May 15, 2015
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NASUAD Launches Adult Protective Services Course Online
NASUAD has launched a new course,  Adult Protective Services, on its free online training system, NASUAD IQ. The course provides participants with an overview of Adult Protective Services (APS) at the national and state levels. The course explains the services provided by APS and addresses differences between state programs as a result of funding discrepancies. The course includes a PowerPoint presentation, voiceover audio presentation, written narrative, and quiz. Participants who score 80% or high on the course quiz will receive certificates of completion. NASUAD IQ hosts over 15 free and informative courses on aging and disability services and policies.   

Click here to access NASUAD IQ.
Click here to preview the APS course syllabus. 
Registration Now Open for HCBS Conference!
Join us for the National Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Conference held in Washington, DC, August 31-September 3. The Conference offers a unique blend of policy, program, and practice issues for professionals interested in home and community based services for individuals of all abilities and in all settings. Quickly becoming the "go-to" conference for learning in the expanding field of HCBS and long-term services and supports, the Conference allows states to share best practices, present unique partnerships, and recognize the work of their peers.

The National HCBS Conference will include federal, state, and local policymakers and those who administer, manage, and deliver waiver and other HCBS programs. The Conference always sees a strong presence from U.S. Health and Human Services ranging from the Administration for Community Living including AoA, Office of Disability, and IADD to CMS, HRSA, SAMHSA, Office of Developmental Disabilities, and other federal agencies.

Click here to learn more about the conference and register. 
Register for the AIRS Conference and National Aging and Disability Symposium, May 27-30, Dallas, TX
The National Aging and Disability I&R/A Symposium at the 2015 AIRS Conference is convened by the National I&R/A Support Center at NASUAD, in collaboration with the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), and with support from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL). With a pre-conference I&R/A Summit for Aging and Disability professionals and a full complement of workshops, panel discussions, and conversation throughout the week, the Symposium is essential for keeping apprised of the latest developments in aging and disability I&R/A. Join us to experience a blend of workshops facilitated by I&R/A, ADRC, CIL, and Federal and National Association professionals from across the country discussing developments and initiatives in aging and disability information and referral programs. Topics such as No Wrong Door system building, ADRC partnerships, serving diverse consumers, and business strategies will provide insights to help you deliver effective I&R/A programs and services to older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers.

Join us for the National Aging and Disability I&R/A Pre-Conference Summit at the 2015 AIRS Conference
Enhance your business acumen! Aging and disability professionals in I&R/A are invited to join the National I&R Support Center, ACL, n4a, and NCIL for a day of information sharing, presentations, and discussion, with a special focus on business acumen, prior to the start of the AIRS I&R Annual Training & Education Conference. Aging and disability I&R/A agencies across the county are challenged to both sustain and expand their business model in a rapidly-changing environment. This year's National Aging and Disability I&R/A Pre-Conference Summit will include a unique focus on business acumen to share ideas and strategies that can help agencies navigate the marketplace for aging and disability services. Drawing from ACL's business acumen initiative, the Pre-Conference Summit will use a blend of expert presentations, interactive discussion, and exercises to explore several key themes in business acumen. The Pre-Conference Summit is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27. Register for this event on the AIRS conference registration form, and contact I&R Support Center Director, Nanette Relave, at with questions or for more information.

For more information on the AIRS conference, including registration, click here
HCBS Clearinghouse E-Clips
This section of  Friday Update highlights reports that have been added to the HCBS Clearinghouse within the past week. Visit for more information.
A Profile of Older Americans Recent Release
Based on data from the U.S. Census, the Administration for Community Living publishes an annual profile of the U.S. population over age 65. Over the past decade, the U.S. population age 65 and over increased by approximately 25 percent, from roughly 36 million in 2003 to 45 million in 2013, and in a way that is unequally distributed across states. Understanding the dynamic changes that the population of Older Americans is experiencing is critical to serving the growing group and preparing for our country's future.

Click here to access the 2014 profile.

Transportation Update Report
As an update from its 2005 transportation report, the National Council on Disability has published Transportation Update: Where We've Gone and What We've Learned. The report focuses on surface transportation and addresses accessibility-related progress as well as problems. The report also makes recommendations to Congress and the Executive Branch designed to improve federal collaborative efforts and to close gaps in transportation access.

Click here to access the report.

From the Administration
Administration for Community Living
Funding Opportunity for Specialized Supportive Services for People with Dementia  
As many as ten cooperative agreements with total funds up to nearly $10 million are available through the Alzheimer's Disease Initiative: Specialized Supportive Services project. The funds will go to organizations that provide quality, person-centered services that help people with dementia remain independent and safe in their communities.

The project is designed to fill gaps in dementia-capable long-term services and supports for people living with or those at high risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or related dementias, and their caregivers. The awards will be made as three-year, forward-funded project periods with an anticipated start date of September 1, 2015. A REQUIRED Letter of Intent is due Wednesday, May 20, 2015 and the application deadline is July 6, 2015. Transcript of an informational call for prospective grantees that took place May 14 is available (Contact

Click here to access the funding opportunity announcement. 
Federal Communications Commission
Webinar: Get into the Act... Online!   
In honor of Older Americans Month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is launching the first in a series of webinars with several key partners to help address digital literacy and broadband adoption issues affecting seniors. The 90-minute program, scheduled for Thursday, May 28 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET, will provide an overview of the FCC's Lifeline program and other resources for low-income seniors including those living in HUD-assisted properties to obtain low-cost broadband in their homes. Several online resources will be discussed to help plan and deliver high-quality learning experiences to adults and seniors, including freely available professional development courses and communities of practice for facilitators. This webinar is open to the public at no cost. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, but not required. Closed captioning will be provided, and the webinar will be recorded for future use.

Click here for details and registration. 
General Accounting Office
GAO Report Questions Medicaid 1115 Approval Criteria 
On May 15, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) publicly released a report that examines the approved expenditure authority in a number of Section 1115 Medicaid waivers. 1115 waivers provide states with broad flexibility to modify Medicaid requirements in order to test delivery system reforms, expand eligibility, modify benefits packages, or implement other changes to the program. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) policy requires 1115 demonstrations to be budget neutral to the Federal government and to promote the objectives of the Medicaid program. In the report, GAO found that HHS does not always document whether 1115 approvals are furthering Medicaid objectives. GAO recommends that HHS issue guidance outlining how they will assess whether 1115 expenditures are promoting Medicaid objectives, include documentation of those criteria in all 1115 approvals, and increase safeguards to ensure that demonstration expenditures are not duplicating other spending.

Click here to view the full report. 
GAO Report Examines Medicaid's Highest Cost Enrollees 
On May 8, GAO released a report that examined utilization and expenditure patterns of Medicaid beneficiaries without other sources of health care. According to the GAO report, a very small percentage of enrollees represent a large amount of overall program costs. For example, one percent of enrollees account for approximately twenty-five percent of expenditures on Medicaid-only beneficiaries, and five percent of enrollees accounted for nearly half of the expenditures. The analysis indicated that high-cost beneficiaries had more prevalent diagnoses of asthma, diabetes, and behavioral health conditions.

Click here for the complete report. 
National Institute on Aging
Go4Life Month Social Media Posts   
Go4Life�, the national exercise and physical activity campaign for people 50+, is encouraging organizations and individuals to join in the movement to get older adults exercising. The Go4Life Month website includes a list of sample tweets and images ready for promotion on social media. Go4Life Month will be celebrated in collaboration with the White House Conference on Aging this coming September.

Click here to view Go4Life Month social media resources.

White House Conference on Aging
Latest Policy Briefs on Elder Justice and Retirement Security Released
Today, May 15, the White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA) released its fourth in a series of policy briefs on key topic areas. The final brief of the series covers the issue of retirement security and financial concerns. The previous brief was released last Friday and addresses elder abuse and elder justice in terms of impact, efforts, and policy or partnership questions. Other briefs have focused on healthy aging and long-term services and supports. The WHCOA encourages public comments and discussion on the policy briefs.

Click here to read the full elder justice brief.
Click here to view the full retirement security brief. 
From Other Organizations
Webinar: True Help Returning to Work 
This webinar is designed for SSDI recipients who would like to explore their options for making more income, while protecting their SSDI benefits. Hosted by Allsup Inc. on Thursday, May 21 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. ET, the webinar will walk SSDI recipients through the Social Security Administration's Ticket to Work program, demonstrating how they can use existing skills, develop new skills, and connect with employers. Ticket to Work participants and experts from Ability Beyond, DirectEmployers, Allsup Employment Services, Inc., and the National Stroke Association will share insights on the employment possibilities for people with disabilities, benefits coordination, and options and resources available for individuals who receive SSDI.

Click here to access details and register.
Challenge Awards Software & App Developers for Innovations to Improve Use for People with Disabilities
AT&T has partnered with NYU and RESNA to design a technology contest called the ConnectAbility Challenge.  AT&T will be awarding $100k in prizes to individual developers and small business that deliver software or apps that solve challenges facing people living with disabilities in for four functional categories:
  • People with sensory disabilities
  • People in need of mobility solutions
  • People in need of social and emotional solutions
  • People with communicative and cognitive disabilities

The prize money will be given in honor of the Americans with Disabilities Act 25th Anniversary. The deadline for submissions is June 24, 5:00 p.m. ET.

As part of the ConnectAbility Challenge, AT&T produced four short videos. Each video highlights an individual with a disability and describes how the individual uses technology and the ways technology could continue to improve his/her life.

Click here for more information on the challenge and to view the videos.

Mathematica Policy Research 
Webinar & Forum: Improving Public Programs: Advanced Analytics for Better Decision Making 
Federal and state agencies across the country are hiring data scientists and analytics officers to meet the growing demand for advanced analytics in the public sector. For public programs in health, education, and other human services, advanced analytics can be used to pinpoint fraud, waste, and abuse; to predict program outcomes; and to identify cost-saving strategies for policymakers. High quality, advanced analytics can guide decision makers as they pursue more efficient and effective programming.

On Wednesday, May 20, 3:00-4:30 p.m. ET, Mathematica's Center for Improving Research Evidence (CIRE) will host a research forum and webinar to discuss how advanced analytics can help policymakers, program administrators, and direct services staff enhance their programs by providing rapid, reliable, and relevant information. A networking reception will immediately follow the program.

Click here to view panel details and register.
Click here to view a video trailer for the forum. 
National Academy of Social Insurance
Working Together Challenge Aims to Improve Services and Supports 
The National Academy of Social Insurance wants to improve services and supports for working-age persons with disabilities by crowd-sourcing ideas in three key areas: notable results (what's working); research questions (what we need to know); and new initiatives (what we should try). Ideas may be submitted online until May 31, and participants with the top-ranked ideas will receive ticket to the Academy's Robert M. Ball Award Banquet in June.

Click here for details and to join the challenge. 
National Coalition on Aging 
Webinar: Integrating Aging Services & Behavioral Health: Key Resources You Should Know About
This webinar by NCOA and the American Psychological Association will emphasize key resources for aging services providers that are looking to better integrate with providers of behavioral health services. An expert panel of presenters will share various partnership opportunities available on a state and national level, as well as highlight successful partnerships and tangible resources available for your use. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET.

Click here to view panel details and register. 
National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging 
Resource List Released
The National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging (NCMHA) and the Older Women's League (OWL) have released a comprehensive resource list covering key resources on the mental health needs of older adults, effective interventions, workforce issues, as well as data reports, fact sheets, and advocacy support. The list includes links to each of the organizations provided.

Click here to access the resource list. 
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care 
Webinar: Long-Term Care Ombudsman Final Rule
Consumer Voice will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 21, 3:00-4:30 p.m. ET on the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Final Rule. The webinar aims to review the provisions and provide an opportunity for questions. Becky Kurtz, Director of the Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs at ACL, will present the webinar.

Click here to register for the webinar.
Click here to view the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Final Rule.  
Job & Internship Postings
Chief Information Officer 
The Champlain Valley Agency on Aging (CVAA) is accepting applications for the position of Chief Information Officer. CVAA is the largest elder services organization in Vermont, providing seniors and their families with a wide array of vital services and supports in beautiful northwestern Vermont, on Lake Champlain and including the Burlington metropolitan area and surrounding rural/agricultural communities. Burlington was ranked #2 among "America's 10 Great Places to Live" by Kiplinger's Personal Finance and #8 by Men's Journal among "The 10 Best Places to Live Now."

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) will provide strategic direction, structure, supervision, and project management of CVAA's data systems, including Harmony SAMS (the elder services software suite), Blackbaud (Financial Edge, Raiser's Edge and Nonprofit CRM), and others. Interested applicants must submit resume and cover letter by Friday, May 15.

Click here to view the full posting and details on how to apply. 
Advocacy & Development Manager  
Oregon's Department of Human Services, Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) program in Salem, OR, has announced a vacancy for a Principal Executive Manager position in its Advocacy and Development Unit. The purpose of the position is to supervise the staff that will provide technical support for local Aging and Disability advisory councils and take on special assignments that involve advocacy for Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) consumers. The posting for the position will close Sunday, May 17.

Click here to view the full posting. 

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