The HCBS Conference-ACL and CMS Will be at the Conference, Will You? Register Today!
Join us for the National Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Conference held in Washington, DC, August 31-September 3.
The conference will begin with an opening plenary presentation by:
- Kathy Greenlee, Administrator of the Administration for Community Living, Assistant Secretary for the Administration on Aging
- Victoria Wachino, Director of the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Consumer Panel: Liz Weintraub, Advocacy Specialist, Association of University Centers on Disabilities, John Winske, Executive Director, Disability Policy Consortium
To learn more about the other plenary sessions, view the tentative agenda here.
The National HCBS Conference highlights the work organizations have done to expand and improve services laid out in these programs and to increase the quality of life for older adults and people with disabilities. The Administration for Community Living and Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services will hold workshops throughout the conference to share the work of both agencies and answer questions.
Click here to learn more about the conference and register!
NASUAD Alumni Group Forming
In response to requests from past members of NASUAD, the board has agreed form a NASUAD alumni group. The group will provide alumni with an opportunity to network and attend educational conferences such as the annual HCBS conference sponsored by NASUAD.
Alumni would attend the conferences at their own expense and there is no cost to join the alumni group. Alumni would not participate in NASUAD membership meetings or deliberations unless invited.
Your help is requested. Brian Duke, former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging has agreed to serve as the volunteer NASUAD alumni coordinator. If you are aware of contact information for former directors, please forward to Brian or contact him for information which can be forwarded to alumni.
Click here to contact Brian Duke.
Medicare Educational Resources Webinar Recap
The National I&R Support Center hosted a webinar on resources for Medicare this past Wednesday. Presented by Alyssa Malinski Erickson of UnitedHealthcare, the webinar taught viewers about the Medicare Made ClearTM campaign and Medicare educational resources that can assist I&R/A agencies and the consumers they serve. Click here to view the presentation and access the audio recording. Click here to join to I&R Center's distribution list.
HCBS Clearinghouse E-Clips
This section of Friday Update highlights reports that have been added to the HCBS Clearinghouse within the past week. Visit for more information.
2014 Eldercare Locator Data Report
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) released a report on the Eldercare Locator, a national information and referral resource funded by the Administration on Aging that provides assistance to older adults and caregivers. The report draws on data from the locator, breaking the data into different categories. Some of the categories included the demographics of consumers, how consumers heard about the locator, and the information and services that are needed. The trends in this data reflect information gathered from over 270,00 contacts made with the Eldercare Locator.
Long-Term Care Principal & Vision Papers
The Convergence Center for Policy Resolution and the Long- Term Care Financing Collaborative released two reports regarding the affordability and vision for the delivery of long term care in the United States. The papers reflect the idea that the role of families and communities must be recognized when delivering long-term services and supports. Additionally, the collaborative found that giving elders the ability to finance their own care increases independence and autonomy and allows for the support of family members and the community.
Long Term Care in America: Outlook and Planning for Future Care
The Associated Press NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, with funding from the SCAN Foundation, conducted a series of three studies on the public's experiences and attitudes with long term care and its financing throughout the country. The studies have explored issues like the caregiving experience, person-centered care experiences, and opinions on long term care policy. One finding showed a majority of Americans over 40 had misperceptions about long term care services.
Click here to access the survey and findings.
Administration for Community Living
ADA Social Media Toolkit
The Administration for Community Living has created a social media toolkit to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The toolkit includes tweets using the hashtag #DgovADA25, Facebook posts, social media graphics, and blog posts.
If you would live to be involved in commemorating the ADA, share and re-tweet the items on the various modes of social media.
Click here to view the toolkit.
Click here to view the blog.
American Samoa & Guam CIL Competition Grant
The Administration for Community Living is providing a funding opportunity to create Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in American Samoa and Guam. CILs provide services to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential within their families and communities. Applicants must be able to demonstrate compliance with standards and assurance as outlined in section 725 of part C of Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The grant award is between $95,096 and $154,056. Required letters of intent are due by July 21, 2015, and applications are due by August 17, 2015.
Click here to view the grant application information.
Statewide Independent Living Council Training and TAC Grant
The Administration for Community Living is seeking applicants for a two-year cooperative agreement to operate a Statewide Independent Living Council Training & Technical Assistance Center. The grant award is up to $400,000 in fiscal year 2015 and $250,000 in fiscal year 2016. Applications are due by August 17, 2015.
Click here to view the grant application information.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Medicare and Medicaid Twitter Campaign
In July of 1965, President Johnson enacted legislation that created the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Both programs have been crucial to the health and overall well-being of millions of American families. The CMS Office of Communications is currently doing a 50-day countdown to the 50th Anniversary. To celebrate, they are tweeting facts each day about the programs. Please visit their Twitter feed and retweet these important facts of write some of your own!
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Webinar: Best Practices for Community Emergency Response Team Participants
The Federal Emergency Management Agency Individual and Community Preparedness Division is hosting a webinar on practices and procedures that ensure safe and accessible experience for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) participants with disabilities and others with access and functional needs. The webinar will be hosted on Wednesday, July 15, 2015, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. ET. Guest speakers from various fields of emergency management will share insights and advice based on their personal experiences.
Regulations Published for Implementation of ABLE Act
The Internal Revenue Service published proposed regulations concerning the implementation of the Stephen Beck, Jr., Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE Act) of 2014. The proposed regulations are titled Guidance Under Section 529A: Qualified ABLE Programs and were published on June 22, 2015. The regulations address an explanation of provisions, the qualifications of an ABLE program, the standard for disability determination, limits on contributions to the account, and various other issues. Public comments are due by September 21, 2015. A public hearing to address these regulations is scheduled for October 14, 2015.
Click here for the full version of the regulations.
Office of Disability Employment Policy |
ODEP Advisory Committee Meeting
The Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities is holding its fourth meeting on July 13-14, 2015, in Washington, DC, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, respectively. The four subcommittees of the Committee will report on their work thus far on the draft chapter for the interim report. There will also be expert panels that will address issues with provider transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment and a panel of providers. Acknowledgement will be given to the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. On July 13 from 2:15 to 3:00 p.m. ET, there will be a public comment period.
White House Conference on Aging |
Discussion Guide and Ways to Engage
The White House Conference on Aging will be held this Monday, July 13, 2015. This year is the 50th anniversary for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older Americans Act. The conference offers the opportunity to recognize the importance of these programs while also looking forward to explore what changes can be made. As the conference will be live streamed online, the WHCOA encourages individuals and organizations to watch together. A conference discussion guide is available, and participants can engage in the Q&A in Washington DC via Twitter or Facebook.
Click here to view a live stream of the conference on Monday.
Webinar Recap: Care Coordination
Last week's AARP Public Policy Long Term Care Update Webinar, including the PowerPoint presentation, audio recording, report, and brief are posted on the AARP website. This webinar featured Susan Reinhard from AARP Public Policy Institute, Brian Burwell, and Paul Saucier, both from Truven Health Analytics.
American Society on Aging
Webinar: Aging and Addiction: Implications for Patients, Caregivers and Clinicians
The American Society on Aging is hosting a webinar that focuses on the issue of rampant substance abuse and addiction in older adults. This webinar on Thursday, July 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ET, will examine the issues of substance abuse and treatment for the older adult population. Presenters Dr. Jon Dyben and Terry Macho of the Hanley Center will guide viewers on the trends in aging, effects of drugs on aging bodies, and related comorbidities.
Click here to access registration and details on the webinar.
Mathematica Policy Research
Disability Research Consortium Annual Meeting
The Disability Research Consortium's (DRC) Annual Meeting will be held in Washington, DC, August 5-6, 2015. Registration is now open, and will close on July 23 or when space is filled. The 2015 Conference will include access to the latest research findings, speakers from state and federal programs, and general information to improve the national disability support system. Additionally, there is a webcast registration option to virtually attend the meeting.
National Council on Aging |
New NCOA Website
The National Council on Aging has a new and improved website. Some of the new features include a search bar to access news, quickly find resources, and upcoming events.
2015 Annual Conference on Independent Living
The National Council on Independent Living's Annual conference will be held in Washington, DC, July 27-30, 2015. This year will specifically focus on the Americans with Disabilities Act Generation, or the generation of youth advocates with disabilities, and celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ADA. There will be several different workshop tracks with focuses like Statewide Independent Living Councils, youth, Independent Living Administration, and orientation for new attendees.
Healthy Aging Summit
The American College of Preventative Medicine will be holding a Healthy Aging Summit in Washington, DC, from July 27-28. Registration is now open until Monday, July 13. The Social and Community Context track focuses on how social support and engagement affect quality of life and healthy aging. It will include speakers from the federal government, academics, researchers, non-profit workers, and individuals from the health care field.
Click here to view registration and event details.
Job & Internship Postings
Vermont Developmental Disabilities Services Division Director
The Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living is seeking applicants for the position of Developmental Disabilities Services Division Director. The director will be responsible for leading Vermont's state team under a budget of $180 million to improve services that promote dignity, respect, and independence of people with developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injuries. Qualified applicants will have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in human services or a related field and six years or more of professional experience in developmental disabilities services, including two or more in program administration and supervision of staff. The application period will close on July 19, 2015.
Click here to view the full posting.
Area Agency on Aging Director in VA
The Prince William County Government of Virginia is seeking applicants for the position of Area Agency on Aging Director. The director will be responsible for planning and directing programs, and monitoring and evaluating county programs funded through the ADA. Qualified applicants will have a minimum of 5 years professional level experience coordinating and directing programs for senior citizens. The application period will close on July 26, 2015.
Click here to view the full posting.
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