NASUAD Applauds President's FY 2016 Budget & Funding Proposals
NASUAD would like to express our appreciation to the Administration, particularly ACL and CMS, for their demonstrated commitment to supporting seniors and people with disabilities and expanding access to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). The proposed budget would increase funding for programs that seniors and people with disabilities rely on for critical supports, such as Aging and Disability Resource Centers, nutrition services, adult protective services, and family caregiver supports. The proposal contains a number of other improvements, particularly to Medicaid, which will improve the ability of states to tailor their programs to support and expand access to HCBS. The budget also proposes ending sequestration and eliminating the caps on discretionary spending that have led to significant reductions in funding for services to seniors and people with disabilities.
Click here to view the full statement and access NASUAD's analysis memo and funding chart summarizing the budget recommendations.
Commit to Inclusion Webinar Presentation Available
On Wednesday, the National I&R Support Center hosted a webinar covering the newly introduced Guidelines to Disability Inclusion in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Programs and Policies and the Commit to Inclusion campaign that promotes the Guidelines. The Guidelines were created with an expert panel using criteria to qualify each guideline. They are intended for any organization that provides physical activity nutrition, or obesity programs or policies. Presenters Lewis Kraus, Deputy Director, Center on Disability at the Public Health Institute, and Amy Rauworth, Director of Policy and Public affairs at Lakeshore Foundation and Associate Director of the NCBDDD-CDC funded National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability, led the webinar. Click here to access the audio recording and visual presentation.
HCBS Conference Call for Sessions
The National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) has announced the Call for Sessions for the 2015 National Home and Community Based Services Conference (HCBS), August 31-September 3, 2015, in Washington, DC. The conference offers a unique blend of policy, program and practice issues for professionals interested in home and community based services for individuals of all abilities and in all settings. Proposals are currently being accepted for one hour workshops.
The HCBS Conference is quickly becoming the "go-to" conference for learning in the expanding field of home and community based services. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of this important conference. Presenting provides an unparalleled opportunity to share new ideas or highlight noteworthy projects, research, and practices with your peers and other professionals.
The Call for Sessions for the 2015 HCBS Conference will be open until March 20th. Click here to learn more and submit your session.
*The NASUAD office will be updating our server from Friday, February 6 at 5 p.m. ET until Monday, February 9. NASUAD staff will not have access to phones or email during that time.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Releases Medicaid & CHIP Enrollment Report for Nov 2014
CMS has released the November 2014 monthly report on state Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility and enrollment data. The data show a continuous increase in enrollments in Medicaid and CHIP over all states, as more than 444,000 additional beneficiaries were added in November 2014.
Click here to view the full report.
National Institutes of Health
Livestream of Alzheimer's Disease Research Summit 2015
NIH will videocast the Alzheimer's Disease Research Summit 2015: Path to Treatment and Prevention on February 9-10. The livestream will be cast for the extent of the Summit (more than 17 hours over the two days). Event highlights will also be livetweeted using #ADSummit15.
Click here to watch the Summit videocast. Click here to view the current schedule of lectures, panels, and speakers.
Congressional Delegations from Ohio
Congress Members from Ohio Raise Concern Over HCBS Waivers
Several Congress members from the state of Ohio have written a letter to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) over the January 10, 2014, rule from CMS that amends regulation of the type of settings in which states can use federal Medicaid funds to pay for home and community based services. The members address specific concern that the rule could inhibit the availability of "farmstead or disability-specific farm community" as a residential support for people with autism. In their letter, the Congress members urge HHS to reconsider this final rule.
Click here to view the Congressional Letter on HCBS Ruling.
Alliance of Information and Referral Systems
AIRS Releases 2015 Conference Call for Proposals
The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) has released the call for proposals for the 2015 Annual Information and Referral (I&R) Training and Education Conference. Next year's conference is being held in Dallas, Texas with pre-conference intensives on May 27 and the regular conference May 28-30.
AIRS is seeking workshops addressing the breadth of I&R service delivery. The Aging and Disability track provides a valuable opportunity to share developments and effective practices in serving older adults and persons with disabilities with I&R colleagues across the country. This track is coordinated by NASUAD's I&R Support Center, which strongly encourages aging and disability I&R agencies to review the call for proposals and consider a submission. Past topics are listed on the AIRS site here, and the current call for proposals is available here. For ideas on workshop topics, please see these suggestions from conference attendees. Additionally, topics such as elder justice, mental health, aging with a disability, developments in home and community-based services, cross-sector partnerships and collaboration, no wrong door system building, ADRC funding and sustainability, business acumen, and data collection and quality assurance are topics of interest in aging and disability I&R.
The deadline for proposal submissions is February 10, 2015. Send submissions for the Aging and Disability track to Nanette Relave at
Mathematica Policy Research
Forum & Webinar: Early Findings from the Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND)
The Social Security Administration's Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) is testing an innovation that allows Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries to earn more while keeping part of their disability benefits. The earnings rules being tested replaced the "benefit cliff"-the complete loss of benefits when earnings exceed a maximum amount for a sufficient period-with a "benefit ramp" that reduces benefits by $1 for every $2 of earnings over the limit. Beneficiary enrollment in BOND began in 2011, and the demonstration will continue into 2017. A team from Abt and Mathematica is conducting the evaluation.
The Center for Studying Disability Policy (CSDP) will host an in-person forum and online webcast highlighting the early findings on Thursday, February 26, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET at Mathematica's Washington, DC, office or by webinar. Lunch will be provided. The speakers will provide background on the demonstration; describe its structure and summarize the plan for the evaluation; present findings from the first two years' process and impact analyses; and discuss potential policy and research implications of the midstream results.
Click here for details and to register.
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
Webinar: Strategizing and Crafting an Effective Advocacy Message
Consumer Voice will be hosting a four-part webinar series on advocacy skills. The first webinar of the series is scheduled for Thursday, February 12, 2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. ET and will cover how to develop a strategy around an issue and choose key points tailored to an audience to create an effective advocacy message. The subsequent three webinars of the series will take place in April, June, and August.
Click here for details and to register.
National Center for Mobility Management
Healthcare Access Mobility Design Challenge
The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) seeks community-based, multidisciplinary teams to participate in its six-month Healthcare Access Mobility Design Challenge. Eight teams will receive grants of up to $25,000 and one-on-one technical assistance to take potential solutions from concept to impact.
Each team will develop, test and prepare ready-to-launch healthcare transportation access solutions to challenges in one of the following four areas: access to preventive/primary care and/or health education opportunities; access to ongoing dialysis treatment; access to post-hospitalization appointments; and access to behavioral health treatment. The Center will host an informational webinar regarding the challenge on Friday, February 13 at 2 p.m. ET. Click here for webinar details.
Click here to view the challenge details and access the application. Applications from teams are due March 27, 2015.
National Council on Aging
RFP: Senior SNAP Enrollment Initiative
NCOA has released a Request for Proposals for its initiative to help seniors enroll in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Through its Senior SNAP Enrollment Initiative, NCOA will award $1,150,000 to community-based organizations and agencies to assist low-income older adults in applying for and enrolling in SNAP and other benefits.
NCOA seeks proposals for two categories of grants: A) Underserved Senior SNAP Access Grant ($25,000) and B) SNAP Enrollment Center Grant ($50,000). An online application for proposal submission is available here. Letters of Intent to Apply are due February 13, and applications are due March 6.
Click here for additional details on the grants. Click here to access the RFP.
Webinar: Help Your Clients with Medicare Stay Healthy
NCOA will host a webinar regarding the range of services and benefits available to help keep people with Medicare healthy. The webinar will be held on Thursday, February 26 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. Presenters Melissa Simpson with the Center for Benefits Access at NCOA and Cora Plass with NCOA's Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Resource Center will address: which preventative services are covered under Part B; details of the Annual Wellness Visit; and how to arrange for health promotion programs as part of person-centered benefits counseling.
Click here to view webinar details and access registration
National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative
NDNRC YouTube Channel
The NDNRC has announced its own YouTube channel. The channel will host archive webinar recordings and other helpful videos that navigators and assisters can use to better understand the needs of consumers with disabilities. NDNRC's first video on the channel, an archived webinar from January 15, features Taryn Mackenzie Williams, Associate Director for the Office of Public Engagement at the White House. Click here to view the YouTube channel.
National Senior Citizens Law Center
Webinar: Involuntary Transfer and Discharge from Nursing Homes: Prevention, Advocacy, and Appeals
Continuing with the National Elder Rights Training Project Webinar Series, the National Consumer Law Center will host Involuntary Transfer and Discharge from Nursing Homes: Prevention, Advocacy, and Appeals on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET. This webinar will discuss strategies and best practices for preventing and advocating for residents facing involuntary discharge from a nursing home. The agenda includes a review of best practices for supporting residents and families, identifying legal support, and appealing discharge notices. Click here to view details on the webinar.
National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities & Dementia Practices
Caring for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Workshops
NTG has announced its next workshop, a two-day interactive, Dementia Capable Care of Adults with Intellectual Disability (ID) and Dementia. The workshop is designed for caregivers and staff of aging-related agencies. The workshop will be held in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on March 31-April 1. The workshop provides 12 hours of educational credits. NTG also offers other courses, webinars, and curriculum related to dementia and ID advocacy, support, and services. Click here to view their training offerings. Click here to view details on the workshop.
Webinar: Building Partnerships to Promote Oral Health for Older Adults
On Tuesday, February 10 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET, Oral Health America (OHA) is hosting an informative webinar on its state partnership opportunities with the older adult program, the Wisdom Tooth Project�. Through the partnership, aging organizations and oral health coalitions can help improve access to resources for older adults. The goal of the webinar is to expand the network of state oral health coalitions and aging organizations working in collaboration. Participants will learn more about OHA and how to get involved with the Wisdom Tooth Project. Also, Matthew Bond, Manager of Grants and Programs of the DentaQuest Foundation, will present on Oral Health 2020. Click here to view details on the webinar.
State Coverage Initiatives
Webinar: Overview of Medicaid Marketplace Premium Assistance Waiver Programs
On Friday, February 13 at 1:00 p.m. ET, State Coverage Initiatives and the State Health Reform Assistance Network will host a webinar on new Medicaid expansions through private market-based coverage. Recent models of State Medicaid expansion offer viable alternatives for covering previously uninsured populations while addressing those states' concerns about some of the budgetary, political, and market challenges associated with traditional Medicaid expansion. In the webinar, Manatt Health Solutions will provide an overview of Medicaid Marketplace Premium Assistance and outline the authorization vehicles through which a state may establish a program. The presentation will also detail the federal requirements for and the operational implications of implementation with respect to: eligibility for the program, benefits and network adequacy, premiums and cost-sharing, shopping and enrollment, and interagency cooperation. Additionally, John Selig, the Director of the Arkansas Department of Human Services, will offer Arkansas' experience with implementation of their program. Click here to view details on the webinar.
Super Bowl Ad Features Boy with Disabilities
A Microsoft commercial aired during last week's Super Bowl featured six-year old Braylon O'Neil, who was born missing the tibia and fibula bones in both of his legs. The ad showcases Braylon now thriving and playing sports with the help of Microsoft technology. The clip shows Braylon growing up and learning to use all the technology that makes him just like any other boy. Click here to view the commercial.
Set Sail for the Future: 12th Annual Show Me Summit on Aging & Health
The Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging (ma4) has announced that the "Set Sail for the Future," 12th Annual Show Me Summit on Aging and Health will take place August 17-19, 2015, in Lake Ozark, Missouri. Ma4 has opened a call for presentations and requests that applications be submitted by March 15. Click here to view details of the Summit and the Call for Presentations.
Job & Internship Postings
Public Policy Intern at NASUAD
The National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD), membership organization of the agencies in state government that manage programs for older people and adults with physical disabilities, seeks a public policy intern. The paid position is for 10-15 hours per week.
Responsibilities include analyzing aging and disability data, developing and/or maintaining databases, assisting with project management, and conducting legislative and policy research.
Candidacy for a Master's Degree in Public Policy, Public Administration or Public Health is required. Hours are flexible to accommodate classes.
NASUAD is committed to providing equal opportunities for all applicants for employment. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to
Click here to view the full job description.
Summer Fellowships in Disability Policy Research
Mathematica Center for Studying Disability Policy and the Social Security Administration's Disability Research Consortium areaccepting applicants for their 2015 Summer Experiential Learning Fellowship program. The opportunity is open to graduate students interested in disability policy. Fellows will receive a $6,500 stipend for the eight-week fellowship program, which runs June 1 to July 31.
Applications are due Friday, February 13, at midnight. Click here to view the application and program details.
HHS Supervisory Public Health Analyst Openings in Seattle, Chicago
The Health Resources and Services Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services has posted three supervisory public health analyst positions in the Office of Regional Operations (ORO). ORO partners with States, Tribes, communities, safety net providers, and other regional stakeholders to increase access to health care, eliminate health disparities and improve public health.
ORO is seeking a Regional Administrator in the Seattle office, as well as Deputy Regional Administrators in both the Seattle and Chicago offices. To qualify for the positions, applicants must have public health program-related experience that demonstrates the following five competencies: 1. Knowledge of organizational, operational, and programmatic concepts and practices applied by public, private, or nonprofit organizations engaged in public health or other health-related activities; 2. Knowledge of the methods, processes, and techniques used to develop and deliver public health or health-related programs; 3. Knowledge of a specialized public health program; 4. Knowledge of, and skill in, the application of administrative or analytical methods and techniques necessary for working within a public health or related organization and carrying out specific program functions; 5. Skill in oral and written communications, gathering and conveying information, and preparing reports, correspondence, and other written materials.
Click here to access the job listings. The announcements will close on February 6.
Summer Internship Program at AAPD
The AAPD Summer Internship Program provides the opportunity to gain hands-on professional experience to help advance your career goals. AAPD places students and recent graduates with all types of disabilities in paid 10-week summer internships in Congressional offices, federal agencies, nonprofit and for-profit organizations. At the beginning of the summer, interns participate in a 1-week orientation session to learn about AAPD as well as the disability rights movement, meet the other interns, and participate in a variety of engaging workshops and events. Interns will receive a stipend, mentor matching, and additional resources during the summer. Candidates interested in careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and veterans with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply.
Any college student (degree and non-degree seeking), graduate student, law student, recent graduate (within one year) and veteran who self-identifies as an individual with any type of disability is invited to apply. Applicants will not be required to disclose a specific disability; however, the application for this program will signify that the applicant considers him/herself a person with a disability.
Internship program details are available here. Applications should be emailed to Applications are due by Friday, February 6 at 5:00 p.m. ET.
National Institute on Aging Summer Internship
NIA's Intramural Research Program is accepting applicants for an 8-10 week intensive research internship this summer. The research experience is open to students in high school, college, medical school, and graduate programs, and the number of students accepted varies each year based on the applications received. The opportunity is a part of the broader National Institutes of Health Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research.
Summer interns perform research alongside intramural investigators and postdoctoral fellows, and students are provided an opportunity to present their research to NIA leadership as part of a competition for the Barbara A. Hughes Award of Excellence.
Click here to view the program details. To apply, click here. After submitting an application, students can email Arlene Jackson to notify the NIA of submission. Applications are due by Sunday, March 1 at 11:30 p.m. ET. |
Communications Associate with Gerontological Society of America
The Gerontological Society of America is seeking a communications associate to lead an aggressive program of both online and offline communications, including both strategy and tactics to increase the engagement of individuals in an online community. The Change AGEnts Initiative is an interprofessional effort to leverage the John A. Hartford Foundation's powerful network, help its scholars and grantees learn from and support one another, and work directly on changes in practice and service delivery that improve the health of older Americans. The Communications Associate will be responsible for overseeing the coordination of communications across all facets of the Initiative including an online platform, website, list serv, press releases, newsletters, and blogs, as well as preparing regular reports regarding these activities.
Click here to view the full job posting.