April 29, 2016
In This Issue
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NASUAD Publishes New NASUADiQ Educational Module on Medicaid 
New to Medicaid? Need to brush up on your knowledge of this complex program? NASUAD has launched a new, online training course on the Medicaid program for aging and disability professionals.

This free course, titled Medicaid 101: What You Need to Know, available on our learning site NASUADiQ, provides participants with an overview of key issues relevant to the joint state-federal Medicaid program. The course covers that following content: Overview & History of Medicaid; How Medicaid is Administered; Overview of Eligibility; Overview of Services; Medicaid Waivers; and Managed Care and Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS). This training course aims to empower the viewer to gain as nuanced an understanding as possible of the complex Medicaid program to improve knowledge of key features, terminology, and concepts underlying Medicaid; and expand understanding of Medicaid policies and practices. To access the course, visit NASUADiQ. If you are new to NASUADiQ, you will need to create an account for yourself prior to accessing the course. 

Click here to view the NASUADiQ website.
Register Today for the Iowa Conference on Aging & Disabilities! 
NASUAD is proud to be sponsoring a National Aging and Disabilities Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, May 23-May 26. This conference will draw speakers from over 30 states. Participants will join us from federal, state government, and local organizations. This is an opportunity to meet service providers, advocacy groups, state staff, managed care organizations, CMS officials, and national association staff to share questions, opportunities, and ideas in thoughtful discussions.

Click here to learn more and register. Use code APRIL for a savings of $30!
Register for the 2016 AIRS I&R Conference
Registration is open for the 38th annual AIRS I&R Training and Education Conference to be held May 22-25, 2016, in St. Louis, Missouri. The National I&R Support Center welcomes aging and disability I&R/A professionals to join us in St. Louis for the National Aging and Disability Information and Referral Symposium held during the AIRS Conference.

The Symposium offers a pre-conference National I&R/A Summit for aging and disability professionals, an Aging and Disability Luncheon, and a full complement of workshops throughout the conference. This year's pre-conference summit will have a special focus on person centered thinking and practices featuring an interactive presentation from Michael Smull, a national expert on person centered systems and a partner in Support Development Associates (SDA). Symposium workshop sessions will feature national, state, and local professionals presenting on key topics impacting aging and disability I&R/A programs such as quality assurance and customer satisfaction, aging caregivers, innovations in transportation services, transition for youth with disabilities, and resources for serving diverse consumers. For a full list of conference workshops, visit AIRS.

Click here to view details and register.
NASUAD Publishes Updated State Medicaid Integration Tracker
NASUAD has published the April 2016 Edition of the State Medicaid Integration Tracker. The State Medicaid Integration Tracker is a monthly report summarizing state actions in Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS), as well as State Demonstrations to Integrate Care for Dual Eligible Individuals and other Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Initiatives.

The Tracker also includes updates on state participation in other LTSS activities, including: the Balancing Incentive Program; Medicaid State Plan Amendments under 1915(i); Community First Choice Option under 1915(k); and Medicaid Health Homes. This tracker includes new updates for each state that occurred during the most recent month.

Click here to view this month's Tracker.
Click here for comprehensive information on each state, as well as archived versions of the Tracker.
Click here to sign up for Tracker alerts.
HCBS Clearinghouse E-Clips
Streamlining Medicaid Home and Community- Based Services
The Kaiser Family Foundation's (KFF) Commission of Medicaid and the Uninsured published an issue brief on the system design of Medicaid's current home and community-based (HCBS) programs. The brief identifies several key policy questions including: "How would financial eligibility for HCBS be determined?; how would states manage program enrollment?; how would beneficiaries functionally qualify for services?; how would HCBS be incentivized?; and how would the program be administered, monitored, and evaluated?"

Click here to access the publication.
This section of  Friday Update highlights reports that have been added to the HCBS Clearinghouse within the past week. Visit www.nasuad.org/hcbs for more information.
From the Administration
Administration for Community Living
Elder Justice Innovation Grant Opportunity 
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is seeking applications for Elder Justice Innovation grants. The purpose of the Elder Justice Innovation Grants program is to support the development and advancement of new and emerging issues related to elder justice. Funded projects will contribute to the improvement of the field of elder abuse prevention and intervention at large, such as by developing materials, programs, etc., that can be widely disseminated and/or replicated, or by establishing and/or contributing to the evidence-base of knowledge. For FY 2016, the following have been identified as priority areas: self-neglect, abuse in guardianship, elder abuse forensic centers, and elder abuse in Indian Country. All applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. ET on Monday, June 20, 2016. 

Click here to view details. 
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 
CMS Issues Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule
On April 25, 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care final rule (Medicaid Managed Care, CHIP Delivered in Managed Care, Medicaid and CHIP Comprehensive Quality Strategies, and Revisions related to Third Party Liability - CMS-2390-F). Under development for the past year, the final regulation modernizes and updates Federal requirements for Medicaid managed care programs. In particular, the rule sets new expectations for managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs. NASUAD is completing an analysis of the long-term services and supports implications of the regulation and will make that information available as soon as it is completed.

Click here to view the final rule.
Click here to view additional resources. 
CMS Webinar: Person-Centered Planning Systems Part 1 
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is hosting a two-part webinar on person-centered planning (PCP) systems. The first session includes an overview of how to develop systems to assist states to implement person-centered planning requirements and concepts, provide instructions to the state regarding core principles/strategies that will promote person-centered systems and systemic program development including: (1) Development of state policies and procedures that support and require person-centered planning, (2) Leveraging state resources (3) State partnerships, and (4) Organizational competence/culture.  Information will also be shared regarding state development of training programs for service planners and tools states can develop for service planners to use including person-centered and strength-based assessments and goal-setting tools. Ralph Lollar, DLTSS Division Director, and the DLTSS Team will support the training and lead the Q&A Session. Additionally, Ralph Lollar, Division of Long Term Services & Supports (DLTSS) Division Director, Dianne Kayala, DLTSS Deputy Director, and the DLTSS Team will conduct this training and Q&A Session. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. 

Click here to view details and register.
New Quality Measures Added to Nursing Home Compare Website
On Wednesday, April 27, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued six new quality measures to the Nursing Home Compare website. Some of the measures were informed by the Medicare-claims data submitted by hospitals. This marks the first time that CMS has issued quality measures that expand beyond data that is self-reported by nursing homes."Beginning in July 2016, CMS will incorporate all of these measures, except for the antianxiety/hypnotic medication measure, into the calculation of the Nursing Home Five-Star Quality Ratings. CMS is not incorporating the antianxiety/hypnotic medication measure because it has been difficult to determine appropriate nursing home benchmarks for the acceptable use of these medications."

Click here to view the updated website.
Click here to view the announcement.
CMS Webinar: STP Q & A Session
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is hosting an Approved STP Webinar Q & A Session. CMS will answer questions received during Tennessee's presentation 2 weeks ago about its approved statewide transition plan. Patti Killingsworth, Assistant Commissioner, Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability and Michelle Jernigan, Deputy, Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability - along with CMS staff - will be presenting.  The webinar will take place on Monday, May 2, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. 

Click here to view details. 
CMS' CCSQ Open Door Forum on Informed Decision Making 
The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Center for Clinical Standards and Quality (CCSQ) is hosting a Special Open Door Forum (SODF) to allow patients, families, caregivers, patient advocacy groups, disabled groups, low-income health patients, other consumers and interested parties to ask questions on The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act(commonly called the IMPACT Act) and standardizing the assessment of patients across post-acute care settings of Skilled nursing facilities, Home Health Agencies, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, and Long Term Care Hospitals to improve quality of care and quality of life. The purpose of this SODF call is to allow patients, families, caregivers, patient advocacy groups, disabled groups, low-income health patients, other consumers and interested parties to provide information and to solicit feedback on the introduction of  the IMPACT Act and standardizing the assessment of patients across post-acute care settings to improve quality of care and quality of life. This Special Open Door Forum will provide background on the IMPACT Act, The IMPACT Act website, and other important consumer information in assessing patients in the post-acute care setting. CMS invites questions from patients, families, consumers and consumer advocates in advance, or during the forum. The SODF will take place on Friday, May 12, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET via conference call only. 

Click here to view details for the call.
Click here to submit questions. 
From Other Organizations
ADA Knowledge Translation Center 
State of the Science Conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act 
The ADA Knowledge Translation Center, which is funded through the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), is hosting the State of the Science Conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This event is free of charge but space is limited. The keynote speakers are Barry Taylor, J.D.; Vice President for Civil Rights and Systemic Litigation at Equip for Equality and David Pettinicchio, Ph.D.; Assistant Professor, University of Toronto. The conference will take place on Tuesday, May 4, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Alexandria, Virginia. 

Click here to view details and register. 
Alliance of Information and Referral Systems
Eighth Edition of the Standards and Quality Indicators for I&R 
The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems published the 8th edition of their Standards and Quality Indicators for Professional Information and Referral. The purpose of the AIRS Standards is to establish reference points that define expected practices within the field of Information and Referral (I&R) that can be used to measure the extent to which individual organizations are in compliance with those requirements. AIRS Standards provide essential guidelines that can be used to develop an I&R program to meet the needs of communities. 

The process to revise and update the Standards took more than a year and involved input from many I&R professionals including work groups on a range of issues including resource database quality issues, I&R outcomes and service delivery performance metrics. The new edition of the AIRS Standards is a comprehensive upgrade, representing perhaps the most substantial reorganization of the material in recent times, with minor and major changes throughout the document to reflect emerging trends and changes in I&R. 

Click here to view the publication. 
Health Management Associates 
Webinar: Healthcare Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness 
Health Management Associates (HMA) is hosting a webinar on the two separate frameworks that support common goals for healthcare organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Strategic planning and operations needs assessment go hand-in-hand. That is especially true for healthcare organizations in an emerging world of risk-sharing, population health management, and integrated care. During this webinar, HMA and Day Health Strategies will outline two complementary frameworks designed to help healthcare organizations achieve higher levels of performance by marrying strategic planning with a clear assessment of the operational and information technology (IT) investments needed to achieve long-term goals. The frameworks include tools that help diagnose critical areas of organizational performance which, if improved, can drive significant efficiency gains across your organization. This webinar is recommended for leaders of health systems, integrated delivery systems, accountable care organizations, hospitals, health homes, clinics, and public health agencies. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET

Click here to view details and register. 
National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center
Webinar: VA Mobile Adult Day Health Care Program 
The National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center is hosting a Technical Assistance (TA) webinar on the Veteran's Administration Mobile Adult Day Health Care Program. Presenters Karen Massey, RN, BSN, Geriatrics and Extended Care (GEC) Chief, Strategies and Transformational Initiatives, Veterans Health Administration Central Office (VACO); and Karen Elechko, Registered Nurse, Golden Memory Dementia Clinic will teach participants about how the VA Mobile Adult Day Program meets the specific needs of people with dementia through its programming, staff training, and support to caregivers. The webinar will take place on Thursday, May 5, 2016, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET

Click here to view details and register. 
National Disability Navigator Resource Center
Webinar: The Affordable Care Act and Persons with Disabilities 
The National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC) is hosting a webinar about people with disabilities and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The webinar will outline the research objectives and planned work of the CHRIL over the next five years. In addition, the webinar will present an overview of the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC) project and its resources. The NDNRC is an initiative aimed at providing cross-disability information and support to Navigators and other enrollment specialists thereby ensuring people with disabilities receive accurate information when selecting and enrolling in insurance through the ACA Marketplaces. There is no charge to participate, but registration is required. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET. 

Click here to view details and register. 
Oral Health America 
Webinar: Oral Health America's Wisdom Tooth Project
Oral Health America's Wisdom Tooth Project (WTP) Webinar series consist of monthly webinars to provide a forum for organizations to share information about initiatives and activities related to older adults. The May webinar will focus on the work being done within their older adult program, the Wisdom Tooth Project. Explore the program's strategies of: Health Education and Communications, Toothwisdom.org, Professional Symposia, Demonstration Projects, and Advocacy. Discover opportunities in which you can join in, or collaborate with, OHA's efforts and activities. At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to: Understand the work being done at Oral Health America; identify the five strategies of the Wisdom Tooth Project; and recognize OHA's older adult advocacy efforts. Oral Health America experts, Andie Kyros, Wisdom Tooth Project Program Coordinator and Bianca Rogers, Advocacy Coordinator will be presenting this webinar. This webinar will take place on Thursday, May 5, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. 

Click here to view details and register. 
President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities 
President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities Meeting 
The President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PCPID) is hosting a webinar/ teleconference call for its members to discuss the first draft of the Committee's 2016 Report to the President. PCPID is a federal advisory committee which promotes policies and initiatives that support independence and lifelong inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in their respective communities. The Committee includes representatives from several federal agencies and 18 private citizen members. Discussion and findings from each PCPID meeting are included in an annual Report to the President. This meeting is open to public observation by listening through conference call or joining online. Members of the general public can listen to the discussions, by dialing (888) 469-0940; passcode: 5315454.  The event will take place on Monday, May 2, 2016, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. 

Click here to view details and register.
Accelerating the Use of Evidence in Health Care Practice, Policy, and Decision Making 
The Mathematica Center on Health Care Effectiveness is sponsoring a policy forum and live webinar on accelerating the use of evidence in health care practice, policy, and decision making. The event will describe the PCORI Dissemination and Implementation Framework and Toolkit and reflect on challenges in accelerating the use of evidence in practice, policy, and decision making. A panel of speakers representing practitioners, policymakers, and patients will respond to the presentation and offer their own perspectives on challenges to accelerating the use of evidence in health care decision making. Speakers for the webinar are: Dominick Esposito, Mathematica; Jessica Heeringa, Mathematica; David Knutson, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Amy Kratchman, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Robert Phillips, American Board of Family Medicine; and Jennifer Reck, National Academy for State Health Policy. Pre-registration is required for this event. The event will take place via live webcast and in person at the Mathematica Office in Washington, DC, on Thursday, May 12, 2016, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET

Click here to view details and register. 
Jobs & Internships 
AARP Seeks Director of Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
AARP is seeking applicants for the position of  Director, Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, Legal Council for the Elderly. The director will be responsible for directing the activities of the office; representing and  and advocating for residents of nursing homes and CRFs in court and administrative proceedings; establishing  and maintaining a district-wide computer system for receiving and tracking complaints, collecting, compiling, and analyzing data, compiling monthly, quarterly, and annual reports; recommending and proposing changes in federal and local laws, regulations, rules, and policies affecting residents of nursing homes, assisted living residences, CRFs and home based care and providing technical assistance to legislators in formulating new laws. Qualified applicants must have a minimum of an advanced degree in Public Administration, Gerontology, Law or a related discipline, with a minimum of 6 years of experience required in advocating for the rights of individuals, including 1 year of experience in training and supervising volunteers; or an equivalent combination of training and experience related to the duties of the position. All applications must be submitted by Monday, May 2, 2016. 

Click here to view the posting.
Funding Opportunities 
Disability & Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Employment of People with Disabilities-Development
The Administration for Community Living released the development grant opportunity for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project Program (DRRP): Employment of Individuals with Disabilities. The purpose of NIDILRR's Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) which are funded through the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program, is to plan and conduct research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities, including international activities, to develop methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology that maximize the full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, and economic and social self-sufficiency of individuals with disabilities, especially individuals with the most severe disabilities, and to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Rehabilitation Act). Under this particular DRRP priority, applicants must propose a development project that is aimed at improving the employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities. In carrying out a development project under this program, a grantee must use knowledge and understanding gained from research to create materials, devices, systems, or methods beneficial to the target population, including design and development of protypes and processes. Please note that this will be the Funding Opportunity for field-initiated DRRP development projects in the employment domain. NIDILRR plans to make two field-initated DRRP awards in the employment domain. NIDILRR's field-initiated DRRP awards in the employment domain may include research projects, development projects, or both, depending on the ranking of applications provided by the peer review panel. All applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday, May 24, 2016. 

Click here to view the full posting.
Rides to Wellness Demonstration & Innovative Coordinated Access Grants 
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced the availability of approximately $5.3 million of funding from two programs to support the Rides to Wellness Demonstration and Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Grants (R2W Demonstration Grants). The goal of the competitive R2W Demonstration Grants is to find and test promising, replicable public transportation healthcare access solutions that support the following goals: increased access to care, improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs. Eligible applicants include: States, Tribes, and designated or direct recipients for funds under 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5310 or 5311. Proposers must serve as the lead agency of a local consortium that includes stakeholders from the transportation, healthcare, human service or other sectors. Members of this consortium are eligible as subrecipients. Further, proposers must demonstrate that the proposed project was planned through an inclusive process with the involvement of the transportation, healthcare and human service industries. Eligible projects must have implementation ready capital and operating projects that enhance access, such as: mobility management; health and transportation provider partnerships; technology; and other actions that drive change. These R2W Demonstration Grants will develop best practice solutions that other communities can replicate. All applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Click here to view the full posting.  
State Grants to Enhance Adult Protective Services 
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) released a grant opportunity for states to enhance Adult Protective Services. This demonstration is designed to provide states funding to strengthen their APS systems statewide, to include improvement in practice, services, and data collection and reporting, as well as their technical ability to interface with ACL's National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS). Eligible applicants are the state government offices that administer the state's adult protective services and/or elder protective services program. Recipients of an award under this program in FY 2015 are NOT eligible to apply for funding under this opportunity. Foreign entities are not eligible to compete for, or receive, awards made under this announcement. All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Click here to view the full posting. 

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