of education at their colleges or universities. All applications must be submitted by July 1, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. ET. 

Click here to view details and apply. 
Partnerships in Employment Systems Change
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) released the Partnerships in Employment Systems Change grant. The purpose of the funding opportunity is to encourage state partnerships and systems change efforts that will contribute to the 1) the development of policies that support competitive employment in integrated settings as the first and desired outcome for youth and young adults with developmental disabilities including intellectual disabilities; 2) the removal of systemic barriers to competitive employment in integrated settings; 3) the implementation of strategies and best practices that improve employment outcomes for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and 4) enhanced statewide collaborations that can facilitate the transition process from secondary to post-secondary school, or other pre-vocational settings, to complete employment in integrated settings.  Eligible applicants include state and local governments, public and private institutions of higher education, independent school districts, nonprofit organizations, and public housing authorities. All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, July 26, 2016. 

Click here to view the full posting.

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